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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

rdonj December 7th, 2008 05:07 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Btw I'm not sure that ork heroes in spaceship form domsummon like normal ones. Of course, this would matter a lot less if they were able to change back like they're supposed to.

rdonj December 7th, 2008 06:08 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Just checking, is orc pd supposed to be alien pirate scouts?

Aezeal December 7th, 2008 07:53 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
they are not supposed to domsummon except for 1 or 2 (the captain type, who is a summons himself) and the PD shouldn't be alien pirate scouts ti should be orcs :D.

To day some RL issues turned up so I'll see when I get around to changing all things mentioned but keep them coming.

Aezeal December 10th, 2008 03:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
ok till the weekend for collection of other stuff needing to be changed.
Then I'll post a new version and after that I hope some one can play it a bit. If there are no major flaws I hope to set up a small game.

rdonj December 11th, 2008 12:15 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
In case you've forgotten the orc mages still don't get any magic/research. Not that I care too much, I was planning on completely ignoring it for the game, but if they got researchers worth buying I might reconsider.

In terms of balance, I would probably consider the galactic empire of ulm the most balanced (of course, I spent by far the most time playing them...). Then R'lyeh, then probably the commonwealth (amazing shields prevent most ranged damage, but they're relatively bad in melee against other factions)... after that it gets a bit hazy, bugs are terrible in space (i.e. most of the map) but pretty devastating on the ground. Orcs are probably next to impossible to kill but low morale and supply issues really hurt them when it comes to taking out others. And then Jomon... Jomon is pretty much the game's super power, I think, but they're not good at sieging and are probably killable by R'lyeh. I wouldn't want to be anyone else and have to kill them by myself though. Hopefully the nerf to the oni is sufficient to keep them from powering through things like they can now.

Btw I don't recall for sure but I think the dai oni has one of those alpha channel issues as well.

rdonj December 11th, 2008 12:46 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Aaah, I just noticed a bug with R'lyeh. Apparently the helmets worn by enslaved space trolls when in space contain their brains, because they go from having 50 morale on land to 10 in space....

Aezeal December 12th, 2008 05:32 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hehe good one

Aezeal December 12th, 2008 05:34 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
ow and the version where I fixed the orc mages still isn't published yet so that is no surprise... I hope the orcs are all right after this since they are build by me from the ground up and that gives the potential for more than a few errors :D

Aezeal December 13th, 2008 07:32 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I'm looking into orc mages (which definately have magic and more of it after shifting) but the apprentice doesn't get the RIGHT magic just yet :S

The orc PD seems to be coded correctly and I'll test it now

Space troll morale in space is fixed.

I'll see about the rest when I can get my gf from the comp (she's taking it over now) mostly those alpha channels I'll need to remove from sprites

A few questions I have:
Why would orcs be so hard to kill??
How are the other lovecraftian and the Pirian mods workign out?

Aezeal December 13th, 2008 09:36 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmmm I fixed a bunch of commonwealth spaceforms.. the Dai-Oni however just had a not totally black background.. which is even more easily replaced by a total black one.

rdonj December 13th, 2008 09:54 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
The orcs would be so hard to kill because whenever a hero is on a planet it generates units. And under normal circumstances you'll almost never lose a hero. So the worse a war is going, the more units you'll have in one place until finally you have dozens of commanders together generating more units than your opponent can possibly counter without huge battlefield destroying spells, master enslave etc. The only practical way to kill them earlier on would be to assassinate the heroes.

Darkwind December 13th, 2008 10:23 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I haven't even started doing the Pirians yet. They're all in my head. It sure is hot in there now. :p

I'll hopefully start them over Winter Break.

Aezeal December 13th, 2008 12:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I'm testing orcs a bit now and they have more cash than I want them to have (or at least too easy) so I've added some unrest to more commanders etc.
They also have VERY high prot, all of them so I've also lowered the prot of all armour types (so also for ulm etc) the spacecraft have gotten a bit more armour.
The Orc infantry have had a bit lower stats and in space even more so.

Killing orc hero's is a viable option throughout the game though.. and there are some powerfull assasins in some nations :D

I must admit that when you have high dominion you get a pretty insane amount of troops though so I might increase the cost of the upgraded recruitable commanders a bit more so upkeep will be pressing a bit harder.. I'll wait with that though to see the effect of the unrest (which was a killer on orcs in the past) I've also lowered the orc pretender's starting candles a bit (well to 1 actuallY) since dom 10 is a must have and they don't really need much else (though considering upkeep income related scales never hurt) so more investment is needed here. I could also lower his summoning ability a bit.. but I won't for now.. I'll probably nerve the orc troops first if needed (light armour or a special orc armour in between ulmish light and medium) since orcs should stay a bit of a horde race.

Magic for orcs works now though, research too, pretty good research IMHO, might have to nerve that but since buying a reseachers mean less troops it's probably still a hard choice.. now I'm thinking of it the hero probably is worth so much for the race his actualy recruitment price needs to be higher too.. going to do that now

I'm playing the first few turn against the orcs (testing) with Jomon and personally I have a pretty hard time breaking indies.. must be me.

I've lowered the def for the icesuits (on their staff actually) by one and damage a bit too. The Oni ranged attack is still AN but only 5 damage now.. I'm thinking about making it more of a napalm attack with higher AoE (2 probably no need to overdo it) and 3 damage but I'm not doing that yet

I've changed nothing (I think, unless I did that a while ago just after previous version release) in the ao or aka oni naming and it seems correct in my game. Same for orc PD, it seems to be working I'm getting orcs there (I've changed it a bit nonethe less but it was working)

Aezeal December 13th, 2008 02:20 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Ok v0.75 has been uploaded all issues I could find have been changed, I've also changed a few týpo's in some descriptions and just tweaked stats a bit when I felt like it. All summons spells I knew to be unfit for dom 3K have been removed I think. Spells I didn't know or some very powerfull summons remain.

If the few testers that regularly visit this thread could DL the new mod and maybe test it as much as possible in the next week (maybe even put older SP games on hold (I know I'm asking much) (maybe even divide nations between them to improve this even further. New nations need most testing IMHO) then we could maybe start a game in the next few weeks.

rdonj December 13th, 2008 10:25 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
I will give the orcs another run tonight. Possibly ulm also, the changes to them sound like they could be significant. If I get through both of them I will take a look at jomon.

I think 5 AN may still be too high, if you're going to have an AN aoe attack I would make it maybe 2 or 3 damage at most and rely on number of shots or random dice rolls to kill. But with the change to prot on units maybe ranged damage gets done faster now and it's not too much overkill.

rdonj December 14th, 2008 12:17 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Imo the solar system map is getting a bit too small for all the races in the game (69/7=9.8), it would be nice to have, say, an 80-100 province map to play on, preferably with a higher proportion of planet provinces as compared to space, to make it slightly easier for the weak space races to perform well.

Also, Jomon isn't necessarily great at defeating independants, but being by far the most powerful race in space gives them a huge advantage over most people. Plus the power of their oni is not to be underestimated against 10hp units.

rdonj December 14th, 2008 01:57 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Did you give incunrest to the orc shamans too? I haven't tested extensively but it feels like it... if so I don't know that I like that, it's already hard enough to justify building them that giving them unrest makes it almost not worth it. I think the unrest from aspiring heroes has reached the point now where it has a significant enough impact on you themselves.

Oh, you might want to change the colors for each nations graphs so they aren't all black, it can be annoying trying to figure them out as is.

rdonj December 14th, 2008 03:15 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Ulm's hero for some reason has his stats listed in his description. Also I'm not sure if this is WAD but planet guards get no melee weapon in space. Somehow I think we already had that discussion, I just don't remember it. I'm a bit iffy on orcs having ranged weapons stronger than any ulmish soldier uses, but the orcs do tend to kill things mostly with ranged, I'm not sure how they'd manage if their weapons were weaker. Probably not very well. On the other hand, maybe black knights at least could have equivalent weapons.

Aezeal December 14th, 2008 05:21 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
no incunrest only for characters producing troops.

Orcs should be able to deal damage in melee too, their weapons are not that good hitters but do solid AP Damage (and in my test game the just walked through all bullets and broke some PD's. Maybe orcs should get their own blaster with a lil bit less damage and at least less range. (not doing that yet though, first I'll see the effect of changing their armour.
Or just lower precision on all orc troopers by 1.

Since only a few troops used the power blaster I've just given it 18 damage, making it the most powerfull blaster.

Planetguards will have a combatknive in space now.. not that it will do them much good out there.

Fixed Johnny Rico's stats in description.

a new map.. nice idea.. lots of work too though (I have to set ALL landtypes and poptypes by hand) and I'd need a nice picture to start with or I'd need to redraw lines on this map.

Iév done something with the nation graphs... should all be different colors no idea what they'll be I'll check it now but unless it's extremely unfitting I'll not bother with that too much.

THanks for these post, this will improve the mod a lot (and if we MP the graphs will certainly be better visible now :D

PS I know of a JOmon bug where returning Oni (form ghost form) become the old dom 3 oni... can't find the problem in the code yet and so I'll leave it there for now .

Aezeal December 14th, 2008 05:29 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
I"m thinking R'leyh is a bit powerfull maybe.. the Ilithids and the mutants blast a lot away.. maybe they should be somewhat more expensive?

rdonj December 14th, 2008 08:19 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Hmm, is it just me or are the forums lagging horrifically right now. Anyway.

The unrest thing is slightly weird, I had unrest in my capital when all I was doing was producing ork prentices there, no heroes, and other than that just 80 odd orc troops sitting in the garrison. The orcs do kill things well enough in melee, I just find it's the getting there that's hard. Against someone with a lot of ranged weapons I have to send 3+ large groups of melee orcs or they never reach the shooters due to morale issues. Of course I'd probably have less of such if I used the standards on heroes but they're too fragile and too important to use aggressively without items.

If power blasters are getting such a boost, I would like to see other units have stronger blasters, like siege tanks (which use a standard issue space marine blaster) :D

A new map would take a lot of work, that's really more of a wishlist feature... would be nice but isn't necessary. Something else along those lines: I've noticed ulm's black knights seem to have a sort of black graphical bit that sort of floats behind the sprite. They lose it in their attacking form, but it makes them look a bit odd when they're at rest.

rdonj December 14th, 2008 10:03 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Oh and as for R'lyeh. I don't really know, they're one of the races I've played the least. On the one hand the illithids can do a lot of damage to you at range. But on the other hand all their units are expensive and you pretty much are forced to use expensive chaff for your illithids to survive. I think when fighting a player the incredible expensiveness of their units will probably make them not overpowered, but the relatively low mr on almost all units will make it hard to use most thug/sc units in the game effectively against them.

Aezeal December 14th, 2008 12:52 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
most SC material has high MR I think. Which ones need higher MR.. this is the time to say it :D

Orc ragers have jumpsuits (flying) so cover the distance quicker. The tank does have a cannon next to his blaster I hope? (the orc tank or the Ulmish one?) --> orcs aren't easily checked but the siegetank says it has a cannon at least.

I'll fix that sprite (and a similar thingie for the elderbrains) --> both cleaned up

I've actually worked for about 2 hours on a map today.. it'll not be as nice as the one I got premade but it's getting somewhere. No usefull images on the net readymade.. if we want about 50% space/50-% planet.. well most galaxies are only very very very small bits of planets :D.

So I'm using a galaxy background with zoomed in boxes of planets which I copy paste in there from other pics. For the rest I'll try to put more provinces per planet and keep the total about 50-50 (if possible)

I think I'll make all startsite province be on a planet with 4 or 5 land provinces (non forest that is of course :D) I'll maybe even put a single waterprovince back in somewhere even though basicly no troops can go in there atm :D just for fun :D

rdonj December 14th, 2008 08:52 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Hmm, I was thinking the mr of the ulmish capital ships might be too low but it actually isn't too bad. Jomon's suit commanders maybe could use an extra point or two of mr. Insectoid females should probably have higher mr. The commonwealth's teachers of the law have surprisingly low mr... should probably be bumped up a little. Aside from that I don't know, I just went through the recruitables list for each nation, I don't know about summons. I suspect the dreadnaught if anything will have too low of mr, if it has 14 or less it needs more, otherwise it is probably okay.

The tank does have a cannon, yes. I've never gotten any orc summons, it is really hard building up a decent rate or rp.

Actually I counted and on the current map it's pretty even, I think it was 37 space and 33 land, or something along those lines. I was thinking maybe the space zones could be fairly large, so while they cover a lot of space they take up relatively less of the map. Again, because some nations are just terrible in space. Like the insectoids, I'm not sure if they could ever defeat a player because it would be very tough to ever land on a planet. Making planets relatively larger like the ones you're talking about would help with that though, and make it more possible to build extra forts.

I suppose water provinces could represent planets or areas of space that are too dangerous for most lifeforms to survive in....

Aezeal December 15th, 2008 02:43 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Well if I make the insects only space troops stronger that will have significant impact on their abilities.. but I'll see after our game (or during)

Water can just be water too :D

rdonj December 15th, 2008 07:03 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
I think it would be almost more fun if the bugs got, say, a blood magic national astral travel sort of spell that the females could cast, or an insectoid remote province attack spell where you get to keep the army afterward. Somewhat akin to how the bugs in starship troopers transported themselves across space in meteors.... Then they could still be terrible in space but take over planets anway. If you can't defeat the bug army, well, run away... maybe you can find a new home, somewhere, before they can manage to kill you off in space.

Aezeal December 16th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Hmm new spell idea's are always good.

has anyone tried the remote summon for Ulm.. something along those lines maybe?

rdonj December 16th, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
You mean the black knight strike force? No, I haven't gotten to use it yet. I have some doubts about the sanity of its gem requirement though. I mean... ghost riders is a 5 gem spell, I don't think 15 black knights are going to be that much more relatively effective than the ghost riders spell. Unless it's some kind of special extra powerful black knight with an ethereal or air shielded leader.

But if you also get them afterward it is definitely worth more. Maybe 15-20 gems instead?

rdonj December 18th, 2008 03:51 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Dreadnaughts for some reason have 3 less magic resistance than ulmish capitol ships (which, by the way, should be spelled capital). It should at least be equal. Also I get the impression a dreadnaught is supposed to be bigger than an ulmish cap ship, so I was thinking maybe they should have a little more hp? :) They also have twin ship heavy blasters (close) but no ship heavy blasters. I'm not sure if it's intentional for them to not have ranged blasters or not, as most things tend to have both. I guess you don't always do that with the ulmish fighters so it probably is intentional. In any case I would like it if they had another set of twin heavy ship blasters (close), or even just a single one, since they're most vulnerable in melee and you can't give them an aoe weapon with a hand slot or something. Their ranged weaponry is actually surprisingly weak but I think that pretty much doesn't matter since they should be using evocations most of the time anyway.

Also a bug report. I was able to cast the black knight strike force, and I stick by my earlier assessment of the spell. However, I also noticed that in the strike force I received four commanders, a medic, an ulmish general, and a black knight. I suspect this is a bug because there was a second medic and a second general in the army that were not commanders, and I'm guessing probably were supposed to be. As a note for just how weak the commonwealth is right now, I just beat a significant pd force (34 melee, 2 space mines and an ice shaper) losing only a single from that strike force. The knight was killed by one of the ice shaper's cold bolts. I only got one blaster shot to connect, then the black knights tore them apart in melee.

I also just now got a crash error about the game not being able to find lightspearspace1.tga? I was looking at a pirate scout army I think that I got from a random event this turn at the time, I think. That is probably unrelated though.

Hmm, doesn't appear I'm going to be able to continue that game until the lightspear thing gets fixed. Too bad, I was just about to crush the galaxy with my stealth fighter fleets, capitol ship SCs, and magma eruption spamming dreadnaughts :)

rdonj December 18th, 2008 06:52 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
You could also give the insectoids blood spells with requirements high enough only the queens could cast to produce specific units. As another alternative method to the idea of increasing the strength of their space units, which I don't really like.

rdonj December 18th, 2008 08:37 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Yet another alternative - cause the nectid queens to generate space form insectoids. If you do that though you should definitely get rid of the summon allies button for males on normal queens, and possibly not give them males at all. That might be a bit much though unless the level of the nectid queen spell was dropped a bit.

And another bug: There's still a province on the bottom left planet that's considered a forest... province 28.

rdonj December 18th, 2008 10:55 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Hmm... you're going to have to either give insectoid females completely insane mr or, probably better, reduce all insectoid unit morale to 30. With females the only non-mindless creatures in the race, you're pretty well doomed if R'lyeh ever attacks you, they'll just kill your commanders with mind blast and then your army will rout.

Aezeal December 18th, 2008 04:33 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Wow lots of stuff for me to work on (not now though)
- THe strike force is permanent, the fact you get those troops (the commander black knight and the non commander medic and general) is something I can't change really and doesn't matter that much IMHO.. I thought the price was reasonably since it can be deployed all over the map and it's a force strong enough to take and hold provinces and then it's neighbours since it has a mage a commander and high protection

- Will need to fix that lightspearspace1 thingie.. must have suffered when I fixed the alpha channel thingie

- I don't get you post about insect blood spells and alternative methods.. and what don't you like

- THe morale thingie is a good point.

-I thaught the insects could get a decent number of males as they are now.. but it seems you have tested it and disagree.. so I'll need to fix that .. somehow. Why do you want to have the nectid queens to do that?

rdonj December 18th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
The black knight strike force is pretty good... however it still imo is not worth 45 astral pearls. There are a lot of other things you could do with those pearls. My personal favorite at the moment is forging rings of wizardry to give to dreadnaughts and enhance the power of their magma eruptions. Sounds expensive but with the forge and the hammer of the forge lord, not that expensive.... It probably would not bother me that much if it was remotely possible to forge clams with ulm, or if it took fire gems instead. I'm swimming in fire gems right now in my game because I can't figure out anything really interesting to use them for. Maybe flames from the sky, once I reach 9 evocation.

With the insect blood spells I was just brainstorming different ways that the bugs could deal with space or avoid it altogether. The number of males is not too bad now in a way, but it does require building lots of the normal queens on your starting planet. Depending on the planet, it may require more than is ultimately healthy for you due to blood slave requirements. And in the game I was playing it took me quite a while to build up to the point where I could try to go and conquer other planets. I only really started having males in large quantity by year 3 or so. But when I finally had them I had them in pretty huge numbers because of all my queens summoning. So I don't know. Basically I think the summoning probably grows to be too strong, but it can take years for the bugs to get off the ground.

What I was saying I didn't like is the idea of making the males stronger to make the insects more competitive in space, they don't need to be stronger. And I suggested the nectid queens as a space creature generator because at the moment I don't think it does anything and because it would give the insectoid player a little more to consider strategically if, say, they could build those to improve their space forces but the units were absolutely terrible in atmosphere. So you'd choose between building balanced armies, land assault armies, or space conquering armies. Anyway I am just throwing out ideas atm.

Aezeal December 19th, 2008 09:25 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
hmm males probably shouldn't be much stronger, maybe only a little so most will have to cdome from numbers, I think the nectids are mostly water creatures that don't really have a special function in this game. They could have a better summons for the males. or a domesummon in addition to the regular summon.

You can't win the game very well without taking space too so just bypassing space isn't enough. Thanks for he brainstorm and the idea that the race needs this balancing in the first place

I''ll probably change something about the price of the strikeforce.. some pearls less or firegems indeed...

rdonj December 20th, 2008 02:23 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
It would also be kind of nice if coccooned bugs had the need not eat tag. You're going to have to slowly move your assault force through space while protecting it with males, and it is guaranteed to lead to starvation issues if both groups are decently sized. The morale penalty doesn't affect them but being forced to have diseased armies is a bit frustrating.

Aezeal December 20th, 2008 02:48 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
that is a perfect idea and completely needed thematically.

Aezeal December 21st, 2008 08:04 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
- Dreadnaught HP and MR improved
- capitol --> capital
- #weapon "Twin Ship Heavy Blasters - close"
#weapon "Twin Ship Heavy Blasters"
#weapon "Tractor Beam"
#weapon "Lightning Cannon"
should be the capital ships weapons (I've put the twin ship heavy blasters higher in the list now, hope another one doesn't fall off)
- strike force is 30 pearls now

- the lightspearspace1 and 1a where non existant there where a sparespace 1 and 1a however, it's fixed but for your game you could just rename the spears in Lightspears (noone uses the other name)

Why random events give pirate scout (never heard that before btw) or oni-dragons is a mystery to me.. there is no way for me to edit is.. I do hope it's changed permanently from to 50 scouts since that will be similar to getting militia instead of getting 50 oni- dragons which is more like getting 50 tartarians

- insects troops have morale 30 (mostly) and NNE on coccoons

- I've not yet changed much about the males, THe nectids are for underwater troops.. the queens are amph. but it's not in the spirit of Amos mod to have them make space troops, they are a separate race too so they couldn't make nest males. An option would be to create a Hive male but I sort of like the idea of them only having one unit in space.. it must be all-round though so maybe it IS a little bit weak as it is.
Perhaps summoning more might be the best option really :D or improve their armor a bit? --> why don't you think they should be stronger? they are still pretty weak (anyway I've not changed anything here yet since I'm not sure what to do yet)

I've not yet done the insect transport spell since I think they should have some incentive to go into space.
Amos actually already had the spell in his mod and it's still there
but burrowing from one planet to the other seems... well wrong.. and as I said they shoulnd't be able to bypass space (the cocoon thingie was intended as the starshiptroopers kind of travel)

#name "Underground Tunnel"
#descr "Borrowing underground the Insectoid mage is capable of moving to a province of its choosing unopposed by the earthly obstacles."
#restricted 80
#school 3
#researchlevel 3
#path 0 3
#pathlevel 0 2
#effect 10019
#fatiguecost 300
#damage 1
#nreff 1

#name "Underground Passages"
#descr "Borrowing underground the Insectoid mage is capable of transporting herself and her army to a province of her choosing unopposed by the earthly obstacles."
#restricted 80
#school 3
#researchlevel 7
#path 0 3
#pathlevel 0 5
#effect 10077
#fatiguecost 2300
#damage 1
#nreff 1

SO I think that should settle most stuff mentioned lately... except the weakness of Commonwealth.. they DO lack AP attacks while all other races have loads of them which does fit this age (better armour and better weapons to break it .. and if you don't have that your race has been eliminated a 1000 years ago just after LA)

I'm a bit hesitant about what to do.. If I make all their melee weapons AP they might be too strong? And if I only make on of the troops AP the rest will be never used. --> I've made it all AP.. the race can use it I guess.

llamabeast December 21st, 2008 10:44 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
I think "Underground tunnel" isn't a great thematic justification for a teleport spell... in space. In ordinary dominions it would make sense, but not so much when the action spans several planets.

I think the teleport spell sounds like a good idea though. Just needs a different name.

rdonj December 21st, 2008 01:51 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Woo, lots of changes.

I've gotten the pirate scout event 3 times in my current insect game (halted temporarily due to meeting r'lyeh and realizing there was no way I could fight them), and I got it a few times in the orc game I was playing recently also. I haven't seen oni dragons as a random event so I'm pretty sure you don't get them anymore.

I didn't think males should be stronger for a couple of reasons. The first being that most races are a fair amount weaker in space than on land, and the insectoids possibly having strong space units seems strange. And it's not like they're weak either, they can defeat even large groups of space krakens reasonably well with their current stats without too many losses. They perform at least reasonably on par with other races units for space duty, and flying units with multiple attacks can easily become overpowered if you're not careful. My suggestion would probably be to make them autosummons, instead of dom summons, and have them come in batches of 2 at a time. That way you would be able to break into space faster but you wouldn't get huge amounts of males later on. You could maybe do 3 instead but that might be too much.

I was aware of the spell from amos' mod, but when I was playing them in dom3k I didn't see it so I figured you probably disabled it. It's fine if they don't get it, it just seemed like a fun idea. If they do get something like that though it should be really expensive/hard to research, because I think females have 160 leadership... having that many units show up suddenly anywhere they want would be pretty scary.

I think all the commonwealth melee weapons should be ap. If you think about it, the only units in the game that don't have either ap or an melee weapons are militia and illithids. Actually you could almost consider giving the heavy commonwealth infantry AN weapons... they don't have shields, so there's not a lot of incentive to recruit them as is. But not some kind of crazy weapon that gives them strength plus weapon damage with an... but better than space marines 4 an tasers.

Aezeal December 21st, 2008 06:29 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Hey how are the orcs doing... I'm thinking from your earlies remarks there might not be enough incentive to go for research..

I'm thinking that an option would be to give the starting domsummons a lighter armour and the real summons and the domsummons of summonable commanders the armour they have now? Or would that make the orcs to weak?
Since these troops will be there in huge amount later in the game changing armour on them might have a pretty strong effect on the race...

On insect males: you don't think that making them domsummon and then having the option of just summoning them (cost a precious turn) would be just as well? that way breaking into space can be done but it would cost you something. To me this solution appeals since going somewhere you are not so strong costs you but you need to anyway :D

rdonj December 21st, 2008 07:57 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Oh, THAT was why I was still playing that orc game, still need to research more. I assume you mean the things that are domsummoned would get lighter armor and the things that you need gems and research to summon would be tougher? Well, my first thought is that sounds horrifying, it would hugely weaken the race probably. On the other hand, armor is pretty flimsy in melee and shields do a lot of the protecting at range anyway. And the orcs are one of the strongest races right now, so perhaps they could use a bit of nerfing. But the summons are still going to have to be pretty good to justify not building an orc hero every turn in every fort, unless the change makes their domsummons a lot weaker. But if it does make them that much weaker it will probably be very hard to survive later in the game.

I suppose if you look at summoning males that way it does work. My biggest problem though is in the very beggining of the game there's not a whole lot you can do if you start on one of the smaller planets. Your dominion and queens ramp up slowly so playing a mp game as insects might be a bit boring for the first year or two.

Amos December 22nd, 2008 03:59 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
For the teleport spell just create dimensional portal bypassing space/time between two points. That way it doesnt matter if two points are divided by light years of space or 1mm. You could call it a "Sub-space Tunnel" and make it a high lvl spell.

For Commonwealth - I could replace all of the swords with guns. But I'll need to find time for this project.

Aezeal December 22nd, 2008 03:37 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
I think that they'll have to just deal with space for now :D

Teh commonwealth with more guns might be nice but Í've already modded a lightning stick (or whatever it was again) on one of them so ranged damage is covered somewhat. I think totally removing melee from the game will not make it nicer so having some nations being more melee orientated isn't bad.

If you happen to make the gun slinger I'll be sure to put them in the game though.. have no doubt :D

- If the orcs are strong now I think I'll maybe lower their armor a bit on the basic "recruits" they'll keep the same helmet though.
- maybe you just need some males in the insect starting army?
- and if you start on a small planet maybe you need to get more forts fast?

rdonj December 22nd, 2008 08:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Possibly males in the starting army wouldn't be bad. Not sure how many you'd need to start taking space indies though.

The insectoids don't recruit with forts so I have no idea what you mean about them building forts. They just have an early dominion problem since they can only get dominion with their god and blood sacrifice, and they need slaves both for sacrificing and also to make commanders/queens.

Aezeal December 23rd, 2008 11:30 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
arg damn that's orcs of course.. lol.. could make them start with another queen maybe?

rdonj December 24th, 2008 08:27 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Hmm, you could do that, that probably wouldn't be too bad. Just replace the assassin with a queen. It might work.

Aezeal December 24th, 2008 09:02 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
it would speed up the start I'd say..

Aezeal December 27th, 2008 01:10 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons
Insect life in space has been made easier.

starting with 2 females, some males and males in PD and the pretender no giving 1 slave/turn. (the last thing I'm not even going to try to explain thematically if the race doesn't need it'll be gone the first too.

Orcs choppers and shooters now have body armor (10 prot) instead of medium body armor

I've given the dragons some changes that will also be implemented in the dragons mod (lower cost for bone biters and higher for ghostdragon and hopefully fixed the deathwraith dragons assassination ability)

A map is being made but progress is slow. I'm busy with the pic and having fun there.. but I'll tell you that making lines will be annoying in the end and then doing the programming even more so and I'm not looking forward too it :D. (anyone willing to help and create the .map file when I'm done with the pic (you'll even be allowed to change the pic if you want) will certainly be allowed to do so (provided you'll not be slower about it than me.) the map file for the other map should be a good thing the help you (copy paste pop types etc etc)

I'm posting the new files now.. I've also added a few sites and deleted some spells etc etc.. plz try it and if it seems better balanced and working then we'll start a game soon.

Aezeal December 28th, 2008 09:56 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Ok the new version has been posted and I'm thinking this should be the version we'll play on unless major problems arise in the next 2 weeks during playtesting.. I'm going to have a son this week though so as usual I can't playtest that much. I'm hoping the excellent dom 3000 playtest team will be able to play this latest version (still called 0.75 though) and see if it's suitable for playing. Complete balance isn't neccesary (we all know vanilla dom 3 has hugely unbalanced nations) and in MP the strenght of the nation isn't everything either. The game will be more for fun and playtesting anyway. I also expect players to report possible loopholes and hugely incorrect stats etc as bugs so I can fix it while the game is busy.

If an army of 50 oni dragons arises (though I've not had reports lately) I'll probably mod in a unbeatable ancient horror as remote summon for my nation (for free) and send one to kill the dragons. (I expect cooperation of the player controlling them and sending them to their doom :))

it'll be great fun.

I think I'll start asking llama to set it up and I'll play if we have as few as 3 players (new stuff doesn't always attract lots of visitors.. my other non conventional game I coulnd't get of the ground) and I think there will be 2 other players.

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