![]() |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Oh I think the giant's heydays of skull smashing are soon to be over. Perhaps it's about time to give the giants a taste of their own medicine.
Not R'lyeh nor Mictlan would be sacrificed. Ermor will stand by them until the war is over. And no matter how the war will end Ermor will relinquish any claims to Jotun lands & VPs so that it's allies and friends would be strong. They are not minions, they are respected friends and so long as it is within Ermor's power no harm would come to them. Barbaric giants, you shall pay for all the insults and violence you've inflicted upon the poor nations. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
On account of server problems "Hosting postponed for GotMI by 6 hours. The game will now host at 13:25 GMT on Tuesday February 1st."
R'lyeh & Arco, I hope this helps you avoid a stale. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
That was a nice little attempt to siege me Rlyeh, I welcome your next try.
Nice battle tho, shame you lost that S6 base mage, hope he wasn't empowered. Luckily for you some of the troops managed to slip by and get away, so not a complete loss. Just some 5K gold I think, maybe more? Friendly - Killed Commaders 16 - 0 Regular Units 50 - 0 Undead 76 - 0 Enemy - Killed Commanders 11 - 11 Regular Units 58 - 58 Magic Beings 148 - 132 Things seem to be heating up in my lands, with more nations getting involved by the turn, it seems I'll have to cool you folks down a bit. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
So true...
BTW, I forgot to notify that of course, all nations allied with Ermor are ipso facto at war with Pythium. Obviously the Fate of the World is now known and the Dark Ages are rising. I just wonder how many provinces Ermor will gain before the Everlasting Night falls on our dying world while his thralls serve him and stand by on their modest and so secondary ranks :D |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
The Bakemono call upon all to witness: We have laid claim to the former lands of Caelum, and hereby annex them to our empire. We shall defend them against any/all others. Our cause is our own.
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
You break my heart poor Pythium. You're such a poor poor victim.
Or wait a sec. Weren't you the one who declared war on me?- Weren't you the one who refused my repeated offers of peace? So you would sacrifice your self in service of your rabid masters and make a victim of your self at his bidding. And said provinces I have are all from raids into your lands and the lands of Jotun. raids that are proving ever so costly as your mind hunt squads kill any non astral raider that dares show it's face. So far your military and economic power is nearly intact as I've failed to inflict real damage on you since you're deploying your armies wisely. You have this and you have your globals and despite all that Jotun can't be stopped. His pressure on Caelum is unrelenting (and I'm truly concerned for Caelum survival) and all who attack him suffers heavy losses. There are plenty of lands to take from you and Jotun. Let all who wish to come and take a piece. Ermor has no desire for more lands, we only wish for peace. That said, once the war has begun we are committed to our allies so this war will only end when one side is utterly defeated. Then, if Ermor happens to have lots of provinces I will be happy to give some to my allies, esp. the ones that took the heaviest losses in our just war. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Absent any such clarification, we can only conclude that you have just canceled your NAP with Shinu. ;) |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
So...anyone heard from R'lyeh? He's too big to stale two times in a row...
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
The Great Caelian reconquista has begun! Enemies of the Civilization, fear as the Holy Shishis shall have no mercy for you!
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
I've sent R'lyeh a PM. If he doesn't respond I'm afraid we will need to be looking for a sub :(
Man I hate it when ppl go AWOL like that. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
@ Pythium, we thank you for excising the undead infestation in our newly annexed lands. We shall find some suitable way to repay you. As a token of our gratitude, and because we know you have no intention of challenging our claim to the former Caelum lands, you have our leave to depart peacefully. If you listen closely, you will hear the songs of our little ones praising your wisdom and discretion. :) |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Dear fellow players. I would like to hear your thoughts on how long we should await a response from R'lyeh. His last post is from Feb, 9th. He has staled twice, and he seems likely to stale again.
Should we wait for a 3rd stale or move to find a sub now? |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
I'd much prefer to have the old Rlyeh stay if possible, much more pleasure in annihilating his armies.
All who are allied with Ermor are considered enemies of Jotunheim, the giants are no fools, but there is still time to see reason and turn on your puppet master before it's too late, judgment day is upon you all, Lord of the Jotun has spoken. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Well, Old R'lyeh is on radio silence for more than 10 days and has staled twice already and will in all likelihood just go on staling. Finding a sub at this phase of the game is not easy...
Luckily though, Numahr has agreed to sub for R'lyeh. Given that the nation he already subbed for - Caelum - is for all intents on purposes finished, he can just turn it's last remnant to AI and take over R'lyeh. He'll probably need some extra time this turn to get his bearings though. EDIT: Correction. Numahr has not yet agreed to sub. He would like to take a look at R'lyeh's current turn so that he can estimate how much commitment would be required of him. I will send him the turn tomorrow. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Numahr has declined subbing for R'lyeh.
I will announce publicly that we're searching for a sub. Please be patient as this may imply some delay to the current turn. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Dear players. Unfortunate as it may be, if we fail to find a sub for R'lyeh then there will be no choice but to turn it AI :(
I played with Hadrian_II in the past and he didn't strike me as the bailing type. I truly hope he's OK. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Hum... Turning a big nation to IA doesn't sound good for any game. Maybe we could delay the turn for one week or so in order to keep some chance to find a sub.
@Shinuyama : Dear Bakemono Lord, you made me laugh. My cause also is my own, I don't remember any agreement between our nations stating that I should fight for your profit and offer you the lands I conquered on Ermor. Of course, if you can exhibit any funny document to refresh my memories, I will gladly bow and process. After all, it would be a light price to pay for the pleasure of having a humorous partner :p |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Herode, I completely agree with you. A week's wait it is and hopefully a sub would emerge.
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
ok. A certain Vet player has agreed to take a look at R'lyeh turn.
There's still hope to find a sane ruler to R'lyeh. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Guys, we've been waiting since Feb. 17th.
Three guys had already taken a look at R'lyeh position. One think's it's too much to handle, the other two are having difficulty with the map. To quote the milder reaction: "It (AT map) gives me headaches to even look at it". I truly was not aware that AT visuals can be so difficult to look at :( Anyway, we've waited a lot and the R'lyeh position got 3 strikes in a row. As much as it pains me (as a player) to lose an ally and (as an admin) to turn a nation to AI I think we've no choice left. (Jutun/Pythium, consider it as a free global cast of "feeblemind enemy ruler" ;) ) OK. Now I don't see much point in waiting any longer. Shall I turn R'lyeh AI and get us back on track? |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Bummer...the game's not set to host until Sunday, any harm in waiting just a couple more days before pulling the trigger?
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Thanks Aethyr. The extra wait was worth it since a sub indeed was found.
And what a sub, - Dimaz himself has agreed to take over R'lyeh. Welcome aboard Dimaz and thanks for stepping in. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Hello everyone.
I wanted to join this game from the beginning but my "game slots" were full at the time so I had to skip it. However now that the SoIF has ended I decided to give it a try. Never played UW nation before, but the position looks pretty solid so there is some place for learning mistakes. Anyway, I want to announce that all past Rlyeh diplo agreements are cancelled. I want to take back some UW provinces taken by Pythium during the stales (starting this turn) and then stay in my borders for several turns. After this cooldown period Rlyeh will most probably attack Ermor as he seems to be the biggest threat. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Thanks for stepping in, Dimaz! :)
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
The nation of Ermor hereby announces that it's gates are open to Caelumite refugees. Sadly, it wasn't within our power to stop the brutal slaughter inflicted upon them by the evil frost giants.
Their spilled blood shall be answered in kind. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Yes, it's sad when your thralls invasions go south and they're forced to beg their master for help.
I think it's time for you now Ermor, you should brace yourself for what's to come. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
I have to go away next week, and am trying to arrange a temp sub. Please let me know if anybody knows someone who could do a couple of turns.
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
And the entire earth trembled!
Illwinter, than Burden of Time, than Armageddon... Aren't you all anxious to know what's next? |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
As you know there is no formal agreement, but our offer of reasonable recompense was sincere and we hope you will consider it. The Bakemono rule by strenght, and we would loose repsect of the tribes if we allowed you to so blantly dispute our claim. The Oni do indeed have a sense of humor, but human mages (especially those who are much advanced in years ;)), rarely live long enough to hear the punch line. Speaking of which...perhaps we should discuss this most troubling BoT, eh? @ Jotun, oh, yes, we can hardly wait to see the rest of the world-wide destruction & slaughter you have in store. Rest assured that we are planning a suitable response. ;) However we are much more interested in how others will view these actions, perhaps they will be motiviated to re-evaluate their threat assessment...or finally climb down off that fence they've been sitting on. :) |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Heh, how others view *my* actions?
My actions are a direct response to all those openly allied with Ermor, secretly allied with Ermor or just plain neutral, which is everyone. But yes, Jotunheim is still the biggest threat in the world beyond any doubt, you should surely focus on us... |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Executor, I congrat you for managing to lend a staggering 1-2-3 hit on the whole world. that's just great, I hope more's coming, cause it's important to always look on the bright side of life :)
It's amazing how much strength you have even after such a long war. My "allies" suffer hvy losses to you & you have 3 globals up. I beg you to stop giving your giants steroids, that's inhuman, err ingiant ;) Only crazy evil giants can inflict such atrocities on the world. I can't help but shudder at the thought of your nation being left to it's fell designs unopposed :shock: |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
The Caelian guerrilla is extinct, I bid farewell to this plane. I enjoyed presiding over the tragic destiny of the Caelian civilization. May the best win!
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Oh, and I almost forgot, welcome to the fight Ulm! I guess it's time to finish what we started so very long ago. I'm interested to see how long it takes you all to hunt down my global mages, I recon you all die before that happens... |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Farewell Numahr, you were a tireless warrior. :)
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Thank you for the warm welcome, evil world destroying Giants! We shall certainly attempt to hunt down all your skrattis and vamps before we all die of osteo-arthritis! Even if we do though, there's plenty more young uns just waiting to be recruited when we've cleared the skies. They're just waiting hidden among the common folk! ;)
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Oh boy, oh boy! This is fun!
WL, how did I do? Sadly, I don't think there are many more tricks I can pull, but you know I'll try! Lolomo, good thing those vampires are immortal.:p I expected you'd be prepared for them, but I also expected I'd kill a bit more, nice touch with the gate stone btw. My turn now... You should have really used that lich for enslaving while you had the chance. Also, not sure what you accomplished with those spies? Given my capital is up a little with unrest (spies should really cause more unrest or not be shown in reports) but I dropped my income to 0 already. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Well Big Fat Momma, somebody had to go and let your peasants know that mere tax exemption is not an equitable exchange for having their daughters fed to your ravenous mangy mutts! Or are you trying to imply that raising your unrest to 78 didn't make a dent in your blood hunting? ;)
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
I didn't see the turn file but what rabbit did you pull out this time?
I'm getting ready to laugh hysterically when I see the turn :) |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
These last few turns have been brutal. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Thanks Maerlande! I'm back now to direct the last stand.
Evil giants wrecking the world because you can't control it. And your friends from Vanheim, unaffected by your wasting spells, attack us instead of your ultimate enemy. Great plan! We will fight until the death! |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Vanheim has been nothing more than a good neighbor all this time, unlike some. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Agent Greene: Agent Bleu, are you sure these reports are accurate? BFM is in a hissy fit over our implication that she is exterminating her own people in her quest to conquer the world!. Agent Bleu: Sir, we've got a 95% confidence on that analysis, sir! These are the facts: Last month, our clandestine censors counted 19,350 peasants, and 32% of the populace rebelling. Come late winter, 510 peasants have died, and 79% of the city is rebelling. Sir, Agent Reid and Agent Brown are two of our best infiltrators working on the Giants, but they're not that good! Something else must have been causing mass atrocities to the poor peasants. That's a death rate of 2.6% and a 47% jump in unrest in the span of a third of the season, and all while BFM have been trumpeting her cessation of any tax collection, sir! Agent Greene: Right. Although I wouldn't put it past BFM to keep ravenous stealthy diseased ridden demons in the capital just to enjoy seeing her populace live in dread and terror. Carry on. And Agent Bleu, good job. Agent Bleu: Thank you, Sir! |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
I would like to ask for a 24 hour extension. Just got home from my brother's wedding, and won't be able to finish my turn before I fall asleep on my keyboard!
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Huh, wrong 2h file sent...
Not so smart keeping a copy of Dominions and playing on it too I guess. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Did you ever send turns from this backup?- Did they work ok?
Did you send this turn close to the time of the turn host? |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Well I keep a copy of Dominions which I use for testing and a single game, Lateral, but unfortunately it contains savegames from previous games as well, such a GOTM 30 turns back, so, wrong 2h file...
I should have really delated those files. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
:eek: what a bummer, and here I was expecting another Armageddon or some other apocalypse :rolleyes:
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
Not exactly an Armageddon this time, but I think Arcane Nexus will serve me good.
Now, who next wants to take a go at my capital? I doubt Ulm will be making another attempt any time soon. Luckily, the items I looted off Ulms dead bodies was more than enough to compensate my loses, there were these nice shiny rings of power amongst other, many, many other things...:) |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 12/16 players left
bravo :clap:
Keep up this pace and who knows?- we may all drop dead from the numerous hits you inflict upon us and the world. That, or your fat hot sexy mamma goes down first ;) |
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