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-   -   Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Game over, Atlantis wins) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48650)

Executor August 31st, 2012 04:34 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 810386)
I thought your raiding parties were very effective. A handful of tough troops with very high prot backed by a frozen heart casting tungalik or two made for a very cost effective force. And if they die you're just out a little gold. Definitely good value for your money.

In terms of mobility, one thing Exec may be referring to is that with water provs spread throughout the map and you controlling all of them (well, as far as I'm aware) it gave you lots of angles of attack for those raiders and more substantial forces when called for. I would imagine you also were able to make good use of the Angakok's sailing ability and ride the currents/traverse the sea.

Edit: ninja'd

That's exactly what I meant about mobility.

And raiding too btw. Amhazir, you could have easily sent at least a dozen more raiding parties like that. You certainly had the troops for it. On the other hand raiding against your PD proved somewhat less effective as you yourself once said.

Soyweiser September 1st, 2012 04:33 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I think I can also not do anything about it. Attacking Atlantis directly would only result in my losing much of my homelands. As Atlantis bordered mine on all sides. My mages only worked in big groups abusing communions, and my cap only thug is easily defeated by frozen heart spam.

I did have a lot of vamps and blood. My plan was to bloodsac nations to death while everybody was fighting Atlantis. but while my dominion is on a enormous rise, so is Atlantis. And I cannot afford to buy temples. (Only one every other turn **** the 800 gold cost). And my final ploy, wrath of god has also proven not to be that effective. Only 100 kills.

So if everybody else wants to call it. Fine by me.

Soyweiser September 2nd, 2012 06:14 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
The turn is hosting in 12 hours. So could we either get an extension, or a resolution to this question?

And I doubt everybody is checking this thread regularly. (I have updated mailed to me).

Valerius September 2nd, 2012 06:19 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I think the game is over... Atlantis, Pythium and C'tis all staled last turn and it doesn't sound like anyone thinks the outcome is in doubt.

Admiral_Aorta September 2nd, 2012 06:34 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I don't mind ending it if there's a general consensus, even though I enjoy fighting last stand type situations and would be happy to continue.

Soyweiser September 2nd, 2012 08:47 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Yeah, I would also not mind continueing, just to see how far I can take my current strategy.

But only if people are still playing. I don't want to waste time playing turns with the major nations staling.

Ossa September 2nd, 2012 02:39 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I'd continue as long as possible. I'd suggest we all unite vs Atlantis and put them all to ai.
Kind of Hinnom, Nifel and Ermor vs the rest with mutual support;)

Soyweiser September 2nd, 2012 03:36 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
A wll quickly did a turn then.

Amhazair September 2nd, 2012 03:54 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Oh. I had pretty muched shelved this game in my head, seeing as no one seemed to object to ending it. But, as said, I'm willing to play on as long as there's a call for it. Will need to extend the turn in that case though, as I haven't even looked at the last one.

Admiral_Aorta September 3rd, 2012 06:00 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I'm not going to have computer access for a day or so from later today.

dojango September 4th, 2012 02:29 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
If we've already acclaimed Atlantis as the winner, there's not too much point in slogging through this, is there? It's time we moved into stage 5, acceptance.

Amhazair September 4th, 2012 05:05 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Well, there's 4 people who're ready to call it quits (You, C'tis, Abysia and Midgard) and 3 who want to play on, (Ermor, Gath and Utgard) which constitutes a sizable minority. (Of which Ermor is currently trying to fight hard, and Gath has a plan to try to dom-kill everyone. Not that I feel too threatened for now.)

Also, I'd say it's bad form to end a (non-VP) game while not everyone is convinced it's over. (Except in the case of peripheral nations who did nothing all game. If those wanted to have a say they should have done something before.)

So, while I have trouble getting myself back into gear too I'd appreciate a final effort till even the doubters are convinced. (Don't like it? Kill of the people voting to play on. ;) ) Also, I'm having a very busy week myself, so added 48h again. Sorry about that.

Soyweiser September 5th, 2012 02:37 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I don't really want to play on. I don't mind doing so for others.

Valerius September 5th, 2012 02:59 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
It seems like most of the sentiments in favor of continuing are more along the lines of showing good fighting spirit and maybe getting to try out some new things rather than doubting that Atlantis has won. While Amhazair a good tolerance for late game micro it seems a shame to have him keep putting in time managing 100+ provinces for a game that's decided.

I'm also waiting to see Exec's reaction because I don't think he'll be too thrilled at the idea of continuing to submit turns. :p

jotwebe September 5th, 2012 06:00 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser
I don't really want to play on. I don't mind doing so for others.

Similar sentiments here. At least I get to see what this mod did with the demon lords.

Amhazair September 5th, 2012 02:27 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 810582)
I don't really want to play on. I don't mind doing so for others.

Oh, okey. Misunderstood you then. Looking back to the three posts that were made (more or less) in favor of continuing it looks like they indeed all are more along these lines than about really wanting to play on, as Valerius pointed out for me. My misunderstanding was probably caused by the shock & panick I felt about having to start playing again after I had mentally abandoned the game. ;)

I guess (once again) we call it a day then. It's been fun, (I've been wanting to play Atlantis since I got the game, those eskimo toads just are too damned cute, but it had never happened before) Good game all, thanks for playing, see you all in the next one and all that shizzle.


Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 810584)
I'm also waiting to see Exec's reaction because I don't think he'll be too thrilled at the idea of continuing to submit turns. :p

:p Was indeed looking forward to his reaction...

Soyweiser September 6th, 2012 04:22 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
That means:

Congrats Amhazair!

jotwebe September 6th, 2012 04:29 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)

At least the great and ancient civiliation of Abysia was not vanquished by illiterate barbarians. It is a happy thought to keep us warm through the long, cold, cold, cold night ahead...

Ossa September 6th, 2012 12:54 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
It was my understanding we declare Amhazair winner, everone but the three of us goes ai and the rest slug it on - is that an alternative yet?
If not - could you just send me the admin pw and I'll do it myself;) ?

Amhazair September 6th, 2012 05:23 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I very much doubt you'll find anyone intrested in that. But, if you feel like it, be my guest. Was about to take down the game, but postponed hosting instead just in case you do find a companion for that mad plan. :)

You might have to PM everyone to get their attention though, (To play on or to turn their nations AI) I think most people stopped paying attention to this game.

Edit: And set myself AI just in case this happens.

Ossa September 7th, 2012 02:43 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
If you could send me the password that would be much easier;)

I'd suggest we take Saturday evening as the deadline - everyone who wants to continue vs the ai menace should just bump this threat.

jotwebe September 7th, 2012 10:40 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I guess I'll put in at least another turn so I cast second sun, give you guys a fighting chance ;)

Executor September 8th, 2012 11:49 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Sorry everyone, I thought this game ended a week ago. Didn't bother to check the game thread since I have email notifications set up and no emails came up.

I'll set myself AI too. Cheers guys.

Admiral_Aorta September 10th, 2012 05:34 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
uh why has the email address for Ermor been changed, I'm still in this game.

Soyweiser September 11th, 2012 03:22 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Sadly you are no longer. You have been set to AI.

Admiral_Aorta September 11th, 2012 03:30 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
cool, nice of someone to let me know in advance

Ossa September 11th, 2012 04:07 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Sorry - I'm going to go back a turn.
It appeared to me that the discussion ended with everyone but me not interested in continuing the game. You didnt answer in this threat and would have stalled, so I took all the email adresses but for Gath, who was obviously still playing.

I'm going to roll back and reset ermor to your adress - just send me a pm with your email.

Admiral_Aorta September 11th, 2012 06:35 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
eh if you're setting everyone else AI I'm not bothered, I thought like 3 or 4 people were still playing and wanted to continue on that basis.

Soyweiser September 12th, 2012 04:10 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Game over, Atlantis wins)
Now only Me and Utgard are non AI. Next turn, even I will be AI. (Really... there is no reason for me to continue with this many AI players. I would win in the end, just by blood saccing).

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