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Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Sorry for missing the last turn, i got my timezones all wrong.
Next turn should be in though |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Strabo: how many Pontifices etc. were meant to be in that breakout attempt? I got the feeling it could have been a much closer fight than it was.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
9-14. I don't remember precisely
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I think I got lucky with spells then...
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I'm back! I sneakily just granted myself a 7 hour postponement so I can take over from Baalz this turn - hope noone minds too much.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I'll forgive you :)
Welcome back, llamabeast! I'm afraid I missed your show due to evil boss sending me to Dundee all week :( Well, that and the Gathering, anyway. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Well, I'm defeated. Thanks for a good game :)
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Thanks for sticking it out to the very end! I'd feel guilty about whst I did to your breakout attempt 2 turns ago, if it hadn't been so effective :)
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
This game has run its course for me. In the end, the long war with Sauro proved to be my undoing. I'm setting myself to AI this turn.
Good job Shard. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Speaking of game overs, I've been in this "terminal illness" situation for what, 15 turns now?
Cmon Llama, finish me already:p |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Sorry to see you go Aethyr. I hope to see you soon on another game ;)
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Wanted: Rings of sorcery/wizardry. Any reasonable fees will be paid.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I'm going away for a long weekend this weekend. I've sent in this turn, but I'll need a 46 hour extension on *next* turn. I've ingenious arranged that by virtue of setting the turn timer to be 94 hours.
After this I will stop being a delay pest, sorry! |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Apologies all, I made a big noob error and accidentally forced hosting just after the game hosted. I've rolled it back, so take no notice.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
The warriors of Sauromatia have repulsed the watery invaders from the gates of their capital, inflicting heavy losses on the lying, backstabbing scum despite being vastly outnumbered. We are rebuilding the fortifications for the next wave of assaults. Any and all aid is welcome, particularly in the form of death, nature or air gems, or the odd runesmasher/mr penetrator so that little shadow blast can go that extra mile. We will even offer screenies of the battle!
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
well thats the second time i sent in my turn on time and it didnt get processed
this time it cost me a major battle, initiative and many many lost opportunities sorry to put up so little fight abysia if my turn had been processed things would have gone very differently |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
It is true you have repelled one of the army of Oceania and that mermaids aren't that great fighters on the land without their hypocamp mount. Both side suffered heavy losses but reinforcement are on their way...
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Thugs sneaking through my territory? I am not entirely pleased, Tir.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I did not realise
a) just how much time a week this game would take and b) just how random the outcome can be (eg last turns stale result) While I am sorry for throwing out the balance of power, I am no longer interested in playing. If anyone would like to take over for me, please let me know. I will also post this on the main forum asking for subs. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
In other news, could I have a 24h delay please? Real life is catching up with me at the moment.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I see the e-mail address for T'ien Ch'i has been changed - do we have a sub?
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Hey all -- I'm a sub for anthropos and I'd like at least a 24hr delay just to get up to speed, understand the different mods, get a briefing of the geopolitical situations (and whatever treaties need to be respected), and what not.
I'd ideally like to be a temporary sub given that I'm already heavily invested in another game right now, but I know anthropos has a lot of RL stuff to deal with so I'd offer him a bit of help. re: .2h file received on the Game Status... AFAIK neither he nor I submitted a .2h file, so if there's anyway to unsend the file so that the turn doesn't get proc'd till I send my belated file that'll be awesome. :) |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Looks like Amonchakad has granted the 24 hour extension.
As for the "2h file received", I can't actually do anything about that at the moment, but I've turned off quickhost so the server will not host before the listed hosting time. Hence you have plenty of time to send in your own 2h file. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Also, thanks for subbing binarysolo!
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Arse. Thanks to work issues mentioned elsewhere (redundancy forum rep, and trying to be a floorwalker in a slightly troubled tech rollout at the same time), I don't have the time to give my turns the attention they deserve. I'm going to have to put myself up for a sub. If anyone knows of a potential sub for Lanka, mention this to them.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Hey all,
Given that I can't reach Anthropos in time for a brief diplo overview, can people kindly inform me of their standing to Tien Chi via PM? Only clear diplomatic positions to me are war against Helheim and Abyssia, and I have no idea who are the allies/NAPers. ==== To the Esteemed Gods of the Land: The former power behind the throne, Anthropos, has fallen, and I, BinarySo... uhm, Wei-Han, of the House of Chang, shall be lord regent to Zhoukou, the Teacher of Philosophy, Ruler of the Ocean's Surface, and Master of the Happy Hamster Dance. To Abyssia I ask for a 1-turn ceasefire as I consult the grand scribes of ancestral tradition for the resolution of our borders. To allies of old, I ask for a return to the glory days of friendship. To enemies, I ask for a reconsideration of slights, now buried away with the rotting corpse of the previous regent. And to all, a brighter future! -Tien Chi |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Actually, Abyssia -- I won't impose and ask for a newbie ceasefire... though lemme know if this war is going toward an inevitable escalation or what not. I am more than receptive toward more peaceful possibilities.
Till then, I hope for some good collaboration from allies and friends. :) |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Welps... I guess I didn't screw up THAT badly as far as first turns go. :)
Kindly do let me know where people stand diplomatically towards Tien Chi though... I heard from all of one person and haven't been able to access Anthropos much at all. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Hey binary, thanks for subbing in
The war started only two turns back, TC attacked Abysia, and we've regained the province taken. you can have a turn's grace! |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Thanks Dragar for the offer, but I got the game and the mods a bit more now, so I don't need that extra turn of time to get ready. (Besides, I think I mindhunted that problematic caster of yours already... :) ).
Ironically, I think anthropos has found a full-timer to sub so my capacity here will be somewhat limited, probably for another round or two. Oh well, hip hip cherrio all! |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Hrm, weird it says I didn't submit .trn yet... lemme try again right before the time cutoff...
Edit: Never mind - I'm playing Arcoscephale in a different game and keep checking the status of that nation instead. Durrrr. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Apologies for the sneak attack binarysolo - I'd been planning it for ages.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
This province seems to produce a nice gem income ;)
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Algaenymph has kindly stepped up to sub in for me, for which many thanks are due. Please treat him with all the respect/fear he is due as Lanka's new ruler.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Now that multi-province attack really convinced me to play a few more turns before passing it to the permasub, SciencePro (fellow noob and RL friend). Cause that sure as hell is expensive raiding, using up all those decked out Sidhe Lords like that, and I can't wait to see what kind of devilry you'll conjure up the next few turns to mess me up. :) Are you gonna Faery Trod armies in? Are you gonna try to find my research centers and lay waste to them using high level overland spells? ...ooh, questions, questions. :) In other uncorrelated news -- I need to ask for a 24 hr delay because I can't access my Dom3 unit till Sunday. :( I'll send the game admin a msg as well... |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Hmm... we shall see what will happen.
Are you sure you need 24 hrs? It's just that the game is hosting on Sunday night anyway (European time). I'm quite happy to do a postponement if you want though. Also, I've just set algaenymph as the new player for Lanka - welcome algaenymph! |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Ah... sorry Amonchakad. I've just been doing things when I happen to see them. I always check the admin log (Admin options -> Admin log) first so as to make sure I don't repeat you, but I hope I haven't come across as rude. As for the sub, algaenymph just happened to PM me.
To be honest I'm super impressed that you've carried on admining when for you this game's been an odd one to say the least! (I can't tell you how embarrassed I am by my endless Eastern debacle against you and Yomi - will it never end??). Anyway, I appreciate you keeping an eye out and carrying on admining, but also I am happy to take over if you want to move on. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Hey, sorry to depart the game so quickly, but it looks like my permasub is more than ready to start already, and so has already submitted a turn for Tien Chi. I assume a difference of emails doesn't muck up the turn.
Anyways, kindly welcome SciencePro as yer new liaison to Tien Chi. :) I updated him as to what's going on diplomatically. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Greetings from the new emperor of Tien Chi.
If anyone is interested in trading i am offering F,A, or W gems if anyone has S they can spare. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I thought I sent in my turn!
Could we roll the game back a turn, please? I have everything all set up and ready to go, it won't be long. If anyone's worried about having to do their turn all over again, just use the last .trn file and the .2h you sent. Also, could we please have the turn warning be 12 hours instead of six? |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
The Reign of the Mad Witch King comes to an end.
...or maybe not? |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
In other news, I'm setting Arcoscephale to AI. I apologize for waiting so long, considering that I could never get myself to do the turn, and I've been in a "waiting to die" position for so long. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I think a rollback won't be possible considering all battle results and random events involved in a turn. Imagine your 25MR SC dying to a single desintegrate spell or a nasty death event in your capitol after a rollback and that nothing like that happened before the rollback...
And I am not even talking of players changing their order on the strategic map or battelfield now that they can predict the move of their opponents. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I don't think it's quite that perilous. From what I've read, the situation is basically Tir overwhelming everything. Are there any other big wars going on?
Also, could we go with 72 hour hosting? It'll let us space out our micromanaging more. |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
The turn's going to be this Friday, so I'd like to see everyone's opinions as soon as possible. I don't want to ask for delays (and get dirty looks) or micromanage at the last minute.
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
I've just been informed that the whole world (but me) is at war, so...never mind.
It even turns out that- no, that'd be telling ;) Also, a big thank you to Amonchakad for extending the warning time. :) |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
After many years of bloody conflicts, the last witch kings of Sauromatia has been killed and their false fountain idol has been destroyed. The time of necromancy and cannibalism is over!
Thank you Shard for this interesting war and see you on another game soon (vicious circle3 ;)) Your poisonned arrows definitly gave me a hard time! |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Good game all and please don't take my in-game ramblings too seriously. Oh, but you can take to heart that I will do my best to make people who attack me pay :D
I'll probably have to tone down all this aggressive early expansion in future games with graphs on :p |
Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]
Gosh Oceania, I thought we had a 5-turn NAP! Should have known better than to trust water dwellers... still, it seems lady luck is on my side with my fortuitous smiting of your air queen.
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