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[CDN]Steel_Ice December 17th, 2004 09:58 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
After upgrading to the latest patch, the heavy cruiser and explorer class ships for the federation (i dono if any other races ships are effected too) had wrong images. When i opened up the VehicleSize file i noticed you had battle cruiser image set for heavy cruiser and escort image set for the explorer.

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 10:01 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

boran_blok said:
Anyways, another "issue" I have:
Why do resupply-related objects show up in spaceyard construction ? bases dont really use supply dont they ?

I do not know. The design does not appear to call for them.

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 10:06 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

XenoTheMorph said:
Just a few more possible bugs/typos (v1.9.0.6)

1. Both the 'Bussard Collectors' & the 'Impulse Engines' have supply usage stats, though these components use no supplys when the ship moves.

2. Why do the Pirate race have both a 'Pirate Race Weapon Mount' & a 'Pulse Weapon Mount' (should that not be 'Pirate Pulse Weapon Mount'?). These mounts are identicle in their effects only for different weapons, they are also gained at the same tech level. Maybe they should be merged or made more individual.

As to 1. I honestly do not know why this is.

2. All races have a pulse weapon mount. I chose not to name the pulse weapon mount after each race because of space requirements. I did not want the name to be too long.

The differances in the mounts should have been more pronounced.

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 10:15 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Please keep in mind that the mod is for the most part an on going work and that things change. It has never been my intention to make an exact persaudo star trek universe mod, it cannot be done with this game. However, I have labored to do what I can do to make the mod as much a true star trek mod I could.

SEIV has many limitations, and I am afraid we have stumbled onto a few of them. Modding the AI to design ships that you would design is an unreasonable expectation. The game simply will not design ships as well as humans can. There is no way to establish the techniques that we use into a system the AI can utilize. All we can do is tweak it here and there and see what happens.

At this point we are doing more fine tuning and tweaking to the mod and that tells me that most everything else is looking good. So later tomorrow I will release the latest Version,, and hope that people do not confuse this with the AST 1.97 mod. (It has happended more than I can count).

From this point we keep going. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Suggestions and bug reports are vital to the process and I welcome them all. This Last round of bug reports, suggestions, and such were essential to helping with the mod. I thank you all for all the Posts and I sincerely hope that you will continue posting.



Star Trek Mod v1.9.0.7 - Pending

1. Changed Satellite Mount Weapon Type Requirement from none to Any (Should only work for Weapons now)
2. Changed Large Satellite Mount Tonnage Structure Percent from 200 to 120.
3. Changed Modified the Description of Satellite Mount. Now reads weapon components.
4. Fixed Spelling errors in Vehicle Size file (do - due)
5. Changed Pirate Tractor Beam I now available at correct level. Tractor\Repulser Weapons I.
6. Changed Changed all PULSE WEAPONS to a weapon modifier of -10%.
7. Changed Laser Beam II now uses correct amount of supplies.
8. Changed Made Laser beam IV & V Min,Rad,Org cost compareable to Laser Beam I - III
9. Changed Pirate Weapon Mount - added range mondify of 1 - lowered damage % to 110% - same for Supply use

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 10:21 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

[CDN]Steel_Ice said:
After upgrading to the latest patch, the heavy cruiser and explorer class ships for the federation (i dono if any other races ships are effected too) had wrong images. When i opened up the VehicleSize file i noticed you had battle cruiser image set for heavy cruiser and escort image set for the explorer.

This is true. I simply have not yet set up any of the Federation races with Neo Standard ship images. I have to find acceptable ships images, and then incorp them into the sets.

XenoTheMorph December 17th, 2004 10:53 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released

Atrocities said:

XenoTheMorph said:
Just a few more possible bugs/typos (v1.9.0.6)

1. Both the 'Bussard Collectors' & the 'Impulse Engines' have supply usage stats, though these components use no supplys when the ship moves.

As to 1. I honestly do not know why this is.


Maybe change the 'Impulse Engines' & 'Bussard Collectors' so they don't display a positive supply usage, it seems slightly misleading if you don't know about it.

Also I was looking around the troop weapons and the 'Klingon Batliths' seem to not get any better while costing more? (damage @ range 1 stays the same, ranged damage increases but that is no use on troops)

FYI it seems the most common spelling for Batlith is Batleth (Well there are an order of magnitude more hits for 'Klingon Batleth' than for 'Klingon Batlith' on Google, Meh)

Maybe just for fun you could make Batliths compulsory on Klignon Troops (A matter of Honour! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ). Just add a requires engine setting on the troop and make the batlith an 'Engine' (I'm sure I've seen that fudge somewhere before?). Oh and any changes to the design files for the Klingons (if needed haven't check myself).

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 10:59 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Thanks, I will do as you recommend.

How did you determine that those components were not using supplies?

XenoTheMorph December 17th, 2004 11:15 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
In Turn based I moved a ship 1 space and the usage was 100. The total usage for the Warp Core (20) and 2 Nacelles (40 each) totals 100 as it should. After retrofitting it with 4 Bussard Collectors (5 each) and 2 Impulse engines (20 each) the usage for 1 space was still 100 (not 160). http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Also it seems I edited my original message after you read it, you might want to reread it just in case (nothing important but I like the idea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif)

[edited to clarify usage amounts]

Atrocities December 17th, 2004 11:19 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
Thanks. I found a few others that were doing the same thing. I wonder why they were not using supplies. Must have to do with supply storage or something. Very odd. PErhpas a bug with SEIV.

XenoTheMorph December 17th, 2004 11:36 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Update Released
I think that the only components that use supplys are -

1. weapons upon firing

2. stellar manipulation on use

3. components that provide non-tactical movement when moving

Anyone else know?

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