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Endoperez March 8th, 2005 12:02 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
Teleport, but that would screw the order of battles...

Tuna March 8th, 2005 12:12 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
Cant teleport a sphinx. Just doesn't move...

Tuna March 8th, 2005 12:24 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!

Endoperez said:
Zen is not on the list, but has already announced he is on the game. You just forgot him from the list.

Didn't forget, but never got the PM, of which I have mentioned several times here.

Anyway, just cant't do it with the sphinxes. (sp?)

They are just too immobile to move, even when given additional strat move. So, at least other of the sphinx owners has to change pretender, and if other of them wants to keep his he has to pay with having to fight EVERY single battle in order to win...

Endoperez March 8th, 2005 12:51 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
What about a mod? I don't know how to take that "fist" attack go away, so he gets -1 def and weak attack. I quess that could be worked around by adding new weapon, "Useless Thing", with -100 damage, -100 attack, +0 defence and length 0. That would still give the sphinx possibility of attacking, which would fatique it, and enemy chance to repel.

#modname "Sphinx Mod"
#description "A Sphinx Mod, to add a moving Sphinx for Tuna's competition."
#version 001

#selectmonster 159
#name "Sphinx"
#descr "A Sphinx."
#ap 2
#mapmove 1
#hp 500
#size 6
#prot 30
#str 20
#enc 0
#att 5
#def 0
#prec 10
#mr 18
#mor 30
#gcost 60
#rcost 0
#pathcost 40
#startdom 4
#itemslots 4096
#poisonres 100

Chazar March 8th, 2005 12:58 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
I do not get the problem entirely (first attack?), but isnt it somehwat odd to allow non-teleporting immobiles at all? I thought this is a competition about the best all-purpose SC-hunter and I have difficulties to imagine a sphinx hunting around highly mobile SCs...?!

Oversway March 8th, 2005 01:13 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
1 sphinx or other immobile could start in the fight province, but yeah 2 is problematic...

Chazar March 8th, 2005 01:18 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
BTW: What happens if two fountains battle each other? Is it simply the case that the defender wins by the battle turn limit?


I also noticed that you did not ask where the combatants should be placed on tactical setup...?

sushiboat March 8th, 2005 02:45 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
With all this effort being put into this competition, you might as well run the fights several times and see whether there are any consistent winners and losers.

Tuna March 8th, 2005 02:49 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!

sushiboat said:
With all this effort being put into this competition, you might as well run the fights several times and see whether there are any consistent winners and losers.

Yeah, planning to. But first I need some more competitors, as there are only 14 left now.

Taqwus March 8th, 2005 03:13 PM

Re: The Grand Anti-SC competition!
Well, the fountains likely have spells to duel each other with, so it's not inconceivable that one wins. They might also summon monsters to help...

If neither kills the other before the time limit, the attacker presumably explodes at the "all attackers who haven't retreated instantly die" mark.

I wonder how viable an all-offense 'Ginsu the Damned' approach (e.g. Nataraja casting Curse and Astral Weapon, then using a ridiculous number of attacks to maim the enemy into a blind, crippled, feebleminded mute) would do; it'd be readily countered by regen, I think, but would perhaps be amusing anyway.

Different tack from a hypothetical 'Zzzz' approach (e.g. Ettin Mandragora w/ E3, RoWizardy, stockpile of Earth gems, casting Petrify and then attacking with those nasty sleep vines), or perhaps an absurdly extreme 'Tim "More Power' Taylor' approach going for pure damage.

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