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JimMorrison February 4th, 2009 11:37 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
The proud nation of Niefelheim recommends seeking refuge in those volcanic wastes. Most of the world is a balmy 40°, and we are out to get a good tan this year.

vfb February 8th, 2009 11:42 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
There appears to be a slight infestation in Sauromatia's capitol, has anyone else seen that? Next month I'm wishing for Blade.

-- R'lyeh

Executor February 8th, 2009 12:59 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yeah, that from the AC, but I don't know why my Air Queen got attacked, maybe someone casted Horror seed? got a few horror marked commanders.
Slave to Unreason also tried to kill my pretender, tried is the key word.

vfb February 16th, 2009 08:17 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
And so TC passes into the annals of history, with only their Arcane Nexus sticking around as a reminder of their once vast power.

Good game, Quitti! We had some nice battles. :D

Quitti February 16th, 2009 09:43 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Indeed we did ;) See you in another games, guys, T'ien Ch'i signing off!

JimMorrison February 16th, 2009 11:27 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Indeed, well played, Quitti! Honestly I think maybe you just got a little greedy with the globals, Nature's Bounty, and Nexus both attract quite a lot of attention. Best to cast 1 at a time, and perhaps bribe your neighbors a bit, so you can reap the full benefits before people come to say hi to you. ;)

Oh and that Cyclops was just pure evil. :p I was finally getting -a little bit of- a handle on Hinnom when you came knocking on Fomoria's door. :p My inability to even hope to stop you (plus my stupidity in getting site searching before Thunder Strike), quickly rendered the position utterly hopeless. :(

Quitti February 17th, 2009 08:21 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Bah, I had R'lyeh as a neighbor - and I think he was thirsting at someones blood anyway - casting a single global would've probably done the same as two ;)

And T'ien Ch'is wonderful variety in magic paths was what made my cyclops so strong - I was able to forge about the best equipment I could think of - and when R'lyeh came knocking on my doorstep, I was able to pump his MR up to 40 :) I don't think even one spell went through to him, no matter what vfb threw at him.

Oh and Jim - you had plenty of almost undefended farmlands - too juicy targets to ignore even with (or perhaps because of) my turmioil3 dominion.

vfb February 17th, 2009 09:17 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
No, not at all. R'lyeh was just chilling under the waves, and then BOOM! Arcane Nexus out of nowhere. It was that 20% off site that tempted you, wasn't it!?

Your Cyclops was plenty tough. I only killed him by making him rout without a province to retreat to.

Quitti February 17th, 2009 09:41 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Yeah, it was the site. I wasn't sure if the site counts for extra gems in global - I read somewhere that it starts to count extra gems after the "real" cost (150 pearls in the case of arcane nexus), but it lets you cast it with the bonus - effectively wasting your gems/bonussite if you want to have it reinforced against dispels. I'm still a bit intrigued - did anyone try to dispel that nexus at any point? It probably got me over way over 2500 pearls in the time it was up.

Executor February 17th, 2009 09:52 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Out of curiosity, how many gems did you use anyway?

Quitti February 17th, 2009 10:31 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
For the Nexus, or out of all I got ;)?

Nexus was something like 170 pearls, so a simple 50-60 pearl dispel would've taken it down - though I kept around 300 pearls at all times for next nexus in case it was dispelled. Out of those pearls I got, I used mostly all of them to various things - mainly wishing. I had 30-40 clams going on at peak also I think.

Executor February 17th, 2009 10:54 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Really? Only 170? Damn, I should have dispeled it when I had a chance, but it could seem useful for keeping those gems around and not spending them too much.
I have more clams going on than you, so...
I'll take a look at my turn finaly and see if it's time forSauromatia to cast AN now. That could actually work very good with my AC.

Executor February 17th, 2009 11:03 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Wow! Nice.
Congrats to Agartha, I see those gems you received from TC payed off.
For the record my well had 250 death gems in it.

Fakeymcfake February 19th, 2009 05:14 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hey guys, my computer is on the fritz so if you don't mind I'm going to delay the game a day or two. With luck I'll have everything sorted by the end of the weekend, if not I'll hand over admin duties to someone else and let you guys look for a replacement or just set me to AI.

vfb February 24th, 2009 09:44 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
The Sauromatian threat of AC has been eliminated now that the AI has taken over.

When would be a polite time to begin the war for the Oceans?

-- R'lyeh

Juffos February 24th, 2009 03:18 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Oh, just let us pull back our troops from the Sauromatian steppes so the armageddon can begin...

Fakeymcfake February 25th, 2009 07:56 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright, my computer has gone meltdown yet again and I'm going to have to order away for a replacement part. This coupled with work becoming more and more hectic has convinced me that I'd be better off backing out of all my games for the time being.

Anyone who wants to take over as admin PM me and I'll pass along the code then you can start looking for a replacement.

It's a pity though, I was looking forward to seeing who'd claim the ruins of this world.

vfb February 25th, 2009 08:09 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Can you add some time to the timer while you find a sub please?

Fakeymcfake February 25th, 2009 09:20 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'll add a few days on but I won't be able to get back on the forum very often, so it's best if someone else looks for the replacement and takes over as admin.

vfb February 25th, 2009 09:36 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Thanks ... but can you at least please give a brief blurb about the awesome coolness that is Lanka, and your tremendously exciting war with Hinnom (are you still at war with Hinnom?) so we have more chance of actually getting a sub?

Fakeymcfake February 25th, 2009 10:04 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright I'll write up a post, but I'll have to tell them to PM someone other than myself as I said before I won't be able to long on again for a couple days at best. Right now I'm typing this on a computer at work while the boss isn't looking.

vfb February 25th, 2009 10:11 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'd like to give Quitti and Jim a chance to volunteer (Hinnom has staled a couple times lately so perhaps he's not the best choice). But if they don't want to Admin, I could.

Fakeymcfake February 25th, 2009 10:21 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Alright there is a post on the forum about me needing a replacement for my three games. As for whom will take over as admin I'll check back tomorrow to see what you guys decide.

JimMorrison February 25th, 2009 11:13 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I'd prefer not to, this has been on my "put in minimum effort required to post a passable turn" list for a long time now. ;)

vfb March 1st, 2009 07:01 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Fakeymcfake has sent me the admin password, due to lack of other volunteers.

Both Lanka and Hinnom staled this month.

I didn't realize Lanka's armies had made so much progress against Hinnom. Hinnom is down to 9 provinces, and about half of those are in TC's old hunting grounds.

There haven't been any takers to Fakeymcfake's request for a Lanka sub:


hunt11, was this just a one turn stale? Or has Hinnom thrown in the towel versus Lanka?

And what to do about Lanka?

JimMorrison March 1st, 2009 08:47 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
The whole situation is getting a bit sticky. Large(ish) players disappearing late in the game can be really rough to find subs for, and really annoying to set to AI.

If Niefel didn't have so much strength left, I'd be happy to sub in for Lanka, but we need to find some other nut who just wants to have some fun, with very slim chances of actual victory.

Quitti March 2nd, 2009 03:26 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Still no luck in getting a sub for Lanka? I might be interested in coming to cause some more mayhem in the fray ;)

Fakeymcfake March 2nd, 2009 04:29 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Do so with my blessing Quitti, as I recall I might not have had the best of set ups but I certainly had the capacity and resources to cause a good deal of damage if I needed to.

vfb March 2nd, 2009 05:07 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Sounds good to me. Unless Juffos objects, Quitti, can you please PM me your email address. I'll change Lanka's address on llamaserver to get the turns sent to you.

I already added a couple days to the timer. Hopefully we'll hear from hunt11 soon.

Quitti March 2nd, 2009 09:24 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Allright, since it seems I'll be taking up the role as Lanka, is there any naps/wars/stuff I should know about, with the exception of the current Hinnom-situation?

Juffos March 2nd, 2009 09:32 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
It would be a shame for such a nation to be passed to an AI. I do not object.

Fakeymcfake March 2nd, 2009 03:06 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Since they're not really a secret I'll just post them here as I remember them. I know I had a 4 turn NAP with Agartha, same with R'lyeh (though vfb will be able to confirm that with you). I can't remember exactly what the peace terms were with Nief, you'd have to ask Jim for details, but I do remember it there being something.

Anyhow, good luck. I hope you're able to work up some good mischief with what I've left you with.

Quitti March 2nd, 2009 04:37 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Don't worry, I'll come up with something :)

Executor March 2nd, 2009 05:25 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Great, so Quiti got all the gems I sent...

Quitti March 3rd, 2009 02:07 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I was wondering why there was so many of them... But fear not. I will use them to destroy the world.

vfb March 10th, 2009 05:39 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Oh no, now Agartha has cast Arcane Nexus. I think I liked it better when AC was up.

R'lyeh urges Lanka and Nief to attack the evil Agarthans now! The Hinnom AI has decided it does not like R'lyeh, so I don't expect much help from them.

Quitti March 10th, 2009 10:58 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Lanka is still slightly occupied with the remnants of Hinnom...

vfb March 13th, 2009 08:20 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
R'lyeh hopes everyone has spies in Sauro's cap, so that instead of being just a total and complete disaster, it will have been an entertaining total and complete disaster. Entertaining for the spies, that is.

Here's what the sneaky AI did:

First, it lulled me into a false sense of security by doing crazy stuff like kitting out commanders with hammers and clams and double blood stones, and sending them to their death.

Then, it vacates the capitol, sending its armies out to take back useless provinces, instead of securing the gates. Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! If I invade now, I could take the capitol, and those damn vampires won't have anywhere to come back to! Muuu ha ha ha ha ha! I thought. :(

So, land on the capitol, have to leave a couple muttering tartarians behind, oh well, no time to waste! And bingo! Walls ripped down the very same month. Time to invade!

Everyone's all set to storm, just a couple straggler Sauromatian armies in the neighboring provinces, nothing to worry about right? Where did all the vampires go? Bah, Agartha must have killed them or somethin'.

And ... BAM! Sauromatia flies its 60 Vampire Lords back to the capitol with accompanying vampire chaff army, and fights my army before it storms the castle. It's a frikking Disintegration machine gun. 'Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff' Only, not to worry ... I've got Antimagic up, so I lose my iron dragons, and a couple of Abominations, but almost all my SCs survive, and demolish the vampire army.

Except ... the buggers instantly resurrect inside the castle walls, and I only had ONE pearl on my Antimagic caster, and this time it's 'Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff Pff' again but I've got no more chaff and my MR bites and ARGH! All the vampires are just fine, sitting in the castle, the few stragglers of my army that survived are scattered about, and I'm not even back to square one, I'm at like, square minus nine hundred and fifty.

Curse you, evil AI! Curse you, Executor, and your vampire hordes! :)

Agartha, please stop mucking about with your Chalice-stealing, and just come kill me now.

-- R'lyeh

Executor March 13th, 2009 11:37 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Told ya, my legacy will endure!!! :)
Imagine what It'd be like if Quitti didn't start casting Armageddon and killed my blood income, terrifying right?

chrispedersen March 13th, 2009 12:13 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 679704)
Curse you, evil AI! Curse you, Executor, and your vampire hordes! :)
-- R'lyeh

I don't know about spies, vfb.. but I laughed my a** off - well told.

Quitti March 13th, 2009 08:43 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
What, armageddons? Where?

So, did anyone take the advice to visit north? The Calderas seem a bit hotter these days, having been pumped full of liquid iron, or something. I guess it was those big earthquakes a few years ago.

Anyway, as Lanka I see what it did for the blood income. Ouch. Oh and I wish I would've had a spy there to see the disintegrate-chaingun in action.

vfb March 13th, 2009 09:55 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Hot? It's the middle of the snowy season, Illwinter is upon the lands, and the seas have frozen over!

Where are these calderas you speak of? Please be more specific than just 'north'. :)

JimMorrison March 14th, 2009 05:51 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Guh..... So Sauromatia retains their capital? Niefel is done for then. We don't have the stamina left to endure the thousands of vampires who can happily trounce over the half of our empire that is solidly Sauromatian Dominion, with no way for us to repel it.....

vfb March 22nd, 2009 11:25 AM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Whoops ... I wasn't watching the clock on this game, and the new turn is due soon.

Since no-one else has their turns in either, I've postponed hosting by 24 hrs.

vfb March 31st, 2009 09:04 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 683212)
Haha, well not really, while you're dealing with at least several hundred vampires and a horde of vampire lords, I'm only fighting a couple here, but how goes the fight by the way?

I've got a single white candle on Sauromatia's capitol -- hopefully that prevents the vampires from resurrecting. Agartha is not killing me yet, he just keeps wishing for the chalice. Better than wishing for more Armageddons, I suppose.

R'lyeh hasn't really recovered emotionally from the crushing defeat we experienced the first time we stormed the Sauro cap. So we're milling about aimlessly, all depressed and just waiting for the Agarthan invasion.

Quitti April 2nd, 2009 12:16 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Waiting for the invasion? Fools! You must invade them first!

By the way, Kevätkukkanen wanders the land again, this time as a Tartarian Cyclops. While he has severly diminished in power, and quite mad, he should still be a formidable foe...

vfb April 4th, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Unless either Lanka or Nief would like to keep playing:

R'lyeh and Agartha have agreed that this game is not very exciting any more, and so we can have actual fun in some other games, we'd like to declare that this game ends in a stalemate.

Any objections?

Executor April 4th, 2009 07:13 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started

I demand somebody storms my capital again, the last story was so interesting...

Quitti April 4th, 2009 07:26 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
Heh, while the game has been interesting as Lanka, I've noticed the lack of any good action - I've been stomping down the rest of Hinnoms pathetic army with my demons and tartarians, and while it has been entertaining enough, I know that I can't really reach up for victory.

So no objection here.

JimMorrison April 4th, 2009 08:50 PM

Re: World in Crisis - Started
I would cry tears of joy if this game ended, I don't care how. :p

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