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Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Sorry but I will need a longer delay. I live in christchurch city NZ And we just got flattened by a huge earthquake. It will be a day or two before power/net is restored to my home and I work in a medical lab so we are absolutely overwhelmed with work. I would love to continue the game but I understand if everyone wants to look for a sub as it will likely be 2-3 days at least before I can do the next turn and it might be longer.
Cheers S |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Speaking for myself, I'd very much prefer to delay and keep the continuity of players going. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Yeah it's bad. I dont even know how to describe how messed up things are here.
http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/chri...ch-quake-Day-2 I have power and net back at home but I am working long long hours (just like everyone else) so I will get too the turn when I can. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
What just happened to Arco's army? Its like, one turn he had an army, the next turn they'd all disappeared?
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Wait, I had an army?:confused:
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Unfortunately kennoseishin this probably means that you actually never had an army, sorry for getting your hopes up ;-) On a more relevant note, I can't seem to get Marignon to stop running away and fight. Come back, pretty inquisitors, we won't hurt you*, we only want to play. * Disclaimer: For values of hurt where "being killed and turned into soulless" doesn't register as true. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
OK guys,
After a last attempt to break the Ermorian army besieging our fortified cave, Zend Kuh has lost any hope on this plane. I therefore turn Agartha AI. There is really nothing left to do with it. I am sad to leave you but it was a nice game. I had one very unluck event on year 1, and then got double rushed by my neighbors. I have to say that Vanilla MA Agartha is *not* the best nation to resist rushes (CBM is very different in that perspective), which was made worse by a rather long-term pretender design, even though Zendkuh played a key role in a few battles. Being rushed, I focused on one of my opponents, and we had 2-3 very nice battles, my key defeat being a whooping epic duel that i will remember, with Zenkuh fighting to the bitter end with a handful of golems and keeping up Raising Dead against all odds. My last hopes of revival went away with Ermor's victories against Marignon, and I must now start packing for Tartarus. :hurt: Fellow Pretenders, Farewell! May the best win! |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Cheerio, thanks for all the territory! =D
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Sorry to see you go, Agartha.
It's only a few hours before hosting, and 1/3 of the players haven't turned in anything, so I'm going to go ahead and add an extra 12 hours just in case so that there are no stales. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Looks like we lost Pythium... it was good to know you.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
BTW. who killed P.?
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Well, everyone, I've had to come to a fairly painful decision about continuing to play Dominions. It's flat out the second-best game I've ever played, with #1 being Demon's Souls. I love playing it; in fact, I'd say I'm addicted to it... and therein lies the problem.
When I started playing the game, I had a lot of free time. My job is somewhat seasonal... I'm employed full-time, year-round, but the company I work with runs two music venues; from fall to spring, we run a 2,000 seat hall, but in the summer, we run an 18,000 seat outdoor venue. Basically, since I started playing in late summer/early fall, I usually had at least a couple of hours of downtime each day at work to play the game (my boss is cool like that). But for the last two weeks, I've rarely had more than ten or fifteen minutes, and as summer kicks in full-swing, that will go down to zero. If I weren't a single parent, that probably wouldn't be an issue, but I only have about half an hour of free-time during the week, and sometimes none at all. It's at the point where I've been waking up an hour earlier than normal to try to squeeze in turns, and even then, it's tight. I'm also writing a novel right now, and I realized that, because of Dominions taking up all my free-time, I've only written one page in the last two weeks. The final straw for me was looking at this turn, and knowing that I still had at least half an hour to an hour's worth of play before I finished it, but had no time before the deadline to do it. For a brief minute, I thought to myself, "You know, maybe I don't really need to go to my daughter's orientation meeting about her upcoming first year in junior high." I realized I was getting ready to put the game before family, and that's when I decided that this game is so time-consuming that it's interfering with my life. So I'm going to have to bow out of Dominions for the time being. I'll miss it... horribly so. I honestly thought this was a game I'd play for years, but real life isn't allowing it. Maybe I'll be able to come back at the end of the summer, although it would only be in those "Real Life" games where there is only a turn every ten days or so. I'll do my best to quickly find a sub; for now, I'll put hosting on hold. If any of you would like to be the admin, just contact me. I'll miss you guys :( |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
It's a tough choice, but it sounds like you're making the right decision earwicker7. I hope all goes well for you.
And honestly, I need to look for a sub, too. When I agreed to sub, I had no idea how micro-heavy arcos was, especially mid-game with a large map. I've treated my past turns with not much more enthusiasm than coursework, and that's just not right for something meant to be recreational. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I'll start kicking around the bushes looking for subs, see if I know anyone.
Its been fun playing with you guys, completely understand both of your decisions. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Also, if no-one else steps up, I am willing to be the admin.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
How big is abysia? If it's not huge I could probably do it.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Maybe we could contact one of the eliminated players. One of them might be interested in taking over another position.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I would be willing to sub for either nation. I am not really a noob, but not far out of noob-hood either. I have played each nation once in MA.
I am willing to take either, just let me know. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Sounds like we've got CthulhuDreams for Abysia, and Ragnoff for Arco. Both fun players, so should be a good addition to the mix.
And me for the admin. If you wanted to please PM the the password, I'd be most greatful earwicker7. :) |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
OK, I've swapped the email addresses for Abysia and Arco and requested turn resends. I'll check with CthulhuDreams and Ragnoff to make sure it worked successfully, but hopefully we are back in business!
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
OK, so the two new players (and associated countries) are:
Abysia: CthulhuDreams Arco: Ragnoff |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Anyone with a diplomatic relationship with Abysia contact me with infomation.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
At the request of CthulhuDreams I have now postponed the next turn by 24 hours.
The game will now host at 06:50 GMT on Wednesday March 9th. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I will also need to be updated on Arco's diplomatic situation! Please let me know (by PM)
Ragnoff |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Hey guys i'm afraid I am going to need an extension for a few days as I am moving to a different (and hopefully earthquake free) city. I will likely not be back online until the end of the weekend.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Saros: I'll extend the next turn, and keep an eye out so that we don't process the turn until you are back online. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Guys, I've extended the hosting until Saros gets back online after his house move. Basically, I'll do a rolling 24 hour extension (checking once a day) until he submits his turn.
In the meantime, I suggest you all do some serious plotting and backstabbing. If you are stuck for targets, I hear that CthulhuDreams guy who is playing Abysia is quite a shark ;-) (I joke, I joke!) |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
As previously advertised, I've extended the hosting time by 24 hours (and will keep extending until Saros is finished with his move).
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Sorry guys my computer got broken in the move so I will have to try sneak off after work today and see if I can get some turns done at a net cafe or something.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Do to a personality conflict it would be best if a sub is found, I will continue the position until someone can be found.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I'm currently looking for a sub for Ragnoff (who has kindly agreed to continue until we find one).
On a related note, is anyone interested in subbing in as T'ien C'hi for another game? I gather they are basically doomed as Man is in the process of exterminating them, so what is needed is someone who is stubborn enough to make Man pay in blood for every province they take, and optimistic enough that they still believe in improbable victories: http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?t=520...er=asc&start=0 |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I'm not exactly "exterminating" TC (I'm playing Man in that game). But I am winning the war against them.
What really kills TC in our game is that Agartha has also declared war on them. There's simply no way TC can survive a two-front war, which may even become a 3 front war if Ulm joins in. |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Good news, a kind soul named Brasidas has agreed to sub in for Ragnoff as Arco. Brasidas is still getting his registration to the board up and running, but once he has done that and turned on his PMs we should be away once more.
We will likely have a small extension while Brasidas comes to terms with things. I really, really, really hope that this is the last disruption for a long, long time! |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Our new Arco player is thranite. He is still waiting for his account to be confirmed by the shrapnel admin, so we'll give him some time to do that and then get up to speed.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Hello, I'll be the new Arco player. I'm new to the game, so y'all should have a fine time taking my stuff. :)
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I see you've got the hang of how this works already!
My personal theory is that if you can't win, be sure to die hard and take as many of them with you on the way as you can :-) |
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Thranite, I was trying to replay but you have not enabled PMs! let me know when you have...
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
I see what I did, should be fixed now, thanks for the heads up.
Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL
Sorry for the stale, I'm having some newb technical issues in getting the game saved to the right folder. Hope to have it sorted out shortly. :(
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