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-   -   Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40824)

lwarmonger December 18th, 2008 11:25 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Seriously though, I can play through, however come the end of January I'm gonna have to start looking for a sub, because we're going down to NTC for all of February and half of March.

Illuminated One December 19th, 2008 02:33 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Out of game:

Well, if everyone is going to be here I can also look for a sub.
Although it would hurt to give the game away at this moment. :(

In game:

ULM!!!!!!!! :soap:


Mithras December 21st, 2008 01:59 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I have access to a computer over the holidays, but don't mind if we take a break.

Klepto December 21st, 2008 02:06 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I'll be here over the festive season, so no need to take a break on my account. Merry Christmas everyone, it's been snowing in Ermor for some time now :)

Illuminated One December 23rd, 2008 08:52 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well, I'm coming back earlier, and maybe I'll find a computer to play the turn from.
I assume nobody else needs a break so I'm leaving hosting as it is.

And merry Christmas everyone!

lwarmonger December 30th, 2008 08:33 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Sauromatia denys the allegations that it is responsible for an earthquake or two in Marverni's northern realms. Aside from a dearth of earth Gems (Sauromatia is in no way an earth nation unless it breaks into the blood stone business, and I haven't yet), it also doesn't make sense to attack such a limited portion of the Marverni empire with such an ineffective spell... especially before I completely finish off Agartha and Abysia. Why risk a war while I am still distracted? Some other nation has launched such an attack on Marverni hoping that Sauromatia will get the blame. The Witch Kings hope that Marverni's Druids see reason before it is too late.

Illuminated One January 2nd, 2009 04:10 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
It were three or four IIRC.
All in the same province where I was building up my dominion. I checked the manual, though, and it seems there is no spell that causes earthquakes from afar, so it must have been coincidence. :shock:

That said ... all propaganda aside, Marverni just wants to fight and we are considering you the right target.

Tifone January 2nd, 2009 04:53 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Go Go Go Marverni!!! :D

Mithras January 2nd, 2009 05:06 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I agree with Tifone's sentiments.
Note to self check that what I claim my new enemy is doing to me is actually possible :D

lwarmonger January 4th, 2009 04:24 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Of course my preparations for war are not helped by me doing my turn completely and then not sending it in so I stale... :(

And Agartha is still alive! As is Abysia. One major fortress each, with a lot of summons inside (who can see in the dark, sadly).

The world situation as I see it.

Ulm and Mictlan: These two nations are fighting for supremecy for the western half of the North. Ulm seems to have more manpower and large numbers of mages, but Mictlan has the supercombatant and thug thing down cold. From the looks of things these two nations are currently quite evenly matched.

Marverni: Having cast Arcane Nexus, this nation is set to become even stronger than it already is. Large numbers of "Gift of Heaven" spamming communions control large swaths of territory in the South, and they hold one three province bridgehead in the north (which they purchased with a non-aggression pact 3 and 1500 gold... incidently which they have honored) from which it seems they plan to launch an offensive into Sauromatia.

Niefelheim and Ermor: These nations are locked in a fight to the finish in the South, it looks like Niefelheim has the upper hand. Niefelheim also seems to be closely allied to Marverni... how they plan to beat Marverni with Arcane Nexus bolstering Marverni's forces I have no idea, but I think that for the moment they are just glad they aren't on the target list.

Sauromatia, Agartha and Abysia: Agartha and Abysia are currently down to a couple minor provinces and their capital (in Abysia's case besieged, in Agartha's case not) and are both AI. After they went AI I (controlling Sauromatia) began focusing on internal development, and as a result they were not finished as quickly as they could have been. Sauromatia is quite wealthy (thanks to good scales) with many mages and strong in almost every path of magic. Large forces of cavalry and archers stand by to meet the enemies of the Witch Kings. Whether that will be enough to meet the druids' of Marverni (especially backed by Arcane Nexus) remains to be seen. It is also worth noting that Sauromatia has yet to start a single aggressive war... truly peaceful cannibals who like to remain in their swamps with their plentiful virgins!

Note that I share only one small border with Marverni, and cannot reach the bulk of their empire. Sauromatia implores other nations to combine against the caster of Arcane Nexus before it is too late!

Illuminated One January 4th, 2009 09:50 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I'm glad you didn't drop out. :)
I was a bit worried that I'd have to fight AI again.
Sorry that I didn't extend the turn I came back only after hosting.

Some notes on the situation from my view:

Sauromatia controls a large part of the north undisputed - much more lands than Marverni. While they claim to be peaceful they are delving deeply into dark sorcery. They are amassing Heliophagi probably also Tartarians.
Who can name all the horrors they will unleash upon the world once they have finished Agartha and Abysia?
We only hope to cleanse the world through the light of the northern star. And we must act now before the Agarthans and Abysians go extinct.
Of course it's about saving the virgins, too!

(Damn now I did the propaganda after all... :D )

lwarmonger January 4th, 2009 06:39 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
LOL! Says the caster of Arcane Nexus! Every gem I expend to make myself more powerful, you get a piece of. If this were simply a battle of gold I would probably win, but since we are entering the late game it is a battle of magic, and I doubt I can scrape the gems together to dispel your arcane nexus and not have it come back!

And my "virgins" (we won't tell anyone) don't need saving. They are perfectly happy satisfying the needs of the Witch Kings!

Illuminated One January 19th, 2009 02:26 PM

Give up everyone ... ?
Marverni and Niefelheim are allied the druids see no reason why there can't be two gods (especially if one of them is a druid).
So the twin gods Theag and Nemausius are asking the other pretenders to cede the world to them. Their battle is futile. They are now giving the chance to stop the bloodshed and evade the eternal punishment that awaits them should they prolong it.

Well, I'm getting close to the exams and will soon have too little time to continue this game. Taking a turn takes me more than 6 hours.

So I wanted to ask the other players if they want to continue this game or if they'd be willing to cede it.

Well, Marverni has Arcane Nexus as you all know and I should be able to get it back if it goes down or is taken over. I should be able to defend without it anyway. Against SCs I have Mind Hunt and Gifts of Heaven.
Against armies I have master enslave and I can take over undead as well.
Also I am at at least at level 4 in each path of magic and have researched to level 9 in every shool. I'm allied until the end with Mithras who confirmed that.
I don't think anyone stands a chance against us in the long run, but conquering everyone would take forever and I'd rather not start wishing for armageddon. Might of course be that I'm incorrect, but everyone seems to be more ravaged by the war than having an economy that can compete with AN and all the other stuff we have.

Please give me your opinion on this. If you decide to give up we could also keep the game running for a couple of turns just for fun so that everyone could try some of the things he didn't dare to do for real.

edit: If you read this please get the next turn in still, so that everyone gets my ingame message.

Mithras January 19th, 2009 02:45 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I'd just like to confirm that am allied to Illumintated One. Yes not the most moral of victories but I'd rather come a fairly safe second place than doom myself in a suicide attack in which I'm only nominally supported. Now I've thrown my lot in there doesn't seem much point changing my mind.

Tifone January 19th, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Damn, I really like you guys so it's hard for me to tell ya... :o

For this game you should decide *one* winner. He is *the* Principe, who outsmarted all his opponents and with force, influence, intelligence and true or cheating negotiates unified the land - as Machiavelli intended the true prince would have done with Italy... :)

I'd be glad if there is *one* Prince. It's ok for the others to remain alive and free, but all of the others must recognize his primate and his victory over them (i.e. Sauro or Ermor or Ulm might have some trump card they can't wait to play... this game was all directed towards the late-game so it could totally be a possibility)

Sorry if it might sound annoying... I just want to see the winner of the game :D I also need it for the theme of the new game!

To compensate this I promise the sequel will allow a full alliance victory - the theme I have in mind will totally support this idea ;)

(BTW if someone of you veterans is interested in the sequel you can start writing your preferences! The experience caps don't count for you! :cool: )

lwarmonger January 19th, 2009 06:48 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Sorry, but there can be only one, and while I'm not sure whether I can triumph against Marverni I know I could beat Niefelheim. As far as I can tell Mictlan and Sauromatia are the only two nations who have much blood at all, and while the game seems to be leaning towards the Marverni/Niefelheim axis it isn't there yet.

Illuminated One January 19th, 2009 08:44 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Et tu Brute!

Well, now I've painted a big bullseye upon my back. :D
Ok, I must blame it on myself I understood the thing about alliances wrong.
Well, I'm sorry Mithras this wasn't intended but this makes our alliance rather pointless in the long run. :(

Hmm, ok, I'll still play the next two or three turns but if the game isn't won by then I'd have to look for a sub. (Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!)

Klepto January 19th, 2009 08:46 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 668270)
Sauro or Ermor or Ulm might have some trump card they can't wait to play

I wish I did. I expect to be knocked out next turn, crushed by the ice giants. Very well played Mithras, you certainly seem to understand this game better than me :up:

Count me in for the sequel :)

Tifone January 20th, 2009 06:31 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Pointless alliance? Without that alliance you would have probably fought each other for years, becoming weaker for the joy of the others - not only that, you would not have created those nice stories (expecially Mithras' one of finding a reason for the god of the giants being a druid :D ). I think your alliance was maybe the most noticeable thing of the game... but well, of course you two will need in the end to decide who will be the Prince and who will... submit. (Unless you two are killed by someone else, of course :p)

What about the tricky Ulm? Don't we get the barbarians' opinion? They were kind of an early superpower, can't wait to know if they have some way to get the supremacy in the pocket...

Glad you'll be in Klepto! :cool: Do I reserve you the spot for Ermor? ;)

Illuminated One January 20th, 2009 09:43 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Yes, until now the alliance was good for both of us.
If it was allowed to hold I'm quite certain we had won. Mithras is quite strong himself and while I can of course only guess I think he is in a stronger position than lwarmonger.
But fighting together now until we are the last surviving players while everyone knows that there will be a point where he will be backstabbed. Everything set to the max was quite nice for the early game but I don't think it translates well into late game.
Noone can advance on every border and between evenly matched players I really seems to come down to the one player taking a couple of provinces and the other player taking a couple of provinces in an eternal stalemate. This is what I see between Mictlan and Ulm and what happens between Sauromatia and me.
If we start to fight now it will most likely screw Niefelheim, I see a chance to survive it and I'm not willing to risk him falling into my back when I'm in a bad position.
So I end the alliance now and keep the RoW, sorry Mithras this wasn't planned. It's bad for me too, but if the alliance can't hold it can't hold. :(

Mithras January 20th, 2009 11:16 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well I was about to say that I understood that they could only be one, and was willing to give IO first place so I could come in a nominal second... but oh well such is war :D

Oh and Klepto, well played, I expected to walk over you but you put up an interesting fight that put me on a backfoot more than once.

Ephraim January 20th, 2009 06:13 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!

What about the tricky Ulm? Don't we get the barbarians' opinion? They were kind of an early superpower, can't wait to know if they have some way to get the supremacy in the pocket...
*sigh* Unfortunately I have no tricks up my sleeve. Slayer's AI has really made a mess of me (nice job--I've learned much from getting slaughtered). When I started a war with him, I thought I had every advantage, but he has gained the upper hand in our little war.

On the whole, I feel like I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I'm hanging on vs Mictlan, not going down quickly but still going down. But I keep waiting for some other nation to come along and wipe me out.

I have no problem calling the game now--I definately don't have any sneaky tricks waiting.

BTW...sorry I haven't been on the forums much. School has kept me busy, and then my wife had a baby. So I've been fairly stretched. This game has been LOADS of fun though...I've learned a lot about dominions.

I'd like to play in the sequel...but I should think about my time situation. (I'll let tifone know soon if I really want in or not)

Thanks again to all!

Tifone January 20th, 2009 09:13 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Wow gratz for the baby, man!! My best wishes :)

Glad you had fun also, I really hope you'll be able to play in the sequel too, you crafty old devil :D let me know ;)

slayers_ai January 20th, 2009 09:38 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
ya, someone called me to come to forums and discuss, therefore i came...hahahaha:angel

anyway, actually i am quite busy in my real life and haven't really come to forums and discuss much. Ulm's doing great job while as we all know how bad it is in a late game and how strong the blood nations are in the late game. I've learn some stratgies and ideas from the ulm player too. Hope we all have fun and know more about the dominios3 after all.

I wont mind call for the end of the game since I dont think I am able to. With the GE that Marverni have, I'll vote them as the winner nation if we want to choose a winner now. :D


lwarmonger January 21st, 2009 01:03 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Lol... not a chance. Sauromatia still sees the opportunity to win and has no desire to give that up!

Illuminated One January 21st, 2009 08:51 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
In how many turns do you expect to play your hidden trump card?

Mithras January 21st, 2009 11:23 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well its time for the other complete reversal. I've decided that getting slaughtered will be much more fun than just plain giving up. And so I vote we go on.

Illuminated One January 21st, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Ok, in that case I have to give this to a sub.

Tifone January 21st, 2009 01:00 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
IO what about making the turns longer instead? So you could play a turn during multiple days... nobody is in a rush here, everybody can wait for you :) It would be a pity if the most likely to win now, drops the game... :o

Illuminated One January 21st, 2009 01:11 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well, if everyone is ok with it, we could do that.
But I have a lot of work now, and it is an distraction. So it should be five days hosting interval or so, really.

Mithras January 21st, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I'm fine with that.

Tifone January 21st, 2009 02:07 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I see nothing strange with that, it was supposed to be a late-game oriented game from the beginning and everybody knows that late game turns are a bit cumbersome ;)

lwarmonger January 21st, 2009 11:53 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I really don't see why Marverni is so confident... I would say you are marginally ahead of me or Niefelheim, but certainly not at the point where we couldn't win (and that is without a trump card). You aren't able to hold conquered territory and I haven't even committed the bulk of my researching mages (who are reasonably competent battle mages), tartarians, immortal death summons, thugs (who are also still researching)or blood supercombatants. Call these a trump card or not, quantity has a quality all its own, and Niefelheim has no small amount of territory to attack from either.

This all being said, 5 days is acceptable, although with that long of a hosting interval I will have to find a sub or ask for a month long hiatus starting from 7 February to 10 March (work is sending me to where there is no internet).

Illuminated One January 22nd, 2009 01:01 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Don't think I have commited my research mages. They just had a long holiday. :D

Still, I don't know if I can fight you and Niefelheim at once but I can try.

I'm fine with a break until March, I'd even be in favor of starting it now rather than trying to squeeze in the turns between learning. One or two hours per day doesn't sound to bad but it is bad for my concentration even if I don't play.

Illuminated One January 24th, 2009 11:25 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Ok, Ulm seems to be gone already, I'll send him a PM.
If he doesn't reply we'd have to look for a sub.

On the other hand I didn't play my turn myself and I'd be really glad for a time out.
So, is everyone ok with freezing the game now until mid-march?

lwarmonger January 24th, 2009 05:49 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!

Mithras January 24th, 2009 07:15 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
It wont do any harm.

Tifone February 21st, 2009 06:49 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!

I've received a mail from llamaserver:

"The game Principe appears to have been abandoned, since it has had no activity in 4 weeks. If it remains inactive it will be removed from the server in a further 4 weeks. If the game is indeed over, please ask your game admin to declare it finished. Otherwise, you can keep the game alive just by sending in a 2h file (even if it is just a 'revised' copy of one you have already sent in)."

If you're still interested in the game, and I hope you are :) it would be nice if someone could take care of it before the time limit. No need to hurry of course, there's still a month. :smirk:

Mithras February 21st, 2009 07:16 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I'm still interested and in a couple of weeks I'll resend the turn just to make sure. Hopefull llamaserver will be kind enough to remind me that I need to do so.

Illuminated One February 26th, 2009 02:30 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I've played my turn, so it shouldn't be any problem until lwarmonger returns.

Sorry for dropping out so suddenly btw, but I had underestimated the work I had.

In game: Did anyone receive a message that he feeble minded an astral mage?
The reason is one of my forgers (well, I'm pretty sure it was a forger) got feeble minded by a hostile mage, which strikes me as odd.

lwarmonger March 12th, 2009 12:36 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hello all, I'm back but having a little problem with my game. Perhaps continue it this weekend?

Illuminated One March 12th, 2009 03:34 AM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hosting interval is still one month so you can take your time.

To which interval should we swith afterwards? 96 hours?

Mithras March 27th, 2009 12:16 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Just bumping this because I'd quite like to get on with the game... are any of us still here?

Illuminated One March 28th, 2009 01:05 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hmm, sorry the game has hosted.
Ulm and Sauromatia staled.
I was sure I had delayed it and I didn't get a reminder email.
Should we roll back the turn?

Illuminated One April 28th, 2009 02:44 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well, should we get subs for Sauromatia and Ulm?

Mithras April 28th, 2009 04:01 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
I would very much like to continue. And they don't seem to have been on a while. So subbing's got my vote.

Illuminated One April 28th, 2009 04:36 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Hihi which is about the only one.

I feel a bit bad about subbing out lwarmonger though, as he's the main reason we continue.

Mithras April 28th, 2009 05:19 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well the last time he was on the forumns was the above post (march) about having some kind of problem. We've had months of break, even an old player coming back to the nations will be confronted with a rather alien situation, if you want we can give them more time, I've got time. I do want to finish this though, just because you think I'm not a credible threat doesn't mean I'm not one :D. Maybe we'll hear from Mictlan who still seems to be handing in his turns...

Illuminated One April 28th, 2009 06:31 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Oh, I do not think you're no thread.
In fact I'm really worried about you.
I've just got the superhero gene and like to attack what scares me. :D
Besides I have noticed a small buildup of forces on my borders and didn't want to take the risk...

Illuminated One May 15th, 2009 03:47 PM

Re: Principe - EA Machiavellian newbie game - Game started!
Well, no subs and I don't want to be committed to the game forever.
So I give up myself now.

Sorry for the mess, but I see no point in keeping it alive just for a hall of fame place.

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