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Taqwus February 26th, 2009 01:52 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I recently got back into fiddling with Introversion's "Uplink", after amusing myself with the demo of their "Defcon" game. Both of those games appeal to me because of the potential (or, in the case of the latter, inherent and mandatory) depravity, methinks.

sector24 February 27th, 2009 05:45 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I liked King's Bounty: The Legend. The combat is more strategic than HoMM, and the overland map is goodie-heaven which is pretty fun. I kept a forum thread journal type thing while I was playing if you want to get an idea of what you can do in the game.

Burnsaber March 13th, 2009 01:00 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I just played through "A Vampyre Story", the new adventure/puzzle from maker(s) of the legendary Monkey Islands.

And damn was it awesome. Of course I got annoyed when I got stuck, but the game has insane amounts of witty dialogue with the main character and his sidekick. When you try out odd combinations of actions, you often get rewarded with a funny piece of dialogue. The story is alright and graphics quite pretty for a adventure game, althought there are some graphical clitches.

The game also has some annoying bugs that'll prevent you from advancing, but if you remember to patch before you start your first game, they'll be fixed.

If you liked Monkey Islands, you will like "A Vampyre Story". 12 hours of my life well spent.

Has anyone tried out the Sam & Max adventure games? I heard that the first season or something is on Wii and I was wondering if I should grab that.

Gregstrom March 14th, 2009 02:14 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I played two or three of the new Sam and Max games, and liked them a lot. I'd guess they'd be fine on Wii or PC, so I'd recommend comparing prices.

Poopsi March 14th, 2009 03:06 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I´m going to suggest two freebie ones to you people

Trascendence, AKA: "Real-Time Nethack In Space": http://neurohack.com/transcendence/index.html

The White Chamber: a sci-fi horror graphic adventure: http://www.studiotrophis.com/site/pr...hewhitechamber

WolfHati March 15th, 2009 12:00 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Currently it's dwarf fortress and alpha centauri for me.

And if you include non-computer games, D&D.

DonCorazon March 15th, 2009 06:44 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
The Quest on the iPhone - great for when you get stuck shopping with the wife.
The link is here.

calmon March 23rd, 2009 04:42 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I've a new favorite:


I never believed i can love RTS that much but battleforge (official a MMORTS - massively multiplayer online realtime strategy game) made me addicted! :)

I was involed in the beta and i had really a lot of fun with this game. It has a PvP and a PvE mode, you can use cards to create your playing deck.

The game comes out this days. I think the servers are up from now on.

More Infos here: http://forums.battleforge.com/forum/

If interested there is a demo mode where you can play with a standard deck. You just need to install the client: (~2,4 gb)


(you need an EA account for login)

AZ_ March 23rd, 2009 05:13 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Blood on dosbox
Fallout 1-2
Mount & Blade
Dominions1 :)

Poopsi March 24th, 2009 02:59 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by WolfHati (Post 680032)
Currently it's dwarf fortress and alpha centauri for me.

And if you include non-computer games, D&D.

Alpha Centauri is AWESOME.

Protip: make a rush for an airforce

thejeff March 24th, 2009 07:38 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I miss Alpha Centauri. I had the Lokigames Linux version and it eventually became incompatible with library upgrades. I should try to find a Windows version and see how it runs under wine. The best of the Civ games, by far.

Sombre March 24th, 2009 09:15 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
There was way too little flavour in alpha centauri for my tastes.

sector24 March 24th, 2009 11:32 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I've been playing Carcassonne lately. There's a free java version online under the pseudonym Toulouse.

licker March 24th, 2009 11:39 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

STarted a mage *again*...

I keep on playing for a few months, then stopping, then starting...

Seems they've addressed some of the game issues I didn't like though, so maybe I'll stick it out longer this time.

Anyway, a fun little free browser based mages and magic war game. Check it out, it's a bit difficult at the onset, but there are lots of guides/info available at the site.

Omnirizon March 26th, 2009 08:05 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by licker (Post 681955)

STarted a mage *again*...

I keep on playing for a few months, then stopping, then starting...

Seems they've addressed some of the game issues I didn't like though, so maybe I'll stick it out longer this time.

Anyway, a fun little free browser based mages and magic war game. Check it out, it's a bit difficult at the onset, but there are lots of guides/info available at the site.

this game reminds me of the old (old old OLD) school BBS games I used to play in highschool. It brings back memories just playing it! thanks so much for pointing it out, I really like it.

Ninave March 29th, 2009 09:46 AM

Re: Current other active game software

Originally Posted by Ruminant (Post 665152)
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance - For multiplayer RTS's the spiritual successor to Total Annihilation is the greatest I've found, infinitely better than WC3, Sins of a Solar Empire, etc.

Yey, you are the only other one I have seen mentioning this game. I guess this really is an isolated game despite the lively community.

If anyone wants to see what the game looks like, you can go to http://live.myvowclan.de/, take the 'On-Demand', choose language and click until you get a game. These are sort of nice game replays as they have a commentator (not native english) on them. There are also community made game videos running all the time on-air default (unless you happen there during cast).

Humakty March 30th, 2009 07:58 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
SC is fun, but I stopped playing it when I realized I spent 90 % of my time watching 2D icons.

rdonj March 30th, 2009 08:43 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Supreme Commander is nice in a way, but I don't like some aspects of the game. Just like in Total Annihilation, the AI insists on building ridiculously tough bases and doing little else. It's completely against the way I'd prefer to play the game. And I usually don't like to do multiplayer with strategy games, as most people tend to play in ways I find abhorrent also :P (I once watched my father play Age of Empires 2 online and get rushed by... bombard cannons?!). Dominions is actually the only strategy game I've played online since starcraft... and I found melee maps bored me quickly.

In a way total annihilation was more fun than SC, the units in SC seem too homogenized, they're too similar except for the artillery units. And unfortunately the unit AI seems about as bad about movement orders as it used to be. They could have made the game much more interesting IMO. And yeah, having to play zoomed out too far to watch your units fight is just not fun for me. I like to watch battles play out, it's a big part of the fun for me in playing an RTS. But at the same time, while you pretty much have to play zoomed out if you don't carefully micromanage your units they perform quite underpar. It's a bit depressing. Kind of makes me wish you could set firing priorities for things, like you do in Space Empires. Even with just that it would be a huge step in the right direction.

meister_miagi March 30th, 2009 09:55 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I just got into Neverwinter Nights 2. I started the campaign a couple of times, but never got far because I always wanted to start over with a new character. I'm playing as a Rogue/Wizard now and its a lot of fun.

And Dawn of War 2 is great, games are fast-paced and usually over in 15-30 minutes. I try to play a few multiplayer matches in the evenings every now and then.

DonCorazon March 30th, 2009 10:17 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I do the same thing with NWN2 - always re-starting a few minutes into it. As a result I have had it on and off the hard drive since I bought it and never made it much past the starting village. I think that's why I prefer the old-school party-based games so you don't regret lacking a certain set of skills. Its too annoying to me to play say a Paladin and then see a chest I cannot open or play as a mage and find a cool weapon I cannot use.

Ruminant March 30th, 2009 01:43 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 679777)
Has anyone tried out the Sam & Max adventure games? I heard that the first season or something is on Wii and I was wondering if I should grab that.

If you like adventure games, and it sounds like you do, you need to buy those games :D I'd pretty much have to say their my all-time favourite adventure games. Better'n Monkey Island for me. The whole two series (11 games, ranging from 2/3 to 6+ hours) are pretty cheap considering the length of time they'll take you too.

On a freer note I totally have to recommend the Adventure Game Studio website. It's a treasure trove of games hand-made by adventure game lovers, filled with games that range from better than most professional games to total trash. The award winning games are a safe bet to start off.

My favourite comedic AGS adventure game is Jessica Plunkenstein and the Dusseldorf Conspiracy (as recommended by the New York Times ;)). I lack words for how awesomely witty/random it is.

My other favourite AGS games are the Trilby games. This series of atmospheric, Lovecraftian horror adventures are NOT for the squeamish or feint of heart. I was surprised that a game could make me actually feel uneasy, in a good way :D That said they are not full of gratuitous violence just for the sake of it. Well, at first it might seem a little like that but stick with it and you'll discover a truly epic horror plot that is probably my favourite horror story in any medium, and will introduce you to the greatest horror character ever :p. It's actually a really cerebral experience and I recommend that -anyone- who has the remotest interest in adventure games, horror themes or good storytelling to give 'em a look. Make sure to play them in this order, without reading up on the others, to get the full experience:
5 Days a Stranger
7 Days a Skeptic
Trilby's Notes
6 Days a Sacrifice

NWN2 was cool, especially doing the campaign co-op. Well, at least for my fire-resistant tiefling wizard it was. For some reason my friends objected to my unrelenting barrage of firey aoes in melee range ;) But as long as I was left standing after the fight they would get up after a little while. Loved that death system :D

The expansion, Mask of the Betrayer, is better in every way except multiplayer (it has such an engaging story you want to read and carefully consider every dialogue, not so fun for people waiting on you).

Gandalf Parker March 30th, 2009 05:42 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
This thread, and the one on rogue-type games, has thrown me back into the mud. Of course it helps that besides Dom3minions.com I also host Shadowdale MUD (sdmud.org 7777).

Next maybe I will shift back to Ultima Online on the free servers which are much better than the pay servers. (yes, I host www.ShazzyShard.org)

Im also looking at the new effort by the Space Empires crowd to revitalize their PbEM server and might start hosting some of that. I never lost my love of SEIV.

Gandalf Parker
I was asked "Do you think playing games is a life?"
And I responded "Dont you think living life is a game?"
(and by the way, Im winning!)

Atreidi April 1st, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Hey guys, whats new around here, its been very long. This thread grewwwww!!!!
I've been playing poxnora lately. I've also been going to the gym :)

Trumanator April 1st, 2009 07:23 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well I joined the rest of the lemmings and bought WoW. Look out for Frozenlama the Gnome Mage. :D

Atreidi April 1st, 2009 09:12 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 683375)
Well I joined the rest of the lemmings and bought WoW. Look out for Frozenlama the Gnome Mage. :D

Oww man, You have to be STRONG!!! I've been able to succefully avoid WoW for years now. I bought it when it was first released, played for a month and quit afterwards. :D

Trumanator April 1st, 2009 09:37 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well, I have some friends who play it, and I've been looking for a decent RPG. Also, I'm getting a monthly stipend from my ROTC scholarship and have nothing to spend it on :)

DonCorazon April 2nd, 2009 02:39 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I have had the RPG itch of late. Was about to re-load NWN2 and see if I could get into it when I came across this German game - Drakensang. Wonder if its any good?

calmon April 7th, 2009 06:47 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Some funny browser game, easy and no need of registration:


lch April 7th, 2009 07:38 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Nice. I'm here: http://thayos.mybrute.com

What I'd like to know: How does this game work? :P How do you advance? Is it all random?

Ruminant April 7th, 2009 11:39 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Haha, this game is certainly making the rounds. One of my friends got me into it the other night, it's strangely addictive ;)


As far as I can tell it's incredibly random. A friend has a level one with 120+ hp, another is the same level as mine and has several abilities seemingly gotten at random while I have none. About all I -do- know is that you sometimes take weapons from the brutes you beat.

Ruminant April 7th, 2009 03:05 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by DonCorazon (Post 683433)
I have had the RPG itch of late. Was about to re-load NWN2 and see if I could get into it when I came across this German game - Drakensang. Wonder if its any good?

I too have recently had that most horrid of gamer-diseases, the RPG itch. Specifically the urge for a new Morrowind-esque atmospheric exploration RPG. I looked up Drakensang, it looked very promising at first until I discovered that it's really, really old-school in its style. As in, some reviewer said he fought only 6 different enemy types (mostly animals) for the first -fourty- hours. I don't really think I could stand that kind of repetitiveness.

I've started playing Arcanum through again, I didn't really get that far last time. It's more comparable to Baldur's Gate with the world map and isometric perspective than Morrowind's massive 3D countryside. The graphics aren't exactly top-notch either. However, the atmosphere is rather awesome if you like steam-punk-esque fantasy and they've put a fair amount of work into the world and its lore. If you haven't played it you might give it a try. Picture a world of magic VS technology, where half-ogres, dwarves, elves and half-orcs wear tophats, carry shotguns and ride in steam trains. You can create a mage of incomparable power, but because of the negative effect magic has on technology you have to ride in the very back of the train in a special compartment or alternatively you could create the gnomish equivilent of Nikola Tesla but none of your party's mage's healing spells are guaranteed to work on you. Or make a dashing rogue who robs banks with a pistol and metal armour ala Ned Kelly, a foppish half-elven dandy who can't do anything much on his own and relies on his way with words and cotrie of thugs or anything in between, it has quite a robust character creator (just not much difference in graphical representation).

Anyone played any comparable games to Morrowind they wouldn't hesitate to recommend?

Trumanator April 7th, 2009 03:25 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well Oblivion is the obvious one, though its system reqs could be an issue. Probably the single thing that makes Oblivion trump Morrowind for me every time is that it doesn't take forever and a day to get anywhere.

Ironhawk April 7th, 2009 03:29 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Fallout is like a slimmed down version of Oblivion, except with guns instead of swords. A decent game, overall.

I'm trying out Mass Effect now, myself. Seems ok so far. Very much like KotOR 1/2.

Ruminant April 7th, 2009 04:14 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Oblivion was cool. When it first came out I took one look at the bland graphics and began to diss it, but two years later I finally got onto it and enjoyed it quite a bit. It really wasn't the same as Morrowind though, the environment was much blander, less diverse and had a little bit less of the sense of exploration and mystery. I'm no sadist, the quick travelling was a really handy feature but they could have given you more than just endless identical forests and the odd mountain paths to explore so that you actually felt the need to venture off the beaten track.

Fallout 3 was really awesome, though unfortunately you got so powerful so quickly that it became a turkey shoot before the end. It was slightly harder going again as a pure unarmed guy on hard though ;p The deathclaw gauntlet is teh greatest weapon ever. Still not enough to make me replay the main quests again, seeing as you can basically get to max level from randomly exploring a relatively smallish part of the map O_o

I didn't give Mass Effect more than a few hours, it seemed alright but not really my thing. KOTOR was cool for a while in the first game but I could never really get into it, combat just seemed a bit... static.

Keep those suggestions coming :p

Trumanator April 7th, 2009 04:27 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
You thought the Morrowind graphics were better? As for the variety of places, I thought that it was still better than Morrowind, however I also thought that it was much more focused on dungeon diving than exploring the outside world. If you're looking for something new to do, try visiting elderscrolls.com and dling a mod or two.

I have a friend whos very much into Titan Quest, apparently its basically a Diablo clone with better graphics and a greek mythological setting. That or there's a number of D2 mods.

Ruminant April 7th, 2009 04:48 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Well, not the quality of the graphics I just meant the atmosphere and world. For some reason I prefered the somewhat varied environments of Morrowind to what seemed to me to be an endless sea of same-same green grass and trees in Oblivion. True, there did seem to be more dungeon crawling than in Morrowind and that may have contributed.

I've done a bit of looking through total conversion mods for oblivion and fallout, haven't found anything particularly enticing yet though. I did my oblivion playthough with a fair few of the non-conversion mods enabled so theres not much new in that area.

Eh, I'm not a fan of diablo 2 gameplay. Possibly I am the one person in the world (at least among people I know ;p) who, while originally liking it, become convinced it was just freakin tedious after a while.

JimMorrison April 7th, 2009 05:47 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Ruminant (Post 684413)
I've started playing Arcanum through again, I didn't really get that far last time. It's more comparable to Baldur's Gate with the world map and isometric perspective than Morrowind's massive 3D countryside. The graphics aren't exactly top-notch either. However, the atmosphere is rather awesome if you like steam-punk-esque fantasy and they've put a fair amount of work into the world and its lore. If you haven't played it you might give it a try. Picture a world of magic VS technology, where half-ogres, dwarves, elves and half-orcs wear tophats, carry shotguns and ride in steam trains. You can create a mage of incomparable power, but because of the negative effect magic has on technology you have to ride in the very back of the train in a special compartment or alternatively you could create the gnomish equivilent of Nikola Tesla but none of your party's mage's healing spells are guaranteed to work on you. Or make a dashing rogue who robs banks with a pistol and metal armour ala Ned Kelly, a foppish half-elven dandy who can't do anything much on his own and relies on his way with words and cotrie of thugs or anything in between, it has quite a robust character creator (just not much difference in graphical representation).

I think it really needs to be stated, for the old guard who are not aware - Arcanum was done by a studio who made a bid for the Fallout IP. They didn't get it, and they chose instead to implement the majority of Fallout2's character design features, and seemingly many of the game mechanics. In my eyes their only real failing with their conversion, was that the combat is not true turn based, sometimes it's just a bit silly, really. I should get back into it, I look at the icon sometimes, and try to remember exactly what I was up to in my last save. :p

I tried Titan Quest. I even liked D2 (I played that damned game until I beat Baal on Hell difficulty with every class in the game, twice with Druid since Shapeshifter and Elementalist were so fundamentally different - playing D2 as an Elementalist Druid is just painful though.....) - But I felt Titan Quest missed the boat, since they didn't manage to provide randomized maps, which meant any alt, and any subsequent playthroughs lacked any real feeling of adventure. Also the final boss battle was retardedly, sadistically, mercilessly difficult, in contrast with a mostly fairly easy game. Apparently in the patch before I got ahold of it (most of my games come used :p) they really buffed the end encounter, because the fight had really abusable/exploitable flaws on initial release. I give a HUGE thumbs up for their character creation though, so many skills, and so much interesting synergies..... If only there was a cool hack and slash game in there to use them in. ;)

Oh and BTW - Et tu, Brute!

Maybe we should make an OT thread for the Brutes, for as long as they remain entertaining? :p

chrispedersen April 11th, 2009 12:47 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Anyone remember Darklands (post patch however, prior to the patch it was unplayable).

sansanjuan April 11th, 2009 12:51 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 685174)
Anyone remember Darklands (post patch however, prior to the patch it was unplayable).

I have it still somewhere. Bought it from a discount rack years after it was in its prime. Played it for a few days, got distracted by something else and forgot about it. Had heard raves about it way back when. Seemed interesting.

My brother and I played Ultima 1 way back when. Turned up a year ago in a pile of old junk. He sold it on ebay for $90 (?) bucks if I recall.


chrispedersen April 11th, 2009 01:08 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Had the best system for clerics I ever saw...

S.R. Krol April 11th, 2009 06:53 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 684500)
I think it really needs to be stated, for the old guard who are not aware - Arcanum was done by a studio who made a bid for the Fallout IP. They didn't get it, and they chose instead to implement the majority of Fallout2's character design features, and seemingly many of the game mechanics.

Actually, Troika were the main designers behind Fallout. After finishing Fallout 2 they left Interplay and formed their own company, hence the similarities with the FO series and Arcanum.

JimMorrison April 11th, 2009 08:57 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by S.R. Krol (Post 685295)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 684500)
I think it really needs to be stated, for the old guard who are not aware - Arcanum was done by a studio who made a bid for the Fallout IP. They didn't get it, and they chose instead to implement the majority of Fallout2's character design features, and seemingly many of the game mechanics.

Actually, Troika were the main designers behind Fallout. After finishing Fallout 2 they left Interplay and formed their own company, hence the similarities with the FO series and Arcanum.

Fair enough. ;) The little blurb that I found about it, did not explicitly mention that, only that they had tried to (re)purchase the IP.

While I think that the revision of the combat system in Arcanum left something to be desired, the world truly is as detailed and interesting as FO 1+2, and character advancement is very interesting. Cool game, highly recommended. <3

Omnirizon May 2nd, 2009 05:57 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I just tried `cortex command' and it's a blast. it would be a definite winner but it:

1) moves a little to slow. It think this is the physics engine. It isn't slowing down the game due to excessive calculations, just the physics actually move slow. They need to do something to speed them up without losing the way they work (I think they had trouble getting nice physics with quicker moving objects).

2) It's in beta with no guarantee of completion (been under development for seven years now). However they got so much done and it is really nice looking with a lot of promise, it would be terrible to see them not get a polished product.

Illuminated One May 3rd, 2009 02:33 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 685324)
While I think that the revision of the combat system in Arcanum left something to be desired, the world truly is as detailed and interesting as FO 1+2, and character advancement is very interesting. Cool game, highly recommended. <3

Second that.
Imo the battles were better than FO, thanks to the ability to give your character access to some nice item/spell combos during character creation, but then I don't think FO had very interesting combat.

Another game by Troika (Temple of Elemental Evil) allowed very good tactical battles but the setting was just so boring.

JimMorrison May 3rd, 2009 05:10 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Illuminated One (Post 689016)

Originally Posted by JimMorrison (Post 685324)
While I think that the revision of the combat system in Arcanum left something to be desired, the world truly is as detailed and interesting as FO 1+2, and character advancement is very interesting. Cool game, highly recommended. <3

Second that.
Imo the battles were better than FO, thanks to the ability to give your character access to some nice item/spell combos during character creation, but then I don't think FO had very interesting combat.

Well you lose the true turn based aspect, as well as attack targeting. The ability to pinpoint specific body parts added a lot of strategy in Fallout - strategy that you don't get with VATS in FO3, simply because the game is too fast paced to make it matter much most of the time. I agree though, the magic system is very robust for that style of game, and allows you a lot of flexibility in overall tactics.

PsiSoldier May 9th, 2009 05:22 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Humakty (Post 669755)
Romance of the Three Kingdom XI is a great strategy game !
The various factions are really unbalanced, so even hardcore players should find something interesting to do. (just try playing Lu Bu !)

Different genre : Sacred 2 is great, full of humor, very complete, a crossbreed between RPG and Hack'n'slash. Just gorgeous. And, best of best, it runs on my 1 gig RAM PC.

Damn, thats up to 11 now? I remember playing Romance II and III It kind of dropped of my radar after that. I didnt even think it existed anymore.

PsiSoldier May 9th, 2009 05:28 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Baalz and I are both playing Demigod, I know he's playing because I played against him last night. I was like "Hey! are you the Baalz from Dom3"?

Turned out he was. He's one tough Cookie in that game too. Both of us are in the top 1% Rankings in that game.. And in fact I see a Micah that is ranked #6 I dunno if its our Micah though. I'm only ranked 97 but I'll catch up with those two soon enough since I very rarely loose anymore unless Ive got a really sucky teammate or I'm trying something new

That game is screwed up though.. Buggy as hell. it shouldnt have been released yet and has many patches to go. Too bad its so damned addictive. Addictive and Frustratingly buggy dont go well together. Ive got problems with my Favor points dissappearing and some games that I play that are not showing up on the website rankings wich is annoying since those games have all been wins. Probably good news for the people I played against though.

That game also runs like crap enough though I have a dual core cpu and a Geforce 9800 Gx2 that can run crysis and Oblivion and anything else I throw at it on very high settings with no problem at all.

Trumanator May 9th, 2009 07:07 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
If its running like crap on MP it probably has more to do with the massive pirating of it that went on. Stardock's copy protection policy hit a snag when it came to large scale MP.

JimMorrison May 9th, 2009 11:09 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Nah they just have been plagued by awful server problems since day 1. Beta went 2 iterations past when they wanted to start testing MP, before they had synch issues and whatnot resolved enough that you could even hope to stay in an MP match all the way through.

My roommate bought it so I played around with it a bit, runs like crap on my machine though, so I haven't touched it in awhile. Maybe I should check it out again. Maybe. ;)

PsiSoldier May 10th, 2009 12:22 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Yeah Like I said, it still runs like crap.. they must have skipped that whole optimization part of the development process.. along with the part about fixing bugs..

Its just really annoying to know that I have a bad *** video card which is basicly SLI on one single card and it still runs like dog poo

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