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-   -   EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38692)

Gregstrom August 20th, 2008 10:42 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Pardon us, but it's definitely Sauromatia's Oak. It's just that the gardeners were using too much blood in the fertiliser, and a kindly group of Marketa decided they could take better care of it.

Kadelake August 20th, 2008 11:50 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
What happened with Herode? I think he stalled last turn.

Herode August 20th, 2008 12:30 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Just a mistake. I thought I had posted my turn but I've just checked my "sent items" box and obviously, I didn't... :(

Wrana August 20th, 2008 02:43 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
By the way, I forgot to mention it last time, but the "White Wizard" mercenary is actually no wizard at all. Does anybody know whether it's a vanilla game bug or just a Worthy Heroes one?

fungalreason August 21st, 2008 01:25 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 632705)
By the way, I forgot to mention it last time, but the "White Wizard" mercenary is actually no wizard at all. Does anybody know whether it's a vanilla game bug or just a Worthy Heroes one?

I had that mercenary in a recent game with worthy heroes running. Is he feebleminded by chance? Or perhaps he came equipped with a slave collar as one of the random items?

Kadelake August 21st, 2008 02:19 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
No, he was that way from the start.

Wrana August 21st, 2008 03:17 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I just got an answer about this from the bug thread - related to "too much magic in mod(s) bug". However, this time he also got a different name in the process.

Herode August 21st, 2008 05:09 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Hi guys !

Wrana has some problems with the llamaserver don't receiving his .2h files. I postpone the turn for 48h in hope the issue will be fixed during this extension :bug:

Wrana August 22nd, 2008 04:30 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Now OK. It even sent me 3 messages of receiving turns... but starting about 5 hours from my first attempt to send a turn...
Another question: about Monday (I think) I would go on vacation. I will be absent for about 2 weeks. :( What do you think of postponing hosting for this time or, failing that, could you find someone competent to hold the fort for me? ;) I would hate to turn to AI as it will screw the balance of power too much at this stage. Also, if somebody here would like to sub for me in my other game (as MA Tien Chi), I'd appreciate it! ;)

Herode August 22nd, 2008 05:20 PM

Holidays, cursed days... ^^
I don't like AIs. I'm definetely OK for postponing turns & wait for your return unless...

1 - you can find some sub (the best option)
2 - there are massive objections from some other fellow players

Kadelake August 23rd, 2008 03:37 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
While I'm not massively objecting I would much rather you find a sub then postponing it again.

I'm busy next week or I could have subed for you in the other game. New students are starting university and the first week is pretty much one long party to welcome them :)

Wrana August 23rd, 2008 07:02 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Yes, I understand completely! Fortunately, I now have no part in this. Unfortunately, my vacations now muct be moved to periods less predictable than before... :)

Wokeye August 24th, 2008 07:35 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I prefer to postphone than AI, but prefer the sub option vs postphoning.

In other news: the eeebil Abysian Pretender that has butchered many armies by reducing them to frustration and exhaustion by its inpenetrable armour and resistances, has been slain! TC rejoices!

Herode August 25th, 2008 03:37 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
And so does Yomi :p
Wow, I didn't count how many soldiers and commanders this Cyclops slained, but the numbers are great for sure. :sick:

Wrana August 25th, 2008 04:32 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
And also I have found a sub. Please wait until he can make his entry.

Herode August 25th, 2008 12:00 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Confirmed. Jim Morrison is in the starting blocks. I postponed the turn from 24h to make sure he as time enough to process the file. Let me know of there is any other problem.

Welcome in Strolling, Jim.
And happy re-holidays to you, Wrana !

(BTW, how many holidays have you a year ? Hmmm, I think I'm going to emigrate to Russia ASAP. Anyway, I love Dostoiesky, Prokofiev & Smirnov, my assimilation should be easy enough :angel)

Wokeye August 25th, 2008 07:01 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
hehe me too, although I think it would be too cold for my liking - it only ever gets to about -5 degrees (celsius) at my home, at worst.

Welcome, Jim!

JimMorrison August 25th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Thanks and helloooo. 8 )

It seems there was an error with the email changeover or something. I haven't received the turn yet, so I went to Llama and hit Turn Resend, and still nothing. :(

I'll send my email again Herode, in case of a typo.

Kadelake August 28th, 2008 10:42 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Who manageed yo dispel my aracane nexus?:confused:
I'm way too drunk right now, I'll give this turn it's prober reponce when I'm a little more sober.

Gregstrom August 29th, 2008 03:15 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Oh well, that makes up for the loss of my thugs against your SC. They started so well, too. It's just a shame that apparently 23 MR is no use against Aegis.

Wrana August 29th, 2008 09:22 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I have 1,5 months vacation, officially. But this is offset by the fact that summer is the field season, so I only get about 2 weeks actual time... ;) Plus not a lot of money, though better now than at 90s.
And last time was not a vacation - I had to go to work into countryside (it could act as a vacation if I had time to rest there... unfortunately, 2 weeks were barely enough for work! ;( ) And I DO NOT like Dostoevsky. If you are really interested in Russian literature, try Tchekhov(sp?). ;)
By the way, I will be able to write to forums from time to time, but won't have access to gaming computer, so just treat me as a silent hallucination... ;)

Herode August 29th, 2008 11:57 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I do not like Tchekov !
Maybe we could agree a NAP on the Great Soljenitsyne ? (+ 5 astral gems) :happy:

Back to the thread : who is the big boy who forged the Summit in my place ? Grrrr, 40 gems wasted, this calls for extermination !!!

Kadelake August 30th, 2008 09:48 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I'm innocent, no Summits in my laboratory. I hope it's the same evil person that dispelled my arcane nexus; he could use some extermination :)

I'm surprised how effective the Aegis was against MR23+ thugs. They were lucky and managed to take out the cyclops eye with the first hit. I thought he would be a sitting duck when blinded but they turned to stone really fast.

JimMorrison August 30th, 2008 01:32 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
So just so you know, Kadelake, they fixed the BE casting bug. Even though you left your SC on the field, the spell will always end when the caster of Wrathful Skies leaves the field.


Kadelake August 30th, 2008 07:36 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Yes, I noticed it didn't behave as it did when I tested it in SP.

Gregstrom September 1st, 2008 07:29 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Originally Posted by Kadelake (Post 635248)
I'm innocent, no Summits in my laboratory. I hope it's the same evil person that dispelled my arcane nexus; he could use some extermination :)

I'm surprised how effective the Aegis was against MR23+ thugs. They were lucky and managed to take out the cyclops eye with the first hit. I thought he would be a sitting duck when blinded but they turned to stone really fast.

Taking out your Tart's eye wasn't so lucky, surely? My thugs had Eye Shields IIRC. But the Aegis really spoiled their day after that (goes off to sulk in a corner).

JimMorrison September 4th, 2008 01:40 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
The Hangadrotts wish to thank the rulers of Sauromatia for their fine gifts.

We have tied the Seraph to a post, and are forcing your former King of Flames to singe her, one feather at a time. When her mind has fully turned to darkness, and hate and vengeance her only thoughts - we shall Gift of 'Reason' her, and send her back to you - on wings of hate and flame.


Gregstrom September 4th, 2008 05:50 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
And at last a Sauromatian SC dies at Lanka's hands!

In utterly unrelated news: There's a Queen of Elemental Air up for grabs.

Kadelake September 5th, 2008 10:38 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I'm sorry I don't have time to properly bemoan the horrible last turn. I'm hard pressed to find time to send in the turns in time this weekend. :(

Herode, if you’d extend next turn 24h I would be grateful.

Herode September 5th, 2008 02:40 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Done !

Kadelake September 7th, 2008 05:51 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Gregstrom September 8th, 2008 11:58 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Never let it be said that monkey PD is worthless. 12 Marketa just killed a desperately over-confident Heliophagus :)

JimMorrison September 9th, 2008 12:25 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 637323)
Never let it be said that monkey PD is worthless. 12 Marketa just killed a desperately over-confident Heliophagus :)


You should save that turn file, it should have some comedic value after the game is over. :D

Gregstrom September 9th, 2008 02:34 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I was very strongly tempted to post the whole turn right now. Since I'm still in with a small chance against Sauro, I guess I'd better not.

Salamander8 September 9th, 2008 05:06 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Sorry I've been sort of "out of it", I have been bounced between 1st and 3rd shift over the last few weeks and it's playing havoc with everything. I'm still looking for a less annoying company to work for, but in the mean time it's been a pain.

Kadelake September 11th, 2008 11:22 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Originally Posted by Gregstrom (Post 637323)
Never let it be said that monkey PD is worthless. 12 Marketa just killed a desperately over-confident Heliophagus :)

Save the turn file and post it each time someone claim "you can NEVAR win with monkey PD" :D How many points of PD was that by the way?

I got drasticly underwhelmed when I spend heaps of blood slaves on some high level bad-*** demon and all I got was 3D3B with mediocre stats. Sauromatia doesn't really lack DB mages. It didn't help that he caused disease to spread in my capital. I more or less suicided him by sending him away with no equipment. As soon as I've send in the orders I thought about lot's of uses for him but didn't bother to change the orders. Never thought he would go down to a few points of monkey PD. That should teach me not to play intoxicated :)

Gregstrom September 11th, 2008 07:19 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
That guy is one of the least appealing Heliophagii, it has to be said. No depth of access in D or B you can't get elsewhere, and that reaper tag makes him really unappealing to keep in your territory or use to attack provinces you'd like to keep some population in.

Kadelake September 13th, 2008 03:59 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
It's always embarrassing to lose a battle because you forgot to script any orders :o

Oh, well. At least my cyclops made it of the field ok.

Kadelake September 15th, 2008 01:33 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
What's up with JimMorrision? He's stalled twice in a row.
Shouldn't Vrana be back about now? If he'll only be gone a few more days maybe we should pause the game until he's back?

JimMorrison September 15th, 2008 05:42 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Hey guys. My cablemodem was out, and I had no available options to get online. Wish someone had noticed I was totally absent from the forums and postponed the turn.....

Wrana September 15th, 2008 07:38 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Sorry also, I thought that you thought :) I'm taking over and so written to Herode that I agree to continue. :embarassed: However, right now I'm somewhat ill, so can be less than good commander... Do you prefer to continue for some time or should I take over now? In any case, thank you for your help!

JimMorrison September 15th, 2008 08:10 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Originally Posted by Wrana (Post 638574)
Sorry also, I thought that you thought :) I'm taking over and so written to Herode that I agree to continue. :embarassed: However, right now I'm somewhat ill, so can be less than good commander... Do you prefer to continue for some time or should I take over now? In any case, thank you for your help!

To be honest, I've fallen a bit in love with this nation. :o I think it would be fair to pass it back to you at whatever point you should decide you really want it back - you put an awful lot of effort into getting it where I found it. ;) But I am more than happy to keep playing it - I just had a burp in service, it should be good to go now.


Wrana September 15th, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
I've written to Herode that he should look at this. So, unless he forgets to, you can continue. If you think about some particular (logical) point when you can pass it back, we should probably shedule the transfer to the next weekend. By the time I can refresh my skills with some short testgames.. ;)

Herode September 16th, 2008 02:41 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
OK, Jim still has the control for Helheim.

I'm very busy at the moment and I am in "fast management mode" for my games. Sorry to have ommitted to check the stales. Could have prevented the second one.

zenphos September 16th, 2008 08:57 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Would I be right, or wrong, in assuming that something has gone wrong with the Llamaserver?
I have tried sending in my turn but nothing has happened.
I have also noticed no one else has submitted a turn yet either which makes me reasonably confident something is wrong as the gamers here are normally very prompt at getting turns in.

Herode September 16th, 2008 04:24 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
True. The llamaservers seems to have mail and refresh issues.
I've postponed the turn for 48h to see how things turn. If it's only referesh issues, that's not a big deal, but if mail services or mail access are KO...

zenphos September 16th, 2008 06:35 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
Looks like no turns until Saturday 20th when Llama gets back from his holidyas.
He really needs some sort of emergency contact where we can get in otuch with him if some goes wrong. A Llamaphone of something.

JimMorrison September 16th, 2008 09:07 PM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

Originally Posted by zenphos (Post 638766)
Looks like no turns until Saturday 20th when Llama gets back from his holidyas.
He really needs some sort of emergency contact where we can get in otuch with him if some goes wrong. A Llamaphone of something.

Someone light the Llamasignal!

Kadelake September 17th, 2008 02:21 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders
1 Attachment(s)

Herode September 17th, 2008 05:12 AM

Re: EA Game Strolling, part 2 - send in pretenders

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