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lebarjack January 18th, 2008 12:24 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
It was probably fine, my mistake...
I wasn't connecting to the good IP.

Argitoth January 27th, 2008 12:32 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Timer is off, quickhost is on. For some reason Nihil hasn't taken his turn. Game will pause for 18 hours until further notice.

Argitoth January 27th, 2008 01:06 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Game has resumed!

Nikolai January 27th, 2008 02:48 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
> Unfortunatly we have not quite mastered the fine art of
> disconnecting horse from chariot to form our own cavalry
> force.

Speaking as nation in which only greatest warriors know how to stay on horse while engages in combat, we commiserate. We have invested heavily into researching highly technical 'stirup device' but no progress so far. Some young whipper snappers suggest we just copy it from heavy cavalry's lancers, but what they know?

Revolution January 27th, 2008 04:56 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Agarthan Troglodyte forces have sacked an outlying Arcoscephalian province! An unprovoked attack such as this is inexcusable... as I speak the Arcoscephalian armies are gearing up for war...my battle mages will turn the ground beneath your armies to ash while my Jade Lizards feast on the still smoldering flesh.

...My nation's Philosophers suggest that your people are an abomination, a half fish half human blight that is merely the result of evolution gone wrong. Arcoscephale invites any nation to join us in our pursuit of ridding the world of your evil.

lebarjack January 27th, 2008 07:14 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Agarthan people are abominations. Our spies report they are now trying to crossbreed elephants with fishes... The sage from the smouldercone cannot let this vileness happen.

We are glad to help Arcoscephale stopping the treacherous Dr.Doom plans!

Argitoth January 27th, 2008 07:53 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Jotunheim is taking a beating from Mictlan and Lanka. They think that Jotunheim can easily be defeated with brute force. There are a few surprises that await them. I will make sure of this.

I want those nations dead, you see. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

meister_miagi January 27th, 2008 08:50 AM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
Beware the elephant-fish! We only trying to reach the ocean, you see. All this dry land is drying our skin. No harm done, right? Dr.Doom will gladly meet your delegates to discuss this matter in his underground lair http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif.
I haven't even met any Jotun forces yet so I don't see why you would want to see us dead http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif. But no matter, we will await your surprises!

Argitoth January 27th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
OH! FRIK! Sorry, edited my post. Not Agartha, I meant LANKA!!!!!

ano January 27th, 2008 07:48 PM

Re: War of Dominion - Early Ages: Noobie Game (OPE
What do you have to say against Lanka? Actually the phrase "Jotunheim is taking a beating" is highly incorrect. If you know the situation, you should not say so, because monkeys' losses are MUCH MORE significant. And from this game I've learned well that Niefel is too much unbalanced race. However, we won't argue.

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