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-   -   Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42846)

chrispedersen July 30th, 2009 06:31 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Hey guys:

Illuminated has asked to take over Rylleh (it was his originally)
and even tho I'm having fun with the position, I think its only fair.

However, I haven't heard from him in 2 days, or so. Can we get a delay to allow him to take over the position/ hear from him?

Alpine Joe July 30th, 2009 08:00 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 703691)
Hey guys:

Illuminated has asked to take over Rylleh (it was his originally)
and even tho I'm having fun with the position, I think its only fair.

However, I haven't heard from him in 2 days, or so. Can we get a delay to allow him to take over the position/ hear from him?

I am all for a delay, as this is a pretty significant turn and I could use the extra time to think over my next move anyway.

Thanks for subbing Chris, having rlyeh go AI would have really messed up the game.

Illuminated One July 30th, 2009 08:14 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
As chrisperdersen says.
I don't have the turn file so it's impossible to get the next turn in and I'd need some time to familiarize with the nation again I guess.

Fakeymcfake July 30th, 2009 10:51 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Alright I'm going on vacation tomorrow for 5 days, before then I'll switch the email for R'lyeh, providing Illuminated One sends me his email in time, and delay the game so that I don't end up missing turns.

Ill, I'll check back here later today, but if you're email isn't here you'll have to wait until next tuesday or wednesday.

chrispedersen July 30th, 2009 01:30 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!

Guys it staled!

Frozen Lama July 30th, 2009 06:47 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Mari- wow, that battle was a huge nail-biter for me. those angels are freaking scary looking. never fought them in such numbers before lol.

Fakeymcfake July 31st, 2009 01:05 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Yeah I severely underestimated your giants there. Thankfully I have two other armies to correct my mistake with. Also, good use of that healing spell.

Anyhow I'm putting the long delay on the game now, sorry about your stall Chris but I've not been sent a new email address so I thought you were continuing. In anycase I won't be able to switch it over if Illuminated One wants to take over again until at least tuesday.

chrispedersen July 31st, 2009 02:31 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
but I *asked* for a delay so illuminated could send in the email addy.

Fakeymcfake July 31st, 2009 09:53 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Sorry I had thought you meant this one. Anyhow, one stale certainly won't be R'lyeh's undoing and he'll have about 5 days to get it to you now. If he doesn't by then it's a fair shake that he's not going to.

Illuminated One July 31st, 2009 01:52 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Well, R'lyeh will survive the one stale.
However given that there is a 5 days delay already, I can hopefully get my email set and a day to send in the next.
I'll try to get the turn file from chrispedersen and have it played by then, and send it in a soon as I get the confirmation from llamaserver.

Frozen Lama August 9th, 2009 09:09 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
WAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!! Utgard hungers for blood! meet us in battle Mari, let us test the mettle of your army!

Fakeymcfake August 10th, 2009 11:51 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
The clash of arms and the ring of steel upon steel is but the last phase of a proper war. You must learn to appreciate the subtleties of combat and know that a war is won far before the armies even catch sight of one another.

Frozen Lama August 11th, 2009 12:12 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Spoken like a filthy human whimp!

Utgard will crush you beneath our claws! The Waaaagh is inexorable, you will fall!

Fakeymcfake August 11th, 2009 12:19 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Sigh, I could not expect a savage such as yourself to understand. Strange that beings so large would have brains so small.

Illuminated One August 11th, 2009 01:50 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
"War is the business of barbarians.", Anonymous R'lyeh cultist

"Love thy enemy", another anonymous R'lyeh cultist

Fakeymcfake August 11th, 2009 08:26 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Yes but I've also been told by the R'lyeh cultists that chimpmunks are harbingers of the end-times. Instead they are only harbingers of a dug up garden.

Frozen Lama August 11th, 2009 11:21 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
just some advanced warning:

I will be out of town thursday the 13th and friday the 14th, and pretty busy saturday. i should be able to send a turn thursday morning, and Maybe saturday, but if you could just watch and make sure i don't stale, or just add a few hours that would be great.

Fakeymcfake August 12th, 2009 12:00 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
That works out for me as it looks like I'll be doing some urban camping over the weekend (which if you're unclear is setting up a tent in someone's backyard and doing all the usual camping stuff, such as drinking and bbq) so I was going to let everyone know I might delay the weekend turn by a number of hours.

Frozen Lama August 12th, 2009 04:52 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Own a house in Kokytos? Want to sell it fast!

Now's a great time to sell a house in the Kokytos region, due to a sudden surge in immigration. Angels and Tartarians are flocking to the region looking for homes. Contact you local Kokytos real estate agent for details!

Fakeymcfake August 12th, 2009 11:16 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
I don't know, I think your Skratti could use a vacation, somewhere warm and dry. You know, I hear the Inferno is also quite nice this season, granted they might have to do something about that fur...

Fakeymcfake August 14th, 2009 11:52 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
delayed game slighty so P3D could get his turn in.

Illuminated One August 14th, 2009 03:31 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
What a turn...
My airqueen dies in an untested attack, my Eater of the Dead betrays me and a thug disappear for unknown reasons (bugs? R'lyeh special features?).

Illuminated One August 15th, 2009 11:50 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Could you please delay the game for a couple of hours?
I should be able to get the turn in before 8:00 GMT on Monday.

Fakeymcfake August 17th, 2009 12:13 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Once this turn hosts I'll have to delay the game again so that we Frozen Lama can get his turn in. Shouldn't be more than an extra 24-30 hours.

Illuminated One August 20th, 2009 09:48 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
R'lyeh is selling skull mentors, anyone interested PM me.

Fakeymcfake August 21st, 2009 11:40 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
A glorious victory over the ravening hordes of sub-human Utgard giants! Though faced with what seemed to be overwhelming numbers (relatively speaking) including a massive amount of their beastial wolfmen the superior might and magic of Marignon's mages and warriors prevailed and slaughtered the Utgard force to nearly a man!

May this be the start of many such victories over the so called unstoppable forces of the giants!

Really though, I tried a lot of things I hadn't before in that battle, and holy crap it performed way better than I thought it would. Did you see what happened on the bottom flank? I had crossbowmen, bloody atk 8 def 8 crossbowmen tearing up your giants. Meanwhile other things that I usually relied upon ended up being a big disappointment, those angels for example.

I'm really going to have to reexamine how I use my resources after this one, either way that was one hell of an exciting fight.

Frozen Lama August 25th, 2009 10:46 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Ok, someone in this game has way to much time on their hands to do diplomacy. I can almost understand when i was running away with the game, and i got ganged up on, but really? now? i was fighting one of my most enjoyable wars ever in Dom3, a back and forth duel. and now... really? theirs no way i can fight off all three of you. this is certainly why most real players are more and more in favor of no diplo games.

Fakeymcfake August 25th, 2009 11:25 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Lama you've no idea how annoying that Illwinter is. Also, they smell blood in the water, and I won't say I'm above going after an easy meal if I can get it. Anyhow the war was fun, I was hoping that it would carry on a bit longer than it did but oh well. Of course they let me do all the heavy lifting first while they went after the AI Van.

Fakeymcfake August 26th, 2009 01:26 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Actually yeah, just so that everyone knows, there are certain spells that if cast are essentially like declaring war on everyone in game. Illwinter is one, Arcane Nexus is another, so is Forge of Ancients, Astral Corruption, Utterdark as well as most of the other global faction specific ones I haven't mentioned. Also to a lesser extent Wild Hunt and Ghost Ship Armada. Oh and wishing for earth breaking quakes constantly, that's a REALLY annoying one.

Cast any of the above only if you know you'll be able to fight off attacks from all corners, or if you just want to go down in a blaze of glory.

Point is Lama, we probably would have ganged up on you if you cast that in a no diplo game as well.

Alpine Joe August 26th, 2009 08:20 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Llama if you must know I'm going after you because Illwinter is driving me crazy. All my provinces are at C3 and as Heat preference nation this is tanking my income. Not to mention the giant attacks.

Kill off your illwinter caster and I would be content with peace.

Illuminated One August 26th, 2009 08:36 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Nah, the Illwinter is not very powerful. It's annoying but imo Gift of Health or Well of Misery or for that matter Maelstrom is more dangerous.

edit: Oh, it does make everything a frozen wasteland? Lol, we didn't even notice that, there's still to much live here for our liking.

Alpine Joe August 26th, 2009 09:10 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!

Originally Posted by Illuminated One (Post 707235)
Nah, the Illwinter is not very powerful. It's annoying but imo Gift of Health or Well of Misery or for that matter Maelstrom is more dangerous.

edit: Oh, it does make everything a frozen wasteland? Lol, we didn't even notice that, there's still to much live here for our liking.

Yeah, illwinter wouldn't hurt you too much, but those of us without freespawn and heat preference are finding the 40 percent income reduction a little hard to deal with :(

Frozen Lama August 26th, 2009 08:07 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
If i'd been attacked 10 turns or less after i put it up, i probably would have said "ok i deserved it," but when its 40 turns later, and most people are using summons/SC's instead of real armies, it's odd. This kind of thing happens, i know, and in a game with diplomacy, i guess everyone has to play the game, and you can't just enjoy fighting.

and as far as "blood in the water" goes- what? yeah, so they smelled the scent that if everyone attacks one guy, it will be easy? ok, that's dumb.

i realize that as much as i hate diplomacy, its part of the game, so mostly i'm just venting, nothing against you guys, but come on, this was really really gay.

illwinter is cast with the minimum slaves required, so if anyone is really annoyed by it, dispel it.

i won't quit, despite the pointlessness of continuing....

Fakeymcfake August 26th, 2009 09:31 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
It might not be the most exciting or sportsmanlike method of playing, but everyone dog piling one guy is a common feature. Hell it happens in no diplo games if people are wise enough to pay attention to the charts, or just have really good scouting.

And honestly, I'm just really starting to notice the effects of Illwinter now. Took some time for it to really drain the heat scales out of everything. And, if you noticed, I attacked you as soon as I had Jomon out of the way, that was because of Illwinter... and I didn't want you to get cofortable with your lands you just took from Pan.

Oh and the last thing, with the summons and SCs, that's what the end game is like unless you're using mods to stop the endgame from being like that. Tartartians, demons, golems, remote summons, that's how it works, or at least that's how the opening shots work. The armies come after you've taken over the provinces to crack the castles.

And if you think you're completely defeated, go out in a blaze of glory. I've done that in several games where I picked one target and threw everything I had at them kamikaze style so that even though I was defeated I had completely crippled the guy in question and he was a pushover for the next guy. Hell, one time I completely tore down every castle I had, pillaged every province and killed off well over half the population in my remaining holdings, plus a few of his, before the end so that the lands that were mine were a wasteland.

So just because you're on the outs doesn't mean you're not still a player. You might not be able to win yourself but you can still stop someone else from winning.

Frozen Lama August 26th, 2009 10:56 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Like i said diplomacy is a fact. the difference between in no diplo games is that they only gang people who are clearly leaders, this game has 5 amazingly equal powers, Utgard was running away with it 50 turns ago, but now, utgard was equal with everyone else. a little more money, a little less gems.

illwinter made every single province cold-3, even in Mictlan and Gath's heat scale lands, about 10-15 turns ago.

and with the SC's that's my point- the income hit isn't an excuse when mostly gold doesn't matter anymore.

and i plan to go out in a blaze of glory.

Fakeymcfake August 26th, 2009 11:12 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Good man, stick it to those jerks, me included. :D

Oh, and cash still counts. Properly buffed basic troops are nightmarish, that and more gold income means more mages per turn.

Illuminated One August 27th, 2009 08:23 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Well, I can really understand Frozen Lama.
There's a difference between a dogpile against an overly strong nation and one that materializes after a player had some big defeat. And if I'm not missing anything this was only the second real war in this game.
But it's only a game and it's allowed, so what.

This turn gives me really a lot to think about, so if the game could be delayed for 24h that would be great.

[QUOUTE=Alpine Joe]Yeah, illwinter wouldn't hurt you too much, but those of us without freespawn and heat preference are finding the 40 percent income reduction a little hard to deal with[/quote]

Hmm, for Mari I can understand that, but for you?
With your little income and upkeepless blood summons I'd prefer anything that reduces income.

Alpine Joe August 27th, 2009 09:38 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Like frozen_Llama said, this game has proceeded through many turns with 5 very equal powers (with utgard slightly more powerful). However in that situation, I am astonished that it comes as a surprise to anyone that any sign of weakness in one of the 5 balanced powers would result in a swarm of attacks. I don't see it as particularly smart planning to pick a fight with a nation as strong as you, or to let other strong nations pick apart a dying nation while you sit on the sidelines.

I agree, Llama, I also prefer no-diplomacy games. However in a no diplo game, a weak player is just as likely to get swarmed.

illuminated One: My blood summons may not cost upkeep, but my mages and troops still do. I spent 10 turns alchemizing to recruit cap only mages, and that is a direct result of Illwinter.

Fakeymcfake August 27th, 2009 12:47 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
I'm going to set the autohost on 100 hours for the next two turns. This is because I will be moving to my university on saturday and I might not be able to get online for a couple of days. With luck everything will be sorted by monday or tuesday.

Illuminated One August 28th, 2009 03:42 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
It doesn't surprise R'lyeh at all. It just proves our opinions about the sentient species on this planet on which unfortunately we are shipwrecked, which is sad.

RP aside sure on average (*) it's smarter to do as you say. But that's not a strategy. No bad feelings on you (except for the things I know you did last early fall) but it doesn't make a good game imo.

(*) There are exceptions.

Frozen Lama August 29th, 2009 08:23 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
can i have a 24h extension? i have some things to plan. i might get to it tonight, but i want to be safe. thanks

Illuminated One August 29th, 2009 11:53 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Woah, this game is really a mess.

R'lyeh will join the current war.
As we are not yet sure on which side, all nations that we have a NAP with should treat these as potentially terminating on turn 69 - anything I said via PM is additionally the case.

Before I send in the next turn I can tell you who specifically is affected.

Illuminated One August 31st, 2009 06:00 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
It's the NAP with Mictlan that's going to end.

Alpine Joe September 1st, 2009 09:27 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!

Originally Posted by Illuminated One (Post 707947)
It's the NAP with Mictlan that's going to end.

So am I correct in assuming turn 70 is our last turn of peace?

Illuminated One September 2nd, 2009 09:54 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
I will issue attack orders on 70, so my troops will arrive at turn 71.

Fakeymcfake September 2nd, 2009 05:35 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Alright finally got internet running again and I'll respond to whatever PMs sent shortly once I've time to review my situation. At the moment I'm dealing with a lot of school paperwork, including personal funding. So I should be able to have things sorted sometime on thrusday or friday.

Fakeymcfake September 7th, 2009 09:02 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
Oh, after this turn I'm going to set the hosting time back to something reasonable, probably 60 hours. That is unless anyone has any reservations or wishes a quicker or slower turn around than the one I mentioned.

Frozen Lama September 7th, 2009 10:51 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!

Utgard has returned! our Well of Misery is a symbol of our divinity! Bow before the giants.

Alpine Joe September 7th, 2009 10:55 PM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!

Originally Posted by Frozen Lama (Post 709276)

Utgard has returned! our Well of Misery is a symbol of our divinity! Bow before the giants.

Good show frozen Llama. I hadn't expected to lose that so soon. No matter, mictlan has plenty of pain to give out to both you and R'lyeh.

Alpine Joe September 12th, 2009 11:55 AM

Re: Noob LA Game: Cataclysm - And Begin!
And...it looks like I am in the same situation Utgard was a few turns ago. No matter, I will repel all invaders!!

Also.....How many clams do you have r'lyeh???

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