![]() |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Well, Arco brought his whole arsenal - and kicked my butt..
28 well kitted SC's, communions, his god, prophet - national hero- the whole nine yards. I bloodied him pretty well - but not enough. And the silly AI declares war on *me*. I can not take him alone - he is doing soul slays that are doing over 1000 points of damage. But he can be taken. He has 4 mystics in 163 - perfect for seeking arrows, whirlwhinds, or earth attacks. He has a small force in 151 - perfect for remote summons - like ghost riders, call of the winds, call of the wild - anything to tie up his forces. And of course, anything that could hurt that communion in 147. And finally again I have to beg for fire gems to blind his god.... |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
An update on the nation of Fomoria: although we remain in the humiliating position of having our capital, the only place where we can make decent casters and researchers, occupied by Arcoscephale, we have nonetheless moved forward on our personal victory condition of conquering Yomi. The army which we have managed to build through the sale of our gems to various international interests has nearly reached one of Yomi's remaining castles, and a second force to seize the worthless wastelands that form the rest of Yomi's dominion is well on its way to completion. Unfortunately, it appears that Arcoscephale is so confident in its superiority over Niefelheim that it is finally moving on these lands as well; hopefully we will be able to prevail against whatever fraction of the filthy betrayer's might it has dedicated to this task. Wish us luck, nations of the world! (Donations are gladly accepted in the lobby, even a small sum can make a difference, promotional services provided by Fomorians for a Better Tomorrow.)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Second: As for heroes: Niefleheim heroes were fairly well afflicted during his expansion. Being one armed and blind does not an imposing hero make. Third: You picked up an enormous gem province. I doubt anyone truly believes I didn't defend that to the best of my ability. Looking at the casualties proves the point. The difference is however, that your army remains intact, and in control of the province. Fourth: Regarding exaggeration - in this very forum you wrote that you feared that I was too strong for you, being kitted out with artifacts. Yet two turns later, you bring 28 commanders, kitted out, and conquering a province proving: A). You feared nothing. B). You had your own 'artifacts' C). Your words were merely for effect. It is admirable that you attempt to sway opinion. Every leader should. Yet, its better the hollowness of your words isn't immediately apparent - by your own statements. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Hey, since
1. the llamaserver is down (and we don't know when its coming up) 2. we don't know if they are patching 3. its labor day weekend - can we adjourn till Monday evening. I don't want to be surprised by a turn being due. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
5 Attachment(s)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Oh, by the way, I don't mind delaying turn till monday late, but why it's a labor weekend anyway? Just for my enlightment.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
But since you are so in love with screen dumps.... I'll provide a few of my own. (BTW, I didn't mean to imply his god directly cast Eyes - it was rhetorical - blinding this god meaning that he was seeing all the things we did). #1 - His God. #2 - just one of the many commanders he brought to the fight. #4 - one of his 16 communion members. Communion masters are not overly impressive - yet this one did 1016 damage on one spell. So in short, - you attacked without warning (some act of desperation) - most people pick fights they believe they will win. You've picked up several territories and are kitted out - by your own evidence - better than I. I'd post a picture showing you winning the fight - but I haven't figured a way to trim it to the size the board will allow - and can't afford more time at the moment. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
After fact checking: It is INDEED his god that cast the Global.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Ofc she did.
9 hours left for the next turn to be hosted. Chris, will you be able to submit your turn in that time, or you still need some delay? |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Capital defenses do take a bit to coordinate. (Yes, Arco has taken the capital province... odds are good that he will have the siege completed, soon.)
So yes, please.. do set it back to the original schedule. I should be able to make that! |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Look at date, I was asking a question yestarday. I just wanted to make sure you make it in time, and if not - ask administrator for a delay for you.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Thanks Wing!
BTW- for the record... Wing has enslaved at least *two* fully loaded Jot heroes.... plus a fair number of Jarls etc. If you study the names on the heros list.... from previous turns to this turn - you will see that some names are not dead - they're just gone. Courtesy of enslave with huge penetration..... |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Nobody enslaved them. Arcoscephale's salaries are higher and we have a better dental treating.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Alright, now it was my turn to be buttkicked. Niefel has destroyed my entire army without a single loss. Niefel is very strong and gets stronger, if we leave it without attention, he will eat us all.
People of Arcoscephale are interested in buying nature gems and astral pearls, in return we can provide earth and air gems or gold. |
Giants Pay more...
Yeah, I successfully defeated the army on my capital.
Although you didn't bring your god, or your communion. And its funny to see you having more Giants in that fight than *I do*. Not to mention a hall of famer, running around raiding. Yay! I got back 2 items of the multitude you took that first surprise fight. The scary thing was you *still* managed to get through MR 33! And that was with your scrub army. I have sincerely appreciated those that have sent gems, and hope I can continue to push him back. I can't pay you back yet, but with luck hopefuly I can start soon. In the meantime, I will trade or buy any gem. And if you won't help for the sake of not ending the game - then help because I will beat any offer Arco makes. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
1 Attachment(s)
I don't know how to counter Niefel anymore. Just take a look at results of the fight.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
You were overconfident. Quote:
*you* were sieging *my* capital - *you* still have the territories around my capital, you still hold more than 20% of my gem production. Even now you have skeptics in my capital - Even now you scry the world. you have raped my lands, pillaged their people. you have enslaved 6 of my heros, and gathered more than 30 magic items, in the initial attack. The original ruler of this fair land *gave up* because of the damage you inflicted. So, if by getting stronger, you mean - I have refused to lay down and die - why then by george, you're right.... |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
1578 heroes and 236784 gems..........geeeeeeez you guys are in a completely different game (and class) than I am in!!!!
I might as well go to AI now, I didn't know there was that many gems on this whole sight.. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
My point was Chris is 'slightly exatterating'. Ofcourse there was no '6' heroes and '30' items in the start. That's already way to many. Whent Chris tales stories about me I'm kinda scared of myself. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Turn 34 - 6 killed.
Turn 35 - 3 killed. Turn 36 - 6 killed turn 37 - 2 killed... Shrug - check the Hall of fame on turn 34, or 35. Compare to the hall of fame on turn 39. Repeat on 40. Hall of famers you enslaved on turn 39 Lodgrimme, Eitre, Hralf... Shrug. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Arcoscephale has opened hostilities by killing my prophet with an arrow from the sky. It has an army of elephants and pegasi on my border. Agartha, please be aware that the followers of the betrayer may be at our border soon.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Things have turned around on this front, I'm going to start pushing back.
How can I help? |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Well, if you could somehow get my capital back, that would be great!
Jokes aside, the army Arcoscephale has brought to my border is in the province of Heaven's Hold (95), and the province of mine that it borders is The Dunwash (104) (I'm not sure which one his army will be in during the magic phase, does it come before or after movement/battles?), so any destruction that you feel like raining down would be nice. His god is there. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Incidentally, if anyone were to send some fire gems to Niefelheim so that they can cast the Fate of Oedipus and blind Arcoscephale's god, that would be much appreciated.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Niefel can't cast Fate of Oedipus. :) He has put all fire gems into mass fire shields. :)
P.S. Stop turning Agartha on me - he's the only friend I have in this world. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Not so at all... If someone ponies up 20 gems I should be able to cast either this turn or next.
I am down to just two mages that can cast it.. but.. it only takes one = ). |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Its coming one way or the other Winged = ). Of course, if you want to save your god, you could overwrite it with one of your other mages casting Eyes of God.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Would anyone be interested in selling me a Dwarven Hammer?
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Guys, there's a chance I'm not able to submit my turn next Monday and Tuesday, so I'm asking noble leader of nasty Fomorians to increase hosting interval during that time just in case. Thanks in advance. :)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Speaking of that... I will be playing Rugby in Aspen from Weds the 17th and back on sunday night at midnight.
I don't know if they want to delay that long (and I am sorry as it NEVER even entered my mind when we started this game that I would be gone those 5 days) or just stale me 2 or 3 times. If you need to just do it...I will access my position when I get back and decide what to do from there. Agian, I am sorry for my short-sightednes!!:doh: |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
You still have time to find a sub for yourself. Post a new topic, I'm sure someone would like to replace you for a couple of turns.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Indeed, a substitute would be the preferable solution.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
What about my case? Would I have a delay? As I said it's just a probability, it's far fom 100%, but if it happends I won't be able to notify you. I just want to make sure I wouldn't find my empire in ruin when I return home. :)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I'll sub for you Dog = )
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Thanks Chris, I knew you would. Don't forget to feed the pegasii twice a day. :)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
With or without lipstick?
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Damn. I forgot to monologue:
It was the summer of your dreams.. but beware Arco - the winter of our discontent. Summer has come -and gone- winter yet remains. As you have carried the fight to Caelum, and Fomoria and me - well lets see how you like snow. May it be an ill winter for you indeed. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Whoa, whoa, hold up a sec. A player who is already in the game can't sub for another player in the same game. That would be a blatant conflict of interest. I think you're joking, but I have to make sure.
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
In other news, Fomoria would like to apologize to the cave-men of Agartha. After they wiped out a small tribe of natives, our troops, on a mission to do the same, mistakenly engaged the Agarthan forces and drove them from the field. We extend our apologies for this unfortunate incident. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
:) Don't take everything me and Cris write too serious. In fact don't take ANYTHING serious (at least from me). The secret of dissapearing elephants trick is: I didn't mean to atack you in the first place, I saw you brought a large force to my border and was sure you were going to atack me next turn so I've sent some troops to improve my PD in that province, and cast a seeking arrow to possibly kill one of your commander so part of your army wouldn't engage the battle. After seeng your comments in the forum I understood I was wrong about your invasion and pulled largest part of my army back to not annoy any more, and left some force for scoutfilter. |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
I have to say dog, I have no idea how I'm going to stop you... |
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
Re: Jotunland (PBEM) - (game on!)
you really don't sound russian = )
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