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Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I doubt Xietor would use his Lich here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Best would be to take some Wyrm or other recyclable pretender with huge HP, regen, etc and no hand slot, so no risk of getting the trident and having to defend it. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I don't like the banning of curses and horror marks myself. The arena fight is supposed to be risky. The price was upped to make it worth the risk, which is something I like a lot, but personally I would prefer not to ban these tactics from the arena.
Sending in contestants with cursed items for their opponents to pick up I like less as a tactic, reeks to much of gamesmanship instead of a genuine attempt to hurt your opponents, though on the other hand most really valuable contestants are quite likely to have full slots. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Actually I am not entering Ruin in the match. I just want to encourage the most participation of the best thugs possible.
And someone entering a shaman to curse and horror mark is not trying to win, but just using the event to "spite" other players. A totem shield curse would be valid, as would afflictions dealt from items. It is a death match, but contestants should be entering with a view to winning the purse and not spamming curse and horror mark on someone else's thug. Your Pretender can certainly die in the event, and pick up a host of afflictions, curse, and horror mark. I am sure a blood mage may cast a horror at the start of each battle in the later stages of the game. But the arena event is really llamabeast's idea. And I really should not impose my rules on his event. So I will leave it up to llamabeast to decide what rules, if any, he wants to add to the event. More rules mean more oversight, and llamabeast may not want any more oversight! |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
A horror mark or cursing unit is going to get one shot at another person's champion.
By one shot I mean literally one casting unless the person he is fighting has scripted his champion to cast some spells too. The arena spaces people so that if one person chooses attack as a battle order, they will reach and attack the other champion that turn. A Shaman or Astral 2 caster should die in the first round of the tournament, 2nd-4th round of combat, meaning he is going to have little chance of wrecking anyone's fun. Then there is always the chance that he is going to meet an indy commander or another horror mark / curse guy in the first round, meaning he will not even get a chance to curse, horror mark etc. anyone. It's not like a Shaman , Sage or whatever is going to plow his way through the tournament horror marking and cursing everyone to the final round where he has to fight M. Bison. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I am backing off imposing any rules on the areana event. The idea was Llamabeasts, and I really should not interfere. He can pretty much do with it as he sees fit. It is a fun idea to increase the purse.
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
How can someone who has a imprisioned god and no thugs/SC's win the deathmatch then?
Are all nations in my position banned from taking part then? All we can do is curse, horror mark at this stage of the game. Also you need to cast horror mark before summon horror, so the horror attacks its target and not the casting mage. I want to just say that I am a big fan of the increased purse for deathmatch, which is a great and very good idea. I want a free for all thou, no more imposed rules or banning of anything! Let deathmatch chaos rule and more glory for the final champion, coming through anything that can be thrown at him! |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
see above. That would not be spamming horror mark to spite an opponent. You are now playing the devil's advocate? Are you in law school?
Obviously if you are going to horror mark a foe before summoning monsters that seek out a horror marked foe, that is not horror marking to spite your foe, but to mark him as a target. But anyway, it will be up to llamabeast to decide if he wants to ban contestants who are entering just to "spitefully" curse and horror mark their foes. The key word being spitefully, meaning they are not trying to win the match. But to answer your question, everyone has a chance to win. you can enter a mage and summon air elementals(or fire water etc). Maybe you will get lucky and only face 1 or 2 badly beat up foes who have no sr protection. |
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Sending fully equipped SC is quite expensive lottery, I am not sure if worth that risk.
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
not worth the risk but worth the fun. just think, you, me and ~60 others will lose kingmaker anyway, might as well send your best champion as the deathmatch is a game within a game.
Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
If I did have a thug/SC I would send him, even if he was only a small thug/SC, just have not got one.
Looks like I will after just watch the deathmatch and not take part. The prize is 2000 gps, 30 pearls, loads of experience and a magic trident so it has to be worth a thug...if you have one that is... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
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