![]() |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I think you might be overestimating just how strong my mages are by just a little, but it is true, I can cast pretty much any spell in the game, with the correct caster and a large enough communion. At the moment I don't have so many of my best mages though, so really high paths are quite rare at the moment. My death income is somewhat weak at the moment, but I have hopes that will improve as I fight with you. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Damn you...
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Hmm, not much interesting happened this turn. Unless you are talking about my slann's escape from your angel, I have no idea what you're talking about. But you had to know there was no way I was just going to sit there with an 850 gold mage out in the open and not have some plan to keep it safe :). Or are you just upset because I haven't done anything to you yet.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Sigh, It was the first one... damn returning...
But can't say that I like the waiting either. I'd love to try Stygia in a somewhat larger game, I think they would absolutely dominate such a game, well if indies are to be included anyway. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Sorry about that executor. I am wracking my brain trying to come up with a way to speed this up that wouldn't just be a waste of gems/units. I'm not having any brilliant ideas. I can raid you maybe, but that's dangerous and really doesn't hurt you that much. Also you can just reclaim any provinces I take in one turn. So for now I will go with my current strategy, which I expect to have mixed success. Perhaps if I were a better player I could devise a more entertaining strategy. Your bad luck to be fighting me in particular, I am a very boring player to fight. Also, as I said before, I know better than to just let you kill an 850 gold cap only mage. Especially that one ;).
However, I have to say in the meantime I am very pleased with the province I took from nehekhara. Even if it had 30+ pd in it. It could be interesting to have stygia in a larger game, although I am not quite sure how indies would help. I guess if there were more indy mages that would be useful. I can't imagine there are any indies you could recruit that would be better soldiers than nomad infantry though. I still think stygia is weaker than la ermor until late game... but when they get to late game, they are a very tough nut to crack. Recruitable liches are pretty neat though. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Lol, I only actually paid for about 10 or so of that PD. Luck 3 FTW?
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
That is pretty lucky, considering what was in there. And that it helped you fight off an ogre attack. Personally I would have been highly tempted to add a fort to that province, considering the potential level of help to you. I am certainly grateful you didn't, though.
I am beginning to wish I'd taken growth scale. With that and gift of nature's bounty, I would be quite rich right now. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I certainly considered it, but with all my money going to TKs and high priests, I couldn't really afford it.
@ TheVanishag- Skelly spam FTW? You only "killed" one TK with your soulslays, "killed" because he's still around, he just lost some magic paths and is immortal now :) I couldn't believe my skellys got through that banish spam though! |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
So, turn has hosted... I can see I made something of a noob mistake that turn. And Resul Al'zaman are even more annoying than I'd given them credit for. Hmph. However, your incredible stroke of luck in targetting huehue in your first assassination attempt is both uncanny and extremely uncool. I guess I should take solace in killing so many assassins? I don't know, that was a pretty bad turn. The only thing that really went well was taking back my provinces from your raiders. My playing had better improve over the next few turns or I think this is going to start going badly for me :).
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm not long for this game - I won't say I haven't made mistakes, but the power differential in this game is huge. I think I lost half of my provinces last turn, between Nekehara and Stygia stealthing in... Alugran units? Crime Lords leading Thugs... how'd that happen?
Honestly, it was looking pretty bleak before now, but wow... |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I killed 3 squads of 40 thugs myself this turn. The only thing I can imagine is that nehekhara and stygia have both found brigand lairs (modified by the alugra mod) and have been recruiting crime lords over the duration of the game. They can summon thugs, so even if they weren't actively recruiting them, they could have built up a sizable number that way.
It's amazing you've survived as long as you have with your level of research. It will be sad to see you fall. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, at least someone dispelled my BoT, I don't think i'd be far wrong in saying that it probably affected you the most. In other news, I mistakenly though I could cast E blood deepwell, and only realized I couldn't AFTER I'd done a bunch of alchemizing! :D
Edit: For the record, Nehekara has no such lairs, and was curious itself as to how stygia obtained them. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
This turn wasn't very pleasant for me either.
I had to attack Alchera before I planned. You found one of my sneaking armies last turn and I didn't know how you'd respond to that, so I had to strike before all my troops were in position. I got Crime Lords from the Criminal Outpost site, they are very nice actually, have summon ally ability and are spies also. It's a blood site right? I made a very stupid mistake in my pretender design when I took blood, I looked forward to having immortal assassin D4 cap. mages, only after did I remember that immortality don't work in assassinations... sigh I do take comfort in killing Huehue doe. I expected you'd put bodyguards on everyone after you found that one assassin, but somehow I hoped you'd mistake him for a scout. Learning of your forging intentions was very disturbing rdonj, clams and bloodstones? not good. Oh, and thanks for adding those few extra hours on the turn by the way. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, it's a blood site, same as the normal brigand lair I think.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one making mistakes this game.... I already had bodyguards on all my slann. And on huehue as well as it so happens. But I went ahead and added bodyguards to more people that turn. I have to say, I wouldn't have thought your assassins would be able to take out two of my sacreds :(. I don't really want to put 4 bodyguards on each commander in that province, it would be just slightly excessive. As to the disturbing forge implications, I think clams are a pretty obvious direction for itza to go, what with my best mages needing to be summoned for 50 pearls a piece, and some of their best units also requiring pearls. Itza just bleeds them out. As for blood stones, well, let's just say my earth gem income has been pretty lame this entire game despite significant site searching and I didn't get enough time out of huehue to fix that. I would bet nehekhara has more gem gens than me actually. Alugra is probably clamming and stoning as well, and if he's not, he should be.... You are welcome for the time. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
So does that make me, Itza, and Alugra stoners?:D
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Live and learn... (die and learn...) |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I don't know, I think you still have a chance. You just have to consider very carefully how to proceed from here. There are a couple of options that I could see bringing you to greater power, and possibly eventually contending for the throne of Pantokrator.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Oh, I'm not saying that I don't consider myself a possible power, but I think the overly long war with the Ogres put me much farther behind than I could have been, particularly research-wise.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Predictions for this next turn: None of my major maneuvers will work out, I'll find yet another resul al'zaman in my territory (despite executor's saying he wouldn't send them up here ;)) and I'll lose another 40+ sacreds this turn.
And as for the rest of the world, be glad it is not you who has to face monsters the likes of these: http://www.servimg.com/image_preview...=15&u=13547044 |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Wow! Who's monster is that?
There's a resul al'zaman in your territories!? Lies! Lies! Your lies are insulting my friend, but they'll hurt less than my steel, I would wager! Muahaha , if you like that you'll love my next move(very evil laughter) You screwed us both with that preemptive strike, I too planned to attack you, but not before I got Ogre and Alchera out of the picture. Where should I expect some RoS this turn? Maybe another sneaking army? And I'm very curios as to what you plan to do with "Agony"? |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Wow. That thing is nuts. I'm glad I'm not playing against an Amos nation.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Oh c'mon! I plunder, burn, pillage, crush, kill, destroy, rip apart, annihilate, exterminate my foes with Resul Al'zamans and nothing, and you land a crappy RoS on some worthless chaff and get into HoF! I have a baaad feeling about this turn... |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I could take a screenshot of it, sitting in between two of my forts in what, dom 10? dominion for you if you want... :P Since I am not lying so much, you must not be very insulted!
I might be more afraid of your steel if your yilan tanri were good for anything other than wasting my time. I'm quite certain that whatever your next move is, it will be quite evil and frustrating for me. I've never had to fight a war this "late" into the game with an opponent who was really out for my blood. So I expect to make plenty of mistakes. I feel like I'm going to squander my great start against you, heh ;). I have some contingency plans, and a slightly more coherent strategy now, but by and large I have the feeling that if I'm going to win, it is only going to come at a tremendous cost in life. Once you started attacking the ogres, I knew I couldn't wait much longer to try to deal with you. The chances of me being able to defeat you without a large gem advantage seem pretty slim. Ogres and alchera may not have had huge gem incomes, but I'm sure you'll be able to increase the value of that land a bit under your rulership. So executor, are you happy for once you're not really being ganged? ;) Quote:
Edit: Hmm, that turn was actually much less nasty than I'd expected. Also, I did say I wasn't going to use magic duel to kill those, but I was convinced by IRC people that it was the way to go. Worked much better than I expected it to. It's your fault for stacking such huge mr on those things there's hardly any way to kill them. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Also, where did that massive dompush come from? I know resul al'zaman have a domspread attribute, but seriously, you must have way, way too many of them to have that much dom spread :(
Guys I seriously think this game may be close to being over. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I think we could have managed if anyone else had cast well of misery, even. But it was not to be :( Anyway I haven't given up yet, it may just be possible to win still. That hope is just rapidly fading.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Sorry, but I can't access my computer at the moment, can I get a 12h exension?
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, no problem.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Never had time to post something regarding the last turn and all this new stuff.
Well I did warn you about Stygia and offered, and several time might I add, to change my nation if it seemed too powerful, and I had problems with it being modded and all. I feel that Stygia is overpowered but so is Itza IMO. There are just too many super strong sacred units with cool stuff and those insane mages, not to mention that hero of your with over 20 magic schools and a priest level of 5 and 30 base MR and 39 base protection? wow, and I thought rasuls were nasty... Also the fact that you have pretty much every magic school, cross combination, and built in communions in regular mages? that's too much. The only thing that hamper. But hey, it's interesting, one super power against another.:) Now, this last turn was a disaster. I almost lost two Rasuls! The only Rasul that didn't have pearls for returning by mistake was the same that landed in your lands. A stroke of luck on your side I guess. And I was just 1 turn away from VOR:( That's why I set him to attack right away, I hoped you'd send just one magic dualer. Well, be sure I won't be making any stupid mistakes like that any more. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Also, that dom push came from my priests who dom pushed my dominion onto ogre forts for my rasuls to storm. Man, you have no idea how lucky you were when you cast GONB. I planned to cast it the very next turn:p But since I have no idea how much you put up and since noone wants to trade me nature gems, I guess I won't be overcasting it.:D And now the current turn. All in all, I like. No dome over your capital? You should know better, but I guess that won't make a difference now... |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well as long as we are trash-talking, I might as well say a few things to Haida Gawaii.
I absolutely hate your PD ravens. I had these elaborate plans to just teleport some gifted thugs and take all your non-forted provinces that way, but the damn ravens will attack my guys before they can buff. Curse them! Once all your lands belong to the blue star, we will decimate every single one of them. Those thunder birds are also pretty nasty, but how are you intending to assault me? My dominion isn't going anywhere soon. Also take note that we are deploying anti-storm-birdie measures as we speak. Your blasted birds will not protect you for long. You wild savages will become civilized and abondon your heretical totem spirits. Abandon your uncomfortable huts and exposure to the cruel wilderness. For the City of Wonders is the Nexus, the center of all, and the soon-to-be capitol of the known world. Join us and become one of the gifted, the blessed, the superior, the benevolent protectors of the weak. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm still not convinced that itza is any more overpowered than any of the traditional super nations, but I'll admit they certainly do place a lot of eggs in one basket with the slann. I could see it much more easily if each of my 4th gen slann had 3 in one path plus crosspaths or something, but they don't. Slann who are particularly powerful in one path are exceedingly rare. The 3rd generation slann are where itza starts getting crazy magical power, before then you absolutely have to rely on large skink communions. The 5th generation slann are even exceedingly close to unusable for battle magic, given their cost, even with a communion. The only reason I feel justified using them on you is for the h3 and high astral :P It at least gives me some buffs. All the saurus summons are pretty neat, and it's nice to have a use for fire gems. Not that they're really helping me that much against you, except the saurus of tepok. Those flying saurus are very nice for the counter-raiding that makes up much of my war effort. As for my hero, you're overstating him a bit. He does have exactly 20 magic paths (mostly water and astral, the astral being more or less irrelevant and the water... letting me summon water queens, I guess? Natural niefel flames caster? Ignore those and he loses 11 paths)... and h5. But 38 prot? He has 38 prot in the same way he has 1 hp ;) His prot is really 14, he just happens to have 38 in his first form, which has 1 hp and some nice resistances to help keep it alive. I do have lots of cross pathing, which unfortunately does not benefit from the benefit of a hammer for forging, and is usually no better than 2/2 or 1/3. So while I do benefit from it, I sacrifice a LOT to get it. Especially since slann can only be fit with miscellaneous boosters. Heh, I was told to expect to lose 2-3 slann, so I sent 4. And then lost one of them this turn, meh :( |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, Alchera finally managed to kill one of my avatars! Never fear though, more are on their way. And with the bloodstone factory ever increasing, the rate just speeds up!
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Ah, Nehekhara and blood is a crazy combination! good old times...
Sigh, I liked Sytigia because of their troops, mostly sacreds, not summons or free chaff, and as it turns out the troops are the only thing I didn't use with Stygia, so sad...:( Rdonj? No comment on your capitals assault? |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I was a bit surprised no one tried to challenge my gift of nature's bounty. It's a pretty powerful spell. But with my gem income it is a bit risky of a move, so I suppose I can imagine why no one has. Unless there was a dispel attempt I wasn't aware of :). As for doming my capitol, I figured that strategic mobility was more important than blocking your spells. Of course, now that I have FIVE of your immortal SCs sitting on top of me, I begin to question the wisdom of my choice. And, may I point out to anyone who reads this post, several of them have been given elixirs of life. So now, if I want to magic duel these insane monstrosities, I have to succeed twice. Feh. I have to hand it to you, I'm not sure I can imagine a better use for one of those elixirs. The difficulty I will have to go through to kill these things, who also carry pearls to cast returning, is simply absurd. I'm beginning to dread opening my turns.... |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Oh, you meant their HUMAN troops. Well, I guess it would have been hard with your populace dying off so fast. Most of stygia's troops aren't that tough really, though the nomad infantry with those crazy composite bows is pretty impressive. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Actually, they didn't teleport. Well one did, the others fly in. But fortunately for you you placed forces to move and patrol I assume? there for there were two battles, and you saw all of them, which I hoped wouldn't happen, and the rasul from the water was set to cast returning also, unfortunately.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Crazy, ridiculous mapmove :(
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Should also point out that the 20 path Slann is not a hero, he's an extremely expensive unique summon. I don't think he's a good example if you want to talk Itza being overpowered.
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Sombre, I was aiming more for the vast magic powers Itza has, and the various strategies available. Comparing Stygia and Itza, Stygia isn't really all that more powerful.
Ogre just won't give up! What's this, the second or third time I storm the fort? Stupid battle turn limit... Alchera, thanks for making it much easier for me by storming out of the fort! Itza, that was a very good battle to watch. I expected you'd merge those two large armies or move them both towards my fort. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm sure it was a good battle to watch, for you ;) My slann didn't have some of the gems they were supposed to have due to an unfortunate lab pooling accident, and some priests ended up sneaking instead of arriving in the battle, so my magic was much weaker than it was supposed to be :( I wish my slann had decided to cast anything other than repeated paralyzes at your resul al'zaman. Seriously they had better options, paralyze isn't that likely to work against someone with 27 mr. Well, that hurt a little but eh, at least I have less upkeep now.
If I'd moved both armies towards your fort I might have gotten somewhere. Between buffs and the expanded army size I am pretty sure I could have taken the SC. Ah well. I'm getting closer to able to deal with your SCs. I still don't know that I have any good way to kill them, but their lives are becoming more endangered. |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
A stranger walks into a tavern to rest for the night in a land far away. He sits down next to the fireplace to warm up and overhears two friends talking.
-Have you ever heard the sad story of the cursed Lord of Stygia, Valefor? -Stygia? -Yes, it was once a very powerful Kingdom very far away, well the story goes like this... -Once upon a time there was a sorcerer destined for greatness, his name was Valefor. In time he became one of the most powerful mages in the world. Stygia fell under his rule and all worshiped him. But all was not good for him nor did things happen the way he planned them to happen. Long had the Lord of Stygia set his eyes on the Lands of Vultus, Lord of Tharoon, but he waited for the right moment to strike. He waited, and waited, and waited, and than he waited some more, waited month after month for those bastards to start site searching their lands, until he grew tired of waiting and was forced to invade Tharoon, of course as an entirely defensive act. After he managed to defend his way to Tharoon lands, he was forced to site search them himself, oh the poor Lord of Stygia and his pathless mages. It was a long and hard effort, if only the Gods blessed him with the speed of Resul Al'Zaman! Finally he was at peace! After many months of hiking it finally seemed his lands held no more secrets hidden from him, but oooh was he wrong... He realized that his people were dying, everywhere he looked there were corpses, cities were decimated with no apparent reason! He wasn't sure he could live with such a loss, all the gold he'd lose! Suddenly, he heard the voice of the evil, unrighteous, mendacious Lord of Itza, QuadBlessedFlamingHalberds laughing, hahaha, yes, all your population will gradually die off!!! Petrified by his words he knew he had to take some action! How was he to replace his gold, I mean population? He had no choice but to annex the Kingdom of Ogre, so he did. But he was soon heart broken by the state in which he found his new lands, siteless and goldless... He wept for long and wondered how he deserved such a cruel fate and than he finally knew what needed to be done! His lands needed to be blessed! He long prepared to bless his lands with the Gift of Natures Bounty but once again the evil Lord of Itza stepped in and ruined his plans, and used Valefors ideas for his own purpose and blessed his own lands! Seeing what the mad, power driven Lord of Itza was doing, Valefor had no other option other than to place Alchera under his protection, so he did. But the mindless brute of Itza didn't like this noble act so he viciously attacked him with no prior warning. Driven by mindless rage the Lord of Stygia yelled, KABLAM! in the style of Mel Gibson the Braveheart and so the war between Itza and Stygia began... Forgive me but I'm very bored right now and can't sleep...:( |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Hehe. Well, now it is the fault of the false god Valefor that his people suffer. Surely he can see that under the guidance of the great and benevolent QuadBlessedFlamingHalberds, the people of stygia would be saved from this slow damnation, and prosper as they never have before ;).
Sorry for taking so long with my turns lately. I seem to have had a lot less free time as of late. And I keep foolishly committing to new games so it may only get worse :P However, it would appear I am not the only one the world is waiting on.... |
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I see that Executor finally gave up on conquering the Ogres with his SCs. BRAVO!!!! to statttis for his stellar play. I don't know that they could have been played better in this mod's iteration.
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