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DrPraetorious July 24th, 2008 01:21 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I agree with Xietor, which is why I've probably lost already.

Attacking EA Agartha was a *major* mistake. I should've gone south instead, or simply consolidated a bit on my Pythianese holdings, but I didn't want to give Agartha time to prepare a defense. Turned out I was already too late.

Kudos to Agartha for putting up such a stiff fight.

Lingchih July 24th, 2008 02:37 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
LA Pythium continues to hold on. We still hold our capitol, and can take whichever bordering province we wish to take each turn. Lanka is apparently playing a game of hide and seek now, mostly using their demon thugs to pop in and out, while leaving their main armies just out of reach of our Hydras. Nice strategy, btw, Falkor.

We have given up hope that any of our neighbors will intercede. So it is just a matter of time until LA Pythium is gone. We hope to take a few demons down with us, when we go.

My diplomacy skills seem to have atrophied. Might be because I have been playing a RAND game. Oh well, I guess I should have used bribes instead of just cajolery.

DonCorazon July 24th, 2008 02:50 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Well, I thought Utgard was done for but things are looking up. All forts cleared, thousands of gold in the bank thanks to Two-Eyes, and almost all our land taken back in a rare fortuitous turn of successful werewolf counterinsurgency. The signs should now be obvious to all nations of Kingmaker that Kauthuga is the lord of all sparkly granite kitchen countertops.

JimMorrison July 24th, 2008 03:04 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story

DrPraetorious said:
I agree with Xietor, which is why I've probably lost already.

Attacking EA Agartha was a *major* mistake. I should've gone south instead, or simply consolidated a bit on my Pythianese holdings, but I didn't want to give Agartha time to prepare a defense. Turned out I was already too late.

Kudos to Agartha for putting up such a stiff fight.

After seeing the fight last turn, where you lost 2 geared Jarls to a handful of Magma Babies, I would agree it was a huge mistake.

All the larger, since I wasn't talking from my rear when I told you I had been prepping to attack them already, I honestly was, and it would have been me that took that arrow. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

And then to top it off, diplomacy between grand Niefelheim and (somewhat) humble Gath seems to have failed. I am sure you have tricks left up your sleeve. I sure hope so, because you'll need them soon. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Just so everyone knows - Gath will not hold it against you if you wish to bite off a piece of Niefelheimian lands - but when our armies arrive at their capital, we will be claiming it, regardless of who possesses it when we get there. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Agema July 25th, 2008 08:04 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
What - did I see someone say MA R'lyeh went AI? No wonder they'd done a few unexpected things in the last turn or two.

More importantly, Holy crap! Firstly the victory at the capital (20 mages, Squiggles and a handful of chaff slew nearly 200 Ryleh and their God). Now my chances of survival have doubled again, they must be, like, 12% now.

Xietor July 25th, 2008 09:47 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
I am curious, did ma ryleh go ai because their pretender died or something? Were they losing the war in the water?

If you have a good position but cannot play due to real life circumstances, let me know as a sub may want your position. And it is better to have a sub than a good race set to ai.

Jotunheim had 2 stales, and did not respond to my pm, and thus he was set to ai by llamabeast at my request. However, if Bignscary sends in his own turn it will overwrite the ai command and he will remain in control.

Agema July 25th, 2008 10:44 AM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
MA R'lyeh were most definitely not losing the war with me. They'd recently suffered that massive defeat, but they were so far ahead by then that they still had the advantage afterwards. I doubt it was to do with the death of his god either, as it was by no means a vital cog in his war machine and he played I think two turns after that.

Xietor July 25th, 2008 12:17 PM

Re: TFtF: Eriu Inside - true story
Some players, especially players that do mostly sp, view the death of their pretender as unacceptable.

But I do wish I would have had the opportunity to find a sub for MA Ryleh as they were looking good at the time they went AI.

Oh well, I am sure Agema is not complaining about having a war against the AI as MA Ryleh can be quite nasty.

atul July 26th, 2008 09:23 AM

Rest in pieces EA Ulm
Apparently everyone's so horrified about a player going AI while still going strong that this thread has slipped to second page. That cannot be!

Yet farewell EA Ulm, you were a good neighbour, knew when to stay your armies, when to stand and when to fall so that no doubt remains of the manifest destiny. Conquered and divided by many, now only final farewell is left: Rest In Pieces.


Darkwind July 26th, 2008 09:53 AM

Re: Rest in pieces EA Ulm
My entry to the Deathmatch was going to be someone named Conan before. Now it definitely will be.

Also, a recent rash of wars seems to have cropped up around me. Are there any new wars in anyone else's neighborhoods?

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