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-   -   MP: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. Game Over. Supplicants Triumph! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=45227)

ano June 4th, 2010 12:13 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.
I read your message twice and still don't understand it, sorry:)
I do keep sending gold to Septimius as a sign of "eternal love" if that's what your question is about.

Squirrelloid June 4th, 2010 12:43 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.
Graeme: Is Wrana even making an argument? I haven't seen one. I mean, as far as I can tell his last post is just a random string of assertions with no point. Its not even worth trying to figure out what Wrana is trying to say - there's no content, so the fact you can actually identify a statement as fallacy means it made more sense than anything else in that post.

Anyone who can't make an actual point isn't worth any effort spent pointing out their logical fallacies. (But I suppose too much shouldn't be expected from someone who confuses an insistence that basic rules of logic be adhered to with Karl Popper...).

Septimius Severus June 4th, 2010 03:17 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.
Nice debate, lets try to keep at least some of the focus of the thread on the game, though I do enjoy open and civil debate on range of issues. Wonder if we will resolve it here though.

Ano, you keep sending me 1 gold piece a turn. Doesn't bother me, not psyching me out either. Maybe the person responsible for the Atlantean attack also has that "eternal love" for you. Who knows.:D

Had two people ask for 48 hours before we hit 20, but the majority seem to be cool with the current schedule. Let me know if I am mistaken.

Btw, how do people like my thematic AI magic locations and associated retinue? fun/interesting/difficult/useful/not useful?

ano June 4th, 2010 03:26 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.

Btw, how do people like my thematic AI magic locations and associated retinue? fun/interesting/difficult/useful/not useful?
My opinion is in the above post regarding your atlantean attack

chrispedersen June 4th, 2010 03:39 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.

Originally Posted by Graeme Dice (Post 747729)

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 747712)
CBM is someplace in the middle. But continually taking out the "worst" tactic only creates a new worst, along with finding out that the previous worst was actually the counter to the present one.

Do you have the qualifications to make such a statement? Have you ever played in a single MP game ever under your current name, or are you going to once again insinuate that you have a (outlawed by the rules) sockpuppet account that you've used to join games? Frankly, your mindless middle approach to defending the game gets tiring after seeing you preach it without any significant change in content for a half decade.

Ouch dude. What are the qualifications to have an opinion here?

Whats the big deal if somoene repeats an opinion. Air is free.

chrispedersen June 4th, 2010 03:42 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 747734)

Originally Posted by Graeme Dice (Post 747729)
Do you have the qualifications to make such a statement? Have you ever played in a single MP game ever under your current name

Mostly I was burned out on MP play by Dom2. Most of my MP play of Dom3 is in beta group with the devs. You can ask people like Quantum Mechani and IronHawk since they were there (with heavy discussions of CBM by the way). Most of my CBM games were with Zens original "fix things" version. But I do play one now and then.
Most of my present MP games I dont play here. Im presently in two on the Matryx server. And one on a 3rd forum. The last MP game I played on this forum I believe was YARG. And before that the AAR game. Generally it takes a game with more interesting settings than King-of-the-Hill to get my attention anymore. Sorry about that.

Edited: the first YARG, not YARG2

I played Dom 1 a lot. The demo was so good I never bought the real thing. Dom 2 I bought, Dom3 likewise.

Septimius Severus June 4th, 2010 04:52 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.

Originally Posted by ano (Post 747761)

Btw, how do people like my thematic AI magic locations and associated retinue? fun/interesting/difficult/useful/not useful?
My opinion is in the above post regarding your atlantean attack

Yes, I saw it, are you speaking of one location or do you have knowledge of all 4 yet?

ano June 4th, 2010 04:53 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.
How can I have knowledge until they are conquered? There's the only person who has knowledge and that's what I dislike in the concept. Knowledge should be equal throughout players so that nobody has an advantage
One more thing. Adding gryphons to the blood spot was a bad idea of yours because gryphons leave after one battle fought just like gladiators.Also, there was terrible starvation in that swamp because of many size-5 troops. So after I looked at the province with my scout, only the Deva and a few diseased defenders left there

Graeme Dice June 4th, 2010 05:05 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 747762)
Ouch dude. What are the qualifications to have an opinion here?

Ideally one should be an active player of multiplayer games to expect your opinion about multiplayer games to be considered useful.


Whats the big deal if somoene repeats an opinion. Air is free.
Actually it's not. Everytime Parker posts his same golden mean/mindless middle stuff he wastes the time of every single person who reads it. I consider my time valuable (at least $20/hour breakpoint for whether a project is worth undertaking), don't you?

Septimius Severus June 4th, 2010 05:08 PM

Re: Noobs and Vets II: Days of Infamy. MA, BI. In Progress.

Originally Posted by ano (Post 747773)
How can I have knowledge until they are conquered? There's the only person who has knowledge and that's what I dislike in the concept. Knowledge should be equal throughout players so that nobody has an advantage.

Actually you could have some knowledge of troops in each one via scout, scry, spy, tentative scout attack, merc info, or other method. Though you would not know exact sites or recruitment. True, but as you'll recall I was hoping not to have to be in the game, to remain as impartial as possible, but alas, it could not be helped. I do try though to keep as much secret as possible and to try to forget other things.


Originally Posted by ano (Post 747773)
One more thing. Adding gryphons to the blood spot was a bad idea of yours because gryphons leave after one battle fought just like gladiators.Also, there was terrible starvation in that swamp because of many size-5 troops. So after I looked at the province with my scout, only the Deva and a few diseased defenders left there.

Now that's the kinda feedback I'm looking for, why didn't ya speak up and give more details? I had thought you assassinated the Deva or something, was wondering how you could have dealt with those troops. What else can you tell me?

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