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namad September 26th, 2008 06:44 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
i think we might need some independent consulting of mictlan's turn files, or immediate removal from the game... i'd say the cheating warning is a pretty serious offense is it not? if this is a common occurrence though then i apologize for the insult

Juffos September 26th, 2008 07:41 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I got 1000 gold from Hinnom and a 1000 gold event on the same turn. That must have triggered the warning.

Oh, and that astral corruption is my last revenge on the world. You won't defeat me with impunity!

CyborgMoses September 27th, 2008 06:34 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Huh, I got a 3000 gold event on that turn and no warning for me. I'm not sure why a gold transfer would be "inexplicable" anyway, unless the gold didn't disappear from the person sending it. This is really mysterious.

namad September 29th, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
uhm is it just me or does the astral corruption help hinnom more than anyone???????

they probably have the strongest blood economy.... with the astral corruption up i can't really afford to kit new sc's or site search :-/ leaving me with absolutely nothing i can...

of course we all know hinnom will win any turn now anyways

Omnirizon September 29th, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
being honest, last turn, i just open turn -> end -> send turn in...

because yes, Astral Corrupt cements Hinnom's victory. Not only are they the only major blood power, not only do they have all the artifacts and lots of things summoned (thus no need to use non-blood), not only are they in the lead by factor of 4, all of us are only held down by the Astral Corruption...

there is basically no point in continuing.

let's just declare Hinnom the winner and be done.

CyborgMoses October 1st, 2008 07:39 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Wait, what? Regular horrors are no problem when you know they are coming. Heck, I had four attacks last turn from the damn things, and didn't lose a single unit. Assign up to five units as bodyguards to the mage who is casting or forging, and set them to "Guard Commander". They will participate in any assassination attempt, including by horrors.

namad October 2nd, 2008 01:09 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
well.... i think we should all quit and declare hinnom the winner but given mictlan has managed to trigger the cheating warning twice in a row i think mictlan needs to either be forced to go AI or allow someone to review several of their last turns....

of course that would only matter if anyone even wants to continue playing at all... kalissa has admitted they have already quit.... if hinnom is giving mictlan several thousand gold per turn to trigger the cheating trigger i have a feeling mictlan wouldn't object to declaring hinnom the victor.... does oceania or teinchi object to just calling hinnom the winner right now?

Omnirizon October 2nd, 2008 05:29 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started

Originally Posted by CyborgMoses (Post 642081)
Wait, what? Regular horrors are no problem when you know they are coming. Heck, I had four attacks last turn from the damn things, and didn't lose a single unit. Assign up to five units as bodyguards to the mage who is casting or forging, and set them to "Guard Commander". They will participate in any assassination attempt, including by horrors.

I've been spammed with horrors, disease demons, and rains of toads for the last two years by either Hinnom or Mictlan. You are correct, these are not problems, but simple minor annoyances.

It was when Hinnom started sending five or more of those major horrors, followed by five or more Baal's each equiped with five or more artifacts, onto my major armies that I realized this game was over.

Hinnom is the winner unless Hinnom wants to sit back and make Mictlan or someone else win, just for ****s and giggles. At any rate, it's now the Hinnom show, which means it isn't really much of an actual competition any more.

Juffos October 3rd, 2008 06:04 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
This is really strange. The game blames me for cheating even though why should I even cheat when the game has already been quite wrapped up.

I got a 1000 gold and another 200 gold event this turn. I am prepared to upload a screenshot in order to prove my claims if I must.

konming October 6th, 2008 03:31 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
OK, anyone who observed the battle between Hinnom and TC please tell me what is the version you see?

How did my baal with all the artifacts and ritual of returning on get killed? I see only a lightning spell hitting the other baal for 32 damage, and this baal disappeared. But he never returned to capital. Judging by the facts that TC holds two artifacts that he had, he seemed to be killed, but I cannot see it in my battle review. Also another baal was actually killed in the battle, but he appeared fine in the next battle? Something really messed up the game.

CyborgMoses October 7th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I don't know what the heck happened with the resurrecting Baal (and in fact, I find him quite irritating), but the one with the artifacts who died instantly was killed by a Magic Duel spell.

konming October 17th, 2008 02:00 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Looks like TC and Kailasa have given up. I wonder if Nief and Oceania and Mictlan wants to continue.

namad October 17th, 2008 02:46 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
i'll quit

Meglobob October 19th, 2008 03:56 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
I surrender too, my little fish people stand no chance.

Ea Oceania is now AI.

Omnirizon October 19th, 2008 05:34 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
well it if konming is right an TC is given up, then it looks like we default to Hinnom.

I for one don't think we have a chance. No one has even begun to really invade Hinnom, and if they are bad right now, their PD and tons and tons and tons of gold they've been raking in is only going to make things worse.

konming October 19th, 2008 02:23 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Actually TC invaded with a lot of force. Initially I was seriously set back. My SC only approach failed and lost some SCs and artifacts. Then I just gathered my army, mist form/rush of strength supported by life for a life against his pretender and falling fire/blade wind against his troops. His main invasion force was crushed along with his pretender.

Omnirizon October 19th, 2008 05:11 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
well I should need him to post that it is OK to call the game before I do. Everyone else is OK with it, but he hasn't posted anything yet.

konming October 19th, 2008 05:13 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Yeah, he and Mictlan should post about their opinion. Another thing, I think there is something wrong with the stale record. The record says he staled for 2 turns, but I am pretty certain he only staled last turn. The turn before, he moved his troops.

namad October 19th, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
i don't plan to submit anymore turns so it's just a matter of when i stop getting reminders to do so :)

CyborgMoses October 19th, 2008 09:40 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Ah, shoot... sorry about the trouble, folks. I staled a turn normally, and then my internet service cut out and I staled the next one, and then...

Basically, yeah, I think the game's over. I enjoyed it, though!

Omnirizon October 19th, 2008 11:04 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
alright. i guess we end it. congrats to konming on victory.

Omnirizon October 20th, 2008 12:20 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
alright. i guess we end it. congrats to konming on victory.

CyborgMoses October 20th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
All is lost.

In the end, righteousness and enlightenment were no match for barbarism and savagery. Although the people of T'ien Ch'i fought with the favor of the Divine Emperor, still we were defeated. Our brave soldiers were crushed beneath the tread of enormous boots; our divine emissaries, called from the heavens, were cut down with ancient artifacts of power; our wise and learned sages were humbled by the magics of the demon-children and devoured by their kings. When the most beneficent and profound Divine Emperor Mono Zedong took the field to protect his subjects, clad in his shining armor and wielding a blade so swift it could not be seen by mortal eyes, the cowards of Hinnom slew even him from afar with their mystic prowess.

The great empire of T'ien Ch'i is no more; our lands are ash, our villages are rubble, our peasants are food for the invaders. We few survivors of the Imperial Court have been left with no choice but to flee to our mountain homeland and seal ourselves within the Forbidden Palace, most secret of our nation's holy places. Within this colossal tomb of our forefathers, all we can do is wait for our bodies to inevitably join theirs in the dust.

My only hope is that in some future era, a new people shall arise, greater even than we were... great enough to defeat the merciless men of Hinnom and their masters, great enough to return this land to its true glory. By the grace of the Divine Emperor, may these future heirs to our legacy find that the collection of treaties, ultimatums, and diplomatic proclamations I have collected throughout this war and enclosed herein helps them avoid the doom that has overtaken us, and indeed, all the world.

konming October 20th, 2008 12:45 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks a lot Omnirizon for organizing this fantastic game.

Thank you very much for CyberMoses who were good neighbors and worthy foes. Your army gave us the most headache and even slew many powerful Ba'als with legendary reputation and even more legendary artifacts.

Our thank goes to Juffos who was our only ally in our struggle against powerful magician sword fighters from Kailasa.

And of course all the friends and foes in the game.

There was a time that Hinnom could be soundly defeated. Had Sauromatia not given up so early, and other neighbors joined the attack, there was no way Hinnom Ba'als could react to so many front. Still, I stand here not because of great skill, but mainly due to unbalancing nature of Hinnom.

I will post all my turns and commands given. Maybe some will find entertaining watching the growth of Hinnom empire.

Juffos October 20th, 2008 10:14 AM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
Good game.

Omni, you really should have accepted my offer of cease fire, even considering the reparations :)

Omnirizon October 20th, 2008 02:49 PM

Re: Darwin's Zorro: The Battle For Antilarium-started
perhaps. it may have changed the game, but it would have also meant almost certain destruction of Kailasa. you demanded we forfeit a large part of our empire right back to you. And if at peace with you we would really only have TC to attack, and while you and I were at war and losing troops, TC had been building tons of them up. Thus really Kailasa would be boxed in and have nowhere to go, surrounded by progressing empires. So you see, we really didn't have a choice. With your reparation demands, we couldn't accept a peace treaty because it would have been certain death.

A major problem with this map, I see now, is its "piping" effects. It is largely just a bunch of one province width corridors and the map tends to isolate players from others or at least be very deterministic of who meets who. Without a central position, you will likely have only 2 or 3 neighbors. Further, what neighbors you will have is determined at the beginning of the game because all the corridors funnel the expansion from any given position on the map. So while in most maps you have a little choice about where to expand to, in Antilarium you do not.

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