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chrispedersen October 2nd, 2010 10:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 759628)
Blood burst, requires B to cast, but uses 2 blood slaves. And a B mage can only use one blood slave. So the spell fails, and the caster casts another spell.

(The whole bug is: that spells can be set to use more gems than the path requirements of the spell. So the mage isn't actually powerful enough to cast the spell).

Its not entirely a bug. You're correct about a b1 not casting it. However, b2s and b3s can cast it with the appropriate fatigue. The only advante of the lower path requirements is for the purposes of fatigue and penetration.

Soyweiser October 2nd, 2010 11:59 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 759750)
Its not entirely a bug. You're correct about a b1 not casting it. However, b2s and b3s can cast it with the appropriate fatigue. The only advantage of the lower path requirements is for the purposes of fatigue and penetration.

I would say it is a bug. It is confusing, there is no warning somewhere in the spell, nor in the documentation that these kinds of spells even excist. And at first it looks like the mage casts it. (I would would like it more if the replay said: [MAGE] Failed to cast Hell Power. [MAGE] Casts [other]).

thejeff October 2nd, 2010 12:14 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's not a bug that the mage can't cast it. It is documented that a mage can't use more gems/slaves than he has levels in the path, so it should be clear that a B1 caster can't cast a B1 spell that uses 2 slaves. And it does have the useful effect of reducing fatigue to the point that the spell is actually useful for those who can cast it.

It is a bug that it is displayed as cast. That wouldn't be a major problem if it wasn't so confusing.

Muse December 7th, 2010 10:12 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Bug: Commanders underwater holding the Manual of Water Breathing cannot retreat into an adjacent sea province.

Bug: Border Mountains are not considered Mountains for the purpose of terrain-type rituals.

Bug: Forest of Joy is an Air site.

Save-file available on request, Jomon test game.

Edi December 8th, 2010 08:41 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The first one of those is a bug.

Border mountains not counting as mountains for terrain purposes of spells is not a bug as such, but is either a bug or a feature, depending on point of view. They tend to count as mountains for the purposes of sites and resources and as plains in all other regards (e.g. what forts you can build etc). In any case, change to border mountain mechanics are very unlikely.

Forest of Joy is supposed to be an air site. The Ashen Forest is a death site, Dragon Forest is fire and Cypress Woods iirc was also an air site. Site name does not need to determine its magic affiliation at all.

Lihaässä December 10th, 2010 02:18 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Bug?: Commander casts cloud trapeze - destination own fort which is sieged. Battle doesn't happen.. as I planned
Bug?: Crumble cast on enemy fort, message is correct = fort is temporarily breached.. commanders sieging the fort didn't however have an option to storm the fort

I have the turn files saved if you need them.. plese pm for further info.

Loren December 10th, 2010 10:34 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Lihaässä (Post 765652)
Bug?: Commander casts cloud trapeze - destination own fort which is sieged. Battle doesn't happen.. as I planned
Bug?: Crumble cast on enemy fort, message is correct = fort is temporarily breached.. commanders sieging the fort didn't however have an option to storm the fort

I have the turn files saved if you need them.. plese pm for further info.

No bugs here, although possibly a design problem.

1) When you teleport into a province where you hold the fortress and the enemy holds the land you end up in the fortress without a battle.

2) The defenders get to rebuild even after a crumble. If you can't do enough damage to overcome their rebuilding you won't get through even if you blow the walls down.

Lihaässä December 12th, 2010 05:07 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

2) The defenders get to rebuild even after a crumble. If you can't do enough damage to overcome their rebuilding you won't get through even if you blow the walls down.
That's a surprise for me.. I thought that Crumble's purpose was to breach castles with just a few troops. Do you know how much crumble inflicts sieging damage?

PriestyMan December 12th, 2010 09:44 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
it tells you that in the spell description. but its bugged because if you have positive seige value on it, one cast will take the walls down to zero. at least iirc this is how it works

earwicker7 December 20th, 2010 05:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Weird movement issue on Cradle of Dominions map (single player)...

I hired Magnus's Crossbows; both the leader and his squad have an overland movement of 2. I am unable to move them from 79 to 85; I'd think they would be able to move like this in one turn:

79 (waste)--->82 (open)--->85 (mountain)

What is even weirder is that I am able to get them to do the following move, which should take two turns:

79 (waste)--->75 (mountain, waste)-->72 (mountain)

Anyone know what would cause this?

archaeolept December 20th, 2010 06:20 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
that the incorrect terrain types are in the .map file?

earwicker7 December 20th, 2010 06:25 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by archaeolept (Post 766631)
that the incorrect terrain types are in the .map file?

No clue... I'm still kind of a newbie. How do you check?

archaeolept December 20th, 2010 07:51 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
open up the .map file (it's just text) and check by the province number - there'll be a number which tells the game what the terrain actually is. look it up in a modding guide, or post it here - I don't remember them all off the top of my head. But the early versions of cradle were notorious for having some errors, and those early versions (not the picture, or .tga, but the little .map files that tell the game what is in the provinces) still seem to be floating around.

thejeff December 20th, 2010 08:15 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Even if the map files terrains don't match the picture, they should match what is displayed for province terrain. Not the map picture, but the icons in the province section.

earwicker7 January 4th, 2011 08:03 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by archaeolept (Post 766643)
open up the .map file (it's just text) and check by the province number - there'll be a number which tells the game what the terrain actually is. look it up in a modding guide, or post it here - I don't remember them all off the top of my head. But the early versions of cradle were notorious for having some errors, and those early versions (not the picture, or .tga, but the little .map files that tell the game what is in the provinces) still seem to be floating around.

It looks like province 75 an issue of border mountains vs. mountains, and the border mountains not actually matching the borders in the picture...

Is there a more accurate version than the one which comes with the game? Because I'm starting a new MP game with it soon.

earwicker7 January 4th, 2011 08:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Not sure if this is a bug or just a gameplay quirk, but I have a mercenary assassin who has managed to get pretty deep into enemy territory. It's now time to rehire him, and....... I can only hire him in friendly territory!!! So is there no way to have an assassin on your team, for example, for twenty turns, after which he can put a cap in the proverbial *** of your foe?

thejeff January 4th, 2011 08:38 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I haven't tested this, but it shouldn't matter where you hire him. Once you're rehiring him, he'll just stay where he is, no matter where you pay the bill.

So if you're given the option to bid on him in one of your home provinces, go right ahead.

Gandalf Parker January 5th, 2011 12:18 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
in general, I do my rehires always at my home castle. It makes no difference (the unit doesnt move) and Ive lost too many mercs because I lost the province where I was trying to process the rehire.

The only problem if I remember right, is units that must be hired in water also (illogically) require that you rehire them in water. :(

earwicker7 January 5th, 2011 01:10 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Ah, so the hiring in a specific province only matters on the first turn... makes sense.

Edi January 14th, 2011 04:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The shortlist has been updated with the things known to be fixed for now. It had not been updated since 3.23b, so it was high time.

Colonial January 15th, 2011 12:20 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Just noticed that they are 'minister of magics', not 'ministers of magic'. kind of annoying, but I guess completely impossible to fix...

P3D January 15th, 2011 08:18 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The "Local Lord has employed slave labor" event won't have effect the capital.

Edi January 16th, 2011 04:49 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Colonial (Post 768552)
Just noticed that they are 'minister of magics', not 'ministers of magic'. kind of annoying, but I guess completely impossible to fix...

Not impossible, but I've understood it to be annoyingly difficult in comparison to the impact of the bug (only cosmetic), so at such a late stage, it is not likely to get fixed. It will not be fixed for this patch, that much is certain.

Bananadine January 21st, 2011 12:45 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
1 Attachment(s)
Rat Tail increases morale sometimes. I used it in a test game against some Yakshinis that were well armored by equipment and magic, and it always seemed to increase their morale. Then I tried using it in the test game against some other units, and against Yakshinis that were not well armored, and it decreased their morale. I couldn't find the exact trigger for the change. Game files are attached.

Bananadine January 21st, 2011 12:54 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Whoops, I just remembered there's a new patch. I tried again with the patch in place and the bug seemed to be gone. I don't see anything about rat tails or fear increases in the patch notes. But maybe the problem was that when shields parried fear (as they supposedly no longer do as of 3.26), the morale loss could be reversed somehow?

Edi January 22nd, 2011 03:02 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 769031)
Whoops, I just remembered there's a new patch. I tried again with the patch in place and the bug seemed to be gone. I don't see anything about rat tails or fear increases in the patch notes. But maybe the problem was that when shields parried fear (as they supposedly no longer do as of 3.26), the morale loss could be reversed somehow?

Yes, that particular shield bug has been fixed, so any bugs related to rat tail or otehr fear causing attacks against shield-bearing units should be investigated as new issues as of v3.26. If it crops up again, we'll add it to the shortlist.

Executor February 2nd, 2011 09:43 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think I may have found another minor Armor of Virtue bug.
If used with elixir of life it will make the the user disappear, with any amount of damage not only death.

llamabeast February 3rd, 2011 10:13 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I think I've found a new bug!

Corpse counts are not always shown when they should be. For example, having cast Black Death on a province, no corpse counter is given for the province, although it actually has large numbers of corpses in it (as can be shown for example by casting Carrion Reanimation). Example files can be provided if desired.

Calahan February 3rd, 2011 10:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 770020)
I think I've found a new bug!

Corpse counts are not always shown when they should be. For example, having cast Black Death on a province, no corpse counter is given for the province, although it actually has large numbers of corpses in it (as can be shown for example by casting Carrion Reanimation). Example files can be provided if desired.

Hhhmmm, this might sound like a bit of a newb question llama, but do you (or the player it's being cast against) have a Death mage in the target province? As the corpse info won't appear otherwise. (it can be a hidden Death mage as well). Edit - As if there are no corpses in a province, it will actually say "Corpses 0" (rather than the info only appearing if there are actually corpses present)

I've used Black Death several times, and can't say I remember corpses not appearing (in the info bar) when I expected to see them there. (unless someone else used them for reanimating or Raven Feasting). Can you post the game files, or is it from an on-going game?

Edi February 3rd, 2011 04:55 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Send the files to Illwinter, llamabeast. There's rather little that we can glean from them here.

llamabeast February 3rd, 2011 06:23 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Ahaha, I didn't know you had to have a death mage there. That would explain it then! :)

Calahan February 4th, 2011 04:53 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 770046)
Ahaha, I didn't know you had to have a death mage there. That would explain it then! :)

I'm currently recruiting for a new newbie game llama, and you are welcome to join it if you like. As by the looks of it you could do with a refresher course or two :p

Bananadine February 15th, 2011 03:12 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
The description of Returning says it doesn't work if the caster is in the province containing the home citadel. But I've just tried Returning and Ritual of Returning in my capital province in a test game, both inside and outside the fortress, and they both always worked. Seems like the description could use an update, unless Returning is really supposed to be limited in that way. (I'd be surprised if a mage couldn't "return" into the fortress from outside it, anyway.)

Soyweiser March 19th, 2011 05:38 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Ryujin dragon form doesn't have the magic being tag. While the normal form does.

CCRun March 29th, 2011 02:28 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Rust Mist should not affect armors like furs, only iron made armors can be rusted.

Edi March 30th, 2011 04:01 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by CCRun (Post 774410)
Rust Mist should not affect armors like furs, only iron made armors can be rusted.

It affects everything now. The codebase is old enough that it probably doesn't support differentiating between types. As far as I know anyway, not in the sense that the spell would need.

Even if it does (which is by no means given), that would need every single armor type modified separately, which is not likely to happen.

Olive April 26th, 2011 03:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Muse (Post 765295)
Bug: Commanders underwater holding the Manual of Water Breathing cannot retreat into an adjacent sea province.

Got the same with a Sea King's Goblet. I had 2 Ice Devils, one with a a Ring of Water Breathing and one with a Sea King's Goblet leading a few troops. There was no adjacent land province. The troops were killed and they routed. The one with the Ring retreated in an adjacent underwater province, the one with the Goblet didn't have any province to retreat. Just lost an Ice Devil. :(

Soyweiser April 30th, 2011 11:10 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
- A diseased unit that is reincarnated stays diseased. (at least my yogi came back as a 1hp diseased yogi).

Globu April 30th, 2011 02:19 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Pretenders Seducible

I'm not sure if this is WAD, but I was able to seduce an AI player's pretender in one of my test games. Admittedly the unit had seduce 15, and the pretender was C'tis's serpent king with his rather mild MR, but I was under the impression it was a categorical bar rather than merely a really tough number to beat. Kinda cool, but I thought I'd better report it.

Savegame available if needed.

Edi May 1st, 2011 11:49 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Globu (Post 776483)
Pretenders Seducible

I'm not sure if this is WAD, but I was able to seduce an AI player's pretender in one of my test games. Admittedly the unit had seduce 15, and the pretender was C'tis's serpent king with his rather mild MR, but I was under the impression it was a categorical bar rather than merely a really tough number to beat. Kinda cool, but I thought I'd better report it.

Savegame available if needed.

Send those savegame files to Illwinter as per the insturctions in the shortlist thread. Johan needs to take a look at that.

Squirrelloid May 2nd, 2011 01:49 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
EA Atlantis Basalt Kings and Mages of the Deep mysteriously get +1 to their melee and spellcasting encumbrance over base encumbrance while equipped with no gear whatsoever, and retain this extra encumbrance even if you specifically give them 0 encumbrance gear for all slots.

Note this does not show up in the infobox if you access it from the recruiting screen, where it will accurately show base enc 3, combat enc 3, spellcasting enc 3. But after purchasing a unit looking at its infobox will show base enc 3, combat enc 4, spellcasting enc 4.

This extra encumbrance is not just a display bug - the extra encumbrance accrues during combat or spellcasting as appropriate.

Reproduction of bug is easy, just start a game as EA Atlantis, open infoboxes for units and click the encumbrance line. Then use them in combat and track fatigue.

Also, obviously a bug: follows none of the rules for encumbrance and disagrees with unit hiring infobox.

thejeff May 2nd, 2011 08:02 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
If I remember this correctly from my last EA Atlantis game, this encumbrance penalty only exists underwater.

I can't check right now, but check what happens when you get one of them on land.

Not sure that makes it any less of a bug, they're an underwater race after all. At least it should show up in flavor text or something...

thejeff May 3rd, 2011 06:39 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Actually, I take that back, everyone (to a first approximation) gets a 1 encumbrance penalty underwater. Not just the unarmored units and not just the mages.

Nor is it limited to Atlantis. I checked some indies and R'lyeh as well. Even aquatic only units. Fighting or casting underwater is just harder.

I didn't bother to check if poor amphibians get an extra 1 encumbrance on top of the poor amphibian penalty.

Oor-tael May 28th, 2011 06:21 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Don't know if this is already known or not...

anyway, I've taken screenshots of this affliction-based bug :



Bananadine May 28th, 2011 09:56 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Oor-tael (Post 777947)

That almost makes sense... the unit still holds the staff in one hand and gets necromantic advice from it, but cannot swing it as a one-handed weapon because it's too long.

But then, how is there room for the Fist weapon still, when the one remaining fist is presumably holding the staff? Maybe the staff is strapped to the unit's back... or maybe it's just a bug. :)

Valerius June 19th, 2011 12:47 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Found this reference to Lugh the Long Handed from three years ago:

"U 1805 Long Handed Size 3. Intended, or should be size 2? Has glamour, but no stealth. -- Lugh doesn't hide. He has the splendour and the might of the sun."

Up until the most recent patch he did in fact have stealth +25. So should he get stealth back or was this an intended fix? I didn't see anything in the IW progress log about an intentional change to this unit in the last patch. He's a very good hero and I've gotten used to him having stealth. :)

Edi June 19th, 2011 01:35 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Valerius, Lugh not having stealth is as it should be, so that is not a bug. I don't remember him ever having stealth, but someone may have given it to him in a frequently used mod.


Originally Posted by Bananadine (Post 777951)

Originally Posted by Oor-tael (Post 777947)

That almost makes sense... the unit still holds the staff in one hand and gets necromantic advice from it, but cannot swing it as a one-handed weapon because it's too long.

But then, how is there room for the Fist weapon still, when the one remaining fist is presumably holding the staff? Maybe the staff is strapped to the unit's back... or maybe it's just a bug. :)

Strictly speaking, that's a bug that has to do with equipped items and item slots, but the contextual explanation is that the mage uses the staff whenever casting spells and holds it in his hand. When someone comes at him, he sticks it in the ground and starts fisticuffs, after which he will pick the staff up again for greater power.


Samhain June 20th, 2011 09:04 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Is this the proper place to report a bug, or merely a forum for discussing bugs?

I found a typo. The magic site that allows the recruiting of Nemedian units; Warriors, Champions, and Sorceresses; is misspelled. It should be Rath Chimbraith, not Rath Chimbalth.

Edi June 21st, 2011 12:45 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by Samhain (Post 779212)
Is this the proper place to report a bug, or merely a forum for discussing bugs?

I found a typo. The magic site that allows the recruiting of Nemedian units; Warriors, Champions, and Sorceresses; is misspelled. It should be Rath Chimbraith, not Rath Chimbalth.

The right place. I brought this up in the beta, since if the patch needs more tweaking, it is easy to do along with that. Not that it's a very big issue, so we may have to live with it.

brxbrx August 2nd, 2011 01:20 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Typo: Dragon Master's icon description (on the commander screen) has the word "creatures" spelled wrong.

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