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Squirrelloid April 12th, 2010 10:22 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Stavis_L (Post 740226)

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 740173)
A call for opinions.....

Assuming this is possible for CBM to do, what do people think about the idea of swapping LA Man's starting gem income of 2 Nature gems for something they can actually use instead.

Since having now checked to be sure, it appears LA Man are the only nation in the game who have a starting gem income that does not match any of the paths on their national mages. This seems mighty odd to me, as they'd surely be better off starting with Fire, Astral or Earth income instead of the Nature they currently have (to go with the 2 Air they also get).

Plus this change would bring them back in line with the matching "starting gem income-national mage" relationship that is standard for every other nation.

For balance, sure, makes sense.

For thematic reasons, though, there should definitely be nature income because after all, it's basically sites taken over from the now departed Tuatha. The fact that the impudent usurping humans don't comprehend how to best use and control the ancient faerie magics is perfectly appropriate.

I oppose this on thematic grounds.

Theme is totally fungible. For instance, you could just say Man's engineers found a way to convert its energy into more useable products (which is why it produces fewer gems than it used to). Man may have inherited the land from the Tuatha, but they are a nation of engineers who construct great machines (siege bonus engineers!) and likely make other great structures - surely this has consequences. And as their engineers are also mages, who's to say their engineering only affects the mundane world - someplace as important as their capital site they have had much time and likely expended much effort transforming it to suit their needs.

Sombre April 12th, 2010 12:05 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Those same thematic grounds don't seem to apply to well to other nations where the gemtypes lurch around between eras anyway.

MA Ulm directly follows on from EA Ulm, so where's the nature income there? You're talking about a LA nation vs an EA nation, but I'm saying there aren't even site connections between many MA and LA nations.

kianduatha April 12th, 2010 01:35 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
After doing a bit of testing for the UWGIM, I realized that Phantasmal Warriors can get repel-killed. In fact, this seems to be one of the main ways they're killed in normal combats, as they only have 1hp. This seems excessively silly and Phantasmal Weapons should have a length of 6 to prevent this from happening.

Sombre April 12th, 2010 02:59 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Why is it silly? As soon as they're hit, the target realises they aren't real, because they're passng right through the weapon. Pop, they vanish.

Phantasmals aren't supposed to be good.

kianduatha April 12th, 2010 04:41 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
Simply saying that Phantasmals are supposed to suck is I would think the exact opposite of what this mod is trying to do--to make more strategies viable. As is, in Legendary Ordeals I killed Ulm's God with an unequipped ninja because the AI decided to spam Ghost Wolves. My ninja managed to actually hit one--and the other 7 Ghost Wolves killed themselves with repel. That...isn't right.

The flavor text actually says that they're difficult to hit, and the mechanism of their Phantasmal Weapon is that they only deal damage when their opponent believes in the attack. It says nothing about them disappearing at that point. And guess what? They actually are pretty hard to hit if they don't kill themselves via repel.

There should be no reason that Phantasmal Warriors etc. should work strangely better against Wolf Tribe Warriors than others. It isn't even a hard fix, and it would give the spells the actual ability to tie up enemy troops.

Sombre April 12th, 2010 06:09 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I'd be ok with boosting them to length,... what are they on the graphic, axes? Length 2 or 3 or 4 if it's a spear I guess. But length 6 doesn't make sense. Neither does length 0, I admit.

thejeff April 12th, 2010 06:15 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
It's a pretty brutal limitation though. Maybe add a gem of another type or replace one of the Nature gems, representing the weakening of the power of Nature under the curse?

Globu April 14th, 2010 11:58 PM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I found a typo in the mod file:

#hero5 2840

I did a quick search of the thread, which didn't turn up anything, so apologies if this has already been brought up. And I'm most certainly very sketchy on modding knowledge and how forgiving the game is about syntax, so apologies as well if this is one of those no-big-deal, the-game-reads-it-properly-anyways things.

Globu April 16th, 2010 12:57 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
And yet another report.

I posted a while ago about how the change to Rams Head the White Satyr, one of Pangaea's heroes, removes his ability to summon Satyr Hoplites.

I just figured out that it does the same thing for Iszvat the Unwinged, EA Caelum's hero. Yeah, I know, Temple Guard suck, but nonetheless...

In case anyone else finds this bothersome, here are the fixes for both (repeating the Rams Head one for ease of reference):

For Iszvat's entry:
#makemonster5 1289 -- re-enables Iszvat's ability to summon Temple Guard

For Rams Heads's entry:
#makemonster5 230 -- re-enables Rams Head's ability to summon Satyr Hoplites

Am I correct in concluding from this that you can't mod any aspect of an existing unit that has a #makemonster summoning ability without eliminating its ability to do so (without specifically re-enabling the ability as done above)?

Squirrelloid April 16th, 2010 07:53 AM

Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6
I believe removing summon allies from heroes was intentional, and was done to all the heroes who previously summoned allies.

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