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Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
So, I'm back from Vegas... how is Atlantis doing at this point? Last I looked it was looking pretty grim. Did my sub save the fish people?
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
PM me your email address so I can set you back on llamaserver. |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I have to admit a sin againts my slimy brother, I tried to seize one of his provinces thinking his done but now that he isnt, luckily I got lesson taught and lost prominent heroes in attempt and he keps his lands. I will stand down and watch how it goes from here.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
From: NKVD Central, Counter espionage agency of the Peoples Republic of Ulm
To: Mannese Spy failures Dear Man, if you try to infiltrate the Peoples Republic, at least do it correctly and stop getting caught by my PD. Really all this Warden killing lead to them demanding a pay rise... That was a cute dog btw. Regards, Lawrentji Berija Head of the NKVD |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Stop eating my puppies! How rude.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
- Lady Esmeralda |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Pangaea is gonna stall, can you postpone?
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
The people of Ulm are thoughtful neighbors indeed! With our citizens busy plotting their revenge, we have little time to cook, so the delivery of fresh werewolf (our predator lizards simply cannot get enough mammal meat!) was a pleasant surprise!
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Everyone's loving the doggy meat! Fish is healthier.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Not that I would like jumping to unfounded conclusions, but I think I got myself some work. I need to find a special, fitting music for Atlantis.:angel Something like Rule Atlantis! Atlantis rule the waves. Atlanteans never, never, never shall be slaves! :D
But I give krpeters credit for good work. He managed a feat that compelled me to make a rage comic. :up: :D |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
My dream is to open a chain of fast food restaurants where a Lizard King will take your order, and then cook himself to your satisfaction while you wait. |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
This idea is already pantented by Douglas Adams (in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe).
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
The peoples Republic of Ulm obviously spares no effort in delivering emergency supplies to the poor proletarians of Ctis that are opressed and exploited by their nefarious necromantic working class!
Alas, the day in which Ctis shall be freed will come! |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I've sent a message to Heinrich (Pangaea) checking if he needs an extension (since he staled last turn, and is in danger of doing the same thing again this turn). I'm also going to give him a small extension so that I can see if he's posted a turn while I'm asleep.
Hope this is OK Lung Drago? |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
But we can't know for sure what's up 'till he tells us :) |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
That would seem to make sense. Fingers crossed that he gets his turn in soon!
How long do you want to keep extending for, Lung Drago? |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
This turn is due for 4th day now. That's double the usual time already (minus the time zone offset we have of course). I'll extend it for say another 36 hours for the last time and if Heinrich won't appear, we need to find a sub, a permanent one perhaps. We could even start to look for a sub right away so that we don't have more unneeded inactive days when transitioning. It's unfortunate, but there's not much else we can do from our position. We could be blindly extending for weeks when there's no word from him. Heinrich might have very well gave up for whatever reason (I suspect IRL issues) like Marignon (unlike Marignon though Pangaea stands firm). The game needs to keep going. This artificial prolonging makes Atlantis's demise painful. lol
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I missed this, is he with us or did he stale?
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
And what the hell happened in Gemer (47)? For me it shows Abysia won, but Man is in control. This is even more peculiar because I DONT HAVE scout there nor other maens to actually see the battle it self???
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
For me it shows that Man won, and I saw the battle.
A metric Crapton of Icedrakes that did a fairly spectacular amount of damage, that and Warriors of Muspelheim cast by Man. |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
There were 2 battles in gemer. First when my rather expensive crone landed from cloud trapeze.. on her own >>
Then when the massive army arrived. Live and learn ^^ Thats it? |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
oh god, huge glitch -> for me it shows a battle attended by a single witch of avalon, who, of course, was slain by the abysia.
EDIT, well that explains it, but, it doesnt explain why I saw the first battle and not the second. |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Doesn't make me very excited to check out this turn when I am back from work!
Shall I begin preparing for the final siege? |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Heinrich is with us... kind of. He sent the turn, but ehm.....hello? A forum post telling what's happening, perhaps? :rolleyes: Well, maybe he wrote to my super awesome colleague the secondary admin but I would like to know if we are going to wait half a week for more turns in any case :)
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Sounds like Lucy is running rampant across our fine continent. I can only hope she is wearing that sexy sock-suit while she does it. Although one must ask, why is a country called "Man" run by a woman? Is there perhaps something about "Lucy" that we don't yet know? Lung Drago: I found your rage cartoon about Atlantis. It was truly awesome :D |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
The long war between Abyssia and Avalon has taken place almost entirely on 1 land.. and now its onto a second! So I don't think you could call it "running rampant across the continent" :p
It is only the heathen outsiders that call it "man", for in Avalon, men are just the playthings of the women (& girl) at the top. Unicorns and puppies have a higher status than men at present. |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
For the notice of the masses and to allay any confusion due to recent changes, I am making the following announcment on order of Her Beautifullnes, Lucy, Goddess of the Lake:
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
There were already rumors among the officials in the Court about an entry called "giant four armed wizards" or "warriors", ranking high in believed social hierarchy of Avalon. When your official announcement of this hierarchy arrived to me and my subordinates, it naturally leaked out almost instantly and now I observe a gossip explosion of unheard magnitude in the Imperial Court. Word is this particular entry refers to His Grace, Ariasa the Two-Spirited and Four-Handed. The tiring, neverending gossip I deal with regularly about the Emperor's true gender or his sexuality is nothing compared to this and I find myself unable to quell the excitement in the Court by usual means. The Court right now is a mess and works at roughly 60% of it's normal rate, which is unacceptable. My Emperor is currently away from the Court, participating in war efforts, but I fear to even think about what would happen if the Court would be still in the state it is now when He returns. Therefore, I have a personal request for you. Is it possible to get a similar official writing about this particular subject, whoever the entry refers to, ideally with Lucy's handwritten signature, before my Emperor comes back home? Which, in fact, could happen at any time, as He will most likely teleport himself right on the sofa in his room for a cup of victor's tea (and scaring the yang out of me as always). I fear he will be very mad at me otherwise. With regards, Xie Lifen, Emperor's personal assistant |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
It can be confirmed that Ariasa of Tien Chi is officially classified as a Giant Four Armed Wizard and thus holds high status in the land of Avalon.
Mother Fiommulga, Head Crone of Avalon |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Evil opressors of poor fishworms!
The Peoples Republic of Ulm shall bring liberty, justice and socialism for all strate of society! P.S. My rather creepy NKVD chief Lawrentji Berija wishes to inquire: If the NKVD captures a male four armed wizard, cuts all of his arms off and then proceeds with a sex change operation, does his rank in the kingdom of Avalon rise of fall? Signed Rosa Luxemburg General Secretary of the Peoples Republic of Ulm P.P.S. Yes, mr. Berija is very creepy indeed, I think ill task him with "hold stone idol in Ctiss capital" duties soon. |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Dear Xie Lifen
Unfortunately Lucy is still asleep (it could be a few more months) so her signature could not be arranged. Our beloved Mother Tailltu had the nasty accident with a mistimed Cloud-Trapeze and a hail of fireballs so I am left in charge. Mother Fiommulga, Head Crone of Avalon Dear Rosa Luxemburg Mr Berinja is clearly a dangerously depraved criminal male. I suggest a swift operation on his neck with a large axe. Mother Fiommulga, Head Crone of Avalon |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I regret that Fishworm (as Her Beautifulness Lucy so affectionately calls him) had to die (a second time) for this friendship to form. I really, really do regret that. I am sure the Emperor will see to it that his opponent in battle will get his honor immortalized, to ensure both the people of T'ien Ch'i and the native Atlanteans never forget his death was not in vain. Quote:
Signed, Xie Lifen, Emperor's personal assistant OOC: This "public correspondence" somehow reminds me of the notice board in the market, in Europa 1400: The Guild. With one difference, I can't exactly tear down the pamphlets using 2 AP :D I also completely forgot to say something about our "Henrich case" earlier. I feel reluctant to act when we really don't know what's going on. But on the other hand... yes, me and Jimbojones now triumphantly demonstrated our awareness and full-time capability of stale-prevention, but I don't think it means we wish to be your "snooze" button on alarm clock, either :D (and it's common knowledge everyone keeps pressing the button all the time, right?) |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Actually, Mr. Berija wished to inquire wether the four armed male sorceror would gain a higher rank upon loosing his arms and being turned into a woman.
However, as the following news indicates, Mr. Berijas questions are no longer of great importance: Breakings News! A new Age in warfare? Enterprising Mage Smiths in the Peoples Republic of Ulm have recently attempted to directly weaponize the thoughts and minds of our greatest thinkers against the nefarious Lizard of Ctiss! After a period in which Mr. Berija oversaw the project, he did, in a suprising turn of events not at all influenced by 2 divisions of Field Marshall Zhukovs troops aiming pointy Sticks at comrade Berijas head, volunteer his very own mind for the project. His brain was surgicially extracted in a complicated arcane ceremony involving large quantities of Wodka and Beer, loaded in a catapult and fired into the general direction of Ctiss`s Capital. We eagerly await reports from the weapon field test. Ulm News! Fair and Heavy! |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
+12h added to give C'tis a chance to submit. Will also PM bewarethebarnaclegoose.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
The status shows the new turns are out, no matter my mail box lies empty.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Likewise. I have just requested a turn re-send, if that works for me then I will go through and do the same for all nations in the game just to be sure.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
It did work for me thou...
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
As a "foody" with a fondness for exotic dishes and unusual ingredients, Lady Esmeralda of Ermor has undertaken to perform a taste-test of Wo-Man's social heirarchy for us. Her results to-date as shown below, as she works her way through the list:
Lady Esmeralda, First Consul and Chief Food Critic of Ermor |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
I think that C'tis will survive this latest invasion, but if we dont, I hope everyone will remember us as the intolerant, mammal-hating necromancers we always tried to be.
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Invasion? Thats just the vanguard! I anxiously await the next turn, let us see wether my many "cunning plans" work :) IC: Today, Ulm news transcribes the pre battle speech of Field Marshall of the Peoples Republic of Ulm, Georgy Zhukov! "Soldiers of the People! Protectors of the revolution, liberators of the opressed, banes of tyrants, today, another vile beast shall fall before the armies of progress! The reactionary slaveholders may think that there swamps and miasma protect them, but progressive Ulmish science defeated their cowardly bioweapons! The backward beorgouais put trust in their god, but does their god trust itself? The good efforts of the NKVD, and the proclaimed inevitable victory of Marxism has already swayed many in this province away from this snotty gooseformed abomination. Indeed, many of the lizards rather worship the place on the citywall were comrade Berijas brain impacted then a weird smelly fire thing that cannot even decide wether it is dead or not! The slaveholder think they can rely on hordes of shambling undead, but does Ulmish steel fear mere bones? What do the warriors of Ulm fear anyway? Death? As your can see and hear when you speak to your Bane comrades, Marxism can defeat death itself, and the best agents of the revolution are not to be stopped by somthing as trivial as death! Will the goose risk itself in a battle where its rebirth is not assured? Will it dare to lead from the front? Dare to face me in battle if I lead from the front like I always do? Look upon them, and see the doubt in their snouts! Look upon them, see the fear that makes their tails quiver, look upon some of them, and see hope in their eyes, hope that the Peoples Republic succeeds, that it liberates them from their heinous overlords and brings justice and equality to them! Today we fight, today we shall win once more! To battle, Soldier of the People! -- Ulm News, Fair and Heavy |
Re: I Need More Power! - yet another MA newbie game - Running
Sorry guys, I have had to travel unexpectedly for work and so my turn is going to be a bit late. I'm going to give myself a small extension (for which I ask you understanding), and promise to have it in as soon as I stop moving for 15-20 minutes. :-)
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