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Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Got so wrapped up in talking about the battle that I nearly forgot to extend the turn for Calahan. My apologies. Turn extended 48 hours.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Realized I won't be around if Ashdod needs more time. So I delayed the turn by 12 hours. It shouldn't matter if he submitts when he orginally planned to.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
This game seems to be plagued with problems. As far as I can tell, Calahan never returned from his trip. I surely hope nothing has happened to him. Considering the state of war, I am not willing to let Ashdod stale again.
If I can't reach Calahan in a reasonable amount of time then I will have to find someone to sub in, even if only for a short while. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Man, and here I was attempting to make him rue the day he invaded me. Dang.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Shall we post a message to look for a temp sub?
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm debating that now. I've sent both a PM and n e-mail via the llamaserver. No response btw.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'd post it now. From my experience it can take a good while to find a sub and the fewer stale turns the better for everyone, especially considering we're in the middle of a war at the moment.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm pretty sure that you jumped the gun by a turn there, Hoo. No big problem, I accidentally did the same earlier.....
Did we let Calahan stale again? We should actually suspend the game until at least a sub is found. Hope he's okay. 8 \ |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
The sub took over. He did not stale but instead just submitted his turn in rather quickly. Everyone say hello to Ferrosol.
Hi Ferrosol. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Hi Ferrosol, I'd just like to say that I will make your unruly inbred gods forsaken pack of cannibalistic giants rue the day you set foot into Man's lands (that sounds funny), and would like to know if you have a preference on how best to deface your god's images? I was thinking amusing caricatures or perhaps an overly large nose and moustache attached to a set of glasses or some such thing.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Heh. I broke the NAP with Ashdod and he attacked me the previous turn. You broke the NAP with me the turn after that so I figured it was 3 turns given that Ashdod hit me. Oh well. It was very painful for you losing 2 piddly provinces. Looks like Vanheim just whooped Bandar Log |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Like I said, not a big deal, but still, worth mentioning. I just remember clearly stating in my message to you that the first turn of notice was 34, final turn of notice was 36, and hostilities may commence on 37. ;) Unfortunately, it didn't save it for me, but I am quite positive.
Anyway, I was going to mention that the nature of the attacks seems to have only given me more of an actual advantage tactically, in being the counter-attacker. ;) But, it'll be fine. Don't be sour just because I do firmly believe that Abysia exists to be consumed by Caelum whenever possible. <3 |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I could use a 24 hour extension on this turn, I'm not sure if I can make it in time home to my Dom3 computer. I didn't have time to do the turn yesterday either, a damn busy project going on at work :(
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Turn extended.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
My computer is acting strangely so I wonder if I can get 24 hour extension, just in case.
On a side note. I remember there is a Chinese saying, when the roof cracks, it always rains. Having lost most of my troops to Van last turn and two barbarians in a single turn, I now get this magic fading event. Devesating as I lost over 50 magic gems. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Rather devistating indeed. I'll extend the turn.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Seems like R'Lyeh is going to stale... 25mins and counting :(
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Interesting. I sent the request to the server to have the turn extended by 24 hours. I'm sure both Jazzepi and I both figured the server would grant the request and so we both slept easy last night.
I suppose there isn't much we can do about it now. I am however in a position to back off my attacks against Ry'leh. Hopefully that will help compensate for some lost opertunities. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
fear the wrath of the giants as they come for you puny man things!
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Ferrosol needs to work on his monologue of impending doom.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Since I did not see the time actually extended, I just sent in my incomplete turn figuring any turn is better than staling.
Anyway, my computer is still having strange problems so I like to request that we extend this turn by 24 hours, for certain. :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Heh yeah, the assassin... multiplayer is a different ballgame in this respect too it seems! The AI isn't as keen as humans on keeping an eye on scouts and assasins. This is my first MP game so it's trial and error for me :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I keep getting spammed by Llamaserver every 40mins "Mictlan 2h file received", but the text says "Nation: Middle Era Vanheim".
I sent my 2h file this morning already... something bugged on Llamaserver. AoE any idea what's happening? |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I have no idea. I tried to submit a 2h file last night and the server stalled. I didn't receive confirmation for quite a while. Once I did I got 19 of them in a row.
All I can say is that it is lagging somehow and the repeat messages are a result. Llamabeast is the true expert on what's up with the llamaserver. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I've received 60+ confirmation emails now... and I'm not sure which file the server really has received. I won't have access to Dom3 until Sunday afternoon, would it be possible to delay hosting turn 38 until then?
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well, I had my final blaze of glory and now it's time for me to bow out. Hope to see you fine people in other games.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
So silent in this thread.
... almost too silent... ;) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
The staling data has finally been made available and three nations staled. Perhaps people are not keeping up with the status of the llamaserver. I don't want to see this game fall too far into apathy. I will try my best to postpone the next turn if I see anyone about to stale.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Now I can do some gloating as I watch the pitiful remnants of man's armies being roasted over our victory pyres know this believers in the false gods your days are numbered soon Mawr Hudoles (whatever that means) will reign supreme.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Abyssia is going down to Caelum. But we did have the satisficatin of wacking the Caelum pretender and leaving her with a bunch of nice afflictions to enjoy in the next life.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I'm still having a hard time believing that she would fatigue to death from 2 units with Heat(3) aura. :(
Oh well, live and learn. Or die and learn, whichever is fastest..... |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Well I do believe it is a complex equation, where it can often be shown (it's quantum, don'tcha know) that -
Living + Learning > Learning + Dying > Dying + Learning > Learning + Living As you may guess, faster learning is represented by a "greater" result. The irony being, that most people would consider "Learning + Living" to be preferred result, as the Learning precedes -and- precludes the brush with death, however it is also the hardest to quantify as death is avoided by such a large margin that it would seem the subject was never in jeopardy to begin with. ;) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
That's extremely quantum, I dare say!
PS. I hazard a guess that you read Pratchett, JimMorrison? :) |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Actually no, but I've been considering it based on some things that I had heard about Discworld. Did that remind you of something that he wrote or said? :shock:
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
And your in-depth ponderings of life and death reminded me of Pratchett somehow... I strongly recommend to grab a Pratchett or two! They're aren't that expensive, around 10$ in US I'd figure, really good bang for the buck. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Interesting, I think I'm getting around to it. I haven't read much fiction in a long time, so it takes a lot to get me into something.
Oh and Abysia, nice move last turn! I wouldn't have felt right about the whole thing unless you could switch something up and do me a little harm. But, now it's going to become harder to do so. :o |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Thanks, Jim. I took a gamble and won the battle but probably lost the war losing Abyssia proper. But it was a pretty good win for us. If you hadn't hit Abyssia itself at the same time I might have been able to make a go of it.
Don't feel too bad about losing to you. The country is a bit screwed up with some bad scales and research. Not sure why Abyssia was just researched Thau the entire time. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Sorry guys, real life crunch came and I have to withdraw from all games I am in. If a replacement cannot be found, please set me to AI. Thanks and sorry for the trouble I caused.
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
R'Lyeh turned to AI too it seems... what's happening? :(
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Ry'leh turning AI was no surprise to me. Jazzepi started to seem apathetic after I eliminated a host of his mages. After that he started to just throw shamblers at me. When I responded by cranking out mounted sacreds he began to stop submitting turns all together. The Ry'leh thing is almost a non-issue. I now have no desire to spend the resources required to enter the sea and I can easily drive back the AI, making them simply an annoyance. My focus is on Ashdod.
I must admit that the game has lost a lot of momentum and drive. Though I know for a fact that it will most likely be decided in the next 10 turns or so (with me as the victor of course. :)), so please hang in there. My belief is that we have entered the late game. If people aren't ready for late game tactics then you should hurry up, because this game is about to get ugly. As for me, I'm looking for someone to take over as administrator of this game. I'm in no way quiting, but, if you couldn't tell, my ability to devote a lot of time to these games has become limited. I'm in 3 games and administering 2 of them. I just want to lighten my load without dropping out. In fact, I really am in this game to win, particularly after this last turn. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Is there a replacement for Bandar Log yet, AoE? Maybe you should delay the turn if there's not...
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
I got a message from a player named trek. It seems he will take on the duties of ruling Bandar Log. I have, upon his request, extended the turn another 24 hours. Please submit your turns by then.
Though sooner then that would be ideal. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
That was almost correct spelling :)
I will send turn in this evening. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Also, still looking for a new admin. |
Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
Where are you Jim and Hoo? Is world domination not worth it anymore?
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