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mattyburn7 September 18th, 2012 08:51 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I concur. I'll play any game with rev2 or Shunwick for the added value of the posts!

revenant2 September 18th, 2012 06:21 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 811299)
I concur. I'll play any game with rev2 or Shunwick for the added value of the posts!

I've lost my mojo a bit in this game, although I think that's because I'm still recovering from BSOD :)

AreaOfEffect September 18th, 2012 11:36 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Hey everyone. Just checking up on things. See how everyone is doing.

Me, I'm fine. Never been better. Just finished rounding up some filthy brigands and trouble makers. Yup, pretty sure I got all of them this time. Had quite a few. About 15 here, 5 there, 16 somewhere else. Its all good though, my task force of judges did a fantastic job and sentenced all 78 of them to death. Took them about an hour, which includes the lunch break.

Did anyone else see that fight for the Forest of Idun. Man, that was a really great battle between Mictlan and C'tis. And to think, even though C'tis brought such a variety of units, mages, and priests, and even though they seemed to have greater numbers, they just weren't a match for those triple blessed jaguar warriors and ozelotl. Massacre actually. Spite the fact that Mictlan's units were starving.

Any word on the Ermor front. Last I knew they were resting on top of the last castle of some nation. Patala I think it was. Strange race of people. Never had a chance I heard. Ermor's become a real nation killer I think. Too bad for them Tien Chi took all their spoils from the conquest of Gath. That must be a lot of gem income for the barbaric tribes who occupy the vast mountain regions.

Mictlan's bless is water 9, fire 9, astral 9. Just saying

Gargouille September 19th, 2012 12:16 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
In the beginning Chelms contact us for make peace. We say yes, we are loyal. Last month Chelms attack us, 4 sneak attacks, and lose 3. With Atlantis, Chelms can win, but Chelms lose his honnor, they are liars.

shunwick September 19th, 2012 12:30 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Is there anyone not at war with Mictlan?

Despite fighting several wars with his neighbours on widely separate fronts, the Capitalist Warmongering Hyena known as “Bloodpuppets” launched a cowadly sneak attack on the peaceful and respectable cave province of Barra. The minimally defended province was under the command of Comrade Provincial Governor Stene who was slain in a brave attempt to fight off the invading force. The Pythium Leadership is so concerned by this unprovoked aggression that they have raised the Empire Threat Level from “No Worries” to “Slightly Put Out”.

The Voice of Pythium has been able to track down an old acquaintance of the mad “Bloodpuppets”. Speaking from the academy in the city of Cimri, Comrade Research Assistant Aesculapios revealed that he went to school with the insane dictator of Mictlan. “Oh yes,” he said, “I remember Chubby.”

Apparently, the Loopy Dic attended the Cimri High School in his early years where he was known as Stanley Limpthwaite. “Used to pull the legs of a spiders,” explained his former classmate. “Mad a march hare. Some of the other kids began calling him names like scumsucker, dipstick and so on. Eventually they settled on Chubby. Well, you know, for obvious reasons. Children can be so cruel sometimes.”

One of his former teachers at the High School, Comrade Benim, said, “Stanley was such a strange child. Not quite right in the head, you know. Fairly ugly I seem to recall and not very bright. There were a lot of nasty incidents at the time but we could never catch him at it.”

The small probing force that Mictlan sent into Barra province is being invited to withdraw and a strongly worded letter to this effect has already been despatched. Whether such a polite response is enough to sway the insane megalomania of Stanley Limpthwaite is unknown at this time. A more forceful approach may be necessary to deal with this nuisance.

An armed reconnaissance force has been sent from Cimri into the province of Old Man Mountains in an attempt to collect information on the renegade golem mage Antatus. The small recon force contains mainly those troops convalescing from injuries sustained in the Gath Campaign. We wish Comrade General Celarim and his limping and wheezing recon troops well.

The banquet in the Pythium Capital for the Special Forces Group was a great success. Comrade General Eric received grateful thanks for this stunning victory and his winning charm made him many friends at the glittering ball. Missing from the celebrations, however, was Hero of the Peoples Comrade Teacher Ooo Daman who stayed on in the newly acquired province of Bright Woods where he and his band of Comrade Outreach workers established a re-education centre and quickly brought peace and stability to that troubled land.

In exciting news, Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod announced the annexation of the province of Ministra. The new province, free of control from any of the major powers, was completely devoid of any defence and was liberated by the daring exploits of Comrade Ambassador Stanebor. The province is a long way from the Democratic People’s Republic of Pythium and shares a border with both the Noble Empire of Agartha and Mad “Bloodpuppet’s” Insane Realm of Mictlan. Naturally, we wish the inhabitants of Ministra every success and welcome them into the enlightened and peaceful family of Democratic Republics.

Finally, we understand that the orgies continue in the Cimri. “Orgies, orgies everywhere. It’s disgusting and immoral,” said one outraged resident, “and not an invite in sight.”

The Peoples of Pythium await further news.

AreaOfEffect September 19th, 2012 12:35 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by Gargouille (Post 811344)
In the beginning Chelms contact us for make peace. We say yes, we are loyal. Last month Chelms attack us, 4 sneak attacks, and lose 3. With Atlantis, Chelms can win, but Chelms lose his honnor, they are liars.

Actually, I sent you a message via in-game where I broke my NAP. I waited a full four turns. The message was sent on turn 34. I attacked you on turn 38. Plenty of time by anyone's standard of a 3 round NAP. Check your turns and you will see I am correct.

shunwick September 19th, 2012 12:46 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by AreaOfEffect (Post 811328)
That must be a lot of gem income for the barbaric tribes who occupy the vast mountain regions.

You would think wouldn't you? Month after month my site searches say "no new magic sites found in ... "

Bloody mountains. No gold, no gems, no supplies, no armies, no PD, no mages, no reasearch, no idea and no hope. How the hell have I lasted four years on this?

mattyburn7 September 19th, 2012 02:10 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Bogarus kindly asks the Lizards of C'tis to stop harassing our Scout Troops who are peacefully hiking.

AreaOfEffect September 19th, 2012 11:25 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Until someone tells me otherwise, I'm giving the credit for Patala's demise to Ermor. Good luck in other games there ghoul. Thank you for playing with us.

shunwick September 20th, 2012 06:14 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Patala got double tagged by the Ermorian-Agarthan Alliance though finally killed off by Ermor. It will be interesting to see who Patala names as his main nemisis.

Best wishes,

YellowCactus September 20th, 2012 07:08 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Mictlan Priests are not know for their superior diplomatic skills. One village elder was quoted saying "The Kingdom is most peaceful when the Jaguar Warriors are campaigning elsewhere."

Most of the Mictlan empire is learning to enjoy cold weather, and speaking Caelum Tongue in order to please our bird-winged overlords. In the North, we are clearing out a big of living space from the C'tis swamps. Around our Capitol.....Arco has decided to trample around with some elephants. They are most unwelcome!

Unoptimized September 20th, 2012 12:15 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Grind's Log,

I cannot believe that the ruse is working. We all knew that Nero was blind…but this defies all reason.

For a transcendent genius, Nero is mind-bogglingly clueless.

I pen this as we have finally taken the empire of Patala and their fierce serpent-gods out from their last stronghold. While I have been working diligently for the Silent Empire, Nero is in the library which has been his home for over 3 years. We have managed to convince him that his great experiments have failed, and that the people of Ermor still breath. This was accomplished by staffing his library with the last 10 noisy breathers in Ermor.

They appropriately cower in fear as Nero cries out that “THEY WILL RUE THE DAY” or “THEY THOUGHT ME MAD!” in all caps. They talk about how alive they are, and how much they like food made from wherever food comes from. Then he gets back to his research, which his librarians proceed to steal. That this system has worked for so long…I just…I just don’t understand.

What I DO understand is that the mountain barbarians of the north march into the Silent Empire. With our southern campaign concluded, our legions march to meet them.

shunwick September 20th, 2012 01:41 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is the Voice of Pythium

In a dramatic speech outside the Palace of Heroes, Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod pledged wholehearted support for the Enlightened Empire of Mictlan. The Democratic People’s Republic of Pythium, as you know, has been a staunch supporter of the benevolent and kind Bloodpuppets. “Under Bloodpuppets’ sure and steady leadership, Mictlan has become a nation to admire and emulate,” he said.

The Voice of Pythium would also add that the foul and vicious rumours surrounding the Mictlan Leadership are nothing more than scurrilous tittle-tattle and condemns anyone guilty of peddling such trash.

In further news, it seems that the refit for Pytium’s Special Forces Group under the overall leadership of Comrade General Eric has been completed in superfast time. Speculation is rife that the days of Antatus, the renegade Golem Mage are numbered.

Finally, congratulations are in order to the armed reconnaissance group who performed sterling work in the last mission. Sadly, nine comrade soldiers of the recon team lost their lives in the operation. A memorial is being prepared in the great city of Cimri to mark the fallen heroes.

The Peoples of Pythium await further news.

HoleyDooley September 20th, 2012 07:39 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is like read a novel, great stuff guys.

shunwick September 22nd, 2012 06:51 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Oh bum...

YellowCactus September 22nd, 2012 08:17 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Did your computer die again? Just kick it. Works for Han Solo....

shunwick September 22nd, 2012 01:07 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
No, computer is fine. Although it is doing some strange things. For example, I cannot reach this forum unless I open a new tab on my browser.

shunwick September 22nd, 2012 01:11 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This is the Voice of Pythium

A sense of confusion is sweeping through the Democratic People’s Republic of Pythium.

News has filtered through of an immense victory for the Special Projects Group in the newly acquired province of Old Man Mountains against the renegade Golem Mage Antatus and his army of stone thingies and flying stone thingies. Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod devised and personally supervised the high-risk operation in conjunction with Comrade General Eric and his special troops.

Despite the overwhelming victory, however, there are rumours that not everything is right with the Pythium Leadership and Comrade General Eric seemed to criticise the use of his Special Projects Group as a suicide diversion technique. It is understood that the special troops performed well above expectations against such difficult opponents but they were forced to fight to the last ... er ... man. The total loss of such an important legion as the Special Projects Group, even in circumstances as difficult and as ultimately successful as this, has shaken the Leadership and has led several Central Committee members to question the soundness of the General Secretary’s plan.

It is not the first time that Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod has found himself under severe pressure for the control of the Leadership. Both Comrade Paghat and former jailbird and previously-owned donkey salesperson Comrade God Lucinus IV were present at the battle of Old Man Mountains but refused to comment on the outcome of the battle. In light of the momentous victory, such silence can only be seen as ominous.

Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod only added to the confusion with an impromptu speech on the OMM battlefields.

“For many months the Democratic and Peace-Loving People’s Republic of Pythium has been under constant attack from magics emanating from outside. Commanders throughout the length and breadth of the republic have been attacked and killed in the most cowardly way I can think of,” he said. “This is why I am wearing this specially made hat of thin metallic foil. It is to protect me from the deadly mind rays of our enemies. It is obvious to me now that those death rays are coming from the Evil Empire of Arcoscephale. After our victorious victory here, where we have been victorious, on this victorious battlefield we shall rise up victoriously and smite the Arcoscephalean Empire victoriously. This is a Declaration of War you rotten scoundrel.”

It was at this point that a Comrade Attendant appeared to whisper in the ear of the Comrade General Secretary.

Undeterred he continued, “We may not have troops in the vicinity or, indeed, any commanders to lead the troops we do not have but we shall have our revenge on the Evil Arcoscephalean filth. It may take a while but our victorious armies on heading your way in a few months if we can recruit some new commanders and probably troops as well. And you can’t get me because I am wearing my hat. So there. Ner, ner, na ner ner!”

Comrade Paghat and Comrade General Eric were seen later conferring over the document that was being waved by Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod during his speech. “Oh sh... bother,” said Comrade Paghat. Comrade General Eric later confirmed that it was a fully legal Declaration of War against Arcoscephale.

So the Democratic and Peace-Loving People’s Republic of Pythium finds itself at war once again.

“Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod is resting comfortably,” said his Comrade Nurse.

Sale of hats made from thin metallic sheets are said to be doing a roaring trade in the streets of Pythium.

The Peoples of Pythium await further news.

revenant2 September 22nd, 2012 08:47 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by shunwick (Post 811487)
This is the Voice of Pythium

A sense of confusion is sweeping through the Democratic People’s Republic of Pythium.

News has filtered through of an immense victory for the Special Projects Group in the newly acquired province of Old Man Mountains against the renegade Golem Mage Antatus and his army of stone thingies and flying stone thingies. Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod devised and personally supervised the high-risk operation in conjunction with Comrade General Eric and his special troops.

Despite the overwhelming victory, however, there are rumours that not everything is right with the Pythium Leadership and Comrade General Eric seemed to criticise the use of his Special Projects Group as a suicide diversion technique. It is understood that the special troops performed well above expectations against such difficult opponents but they were forced to fight to the last ... er ... man. The total loss of such an important legion as the Special Projects Group, even in circumstances as difficult and as ultimately successful as this, has shaken the Leadership and has led several Central Committee members to question the soundness of the General Secretary’s plan.

It is not the first time that Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod has found himself under severe pressure for the control of the Leadership. Both Comrade Paghat and former jailbird and previously-owned donkey salesperson Comrade God Lucinus IV were present at the battle of Old Man Mountains but refused to comment on the outcome of the battle. In light of the momentous victory, such silence can only be seen as ominous.

Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod only added to the confusion with an impromptu speech on the OMM battlefields.

“For many months the Democratic and Peace-Loving People’s Republic of Pythium has been under constant attack from magics emanating from outside. Commanders throughout the length and breadth of the republic have been attacked and killed in the most cowardly way I can think of,” he said. “This is why I am wearing this specially made hat of thin metallic foil. It is to protect me from the deadly mind rays of our enemies. It is obvious to me now that those death rays are coming from the Evil Empire of Arcoscephale. After our victorious victory here, where we have been victorious, on this victorious battlefield we shall rise up victoriously and smite the Arcoscephalean Empire victoriously. This is a Declaration of War you rotten scoundrel.”

It was at this point that a Comrade Attendant appeared to whisper in the ear of the Comrade General Secretary.

Undeterred he continued, “We may not have troops in the vicinity or, indeed, any commanders to lead the troops we do not have but we shall have our revenge on the Evil Arcoscephalean filth. It may take a while but our victorious armies on heading your way in a few months if we can recruit some new commanders and probably troops as well. And you can’t get me because I am wearing my hat. So there. Ner, ner, na ner ner!”

Comrade Paghat and Comrade General Eric were seen later conferring over the document that was being waved by Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod during his speech. “Oh sh... bother,” said Comrade Paghat. Comrade General Eric later confirmed that it was a fully legal Declaration of War against Arcoscephale.

So the Democratic and Peace-Loving People’s Republic of Pythium finds itself at war once again.

“Comrade General Secretary Vsevolod is resting comfortably,” said his Comrade Nurse.

Sale of hats made from thin metallic sheets are said to be doing a roaring trade in the streets of Pythium.

The Peoples of Pythium await further news.

Look here, Serpent-man -- or whatever it is you ungodly communists worship these days. You can't declare war on us because we already declared war on for assisting our hated enemy, Mictlan, with a cowardly and vicious attack against my homeland.

How could you let Mictlan use your lands to attack us? Have you seen what those savages do to their own territory. Our cows live better than they do.

We were going to make the declaration public knowledge, but all of our scribes have been too busy writing the last wills of our senators and we have yet to discover the secret of the printing press, but it was coming.

Know this: The power of my people is mighty and we have many sorcerers and elephants that will crush you and Mictlan's heads like a pair of rotten, ugly tomatoes. Admittedly, we had some tactical concerns about fielding elephants against your people since they are nearly indistinguishable from your womenfolk, but then we discovered that our elephants aren't quite as hairy and have shorter tusks.

Gargouille September 22nd, 2012 11:58 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Chelms speak here with PM for say peace, and use an other way for make war (me no see your message in the game). Jomon is loyal and proud, we fight up the dead. Fight alone against two, "two old warriors" against a young warrior, why not. We hope kill many enemy, after we can die.

AreaOfEffect September 23rd, 2012 01:33 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Perhaps I sent it on turn 34 and you got it on turn 35. I can be sure that I sent the message though.

Gargouille September 23rd, 2012 03:04 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Here i can use google translator, for speak with me this is better.
Me never see or understand your message, when you attack, i think you are my allied.

shunwick September 23rd, 2012 03:27 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 811495)

Look here, Serpent-man -- or whatever it is you ungodly communists worship these days. You can't declare war on us because we already declared war on for assisting our hated enemy, Mictlan, with a cowardly and vicious attack against my homeland.

How could you let Mictlan use your lands to attack us? Have you seen what those savages do to their own territory. Our cows live better than they do.

We were going to make the declaration public knowledge, but all of our scribes have been too busy writing the last wills of our senators and we have yet to discover the secret of the printing press, but it was coming.

Know this: The power of my people is mighty and we have many sorcerers and elephants that will crush you and Mictlan's heads like a pair of rotten, ugly tomatoes. Admittedly, we had some tactical concerns about fielding elephants against your people since they are nearly indistinguishable from your womenfolk, but then we discovered that our elephants aren't quite as hairy and have shorter tusks.

The Democratic and Peace-Loving People's Republic of Pythium send Greetings and Felicitations to the imbecile named I am the Walrus.

You are quite correct that you declared war on Pythium before we declared war on you. Your hastliy scribbled note was mis-filed as it was thought be an order for beef chow mein and a double helping of fried seaweed.

So, once again, the Peoples of Pythium are clearly the victims of an unprovoked agression. Twice before this has happened to us. Ask the ghosts of Abysia and Gath whether they profited from such adventure.

And we did not allow the small probing army from Mictlan to pass through our lands. We were invaded and violated by them. Had they asked, however, we would have been more than pleased to allow them to pass and wished them well on their way.

It is no surprise that you have not yet invented the printing press. We were amazed to discover that the sub-human species of Arcoscephale could even read and write. Hitherto, we thought that grunting and pointing was the limit of Arcoscephalean communication.

It also comes as no surprise that your troops have difficulty telling the difference between a woman and an elephant. I hear they have the same problem distinguishing between a woman and a sheep in your own provinces. At least, most of your sheep get nervous when there are Arcoscephalean troops stationed in the vicinity.

Best regards,
Shahr, Assistant General Secreatry, Central Committee

Gargouille September 24th, 2012 04:08 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Now prophet of Chelms burn in hell, it's good thing.

revenant2 September 25th, 2012 01:59 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by shunwick (Post 811517)

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 811495)

Look here, Serpent-man -- or whatever it is you ungodly communists worship these days. You can't declare war on us because we already declared war on for assisting our hated enemy, Mictlan, with a cowardly and vicious attack against my homeland.

How could you let Mictlan use your lands to attack us? Have you seen what those savages do to their own territory. Our cows live better than they do.

We were going to make the declaration public knowledge, but all of our scribes have been too busy writing the last wills of our senators and we have yet to discover the secret of the printing press, but it was coming.

Know this: The power of my people is mighty and we have many sorcerers and elephants that will crush you and Mictlan's heads like a pair of rotten, ugly tomatoes. Admittedly, we had some tactical concerns about fielding elephants against your people since they are nearly indistinguishable from your womenfolk, but then we discovered that our elephants aren't quite as hairy and have shorter tusks.

The Democratic and Peace-Loving People's Republic of Pythium send Greetings and Felicitations to the imbecile named I am the Walrus.

You are quite correct that you declared war on Pythium before we declared war on you. Your hastliy scribbled note was mis-filed as it was thought be an order for beef chow mein and a double helping of fried seaweed.

So, once again, the Peoples of Pythium are clearly the victims of an unprovoked agression. Twice before this has happened to us. Ask the ghosts of Abysia and Gath whether they profited from such adventure.

And we did not allow the small probing army from Mictlan to pass through our lands. We were invaded and violated by them. Had they asked, however, we would have been more than pleased to allow them to pass and wished them well on their way.

It is no surprise that you have not yet invented the printing press. We were amazed to discover that the sub-human species of Arcoscephale could even read and write. Hitherto, we thought that grunting and pointing was the limit of Arcoscephalean communication.

It also comes as no surprise that your troops have difficulty telling the difference between a woman and an elephant. I hear they have the same problem distinguishing between a woman and a sheep in your own provinces. At least, most of your sheep get nervous when there are Arcoscephalean troops stationed in the vicinity.

Best regards,
Shahr, Assistant General Secreatry, Central Committee

The only thing unprovoked are the unbelievable, heinous lies that roll off your forked tongue faster than Pythium girl headed to a pie-eating contest.

How convenient that your "peace-loving" nation happened to join Mictlan on simultaneous strikes into my territory. Well the jokes on you two clowns because you've grossly underestimated the will and resolve of my people. So great are my people's minds that we can explode the weak brains of our enemies from afar -- which a certain savage race of people (I'll withhold names but they have an insane bless and have bones through their noses) recently discovered.

We have a saying in Arco, "It's hard to bless someone without a head." A certain eloquence is lost in translation, but take my word for it that it's very clever and amusing.

And let me address a slanderous remark you made about my troops. We admit there have been a few isolated incidents with some of the men and local fauna, but that's not a reflection of the character of my people and is a result of a few lonely soldiers, who have been out in the field too long defending my nation from you war-mongers.

shunwick September 25th, 2012 06:51 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 811577)

Originally Posted by shunwick (Post 811517)

Originally Posted by revenant2 (Post 811495)

Look here, Serpent-man -- or whatever it is you ungodly communists worship these days. You can't declare war on us because we already declared war on for assisting our hated enemy, Mictlan, with a cowardly and vicious attack against my homeland.

How could you let Mictlan use your lands to attack us? Have you seen what those savages do to their own territory. Our cows live better than they do.

We were going to make the declaration public knowledge, but all of our scribes have been too busy writing the last wills of our senators and we have yet to discover the secret of the printing press, but it was coming.

Know this: The power of my people is mighty and we have many sorcerers and elephants that will crush you and Mictlan's heads like a pair of rotten, ugly tomatoes. Admittedly, we had some tactical concerns about fielding elephants against your people since they are nearly indistinguishable from your womenfolk, but then we discovered that our elephants aren't quite as hairy and have shorter tusks.

The Democratic and Peace-Loving People's Republic of Pythium send Greetings and Felicitations to the imbecile named I am the Walrus.

You are quite correct that you declared war on Pythium before we declared war on you. Your hastliy scribbled note was mis-filed as it was thought be an order for beef chow mein and a double helping of fried seaweed.

So, once again, the Peoples of Pythium are clearly the victims of an unprovoked agression. Twice before this has happened to us. Ask the ghosts of Abysia and Gath whether they profited from such adventure.

And we did not allow the small probing army from Mictlan to pass through our lands. We were invaded and violated by them. Had they asked, however, we would have been more than pleased to allow them to pass and wished them well on their way.

It is no surprise that you have not yet invented the printing press. We were amazed to discover that the sub-human species of Arcoscephale could even read and write. Hitherto, we thought that grunting and pointing was the limit of Arcoscephalean communication.

It also comes as no surprise that your troops have difficulty telling the difference between a woman and an elephant. I hear they have the same problem distinguishing between a woman and a sheep in your own provinces. At least, most of your sheep get nervous when there are Arcoscephalean troops stationed in the vicinity.

Best regards,
Shahr, Assistant General Secreatry, Central Committee

The only thing unprovoked are the unbelievable, heinous lies that roll off your forked tongue faster than Pythium girl headed to a pie-eating contest.

How convenient that your "peace-loving" nation happened to join Mictlan on simultaneous strikes into my territory. Well the jokes on you two clowns because you've grossly underestimated the will and resolve of my people. So great are my people's minds that we can explode the weak brains of our enemies from afar -- which a certain savage race of people (I'll withhold names but they have an insane bless and have bones through their noses) recently discovered.

We have a saying in Arco, "It's hard to bless someone without a head." A certain eloquence is lost in translation, but take my word for it that it's very clever and amusing.

And let me address a slanderous remark you made about my troops. We admit there have been a few isolated incidents with some of the men and local fauna, but that's not a reflection of the character of my people and is a result of a few lonely soldiers, who have been out in the field too long defending my nation from you war-mongers.

The Democratic and Peace-Loving People's Republic of Pythium send Greetings and Felicitations to (sorry, forgot the name).


Best Regards,
Canens, Assistant Third Under-Secretary, Lavatory Cleaning Directorate

shunwick September 25th, 2012 06:54 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Can I request a 48 hour extension on turn 43 please.

Best wishes,

AreaOfEffect September 25th, 2012 09:57 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by shunwick (Post 811584)

Can I request a 48 hour extension on turn 43 please.

Best wishes,

Request granted.

shunwick September 28th, 2012 02:11 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Somewhat unexpectedly I find myself having to move house - probably towards the end of next week. As you can imagine I find myself in a complete mess. Worse yet, the move will mean that I am going to be without internet access for three of four weeks after the move. I should be able to play turn 44 and possibly turn 45 but after that...

Rather than hold you guys up I am going to withdraw from this game. I will try to find a sub to take over Pythium. If a sub cannot be found I may have to go AI or just stall.

Sorry to leave this game because I have been having a lot of fun. Thank you for arranging it and to my thanks to everyone playing.

Best wishes,

Groundworm September 28th, 2012 05:36 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Apologies for the inconvenience, but could I have an additional 6 hour extension?


mattyburn7 September 28th, 2012 07:48 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Going to miss you SHunwick!

AreaOfEffect September 29th, 2012 12:14 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by Groundworm (Post 811720)
Apologies for the inconvenience, but could I have an additional 6 hour extension?


Request Granted.

Shunwick, I would hate to see you go. Perhaps you can find a temporary sub. Though any sub would be better then none. If you want, we can demand the new player to entertain us they way you have. I mean, that sounds legit to me and is only fair.

Unoptimized September 29th, 2012 12:32 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
OOC: So, it would seem that commanders will sometimes (as a lark) decide to not cast a critical spell despite having sufficient gems and paths, leaving the entire battle in shambles.

YellowCactus September 29th, 2012 09:37 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
What happened?

Gargouille October 1st, 2012 01:50 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Me no understand how i lose my pretender? He retreat with two commanders, he have full HP (220) when he leave battlefield, he have a land for retreat, but only the two commanders come back. Atlantis see the fight, can he say what happend?
(this is the end for me).

danbo October 1st, 2012 07:36 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Strange. Everything is as Jomon says, I confirm. In battle Jomon's pretenders flees almost unharmed. But I also got an afterbattle report which states that I found some items that were on the Jomon's pretender. The only explanation I see is that battleview doesn't reflect what actually happened on the battlefield, such things happened to me several times in other games.

HoleyDooley October 1st, 2012 07:38 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Yes thats a know bug, thus the battle view is incorrect and the pretender was actually killed in battle, had it happen to me 2 or 3 times and I can assure you I have had my immortal pretender killed because of it when given the strengths of both sides, he should not have.

Only one thing you can do, swear like crazy and suck it up...oooops thats two things.


danbo October 1st, 2012 07:43 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
As far as I remember we came to a conclusion that under the hood game mechanics works correctly - one side wins, another loses. But due to some annoying bug battle movie might be wrong and show another outcome. Following that logic my troops somehow managed to kill the jomonese leader. I still wonder how it could be possible.

Jomon, did you order your troops to retreat after couple of earthquakes? Or your orders were to continue fighting?

AreaOfEffect October 1st, 2012 08:43 AM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Because you choose to cast rather then fight with your god, I do actually see the potential for his death. The only way Atlantis was going to punch through his heavy armor and overcome his regeneration was through fatigue in my opinion. If your troops didn't retreat when they did and your god decided to cast just one more spell, then he could have been easily swarmed by undead and killed. In my battle view Atlantis was creeping a bit too close to your god when he finally woke up and retreated.

shunwick October 1st, 2012 05:01 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Sorry but I don't have time to play turn 45 properly and there has been no interest in my search for a sub. I regret it very much but I must go AI.

I hope to see you all on another Dominions battlefield in the future and prove beyond any doubt that the Democratic and Peace-Loiving People's Republic of Pythium is destined to rule any world you care to mention.

All the best,
Steve, Overseer, Central Committee

Gargouille October 1st, 2012 05:40 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I find it hard to understand how he died. But me bad play, no good placement in battlefield, no good mouvement on the map, no clear strategy for the long time (only for next turns). But i learn many things in this game, i'm happy. You (Chelms and Atlantis) are realy better strategy as me. Me no good priority for build good stratégie with finess (me bad use and coordination item+spell+leader+troops). I hope be better in the next game. Thank all, sorry for bad english, good end game ( I play the next turns for my allied, but it's the end for kingdom of Jomon ).

mattyburn7 October 1st, 2012 07:42 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Cheers Gargouille, Its been a pleasure having you in the game. Hang in there!! And hope to see you in others. Cheers!

YellowCactus October 1st, 2012 08:56 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
This has been a fine game!

Cheers Gargouille and shunwick.

Cheers everyone else too!

Jolly Roger October 2nd, 2012 03:43 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

I´ll be on a trip to the beautiful city of Dresden from Thursday to Saturday evening. Gonna have no internet access until Sunday
morning ( GMT +1).

A break for this period would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Klaus

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2012 06:50 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
News from the Front Lines:

Strange events are occurring. The most talked about is the sudden disappearance of the false god leading the fierce, yet fiscally troubled, nation of Jomon. Some have claimed that he has moved on to another realm, perhaps to once again be by the side of the vanished Pantokrator. Others point to a more sinister plot. The would-be god was last seen at the battle for Jomon proper, where the armies of Atlantis routed the assaulting forces. Soldiers from the battle say that their was an air of deception that morning. Regardless of what happened, all agree that the loss of their idol has sent the armies of Jomon on a rampage.

Lord Gumfry Aethelwulf, a local magistrate of the prosperous nation of Man gave this official statement, "The nation of Man has worked along side the armies of Jomon in the past, dividing our forces to quell revolts and bring order to Jomon's impoverish lands. Though our two armies have skirmished several times over the issue of human rights, we had always held hope that Jomon would do what was best for its people. Yet now, with dictatorial generals leading the armies of Jomon, we have been forced to send more persuasive ambassadors."

According to our reports, the bureaucracy of Man's government has approved the use of arcana against the rouge elements of the Jomon. General Frank Edmund said this in reply to our questions, "We have rarely, if ever, fielded the use of arcane talents in the field of war. I would say we have only field one, at best two, untrained sages. But their presence was merely to facilitate the needs of our more... gifted soldiers. The leaders have issued me orders saying that I can employ four tier 2 magisters and one tier 6 magister for special operations."

Ensign Steve Wilson Offa, who was at the most recent engagement, had this to say, "The mother****er came out of the ****en sky! The clouds got all dark and ****, and we took those *****es down! **** just got real!."

Meanwhile, reports indicate that the borders of the Axis of Frost have been shifting. Could this be a sign that the great alliance has fallen? Are these two nations at war, or are they peacefully trading provinces for a more sinister plot? Who can tell?

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2012 06:52 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

Originally Posted by Jolly Roger (Post 811901)

I´ll be on a trip to the beautiful city of Dresden from Thursday to Saturday evening. Gonna have no internet access until Sunday
morning ( GMT +1).

A break for this period would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Klaus

Seen your message a while ago. Just figured I confirm your need to a delay come turn 47.

Updated main page with the status of Pythium.

AreaOfEffect October 4th, 2012 11:42 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Some people seem to be under the impression that I'm delaying this turn until Sunday. This is not the case. Jolly Roger, who is playing Argatha, has already submitted a turn for 46. I will delay turn 47 until Sunday for this reason.

Now since three player haven't submitted turns yet, and since they have only an hour left, I will assume thye did not understand this clearly and give them an extension.

Hosting postponed for 8 hours. Now for a nap.

AreaOfEffect October 6th, 2012 03:49 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
Forgot to delay this turn for Jolly Roger. All fixed. People can ignore any 12 hour warnings you may have gotten from the llamaserver.

48 hour postponement.

dark7element October 13th, 2012 12:00 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]
I'm afraid I staled last turn. Sorry about that; just couldn't find the time for it, and didn't think to ask for an extension. It probably doesn't matter, though: Caelum is going to crush me within a few turns. The rest of you had better start thinking about your own defense, because Caelum has literally HUNDREDS of mages traveling around in packs of 40+. Once he's done with me and Mictlan, the rest of you are going to be next.

YellowCactus October 13th, 2012 03:44 PM

Re: Primordial Cake - [Game In Progress]

:) It's been fun!

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