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Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Pequeninos 1.0
I replaced race portrait and put some sort of race description in AI_general.txt 1020781927.zip |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Old defunct post
[ December 24, 2002, 15:46: Message edited by: TerranC ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Hirogen 1.0 Gold (Star Trek)
I hope you enjoy them. Hirogen [ May 17, 2002, 20:41: Message edited by: Atrocities ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
<Delete me>
[ August 14, 2002, 21:08: Message edited by: [K126]Mephisto ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Old defunct post
[ December 24, 2002, 15:45: Message edited by: TerranC ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
This can be deleted now.
GE [ June 04, 2002, 13:21: Message edited by: God Emperor ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here are the AI files and shipset for the Azorani Alliance. Please post any feedback to the Space Empires IV forum.
Azorani_101.ZIP [Edit: Updated to Version 1.01] [ June 02, 2002, 06:34: Message edited by: Alpha Kodiak ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
And one more mod to confuse the SE IV Gold players: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon12.gif
Q-Mod Version 1.0 QMod Pictures Amazon Borg Sorry but due to some strangely low size limitation for the uploading files I had to break this into 4 files. You need all of them. This is an rather extensive modification of SE IV gold Version 1.67. So be prepared that many things are different to the original or the TDM-Modpack. It includes all my previously posted modifications namely CueCappa, Phong, Borg, Intel modification and new happiness files. What were the aims of this modification: 1.) Improve the AI and make them more various with individual aspects. 2.) Give more balance to the different components, especially weapons, happiness types and the racial traits and characteristics. 3.) Increase the variety of the game. How to install this modification: 1.) Unzip the first file (QMod) to the SE IV Gold folder. 2.) Unzip the second file (Pictures) into this QMod folder. 3.) Unzip the third file (Amazon) into the race folder of the QMod folder (not the original SE IV race folder!) 4.) Unzip the forth file (Borg) into the race folder of the QMod folder (not the original SE IV race folder!) 5.) Change the Path to the name of "QMod" or replace the orinal path.txt file by the Qmod path file (save the old path file!). 6.) Start a new game. I am really sorry for this complicated procedure but the reasons are mentioned above and I can't change it. Important: Because new racial traits are used, no empire files that were created outside of this modification can be used. There is a detailed description how to make new empire files in the Shrapnel SE IV forum, but basically you let the computer create random empires, turn all empires to human control immediately at the beginning of the game and save the empires under an appropriate empire name. For the standard races and the Borg/Amazon the empire files are include in this modification. You may add as many other races as you want, but their AI files might not be too well adapted to my modifications. However they should work without errors. Main features of the modification: 1.) Modified AI files for the standard races of SE IV and the Borg/Amazon. Now this is a never ending work. There will still be much to improve in future Versions if my time allows it. The AI is still not smart but has a little bit more muscles. 2.) New racial traits: assimilation, neutral, AI-Intel stealing and sabotage and Human Intel. The Intel traits let you chose the intel projects of your AI. If no trait is selected then only defensive intel will be used by this race. Human players should select all AI-Intel traits and the Human Intel trait. On the contrary the assimilation and neutral traits give important benefits, that I would consider inappropiate for human players. Only the Borg AI has the research and design files to make proper use of the assimilation trait 3.) New happiness types and files. Collective happiness type should be used only by AI empires. 4.) Some new components and facilities mostly for the new racial traits, but some also for the general technology area. 5.) Increased cargo capacity of planets, especially domed colonies. 6.) Increased size of fighters, medium and large carriers and transports. 7.) Reduced cost and supply use of drones. 8.) Changed cultural modifiers. Conqueror, Protector and Neutral should be used only for AI empires. 9.) Race.General.txt files have been adapted so you should get the same empire settings when using the race as random empire as when using the empire file. Credits: Of course to MM who created this fantastic game. Then to the crew of the TDM-Modpack which was the base of my own modification. The Borg race was created by Atrocities and the Amazons have their origins in the Dominion race of AJC. I thank both very much for the permission to use their pictures (and some of the speech files). The speech file of the XiChung was created by Twin Galaxies. Some of the designname files I use were posted once on the SE IV forum, but I just don't remember the autor: my apologies and see below! To many people of the Shrapnel SE IV forum who provided ideas that I used in my modification: if anyone should feel he or she should be given personal credit, let me know and I will gladly include your name in the readme file. Due to my limited time, the testing I made was not as extensive as I would have liked it. So if you want, you may call this a Beta Version. Therefore I am very grateful, if you report any problems in the SE IV forum. Feedback and comments are welcome. Q. [ January 18, 2003, 06:53: Message edited by: Q ] |
Re: Space Empires IV: AI Races/Ship Sets
Here are the SFC Mirak (Courtesy Ghosts Fleetdock 13). Please let me know of any issues you find with the AI.
All ship images are models for Star Fleet Command from Ghosts Shipyards http://www.strategyplanet.com/sfc/omega/fleetdock13/ used with permission from the owner <ghostfox13@hotmail.com> 1022795496.zip [ May 30, 2002, 22:52: Message edited by: Atraikius ] |
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