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RonD March 4th, 2012 08:53 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
No problem.

Correction: one problem - I will need the admin password.

Mightypeon March 5th, 2012 09:05 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I am firing the rollback, also sending rond the admin pW

Gurthang March 5th, 2012 11:04 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 797625)
I am firing the rollback

Should we resend last turn exactly as it was, or replay it at leisure?

RonD March 5th, 2012 03:55 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
That should probably be up to Mightypeon, as he is the person who needed the rollback.

Mightypeon March 5th, 2012 04:01 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I would say replay at leisure.

Mightypeon March 7th, 2012 09:29 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I am sorry, but my Computer is non functional, getting repaired and will be back in 2-3 days. I still have internet, but no dominions access.

RonD March 7th, 2012 01:42 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
When I reset the timer to 75 hrs, it reset the deadline to Thursday night(the extra 3 hours will hopefully help keep the hosting time from creeping forward too much - we'll see).

Let me know when you are back - I will keep extending it in the meantime. My work exploded with all sorts of worky explosions the past couple of days anyway, so I have no problem with a short break.

Mightypeon March 9th, 2012 04:29 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
My turn is in, I am certainly preparing some devious and whacky little suprises!

RonD March 11th, 2012 12:55 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Not sure what has become of Gurthang. I have postponed hosting again, until Monday night.

Mightypeon March 11th, 2012 05:03 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Definitly, he really should not/must not stale in the given situation, as this is a crucial turn.

RonD March 11th, 2012 06:23 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
He didn't (Caelum has not staled all game). New turn is up.

The rollback cost me one golem, but cost you one Iron Angel.

Mightypeon March 12th, 2012 07:34 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Happens, I gotta check out which one.

Gurthang March 12th, 2012 07:59 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
No intention of staling right after the rollback ;)

As a side note, it cost me a Garnet Sorceress with Blood skill 2... a rare animal.

Mightypeon March 12th, 2012 12:09 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I killed no such thing!

RonD March 12th, 2012 12:23 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
He probably means that he got a lucky new recruit in the 1st version of the turn with a 10% pick, but did not get lucky in the new version of reality. Similarly, I lost a golem in a battle that was identical between the two versions, except for the outcome (I still killed Iron Angel, but in the first version of reality both of my golems survived, and they took control of the province).

Mightypeon March 13th, 2012 08:30 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
That battle was a bit weird, I could have sworn that the Angel was on holdX5 attack large, but I think he went in immidiatly due to Berserk.
I really need to improve mage scripting, Shatter did not went off a single time when fighting any Golem of yours.

Gurthang March 14th, 2012 07:32 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

Originally Posted by RonD (Post 798331)
He probably means that he got a lucky new recruit in the 1st version of the turn with a 10% pick, but did not get lucky in the new version of reality.

That's it!

Mightypeon March 15th, 2012 03:28 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Also: Damn those Black Lords are nasty, a ungeared one just nearly managed to kill a fully thugged out Black priest. As it stands, the Priest is only muted, which is still quite nice given the 0 gem investment. And that against the powerfull combination of Soul Drain and Phonex Pyre...

Mightypeon March 20th, 2012 06:28 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I will have issues getting the turn in, and have to ask for a 24 hour delay.
Edit: Nevermind, did it myself.

Gurthang March 20th, 2012 12:02 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I cast Open Tartarian Gate this turn, but nothing came out of it. Dinner time in Hell, or did you already summon every guy down there?

Looks like Hell and the Astral Plane are turning into pretty lonely places... :bored:

RonD March 20th, 2012 12:43 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Are you sure? Only about 20% of tartarians arrive as commanders. Look at the regular troops in that province.

I was sort of hoping this game would proceed without anyone bothering the tarts, but I guess not :shock:

I'm not try to make you feel bad about doing it - tarts are a perfectly legal part of the game and it will feel like a normal dom3 game with everyone bopping around behind our big, bad tartarians. I just happen to have a personal feeling that the game is more interesting without them. This is largely because the best way to counter them is with tarts of your own, so all those nicely differentiated nations at the start of the game end up looking alike by the end.

On the other hand, that no-gem thug of BR Ulm's laid about 70 points of damage on my undead Dust Priest in a single round - so 2 or 3 of them ought to be able to take down a tart in a round or two. BR Ulm may have have the perfect cheapo tart-counter.

Gurthang March 21st, 2012 08:44 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Are you sure? Only about 20% of tartarians arrive as commanders. Look at the regular troops in that province.

You are right -- the Tartarian is there as a regular troop -- even if I would doubt the wisdom of a nation enlisting such a guy as a regular in the army. Let's say I wouldn't sleep well in a dorm beside him :o

I was sort of hoping this game would proceed without anyone bothering the tarts, but I guess not :shock:

If we all agree to it, I won't summon any other Tartarian :)

RonD March 21st, 2012 12:34 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Mightypeon is free to chime in of course. However, "no tarts" was not a stipulation that the game began with, and not even an actual proposal on my part (just wishful thinking). I am guessing, based on you not knowing where to find your new tartarian toy, that this is a new aspect of the game for you. I've never noticed anyone making a game that actually bans tartarians, so using them here will be a helpful learning tool for you for future games.

Mightypeon March 21st, 2012 12:47 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
For what reasons should Tarts be banned?
With Undead GoR they are es expensive as most other SC choices (12+20 or so), and fyi I am fairly well equipped to cheaply deal with undead things.
Sneaky Things and Remote Things are much more annoying :)

RonD March 21st, 2012 05:11 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I almost feel sorry for the Iron Angels. What are they now, 0 for 4?

I'll know the string of losses are starting to really hurt when you stop giving the new ones cute names like General Zukhov and Zmey Removal System X9000, and start naming them "next".

Gurthang March 21st, 2012 08:00 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
What is Undead GoR? :confused:

RonD March 21st, 2012 08:58 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
In vanilla there is just "Gift of Reason" and it works on any non-commander unit. CBM changed it. GoR is much cheaper, but does not work on undead (tartarians). They put in a new spell "Restore Soul" that costs more (I think it is the same as vanilla GoR) and works only on undead.

Gurthang March 22nd, 2012 10:18 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Dom 3 is more like a culture than a game... hat off for the designers!

RonD March 22nd, 2012 04:04 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
A note about an upcoming pause: I will be away 8 or 9 days starting a week from today (probably completely without dominions). I will try to take whatever turn is up before I leave town, and then set a really long timer.

Mightypeon March 23rd, 2012 05:24 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I should propably purge my Iron Angel department, some Foul treacher seems to be at play there! For Zeh Vaterland!

Mightypeon March 25th, 2012 05:55 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
On the plus side, I am putting some lections from RonD to use in a game where I am playing Shinuyama :)

RonD March 29th, 2012 12:36 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I have postponed the next hosting until after I return from my trip. I might be able to do the current turn before I leave - but probably not (I have a huge amount of more important stuff needing to get done first).

I expect that once I return, I will have absolutely no recollection of all the cool plans I've made :)

Mightypeon April 9th, 2012 01:19 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Hmm, I am switching from "try to win" to "cause lots of damage" way more fun that way!

RonD April 9th, 2012 02:00 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
"cause lots of damage" is a big part of trying to win....

I am back. I might need an extra day to wrap my head around the game, so don't be too surprised if I postpone hosting by another 24 hours.

RonD April 11th, 2012 03:14 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Hah! Nutty things happen when you go away for 10 days and then try to cram planning a big complicated turn into a couple of hours.

I had no idea my Asynja would show up in that one battle. That was supposed to be a quick little "golem teleports in, returns out" info-gathering trip...

A bunch of other littler things got neglected as well.

Mightypeon April 11th, 2012 05:07 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Was a bit suprised about that too :)
Not going to complain about it though.

Hmm, "s" is doubtlessly up to absolutly no good though :)

I was also a bit in "Oh crap, Rain of stones?" mode when I saw her showing up.

Mightypeon April 13th, 2012 09:01 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Eh, that went badly, Shinus assassination spell output is also quite impressive.
Unless Caelum does something while I still have armies, they will definitly win. From my own scout networks, Caelum would stand absolutly no chance 1on1 against Shinuyama. Shinuyama can cast Storm Warriors, can very likely cast Gaias Blessing, and can definitly cast warriors of Niefelheim.
Shinuyama can counter even large armies of me due to having major access to all spell schools (other than Blood). Bakemono Sorcs with Reinvig 8, are quite tough, especially if supported by mistform, arrow fend and army of gold which makes killing them with random shots unfeasable. I can at least do something about Heat from Hell and Firestorm, which will propably rip Caelum a new one if they end up in a major battle.

My main issues is still being in "late midgame" while Shinus is fully in the lategame, as well as some mistakes in Pretender design (should have gone for a rainbow), diplomacy and a lack of true lategame options.

I did kind of precict things, which is why I tried to end Shinuyama early, but Acro intervened. Than came Mictlan, followed by the war with Pythium.
I made another mistake there in offering to prop up Pythium after Shinu/Caelum went for it, which totally faeled due to the subbing issues.

Overall, Black Rose still has the following weaknesses:
-No access to Wards of any kind
-Highly dependent on Earth Income, which was not particularly forthcoming. I didnt check for the -1pathboost on my pretender, who actually cant cast Bloodwell -.-
-Poorer Magic diversity than CBM Ulm.

I failed to transport my midgame advantadges into a truely powerfull lategame position.

RonD April 13th, 2012 11:34 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 801596)
Eh, that went badly,

Aww, that was just a border skirmish way far away from where the main armies are staring at each other. You had actually had quite a lot less capability there than what you used against Pythium 25 turns ago.


Overall, Black Rose still has the following weaknesses:
-No access to Wards of any kind
Really? You had really early access to 50% resist to all elements, which is all that fire ward, etc give anyway. Or do you mean domes?

-Highly dependent on Earth Income, which was not particularly forthcoming.
Lots of nations have the risk that they won't find the right kinds of gems. I have another game as shin where I have only maybe 5 fire gems/turn and not much more death - well into the late game.

Mightypeon April 14th, 2012 07:15 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I mean Domes yes :)
That you played your game better than I did (I think I got a bit of Victors disease after dealing with Pythium) of course is also a factor :)

Mightypeon April 16th, 2012 08:29 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I have to think a bit more about my next turn, can I have a 24 hour delay?

RonD April 16th, 2012 08:40 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started

Mightypeon April 17th, 2012 02:35 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
I need another 24 hour delay sadly. I already postponed since I still remember the admin password.

RonD April 17th, 2012 05:53 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
No problem. Thanks for letting us know.

Gurthang April 19th, 2012 09:09 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Unfortunately, I won't be able to do my turn before Monday evening. I am afraid that involves a 48-hours delay.

As a side remark, I am learning a lot from the battles I am witnessing... my hat is off guys!

RonD April 19th, 2012 10:40 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Done. Let us know if you need any time beyond that.

RonD April 23rd, 2012 07:37 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
All turns except Ulm are in, and the turn is scheduled to host in an hour or so. I am going to go ahead and extend the timer another day, just in case. But feel free to put your turn in tonight if it is ready.

Mightypeon April 24th, 2012 04:45 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Tahnks a lot! Going to try something new :)

Mightypeon April 27th, 2012 08:59 AM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Thanks a lot for cathcing my stale RonD, I set reminders to 24 hours as that is imho better. Its damn easy to miss a reminder if you have an early job, and the reminder comes in at 1 am in the night.

Mightypeon April 28th, 2012 05:07 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Ulm is officially all in! Will hilarity ensue?
Also: Bah, forgot about the stupid quickness on the wendigo. Was propably my best chance of getting him by providing Shinu with a nice piece of bait and then moving in with the sea queen who regenerates back to full health every turn :)

Mightypeon April 28th, 2012 05:20 PM

Re: Pointy Sticks MA started
Damn RonD, you are a great player!
So yeah, whenever I siege try sieging, my armies armour gets premptivly destroyed by a single Bakemono Sorc on Acid Storm, backed up by a lizard wizard with a staff of storm scripted to cast returning.
I actually had one golem scripted to cast soul slay, but it didnt hit the right targets, well, at least Caelum has stormflyers :).
I am learning a lot from this game though!

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