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CUnknown September 13th, 2005 03:43 PM

Re: Smack talk!!!
I think hoarding is especially difficult in this game, because of the mods, but mostly because of the huge number of magic sites out there. If every province you take is worth around 3-5 gems, hoarding seems to be less valuable.

Boron, you're making me blush! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Growth-3 has hooked me up in this game, it's incredibly good with the mods. And more important, I've been way out of the way for most of the game, so no one has paid any attention to me. The recent Atlantis offensive against me was the first attack made by another player on my home area... and it's turn 70-something (80 something?)! I had better be powerful!

And still, the Mictlan/Ctis alliance looms large. They will be hard to beat.

YellowCactus September 13th, 2005 11:49 PM

Good game man.
Sorry you got stuck there in the corner. Hope you had fun.

Boron September 17th, 2005 10:29 PM

Re: Oversway!!!
Server down. Not that it matters much for our fate http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif.

YellowCactus September 17th, 2005 10:49 PM

Re: Oversway!!!
Don't worry Boron,
Mictlan and Vanheim are having a little 'spat' of discontentment. Our armies are withdrawing from underwater sieges even now. Enjoy your new found freedom.

YellowCactus September 18th, 2005 06:57 PM

Server is UP!
Okay kids, come out and play, the server is back.

Thanks Klatu

PashaDawg September 18th, 2005 10:08 PM

Re: Server is UP!
So, who's winning? Give me the dirt!

YellowCactus September 18th, 2005 11:03 PM

Re: Server is UP!
Boron has a reported 324 clams.(as of turn 72) We've found gang-banging Ryleh to be extremely satisfying. SoapyFrog will make it to turn 80. Not bad for being double teamed for 70 turns.

Vanheim finished off Atlantis, who was not suffiecently aided by his allies. (We are busy with Boron). Now the Vanheim jugernaught ownes the entire western 1/3 of the map (around 130 provinces and notified Mictlan of eminent hostilities. Bastard.

Tienchi has been quiet, but we're all certain he's got some tricks up his sleeve. AND HE'S AN AWESOME HOST.

Reverend Zombie is showing the world that C'tis Desert Tomb doesn't suck. Abyssia has all the Blood Unique SC's and Artifacts. Globals are dominated by Abyssia, C'tis, and Vanheim.

Pitch in if I missed something.

PashaDawg September 19th, 2005 12:24 AM

Re: Server is UP!
Thanks, YC.

Soapyfrog September 19th, 2005 12:44 AM

Re: Server is UP!
I will make it to turn 80, but I am efectively a prisoner in my home province with no income and slowly dwindling domain. Heheh... but I'll hang in there for what its worth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

CUnknown September 19th, 2005 12:51 AM

Re: Server is UP!
Okay, you missed that Mictlan is producing 200 devils a turn and already has over a thousand of them! YC's armies are the biggest and the baddest in the world. Well, definitely the biggest.. I suppose the title of baddest will be given after me (Vanheim) and him duke it out.

Despite Ryleh's immense pearl income, I believe the top two to be me and YC. YC has an incredible blood slave income (I hear 600/turn), and I have an incredible monetary income (14,000/turn).

Ryleh is probably #3? It's hard to tell. Aku does have a huge empire as well, and all the blood uniques, and artifacts.

Ctis is fairly huge, too, and he and YC are allies. The Mictlan/Ctis axis is mighty indeed, and only time will tell if the rest of the world is capable of taking them down. Of course, a timely betrayal by Abyssia could bring me to ruin, even if Ryleh and I manage to beat back Mictlan/Ctis.

I think the game is still pretty interesting..

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