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-   -   Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=42853)

Baalz May 7th, 2009 11:30 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Yep, thanks DC.

Hadrian_II May 7th, 2009 12:19 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Kailasa is out.

It seems that Arga Dis is stronger than it looks (note to self, awaken sage pretenders do not always imply weakness). Also Lanka has Attacked me, and Vanheim moved also next to my capital.

Zeldor May 7th, 2009 02:21 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
If coobe just disappears [like he tends to do in every game], it will be really unbalancing - Oceania will get whole big lake without any effort.

I think that there was a big flaw in the creation of that game. Instead of having many available starts, it should have only the amount equal to starting nations. People are now getting owned without any chances to fight and others have plenty of room to expand.

Burnsaber May 7th, 2009 03:22 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 689748)
If coobe just disappears [like he tends to do in every game], it will be really unbalancing - Oceania will get whole big lake without any effort.

I've been waging war with R'lyeh for 3 turns now. Coobe managed to fend of my first assault 3 turns ago, but now second wave is striking. I had no idea that he's been staling all this time! I thought that he was cooking something vicious in that capital of his..

Egh. If we find a sub, I'll feel like an donkey-hole* for invading him immediately. If we don't, my victory will be shallow and undeserved.

*EDIT: Curse the god-damned profanity filter, curse it to hell!

Zeldor May 7th, 2009 03:30 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
In my test game R'lyeh had really good chances to beat Oceania. Atlantis had no chance with either. No matter what pretender choice was picked. Atlantis really really sucks in many areas and I don't think that Basalt Kings are an excuse for extremely crappy and expensive national troops. And uw nation without N mages? huh...

Lingchih May 8th, 2009 02:07 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Lamasus, in a short respite from battle, looked out upon her lands. Such an easy conquering it had been. And no serious foes in sight. Her neighbors had been awed by the sight of her, and wanted no part of fighting her. This was too easy, she thought. Surely there must still be a foe worthy of her. Perhaps she should attack one of the ancient powers bordering her kingdom.

But no, the Prophet is right. We should take all the lands allocated to us, and then choose our war. What war shall it be? She does not know.

--- and yes, she's a frakking Gorgon, what else could it be?---

Calahan May 8th, 2009 05:55 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I would like everyone to bid welcome and give thanks to 'slayers_ai' who has kindly volunteered to help us all out by taking over the staling R'yleh.

Thanks for subbing in 'slayers_ai', and I wish you the best of luck in becoming a true Legend of Faerun.

Agema May 8th, 2009 08:13 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
At the highest peak of the citadel in Caelum, the war minister heard the latest reports from the frontline.

"So, Tikyama, what news of the mammoth division?"
"The mammoth division has been performing excellently, eminence. Province after province have fallen to those few, woolly heroes of our nation's glory. The general has named the brave beasts in honour of their accomplishments."
"I see. And what names will we be inscribing upon the highest peaks as eternal memory of their glory?"
"Let me check the scrolls. Three have fallen, and three remain: they are Limpy I, Limpy II, and Limpy III..."
"Limpy? All three? Why? And why are their names so unimpressive?"
"Eminence, you must understand that throughout the supreme and magnificent service for the nation they could not expect to come away unscathed, and the Habab Seraph who leads them is known for lacking proper respect, like many of his black-winged sort."
"You mean, they all have limps?"

A short pause arose whilst the only sound was the distant moans of wind swirling throughout the peaks.

"Yes, your eminence."
"So, all mammoths of our heavy division have been afflicted with limps? Nothing else? Apart, of course, from facile and inappropriate names."
"One of the deceased, so named Pustule, caught a disease before the end."
"Pustule? Pustule and three Limpys? The god decreed their names are to be inscribed for eternity! Are you telling me future generations of our race looking back on the wonders of our achievements, bards singing our noble histories and endeavours, are going to be admiring that?"
"If I may say so, eminence, if I can try to explain, in the final battle, their limps were a great boon - the other three charged heroically into melee ahead whilst the Raptorians dithered, and died in the purest fire of heroic combat unsupported. Indeed, without those limps, we wouldn't have a mammoth division at all anymore. I think in recognition..."

slayers_ai May 10th, 2009 12:46 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
rly needs support! we are fighting against Oceania now. we have Gems for magic equipments or gold. PM me please!

Trumanator May 10th, 2009 06:35 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Does anyone else find it oddly funny that Ulm and Marverni are the current province leaders?

Zeldor May 10th, 2009 07:00 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Huh, some people here are trying to break deals or NAPs without even trying to put some storytelling. I hope that are just some misunderstandings and people got focused on sunny weekend and will explain everything.

Lingchih May 11th, 2009 12:04 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Many nations have approached mighty Lamasus, with offers of trade and alliance. With our homelands conquered, she did of course welcome these envoys, and listen to their pleas.

Lamasus had made no decisions yet, but she has sent return envoys to those nations. The original envoys, of course, were turned to stone when they accidentally looked at her. You guys should really put blindfolds on your envoys in the future.

Agema May 11th, 2009 06:15 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 690218)
Does anyone else find it oddly funny that Ulm and Marverni are the current province leaders?

It might not be that surprising if both took awake combat pretenders and so have been able to expand very quickly. After that, there is always chance with who your neighbours are, where they focus their expansion and whether they are rushed, which can often leave more indy provinces to snap up easily for even relatively weak nations.

Starshine_Monarch May 11th, 2009 08:21 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Starshine_Monarch (Post 689439)
Early as it is, I think I've been missing too many turns now. Sorry, but I guess I'll go AI.

I don't know how many people actually saw this, so I'm posting it again. Please don't PM me regarding diplomacy anymore as I'm not really there.

Calahan May 11th, 2009 03:49 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Think New Jomon might need to be set to AI since they have staled the last two turns, with another one looking like it's on the way in the next hour or so. They also seem to be bottom of every graph and going nowhere fast in general, so the chances of finding a sub for them at this stage are practically zero.

'Incabulos' is controlling them, and he/she is also currently staling in one other game that I know of (CarCrash). So it's a general AWOL thing and not just this game.

Executor May 11th, 2009 03:58 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
We're losing players damn fast here, that's what? 6 nation so far and it's only turn 14.

llamabeast May 11th, 2009 04:02 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I think it's Baalz's curse.

Baalz May 11th, 2009 04:20 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
*sigh* I beg. I plead. "Please don't join this game unless you can *at least* line up a sub if you can't play". I try my best to keep the flow going so nobody's got an excuse for losing interest. I think my next game is going to be by invite or first hand vouching only. :/ Hopefully the very helpful DC will be available to switch yet another player AI...

Baalz May 11th, 2009 04:46 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
[switching from annoyed admin voice to creepy demon voice]

The rebel Kalaisian monkeys have been dealt with. How they hid their impudence, scurrying up a mountain and finding some fey spirits there to quietly worship hoping that word of their escape would not reach the demon lords of Lanka. Foolish monkeys. The insects of the jungles give us millions of eyes and the mountain spirits are frail protection from my hunger. As soon as a clear location of this false capital was determined a warband was assembled. These foolish monkeys would have the freedom from Lanka rule they desired, but it would be the freedom of the grave. Or to be more precise the freedom of the scrap pit after the feast, for who would dig a grave for these lesser beings?

Descending on their enclave it became apparent that the foolish monkeys had already aroused the wrath of another nation, for Arga Dis also hungered for their blood. With a howl of rage the hoard of demons charged day and night untiringly to the Kalaisian sacred mountain lest discipline be administered by other hands. These rebel monkeys were mine and I would feast. Waves of undead made short work of the walls of their city, then waves of demons swarmed over the beleaguered defenders - overwhelming them quickly despite the frantic action of their wizards and the ensuing brutal barrage. The fury of the demon warband could not be slowed.

The great feast was quickly assembled as servants and children were dragged out and piled onto the still warm bodies of the fallen warriors and made to watch as they were eaten one at a time.

I suffer no desertion from my fold, let none forget this lesson.

Executor May 11th, 2009 05:07 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
-The House of Enoch-

Enoch, the King of the Fomorians, notable for his one eye which can kill anyone it looks upon. It is said that he gained this power as a child when watching his father's druids preparing poisonous spells, the fumes of which rose into his eye.
He is the ruler of the plagued and cursed lands where death resides now.
One legend tells it that Enoch, the Pernicious Eye, is fated to lift the curse that harrows the fomorian people ever since the Partholan invasion.
He would lead the people to distant shores, where they would reign for thousands of years.

And so it was prophesided in the book of Buarainech, the great King and sage of the old, the last untainted Fomorian potentate.

"And the Kings of the past, the guardians of the realm of watery dead, shall return to the dark and stormy ocean realm of the drowened dead and claim it as their own again. On this journey, the one named Enoch, the Pernicious Eye, shall deliver bliss to the unblessed, and lead them to distant shored where they would reign for another ten thousand years, before the plague and gale befalls them again as it is written in the stars."

WingedDog May 11th, 2009 10:58 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Abysia is seeking to buy astral pearls. We can offer fire, water gems or gold.

Frozen Lama May 12th, 2009 09:34 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I will be gone tomorrow thru Sunday.
since that would be a long delay, Trumanator will be subbing in for me. since nothing major is happening for me, this should be ok. just letting you guys know in case you need to PM him.

I know its normally not a good idea to have someone in the game sub for someone else in it, but he's my brother, and Niefelheim is located far from C'tis. if anyone is strongly against this, speak up. i hope you guys don't mind.

Baalz May 12th, 2009 09:51 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I don't have an objection, but be aware that playing more than one nation with the same key sometimes flags the anti-piracy logic so that neither turn is processed.

Frozen Lama May 12th, 2009 09:53 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 690606)
I don't have an objection, but be aware that playing more than one nation with the same key sometimes flags the anti-piracy logic so that neither turn is processed.

right, i had forgotton about that. if it is a problem, i can probably find someone else to sub if necessary.

Trumanator May 12th, 2009 11:21 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Well in the past we've started games with us sending in multiple pretenders, then setting them AI. It's worked fine so far. And didn't you play some of Evilhomer's turns in Wombat?

Baalz May 12th, 2009 11:52 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Yes, I did. Played 3 turns, the first 2 worked and the 3rd staled both of us. Not sure how it works, sometimes it trips and sometimes not.

Lingchih May 13th, 2009 12:41 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I've had bad luck with it. Almost always gotten the double stale.

Zeldor May 13th, 2009 03:57 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Use same game copy, same OS, etc and it will be totally fine.

Calahan May 13th, 2009 04:56 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
If Trumanator and Frozen Lama are brothers, then can I take a guess that they trust each other enough to share their CD-Keys? If so, then all Trumanator has to do is use Frozen Lama's CD-Key when doing Frozen Lama's turns.

This would avoid any of the 'same CD-key' problems.

Baalz May 13th, 2009 09:35 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 690650)
Use same game copy, same OS, etc and it will be totally fine.

Nah, that's exactly what I did, turns taken from the same computer. Seems to trip the anti-piracy logic (based on my very limited number of tries) about 1/3rd of the time, so I'm not at all sure what trips it. I know some people never seem to run into the problem, others it happens with some regularity.

Burnsaber May 14th, 2009 12:45 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Oceania is buying Dwarven Hammers for 20 earth gems each! Now is your chance to profit!

Unoptimized May 14th, 2009 10:19 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
OOC: Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I forgot to do my turn this morning. Running late for work ect. ect. Anyway, if we could have like a...6 hour turn extension, I would be quite grateful


Zeldor May 14th, 2009 11:17 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Atlantis is selling dwarven hammers for 15E + 5 gems each!

Calahan May 15th, 2009 04:00 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
The "Readers of Telos" are horrified to hear of the water dwellers charging such extortionate prices for magical hammers. It is usually against Agarthan society to offer our services to nations who are not our friends, but we feel there are many potential friends yet to be met, and as such we would not want one of these nations to suffer at the hands of the Atlantian extortionists.

Therefore Agartha is happy to offer magical Hammers of the Dwarf for 15 Earthen gems, or 12 Astral gems, or 12 Deathly gems.

Baalz May 15th, 2009 11:17 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Ah, the glory of carnage. The Marverni barechests swarmed like ants whose nest had been crushed, stingers raising annoying welts. Wave after wave they came, outnumbering the Lanka warparty manyfold - barechests and slingers and archers and maiden archers and more barechests. This is good, for we bring large appetites with us. Stacking the bodies like cordwood, they pile higher than a Bandar's head! Tonight we feast, tomorrow we cast our eyes on the large larder ahead which the druids have thoughtfully stocked for us, and wonder if these ants will sally forth to sting us or huddle in their stone shell waiting for us to crack it and suck out the juicy bits. Our scouts report better armored and organized forces ahead, who can know how they will react? Perhaps they shall entertain us before the feast, this is always best.

Isokron May 15th, 2009 12:59 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
All lies, but what can you expect from the demon worshipers. Most of the Marverni warriors bravely ran away long before the demons had a chance to close in and eat them.

Cicadian May 15th, 2009 01:30 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Yomi is buying earth gems at 20 gold/gem. Send PM if interested!

Burnsaber May 15th, 2009 02:23 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Oceania is trading earth gems for nature & fire gems, about 20 gems are available for this purpose.

Zeldor May 16th, 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Atlantis is selling W gems for other gem types, preferably S,D,N.

Executor May 16th, 2009 05:13 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 691290)
Atlantis is selling W gems for other gem types, preferably S,D,N.

Same here, Fomoria off tops that offer with a 1.1 for 1 gem ratio.

Revolution May 17th, 2009 11:50 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
The Greater Allied Provinces of Unified Ulm are interested in picking up some Water gems and Astral pearls. We offer 25 gold for water gems and 30 gold for astral pearls. We are also willing to trade earth and nature gems for the previously mentioned gems, though our nature gems are somewhat limited in number.

Revolution May 17th, 2009 01:53 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
Ulm thanks the many interested parties who have an abundance of water gems. I am now just looking for astral pearls...except for those who will accept gold for their water gems (or any gems for that matter), gold is something I can spare.

Frozen Lama May 17th, 2009 05:25 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
I am back, and shall continue C'tis' valient fight against the inevitable.

The double life argan hoplites slowly wade through the hordes of C'tis, but then, through the carnage, come Ud'ekemma the immortal chariot and champion of the people.....er lizards.. of C'tis!! His awesome presance is too much for even the hardened hoplites and he kills many. His presance is not too much for the huge ugly ogre dude leading them though, and a mighty smash lays the champion of C'tis low. Good thing he's immortal!

Lingchih May 17th, 2009 08:54 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
And so, surrounded on all sides by friendly nations, and unable to expand her realm any more, Lamasus made the decision to attack the fearsome Lich King of Vaasa. Surrounded by her priests and prophet, the fearless Gorgon girded herself for war with the unholy power. Hundreds of Maenads moved to the front, to attack the undead scourge. Behind them came the mighty Centaurs, ready to take on the Lich's vaunted Demon Knights. And of course, Lamasus herself, killer of thousands, came to the battle to lead it.

After the battle, Lamasus pondered the outcome. "Never attack a lich king with naked chicks", she was heard to say, as she flew far, far away from that accursed land.

Executor May 18th, 2009 07:38 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
wtf? Fomoria has national summons?
Hid did I not notice this, these morrigans are damn interesting.

WingedDog May 18th, 2009 08:34 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 691567)
wtf? Fomoria has national summons?

The world of Faerun is full of surprises. :)

Calahan May 18th, 2009 08:58 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 691567)
wtf? Fomoria has national summons?
Hid did I not notice this, these morrigans are damn interesting.

Think they have them because sacred cloud trapezing giants are not good enough without them :re:

Calahan May 18th, 2009 09:52 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
@ All, and roleplay off.

Sorry everyone, but I've had to ask for a short 12 hour delay of the current turn. Work has just landed a problem on me, so it's doubtful I'll get home before midnight now. Asked for 12 hours since I might need some sleep before I tackle the turn, since the early stage has passed so need to put more general thought into turns now than earlier on.

Baalz May 18th, 2009 11:58 AM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)
FWIW, delays measured in hours rather than days will pretty much always be granted.

Jazzepi May 18th, 2009 04:49 PM

Re: Legends of Faerun - Closed (Game started)

Originally Posted by Baalz (Post 691612)
FWIW, delays measured in hours rather than days will pretty much always be granted.

I'd like a delay of 989403 hours.


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