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-   -   Aquarium - Started - FIGHT! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38642)

JimMorrison July 27th, 2008 05:02 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Considering that these provinces R'lyeh has annexed have thus far been coastal - the point does seem to escape us.

If you do insist on attacking that province, please bring some magic items for our mages to pick up - preferably something with low Encumbrance. <3

sum1lost July 28th, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
I'm going to need to request extra time for the next few turns. I'm simply exhausted.

meister_miagi July 28th, 2008 10:48 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
We would like to publicly thank the great nation of Eriu for their generosity in supplying the warriors of Ulm with magical armaments.
You have paved the way for peace if you wish to negotiate.

Bananadine July 28th, 2008 12:25 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Yes, that Armor of Virtue was a great help in Ulm's important delivery of Barrier to Shinuyama. Without it, Joe Shambles might never have had the confidence to make the trip. Thank you, Eriu!

meister_miagi July 28th, 2008 01:47 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
I don't understand how Armor of Virtue works, the description says the wearer returns to home province if wounded. Joe Shambles got wounded multple time and died in the end. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
I have included a picture of Joe fighting last battle http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

jimkehn July 28th, 2008 02:01 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Usually returning to home province works only in friendly dominion. Was he in enemy dominion?? Not sure about AoV, though.

Bananadine July 28th, 2008 02:10 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Huh, I was thinking it was that he was underwater... the dominion argument sounds better though. The plan was actually just to hurt him once and send him away, not to kill him. But killing him worked out fine.

Aezeal July 28th, 2008 02:50 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Well Rhylly decided to move all more troops to where I needed to pass.. needless to say my army and pretender are gone.

Ulm on the other hand send me 100 gc (yay) and offered a NAP if I didn't attack tienchi anymore. While this is a bit weird (I offered the pink bastards a NAP not 2-3 turns ago and they attacked me, forcing me to destroy an army of theirs.

ANYWAY, I see rhyleh as on the same side as the ugly troll pplz.. so rhylleh sort of refused to help me and the troll where already invading my lands

a lot of talk, and most parties PROBABLY don't care and or disagree with my view on things.. BUT the relevant bit of it is this: I'm dead (since I came back 10 turns ago I've had 100 + unrest so not been able to build in capitol and loosing cash each turn, pretender dead and only 3 commanders left) and I have decided I like Ulm best

donation to ULM: 518 gc, 200 + pearls and about 100-150 ish gems, some magic items, among those: hammer of the cyclops (50% forge bonus)

I hope Ulm has some high skills in construction so they can use it wisely.

I'll go AI after this turn (need to be sure these messages get throough http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif)

sum1lost July 28th, 2008 04:03 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Aezeal, may I request that you do not make that kind of donation? That many gems is game breaking at this point in the game. You may send it if you want, but 300 gems, half of them pearls, destroys the game balance.

Bananadine July 28th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
It would, on the other hand, be downright game-healing to give those gems to Shinuyama, which would pledge in that case to use no less than seventy of them to build some kind of giant snake shrine or whatever it is you people put in your temples (we'll find out soon, and make many fine etchings before the razing begins).

sum1lost July 28th, 2008 04:10 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player

Bananadine said:
It would, on the other hand, be downright game-healing to give those gems to Shinuyama, which would pledge in that case to use no less than seventy of them to build some kind of giant snake shrine or whatever it is you people put in your temples (we'll find out soon, and make many fine etchings before the razing begins).

I was actually suggesting that simply reduce the size of the bequest. 30 gems makes sense. 200+ is worth a couple of powerful globals or a wish, at least.

Bananadine July 28th, 2008 04:28 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Well, it would be just as good to reduce the size of the nation receiving the bequest! In Shinuyama's case, Ulm has already done that. It would be the fitting culmination of what Ulm has been working for, and thus this gift would satisfy everybody involved!

Aezeal July 28th, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
you all had your chance to get on my nice side, I even announced the hammer before.. it's no more than usual to give your ally stuff if you go out. I just gave what I had to give to my faithfull ally Ulm.

Ulm is about the only nation that was nice to me the last couple of turns.. he gave me cash without even knowing I had this kind of amount of gems around (hell I didn't even know I just couldn't really do much with them)

Not to mention some of my neighbours had already taken advantage of the turns I was away and Ulm wasn't among those.

If you all want to turn on Ulm now I'm not stopping you though http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

jimkehn July 28th, 2008 08:02 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Alms for the poor.....Alms for the poor?

Azael....since coming into this game late as a sub as C'tis, a little parting gift to someone who has had nothing but worship and adoration for the masters of Astral knowledge would be most welcome!!!!


JimMorrison July 28th, 2008 08:42 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Aezeal, you are rapidly becoming one of my least favorite people to play with. Your utter lack of empathy for the rest of the people here kind of disgusts me.

You didn't even ask for that province back, you demanded it, and I continued to do what I had been planning to do all along.

Now you say you're not done helping Ulm win, you're going to give him 300 gems and one of the most useful artifacts in the game.

All you have done since you got back is derive your joy from upsetting others. It's ridiculous. Go then, and send all your crap to Ulm - but do not ever ask me for a NAP, or gem/item trade in another game. I should have just annexed Pythium the day that you left, would have saved a lot of grief.

And just to set the record straight, I am not mad you're not sending your crap to me - I don't think it should go to ANYONE - and your reasoning for sending to Ulm is less than thin, it is blatantly disrespectful and insulting to everyone else BUT Ulm.

Bananadine July 28th, 2008 11:41 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
It is a learning experience: If you are going to attack someone while he is in Mexico, then KILL HIM. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Anyway what of Ermor in all this? They are relatives! Have you no care for your relatives?

Be careful jimkehn as you ask for alms--you might get Ulms instead! (this pun is worth 50 gems)

jimkehn July 28th, 2008 11:53 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player

That was good and if I had 50 spare gems I would send them!!!

Wish I'da thought of that!!

JimMorrison July 29th, 2008 12:14 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player

Bananadine said:
It is a learning experience: If you are going to attack someone while he is in Mexico, then KILL HIM. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Also, if your "ally" leaves for some huge amount of time without going AI or finding a sub, kill him as well. It's the neighborly thing to do, and if you don't, it'll come back to haunt you.

Bananadine July 29th, 2008 12:19 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
It's weird that nobody ever volunteered to play for him, given all these people we have wanting to play turns more frequently. But maybe all those people were already in Aquarium at the time.

sum1lost July 29th, 2008 12:27 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player

JimMorrison said:
Aezeal, you are rapidly becoming one of my least favorite people to play with. Your utter lack of empathy for the rest of the people here kind of disgusts me.

You didn't even ask for that province back, you demanded it, and I continued to do what I had been planning to do all along.

Now you say you're not done helping Ulm win, you're going to give him 300 gems and one of the most useful artifacts in the game.

All you have done since you got back is derive your joy from upsetting others. It's ridiculous. Go then, and send all your crap to Ulm - but do not ever ask me for a NAP, or gem/item trade in another game. I should have just annexed Pythium the day that you left, would have saved a lot of grief.

And just to set the record straight, I am not mad you're not sending your crap to me - I don't think it should go to ANYONE - and your reasoning for sending to Ulm is less than thin, it is blatantly disrespectful and insulting to everyone else BUT Ulm.

Seconded. Not only was this not the only incident in this game alone, but the behavior has been consistent through most of the games I have been in with him.

Bananadine July 30th, 2008 12:08 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Hm, well, the hall of fame has changed a bit.

Aezeal July 30th, 2008 05:19 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Ulm you got it all?

Bananadine July 30th, 2008 05:34 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
You went through with it huh? Any giant snake shrines will have to be built from broken, rusted pieces of blacksteel armor, then. Plenty are available!

sum1lost July 31st, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
BTW, Zenphos will be subbing for me in this game as I attempt to keep a game he is in from crashing, since the guy subbing for me- John arryn- had to leave abruptly.

sum1lost August 3rd, 2008 05:54 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
The Congregation of Mictlan would like to present their condolonces to the individuals who engineered Thomm and Riego the golems. Their large, clay forms will be missed. As will the hundreds of lives already lost in this foolish war. And the hundreds upon hundreds that will no doubt continue to be lost if this war continues.

In other news: Mictlan has seized two artifacts (Dimensional rod and Asterik's Armor) from one of Ulm's golems, as well as a few lesser items. We have also slain over a hundred ulmish troops, though we lost a significant number of sacred warriors in doing so, including most of the the 2nd Jade Cavalry, and several greener armies.

There are, however, an overwhelming number of spies in our lands, far more than our Coatl's can deal with and the next goal of our men is to root out those spies, which is indeed a daunting task.

JimMorrison August 3rd, 2008 07:07 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
I have noticed that Ulm is quite fond of their spies. Unwittingly, the obviousness of their operatives spreading hate-filled propaganda among the land-dwelling citizens of R'lyeh, led us to begin our campaign in earnest.

Although it bears stating - as large of a threat as Ulm already was, I can only assume that they find themselves beset on all sides by outraged neighbors who would prefer that their unwarranted gem boon does not buy them victory.

I just wonder what justification will be made for the dismantling of Mictlan, after Ulm is liquidated. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Bananadine August 3rd, 2008 08:11 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
That golem sure did get around. Aseftik's Armor and that fearful rod almost came into the possession of Shinuyama, not too long ago... but then the golem apparently built a lab just to give itself an escape route (apparently so that it could deliver the items to Mictlan instead). You can do such things when you're making 10,000 gold per month!

JimMorrison August 3rd, 2008 09:30 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Damn! And I was going to destabilize that Golem with an EMP and then reprogram it and send it back against its former masters.

Executor August 3rd, 2008 09:36 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Why didn't the Golem just cast returning then, it's only 2 astral gems?

sum1lost August 3rd, 2008 11:10 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player

Executor said:
Why didn't the Golem just cast returning then, it's only 2 astral gems?

I don't think he was expecting to get swarmed by mind dueling turkeys, is why.

Bananadine August 4th, 2008 06:53 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Hm, well, a certain addled scout has won himself a province, shortly before dying of disease. Has not the world learned from the example of Pythium!

Shinuyama has no interest in such foul marshes, and will be glad to see the lizardmen take this one back. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

jimkehn August 4th, 2008 09:06 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
I would like to welcome ALL humanoids of Shinuyama to the land of C'tis!!!!!

However, Demons and undead neeed not apply!!

Bananadine August 4th, 2008 11:50 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
1 Attachment(s)
What about demon-like undead?

Bet you don't see these (the attached) very often.

jimkehn August 5th, 2008 07:46 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Not in C'tis. We banished them. They were causing too many nightmares for the children.

jimkehn August 6th, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
My apologies to most noble Mictlan. My touchpad on my laptop is too sensitive, and I must have tapped it, unknowingly ordering a priest into your lands. C'tis will leave immediately and send you 25 gold to replace your PD. Think about it. I had over 200 troops adjacent to you. If I wanted to attack you, would I send one lousey priest to attack the PD in front of the castle????? It was an honest but clumsy mistake, and I hope you will accept my apology.

Executor August 6th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Been fun playing with you people.
Well not really, I started in the WORST possible place on the map, if I hadn't things would have been much different. The only bright side was killing Jotunheim.
I have one question, if I play my turn and set to AI in the same, do my orders for the last turn stand and then set to AL or not cause I sent gold, gems, itmes, and pretty much put the Empire to self-destruct

Bananadine August 11th, 2008 11:27 PM

Is anybody going to help out Mictlan?

jimkehn August 18th, 2008 10:35 AM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
I apologize that I staled. I thought I sent the thing in.

jimkehn August 31st, 2008 07:39 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
Nice work, Eriu!!! 6 Tuathas holding off a whole army of lizards. Good work!!

JimMorrison September 1st, 2008 10:15 AM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
New turn file: Aquarium, R'lyeh turn 66‏
From: turns@llamaserver.net (turns@llamaserver.net)
Sent: Sat 8/30/08 6:28 PM

Reminder: Aquarium hosting in 6 hours‏
From: turns@llamaserver.net (turns@llamaserver.net)
Sent: Mon 9/01/08 12:29 PM

Errr, I'm on my way to bed, wayyyyy later than I should be - but we're going to need a rollback if that turn hosts. Not sure how it got set to a 12 hour turn.

jimkehn September 1st, 2008 05:09 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
My sincere apologies to Mictlan and R'lyeh for the Lord of the Hunt's behavior. Unfortunately, I am not sure why he insists on attacking my friend, and not my enemies. I thought he would attack priests of the nations I am at war with. Evidently not.

JimMorrison September 2nd, 2008 03:42 AM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
So Aquarium hosted - I haven't even opened the turn, as I am still anticipating a rollback.

The current turn is set at a 24h interval. I can foresee multiple stales. We need to fix this.

I won't be submitting a turn until the situation is under control.

llamabeast September 2nd, 2008 04:53 AM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!

New turn file: Aquarium, R'lyeh turn 66‏
From: turns@llamaserver.net (turns@llamaserver.net)
Sent: Sat 8/30/08 6:28 PM

Reminder: Aquarium hosting in 6 hours‏
From: turns@llamaserver.net (turns@llamaserver.net)
Sent: Mon 9/01/08 12:29 PM
These two turns are 48 hours apart, not 12. What do you mean?

Also it's set at a 48 hour interval, not 24 hours.

JimMorrison September 2nd, 2008 07:09 AM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
Dear lord. This one is even worse than the Stasis problem..... All I can say is, I've been really ill the last few days, and not entirely myself. Blah.



llamabeast September 2nd, 2008 08:28 AM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
:) Not a problem. I hope you're feeling better.

sum1lost September 9th, 2008 01:13 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
I would like to rollback, please. Eriu has gone AI and was able to jump a turn in a fashion that was highly unexpected.

JimMorrison September 9th, 2008 08:45 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
I'm having a hard time seeing where Eriu actually was capable of doing anything dastardly enough to warrant a rollback more than any of the mundane difficulties caused by the stale. Yes, they took a VP from you. I'm pretty sure it should be easy enough to recapture. Seems like someone asking for the rollback because they had barbarians or troglodytes spawn somewhere inconvenient.

Granted, I am sure you want to sew this game up ASAP - it does look like we'll be unable to stop you. But rolling back to avert the loss of that VP will actually only make things take longer, than moving ahead from where we are now.

sum1lost September 9th, 2008 08:51 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 637469)
I'm having a hard time seeing where Eriu actually was capable of doing anything dastardly enough to warrant a rollback more than any of the mundane difficulties caused by the stale. Yes, they took a VP from you. I'm pretty sure it should be easy enough to recapture. Seems like someone asking for the rollback because they had barbarians or troglodytes spawn somewhere inconvenient.

Granted, I am sure you want to sew this game up ASAP - it does look like we'll be unable to stop you. But rolling back to avert the loss of that VP will actually only make things take longer, than moving ahead from where we are now.

There are some other things that did not work like they were meant to because of that, but I'd rather not share them. A rollback would actually save time, because this turn is identical to the last one- we have to redo all of the orders.

JimMorrison September 9th, 2008 09:16 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
Right, and if you read the Llamaserver email, you can't just upload the old one. You have to redo the moves either way. So it takes extra time, because we have to get the old turn back.

I had an army sit in a swamp and get riddled with disease, and I'm still against a rollback.

sum1lost September 9th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Aquarium - Started - FIGHT!
Ah. I did not know it couldn't simply be rehosted. Thank you for clarifying.

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