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Atrocities December 15th, 2004 06:49 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

boran_blok said:
Also, not really a bug, but more of a question, why are all cargo storages 51 kt, or 71 kt etc ?
All cargo storage has 1 kt excess it seems.

If your refering to the Ferengi or 8472 it is to prompt the AI to think they are better so it will use them.

boran_blok December 15th, 2004 07:25 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
The cargo storage the pirates have are also like that.
Cargo bay I has 51 Kt of storage (I'm not further than that yet but prolly the II has 71, etc)

Atrocities December 15th, 2004 07:26 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Latest round of updates


Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.6

1. Changed Small Phaser Cannon I - III Level requirment for Beam weapons to (3,4,5)
2. Changed Pirate Space Dock I - III Family number from 38 to 54 to avoid conflict with Space Yards
3. Changed Fixed Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - IV - they now work against weapons only. Thank you boran_blok
4. Changed Added new Vulcan ship set.
5. Changed Added new Vaadwaur ship set.
6. Changed Brightened the Andorian race color.
7. Added Adv Gravitational Technology to Tech Area
8. Changed Gravitic Sensors I - IV requirement to Adv Gravitational Technology (Lv, 1,2,3,4)
9. Changed Increased Maximum Level for Sensors from 6 to 8
10. Changed Advanced Tachyon Sensors I - II level requirement to Sensors 7, 8. Removed other requirement
11. Changed Gravitational Technology Maximum level from 4 to 2.
12. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Family number from 83 to 5
13. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Mineral Cost to 1000 each.
14. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Point Generation - Research (1050,1250,1450)
15. Changed Pirate Intelligence Center I - III Point Generation - Intelligence (1050,1250,1450)
16. Changed Pirate Race Starting Level to 1 in Tech Area file. (Will now start game with Pirate Facilities.)
17. Changed Pirate Space Dock I - III Space Yard ability (3000,3500,4000)
18. Fixed Spelling errors in Kazon, TMP and Vulcan general file.
19. Changed Breen Organic Extractor I - III Cost organics / Radiactives to 0 to match stock Organic Extractor
20. Changed Increased Breen Organic Extractor I - III Resource Generation - Organics to 1500,1800,2100
21. Added Escort2 image to DS9, TMP, and UCP races.
22. Changed Tholian Dreadnought now has correct tonnage.
23. Changed Revised the HTML Read Me (Now more informative) Based off of Captain Kwoks Star Trek Mod Web Site
24. Changed Various settings in the Vehicle Size file (Mostly house keeping issues)
25. Changed Pirate Small Shield Depleter I - III Tech Req from Smaller weapons to Shield Damaging Weapons
26. Changed Damage At Rng for Weapons Destroyer I - IV (10,15,20,25) Rng 5.
27. Changed Weapon Modifier for Weapons Destroyer I - IV from 30 to 10.
28. Changed Weapon Modifier for Reload Disruptor I - IV from 30 to 10.
29. Changed Damage At Rng for Reload Disruptor I - IV (10,15,20,25) Rng 5.
30. Changed Tachyon Projection Cannon I - V reload rate from 1 to 3
31. Changed Tachyon Projection Cannon I - V Weapon Damage At Rng settings. (lowered)
32. Changed Fusion Beam family number from 2010 to 597
33. Changed Fusion Beam Mount to use new Fusion Beam Family number.
34. Changed Added Mount for Tachyon Projection Cannon and Ionic Disperser I - V
35. Changed Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - V Weapon Damage At Rng (15,20,25,30) Rng = 5
36. Changed Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - V Weapon Modifier from 30 to 10
37. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - V
38. Changed Added Restrcition Two Per Vehicle to Pirate Ionic Disperser
39. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Reload Disruptor I - IV
40. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Weapons Destroyer I - IV
41. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Ionic Disperser I - V
42. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Tachyon Projection Cannon I - V.

Aiken December 15th, 2004 07:40 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Atrocities said:

aiken said:
I'd like to raise a question about Weapons Destroyers and Reload Disruptors. Imo, they're overpowered.
Weapons Destroyer I(IV): 20(50) dmg @ 6(8) range, +30 to hit, 5 reload. At first lvl it's able to destroy 2 unmounted guns. You can't protect your ship against it. High offense bonus make it difficult to miss.
Reload Disruptor I(IV): 20(50) dmg @ 6(8) range, +30 to hit, 5 reload. Very powerful. At first lvl it can "turn off" ship for the most part of battle. Also high chance to hit. And master computer is the only cure. But they usually come into play much later than reload disruptors (which only require Focused Energy Weapons 2 to be availiable).

Q: what's your view on balance of these weapons?

I can reduce the Hit Bonus by half to 15%.
Increase the reload time by 1
And lower the damage by 20%.

Do you think this will help balance them out?

What about this layout:
Weapons Destroyer I/II/III/IV: dmg = 10/20/30/40 at range 2/3/4/5 with weapon modifier 5/10/15/20 % and change Vehicle type from Ship\Base to Ship\Base\Sat.
Reload Disruptor I/II/III/IV: dmg = 5/10/20/30 at range 2/3/4/5 with weapon modifier 5/10/15/20 % and change Vehicle type from Ship\Base to Ship\Base\Sat.
Reload time = 5 for both.

edit: hehe, too late http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

boran_blok December 16th, 2004 01:27 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
It's only logical that the small portable pirate spacedock evolves together with the big non-portable one (relatively speaking)

you could make the small one 300, 350 and 400 which would be exactly 1/10th of the big one.

AMF December 16th, 2004 01:44 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I have noticed some weird things as the Klingons in the QConflict game. It uses 1.7.2, so these may have been addressed, but here they are anyways:

When I upgrade a ship with a ram scoop, sometimes that ram scoop is turned into 2 warrior combat sensors.

When I upgrade a ship with a warrior combat sensor, sometimes it turns into two warrior combat sensors.

I don't have on hand the exact situation, but it is reproducible for any given ship that is affected by it. I noticed it primarily because my upgrades suddenly started giving me "components too big for this ship" errors...



Atrocities December 16th, 2004 07:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

boran_blok said:
It's only logical that the small portable pirate spacedock evolves together with the big non-portable one (relatively speaking)

you could make the small one 300, 350 and 400 which would be exactly 1/10th of the big one.

SO what your saying is the Pirates need a Shipyard component? I thought about this, I did, but did not include one. If I did it would be at the end of the component list hidden away. Its a good idea though but honestly the pirates already have more superior components and such than the other races. At this point I would say I like the idea but really need to get some feed back from others as to whether or not we really need to give them their own unique shipyard component.

So comments on this topic are welcome.

Atrocities December 16th, 2004 07:51 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

alarikf said:
I have noticed some weird things as the Klingons in the QConflict game. It uses 1.7.2, so these may have been addressed, but here they are anyways:

When I upgrade a ship with a ram scoop, sometimes that ram scoop is turned into 2 warrior combat sensors.

When I upgrade a ship with a warrior combat sensor, sometimes it turns into two warrior combat sensors.

I don't have on hand the exact situation, but it is reproducible for any given ship that is affected by it. I noticed it primarily because my upgrades suddenly started giving me "components too big for this ship" errors...



I have not seen this happen before. They are completely differant components and have distinctively differant purposes with differant family numbers. Now if this is happening, it must be caused by something that I have not yet identified. I know that with the latest Version, (A fresh install is recommended) I have not heard of this problem occuring.

So I would say that it is a problem caused exclusively in the 1.7.2 Version. But never the less I will keep an eye out for simular problems in after its release.

Thanks for reporting it.

Aiken December 17th, 2004 12:31 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Change 8472's Biokinetic and Telekinetic Torpedoes to different weapon families. Telekinetic torps are not always better that Biokinetic torps, and it's annoying to turn off "only latest" to pick a couple of biokinetic torps.

Tachyon Projection Cannons I-V are affected by Fusion Beam Mount. Hard to tell, whether it is right or wrong. It happens because of the same comp family of these 2 weapons (2010).
At the same time description for Tachyon Projection Cannon and Ionic Disperser says "Use the Weapons mount for this weapon". So I guess it should be some separate mount for these 2 kinds of weapons?

Satellite mount Q.
From revision.txt: "5. Fixed Satellite Mount now works as intended."
So, how is it intended to work?
Is it a general purpose mount for all type of components, or else it's for weapons only (as now)? In the first case Weapon Type Requirement must be set to "None" (like in Drone Mount).

SO what your saying is the Pirates need a Shipyard component? I thought about this, I did, but did not include one. If I did it would be at the end of the component list hidden away. Its a good idea though but honestly the pirates already have more superior components and such than the other races. At this point I would say I like the idea but really need to get some feed back from others as to whether or not we really need to give them their own unique shipyard component.

My 1905 beta has Small Pirate Dry Dock component already. And it's in the end of component file. The specs are: size=100kt, construct with 300 min/org/rad, repair 1 comp. So no new comps required. Also you can add high Resource Reclamation ability to this component, so pirates can quickly acquire resources from captured ships.

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 01:02 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Here is the latest revison history


Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.6

1. Changed Small Phaser Cannon I - III Level requirment for Beam weapons to (3,4,5)
2. Changed Pirate Space Dock I - III Family number from 38 to 54 to avoid conflict with Space Yards
3. Changed Fixed Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - IV - they now work against weapons only. Thank you boran_blok
4. Changed Added new Vulcan ship set.
5. Changed Added new Vaadwaur ship set.
6. Changed Brightened the Andorian race color.
7. Added Adv Gravitational Technology to Tech Area
8. Changed Gravitic Sensors I - IV requirement to Adv Gravitational Technology (Lv, 1,2,3,4)
9. Changed Increased Maximum Level for Sensors from 6 to 8
10. Changed Advanced Tachyon Sensors I - II level requirement to Sensors 7, 8. Removed other requirement
11. Changed Gravitational Technology Maximum level from 4 to 2.
12. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Family number from 83 to 5
13. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Mineral Cost to 1000 each.
14. Changed Pirate Research Center I - III Point Generation - Research (1050,1250,1450)
15. Changed Pirate Intelligence Center I - III Point Generation - Intelligence (1050,1250,1450)
16. Changed Pirate Race Starting Level to 1 in Tech Area file. (Will now start game with Pirate Facilities.)
17. Changed Pirate Space Dock I - III Space Yard ability (3000,3500,4000)
18. Fixed Spelling errors in Kazon, TMP and Vulcan general file.
19. Changed Breen Organic Extractor I - III Cost organics / Radiactives to 0 to match stock Organic Extractor
20. Changed Increased Breen Organic Extractor I - III Resource Generation - Organics to 1500,1800,2100
21. Added Escort2 image to DS9, TMP, and UCP races.
22. Changed Tholian Dreadnought now has correct tonnage.
23. Changed Revised the HTML Read Me (Now more informative) Based off of Captain Kwoks Star Trek Mod Web Site
24. Changed Various settings in the Vehicle Size file (Mostly house keeping issues)
25. Changed Pirate Small Shield Depleter I - III Tech Req from Smaller weapons to Shield Damaging Weapons
26. Changed Damage At Rng for Weapons Destroyer I - IV (10,15,20,25) Rng 5.
27. Changed Weapon Modifier for Weapons Destroyer I - IV from 30 to 10.
28. Changed Weapon Modifier for Reload Disruptor I - IV from 30 to 10.
29. Changed Damage At Rng for Reload Disruptor I - IV (10,15,20,25) Rng 5.
30. Changed Tachyon Projection Cannon I - V reload rate from 1 to 3
31. Changed Tachyon Projection Cannon I - V Weapon Damage At Rng settings. (lowered)
32. Changed Fusion Beam family number from 2010 to 597
33. Changed Fusion Beam Mount to use new Fusion Beam Family number.
34. Changed Added Mount for Tachyon Projection Cannon and Ionic Disperser I - V
35. Changed Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - V Weapon Damage At Rng (15,20,25,30) Rng = 5
36. Changed Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - V Weapon Modifier from 30 to 10
37. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Pirate Weapons Destroyer I - V
38. Changed Added Restrcition Two Per Vehicle to Pirate Ionic Disperser
39. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Reload Disruptor I - IV
40. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Weapons Destroyer I - IV
41. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Ionic Disperser I - V
42. Changed Added Restriction Two Per Vehicle to Tachyon Projection Cannon I - V.
43. Changed 8472 Design Creation file slightly to prevent the Ai from adding 4 Organic Nacelles to early designs
44. Changed Bio-reclamation Complex I - V Family number from 17 to 55
45. Changed Slave Labor Camp I - III Family number from 4 to 56
46. Changed Added a Vehicle Override of Ship, Base, Satellite to Pirate Weapons Destoryer I - V
47. Changed Added a Vehicle Override of Ship, Base, Satellite to Weapons Destoryer I - IV
48. Changed Added a Vehicle Override of Ship, Base, Satellite to Ionic Disperser I - IV
49. Changed Added Restriction of One Per Vehicle to Breen Energy Dampener I - V
50. Changed Breen Energy Dampener I - V Weapon Reload Rate from 3 to 15 (This is a very powerful weapon)
51. Changed Tactical Phasers Weapon Reload Rate from 3 to 15
52. Changed Added lower maintenance cost to all Pirate Ship hulls. (-5% to Maintenance Cost)
53. Changed Pirate Tech maximum level from 6 to 7.
54. Changed Added more neo-standard hull sizes to Warrior trait.
55. Changed Removed Component Repair Ability from Replicator I - III (Redundent)
56. Changed Added Solar Supply Generation to Replicator I - III (50)
57. Changed Small Warp Engine (Set so that AI will only add one to designs)
58. Changed Advanced Torpedo weapons for all races from weapon family 4 to weapon family 27
59. Changed Added ability Resource Reclamation to Small Pirate Space Doc.
60. Changed Satellite Mount Weapon Type Requiremen to None.

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