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CUnknown March 7th, 2008 04:17 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
I'm loving these test results!

Die Heretics, Die!!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif

Tuidjy March 7th, 2008 05:05 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
Yeah, that's what I said "I wave my halberd in the air, draining strength and
skill out of the enemy"... Magic. Of the worst kind. Now we know why Ulm fell.

Call the inquisitors!

On a more serious note, please rework the description. I do not have the game
here, but I believe it said something about the guardians skill and resolve. It
should speak of the weapon's properties.

But the ability itself is damn nice.

Kristoffer O March 7th, 2008 05:39 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
> It should speak of the weapon's properties.

It does, unless I'm mistaken.

It is not a magic halberd as much as a sacred halberd created by the Priest Smiths. Fatigue is a result from the clash of divine powers.

Edi March 7th, 2008 05:41 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
I just checked the description, Tuidjy.


Guardian & Lord Guardian description says:
The Guardians are entrusted with the security of the mighty Keep of Ulm. Since the emergence of the Black Priests and the construction of the Black Temple, they have received increased status as destroyers of heresy. The priests of the Iron Faith have successfully imbued mundane weapons with divine might. These Blacksteel halberds are given to the Guardians to smite the unholy heretics. Iron, not flesh, is held sacred in the Iron Faith. The swing of a Black Halberd strikes enemies of the faith with exhaustion as divine powers collide.

Furthermore, the Black Priests and Priest Smiths and other mentions of the Iron Cult make references to magic outside religion being heresy and the black halberds being imbued with divine power (in the same sense that Iron Darts and Iron Blizzard are Earth/Holy mixed path spells). So it is not as contradictory as you remember it being.

Tuidjy March 7th, 2008 06:05 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
The more I hear, the more I like it. I looked at the new changes late one night,
and decided that I was not nearly enough. It seems I was quite off. Now, if
Ulm could only get some kind of decently trained soldiers. It is my recollection
that most if not all of the infantry have 10s in their combat stats.

Edi March 7th, 2008 06:42 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
Most of them do, yes. It's because they are regular soldiers, just very well equipped. The Guardians and the Black Knights are the only ones who have above 10 stats. Guardian has attack 12, defense 10 base and Black Knight is, well, Black Knight. The Black Plate Infantry units got morale boosted from 10 to 11 comapred to 10 for the basic Ulm infantry and the pikemen are 11 and 12 for normal and Black Plate respectively. The Full Plate of Ulm getting defense penalty slashed from -5 to -3 is also a good thing.

Combined with Black Priests able to cast Sermon of Courage, all of that put together is not insignificant at all compared to what Ulm used to be like. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Tuidjy March 7th, 2008 08:42 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
What really bothers me about Ulm (among many other things) is that they have the
equipment, they just do not know how to use it.

1. Give the arbalest guys a pavise (tower shield) to duck behind, and they will
become the terror of the battlefield.

2. Have some of the infantry wear the arbalesters' cuiraces, give them the
knights' kite shields, the pikemen's half helmets, and a simple shortsword.
Can you say awesome medium infantry?

3. As for the black knights, have them go on a quest to find their daddy's
broadsword, and to help them look, give them a half helmet.

Now, if the damn smiths would get off their asses and actually apply their
supposed skill on lightening the above MUNDANE equipment, THEN would Ulm have
a claim to 'excellent equipment'.

Also, I wish they would get a MASS reinvigoration spell based on Earth magic.
Why isn't there one? After all Earth=reinvigoration since the days of Antaios.

chrispedersen March 7th, 2008 09:55 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
I'll reiterate my previous post. Before you speculate - do some trials. I've tried three games with the current patch. I think Ulm is now one of the strongest LA nations.

Sombre March 7th, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
He's primarily talking about MA Ulm though.

LA Ulm always had some stuff going for it and got quite a boost with the improvements to the iron faith and ghoul guardians (which are now pretty hot units).

Xietor March 7th, 2008 10:01 PM

Re: Halt Heretic - Opinions
no one on this thread was talking about LA Ulm. We are all talking about MA Ulm.

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