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Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
As C'tis sallied forth to prevent the forces of Mictlan from conquering Machaka, we encountered brutal resistance. We have lost three tartarians now, at great expense of gems. And now the forces of Man have joined in the attack on Mictlan.
We suspected an alliance between Man and Mictlan when we saw both were attacking Machaka. That alliance is now confirmed, and it is as great a threat to the free South as the vast empire of Jotun is to a free North. Any nations not under the yoke of the combined rule of Man and Mictlan would be most wise to take up arms against their alliance now, for otherwise your god will be next to be banished to oblivion as your provinces are overrun. -- C'tis |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Er, check your PM... :)
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The ambassadors of Man have crafted a somewhat plausible explanation of their incursion into the lands of C'tis, if one is willing to pave the way towards suspension of hostilities with a little suspension of disbelief.
So it seems it may be Mictlan alone we must fear, with his Horrors visiting the countryside, and super-squads of super-summons. He is a wily foe, and we salute his skill in dispatching our teleporting assassination squad with his own teleporting counter teleporting assassination squad assassination squad. Now ... teleporting counter teleporting counter teleporting assassination squad assassination squad assassination squad ... teleport! -- C'tis |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Do not listen to evil lizards. It's surprising that they have actually noticed the loss of 3 tartarians, cause they have much more, while we don't even have a single crippled baby tartarian. They wear Boots of Planes as sneakers and use Gate Stone as a paper press, while we don't have a single artefact. Holy mirror, we don't even have another ready teleporting squad to assassinate their teleporting counter teleporting counter teleporting assassination squad assassination squad assassination squad!
We were a very peaceful nation until we spotted a horde of evil insanely blessed spiders at our borders, which had just destroyed powerful Ermor with no casualties. We had to protect our lands, and we managed to defeat evil Machakan armies at the great cost, but lizards didn't gave us time even to replenish resourses. They are much more powerful, but they vilely attacked us at the daytime without notification, slaughtered our beautiful unsuspecting Air Queen (she was just trying to bring fertile rain!), raped, killed and ate thousands of innocent peasants. Support Mictlan - we offer vamp... immortality for nobles and fertile lands for sla... peasants, while lizards can offer you only insane rotting corpses! (our stock symbol SMMI) http://www.picamatic.com/show/2009/0...89_400x610.jpg |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I trace all ills in the world back to Marignon skimming 2 nice grasslands from Atlantis, causing a massive dip in disposable income just as we entered war with Agartha. Otherwise, you'd all be practicing your 'blurbs' and 'glubs' to prepare for your new national language. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Please accept my apologies for committing a serious Admin violation: I granted myself 1 extra hour on the game timer. I certainly don't intend to do it again, but I've been entertaining guests for the past 5 days, and just dropped them off at the airport this morning. Plus I had to execute a massive sneak attack against C'tis, which was doubly time consuming, since I accidentally attacked him last turn ;) Cheers, cleveland |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The nation of Man is proud to announce that The Flailing Hands, a Death-boosting 2-handed artifact, is now up for grabs! Help yourself, and good luck!
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Nooo! Cruel men hurts us. Nasty Man, they has tricksed us!
-- C'tis |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
C'tis has discovered the reason for Man's tricksiness. We sees they have our Precious, and we knows the Precious makes us bad sometimes.
While Man holds our Precious, be careful in your dealings with them. For instances, if tricksy Men says they will attacks Mictlan next month, do not tell them where your armies are heading. A nasty Cyclops will be there waiting for them, and he will drop a Rain of Stoneses on their heads. Ouch! -- C'tis |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
In honor of Valentine's Day, I formally request a 24hr extension to the game timer.
[In other words, if I don't stop playing this turn right now and take my wife on a romantic night out, she's going to throw my laptop into the fireplace.] Are there any objections? Sorry, cleveland |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I cant really finish my turn anyway, so this is a blessing for me as well. Being married is like that. Have fun all.
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I have bad news: unfortunately, rabelais, feared Lord of Jotunheim, can no longer continue the game, and has asked me to find a sub for him. Frankly, we owe him a debt of gratitude for sticking around this long, given his new baby and the awesome size of his empire. He's played a great game and will be missed. I'm advertising for a sub immediately. The game will be postponed until one is found and he/she can get a handle on the Jotun Monster. Cheers, cleveland |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Why did he have to crush my skull before leaving? :p
I want my skull back. :( <3 Rabe |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Duncanshriek - a former ComfortZone player whose nation is now ai - has volunteered to take jotun. Any objections ?
I'm traveling all day so talk amongst yourselves. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
No objections here. Not that C'tis has high hopes for global supremacy at this particular moment.
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Go for it. I will send him a note. detailing what has gone before. thanks all.
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Well then let's all re-welcome duncanshriek as the new Jotun overlord by swarming him. :D
ds - You should now have the turn in your email. Good luck! |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Thanks. I knew, everybody was thinking of swarming the Noob. ;-)
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Jotuns turn was ready 24h ago. So what are we waiting for? :/
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The leader of Man apologizes, as he's spent the last 3 days moving across the country, and prepping for a new job he starts tomorrow.
I should be able to do it tonight. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
How about machaka? He staled last turn, and is very likely to have disappeared since there is not much left for him.
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I've asked the venerable SanSanJuan to flip Machaka AI.
As for me, I'm having a terrible time putting a decent turn together. Thank Caelum's mammoth herd for the delay! Very nearly done, though, thanks for your patience. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I've told you well in advance I would recruit those critters with tusks. I fail to see how blaming our national pet due to your chancellor's senile memory makes this our fault. Don't forget to mention to Mictlan that I am attacking him, with your approval and support while you're at it. :( |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The chancellor has many things on his mind, including the implications of the "Preventing Harassment Training" he received today as part of New Job Orientation.
Well, if those beasts are benign, I suppose my pathetic efforts to counter them are no longer necessary. Apologies to the esteemed Caelum diplomat. :D |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Sorry about that. Meant to set things to AI last turn, but I must have forgotten to actually send it in, so go ahead and switch it over. It's been fun, and I thought my spiders had a chance for a while, but I can't take on that many people at once. Thanks for the game, everyone.
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
1) A big Thank You to SanSanJuan for flipping Machaka AI!
2) Caelum has predictably attacked Man. In other words, Caelum has decided that MAN is a bigger threat than MICTLAN. I take great personal satisfaction in this fact. :D No, but seriously...huh? Really? You haven't noticed all those demons? *sigh* :re: |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
No sighing allowed! And no eyeball-rolling either.
A nation can pose a threat because it has grown powerful, agreed. But a nation also poses a threat when it cannot be trusted. The threat posed by a Man, who sneaks his armies into the lands of those he pretends to ally with, is far more immediate. Man cannot be trusted, as the nation of C'tis can attest. DEATH TO MAN! |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
*sigh* :re:
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Huh, demons? We don't have any demons. Actually our first demon summoner will arrive only the next turn.
And we are very disappointed with a new jotun enchantment. We can't pool any pearls to dispel it, but we can offer D/F/W as our share. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
In all honesty. I'd much prefer you would all roll over and simply accept the grand council of Caelum as the only legitimate authority in all matters.
Caelum's scribes have postulated that perhaps the nation of Man made a small tactical mistake in attacking C'tis and allowing Mictlan free access to what once was Machaka. Given that C'tis was actually attacking Mictlan and not Man. It gets very confusing when so many nations have the same first letter. :re: The current hot topic of debate is whether Mictlan will not take advantage of the current dire situation that Man faces - being at war on two fronts. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Rabelais wrote, that Mictlan owes Jotunheim a forging favor. I assume we can not count an that any longer? ;-) |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Dominion doesn't do any good against Illwinter. The entire world will be shrouded in 3Cold within a matter of a handful of turns. <3
Honestly, I think it was the perfect move as well, with the forces of the world already arraying against the Jotun, it was the most cost effective way to help themselves out, while hurting everyone else in existence. Bravo. :up: |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh crap. Mass Protection < Rain of Stones. :hurt: What, do you want me to make armor for all my mages or something? I'm not made out of gems, you know!
-- C'tis |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
And stop harassing that poor vampire, you sadist! We can't watch him dying every turn without tears, sell him to us, we will give him a rehabilitation course and a good job in logistics. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Okay, but you have to get Man to agree to send his Cyclops in and not his army. :)
I'm not sure you really want my vampire, he's not been feeling very well lately. I'm hoping he'll get better soon though. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Dear Winged Sir or Madam,
The Caelum Department of War regrets to inform you that your son, while serving his country and noblely commanding our brave-yet-subpar troops, has been killed in action. Actually, he died retreating, with his tail between his wings. But you don't have to tell anyone that if you don't want to. Sincerely, Flyteofaccordian Decide-er of Caelum -------------------- Caelum minister, As a gesture of good will, the scribes of Man have prepared the above form letter to help ease your transition into the next turn. Simply run off a few dozen copies, no need to thank us. Cheers, Man ----------------- OK enough fun. We seem to have a problem in that R'lyeh has apparently staled twice in a row. And has disappeared from the other games he's in. Jeez, I hope he's alright. Regardless, I have no idea how competitive R'lyeh is...they certainly seem to be viable in the score graphs. Should we find a replacement or set him AI? Consensus? Cheers, cleveland |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
He hasn't been doing his turns? I didn't realize. I'll kick him in the *** and see what happens - obstinate fellow, that one. :p
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh no. R'lyeh has borders with us mainly, and we can't afford anti-AI PD having zero gold income (thank you, jotuns!). R'lyeh has lots of forts and vastnesses, so it's quite playable.
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I'm not sure why this bears need for further discussion. :p
I have already stated - I can contact him through the mysterious outside world known as "Earth", or as you may know it, "Real Life", and will find out what the next step needs to be. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Yeah, MA R'lyeh is tons of fun. I don't think we'll have a problem finding a sub.
PS: Man, would you please quit goofing around with those birds, and get your armies back into C'tis where they are supposed to be polishing us lizards off. You had a less than stellar performance this month. Edit: Jim, did not know you could contact R'lyeh's ruler via the Earthrial Plane! So if you can get him back in the game, good, otherwise finding a sub should not be hard. |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
48 hrs added, sub announcement for R'lyeh posted.
Lizardmen: ***We are experiencing unusually high golem volume at the current time. Please stand by, and an annihilation specialist will be with you shortly...[message repeats]*** |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
He has returned to Atlantis the items that we had sent to R'lyeh as part of a plan that he apparently then immediately abandoned. :p
He has then set the nation to AI, as it really is rather hopeless in the scope of what is currently occurring on the land around them. Believe me when I say, I have rather intimate knowledge of what R'lyeh has, and their near term capabilities - and it is no way impressive or competitive with any of the "strong" nations in the game now. Atlantis is almost as bad off at this point, but I swore that if Jotun attacked us, we would bring vengeance until a true god ascends, or we are totally annihilated - and I am a man of my word. :p |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Just for the record, jotun was attacking AGARTHA, you just got all snippy that I was cutting in to your vision of greater atlantis.
Good luck exacting revenge on my successor, even though you likely killed my water force with the stale, I had forged enough sea goblets that an invasion wasn't out of the question. Go go gadget demons! The funny thing is I had played thew diplo game very carefully, so I never had more than 1 or occasionally 2 wars at once, and the turn after I leave... illwinter with extra bloodslaves :) . Great stuff! |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Let it be known that Mismeasure of Man died comfortably in his sleep.
:rip: Killed by a nightmare. Not actually killed, mind you. He autorouted when the turn limit hit. During a Vengeance of the Dead. Which counts as an assassination spell. So he died. Because it was not mechanically possible to win the battle... :re: |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
The Sauromancers of C'tis are firm believers in the fairness of casting one successful VotD on enemy commanders. You must have known a VotD was coming after blasting away hordes of enemies with RoS.
If under these circumstances the god of Man sees fit to gear himself with a Frost Brand :re: and Vine Shield :re:, he deserves to sleep awhile. DEATH TO MAN! -- Your Friendly Neighborhood Lizards |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh, we certainly don't mean to belittle the Lizard's success. Not at all. Spending that much time in enemy territory was a calculated risk...he was going to succumb to a Mind Hunt or something eventually. Please accept our congratulations. :beer:
It's just so sad to watch your champion fall...if it had been a Mind Hunt, at least I wouldn't have had to see it in technicolor...:( |
Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
@duncanshriek: Told you it can work.
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