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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 01:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 635420)
It might be better if you choose one of the 2 races to work on.

What I've found about the necromorphs in dead space is that they are some sort of alien (no idea how they look) that go inside a corpse and then they and the corpse morph into some sort of freaky looking zombie (all different sorts)

if we know how the primary creature should look like we could easily create a send form (which would then be your pics)

do they use weapons or is it all melee?

Too me there isn't enough known to start creating a nation out of this atm.
What unit should there be?
how about commanders?
do you just buy each of the creatures or do you summon them?

basicly: tell me more :D

well i think it should work pretty much exactly like LA ermor, we could swap the variety of freespawn chaff with my chaff units which i have based on the mutilated corpses you see in dead space, the odd mound king that freespawns can be replaced by a beefier walking mutant corpse and then the remaining summoned commanders and troops can be formed from a mix of dead space, the necrons from warhammer, LA agartha's Ktonian dead and perhaps some other things we think of before and possibly after i complete the sprites for what we already have.

i'll get to work on the countless chaff sprites we'll need and this should give us some time to think of something if we need to add more on.

also i should espect most of the chaff will be melee but with the prospect of us changing space into something other than sea so we can have a sorta no gravity all round flying effect on all critters in space, melee shouldn't be much of a disadvantage. However we could probably add in some ranged attack summons if not have any as freespawn.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
hmm let's not mix the necrons in this since we'll already have a crapload of sprites etc.. If I have some extra time I might just create another nation for the necrons (I've been looking into them and there is more than enough there for a nice nation)

Have you checked if the replacing of the original chaff can be done?
I think that if you just use the weapons from those sprites I send you for higher troops you can use those as ranged troops. (so the most common free chaff will be weaponless zombies, the medium ones will have melee weapons (the chainsword thingie) and then ones with blasters like Ulm has.
Everything stronger than that will be a summon. This nation looks bloody so we could make it a blood/death nation instead of just death.

PS a think about sprites. make the sprite sizes 16-32-64-128 and not just random and make the background true black (0.0.0) since that is what dominions seems to use (black in creatures should be a bit off like (30.30.30)

(Necrons would be earth/death)

Panpiper August 31st, 2008 02:08 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I do have the latest version, yes.

I expect part of my problem is that I tend to resist the use of 'chaff' as I do not like having resources 'expended'. I would rather come up with a strategy that preserves investments so that my strength is always building. It would seem that this strategy simply does not work with R'lyeh. Without investing resources in sacrificial chaff each turn, R'lyeh has no way to keep the trolls off it's ranged troops as they simply don't die fast enough. My worry is that anything I have ever seen in hand to hand with those trolls dies so fast, I don't see how any chaff will be anything more than a speed bump. I'll try again.

By the way, I have gotten very confused with the names of the two maps. I expect that is partly because the 'Galaxy at War.map' uses the 'spacemap.rgb'. Anyway, all map feedback I've given was feedback on the 'solar system map'. Hence; Adjacent orbital spaces on 'solar system map'; 31 & 17, still don't connect.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 02:12 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
Ehm well you have those trolls available yourself you know :D
your chaff isn't exactly weak. And the Illithid don't kill that fast.. they PARALYZE.. paralyzed troops are very very very very vulerable.. IF someone is dealing damage that is so you need melee troops

and I thought I'd fixed that link but I'll look again (well the command wasn;t there but it is now.. I'll upload it with next patch)

Panpiper August 31st, 2008 03:11 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
2 Attachment(s)
I retried R''lyeh and recruited equal numbers of trolls along with the mindblast units and I have met with much more success. I have lost trolls which then need to be replaced and I still need some time to build up, but it's nowhere near as bad as my previous attempts.

A celebrant of the faith has appeared preaching justice and bringing with him no less that 49 Oni Dragons. Needless to say my victory is now assured. ;-)


Also, there is a recruitable troop, not commander, in many of the space territories that seems to use an Oni Dragon silhouette as a graphic and has some pretty weird stats. See attached screen caps.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 04:09 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
That celebrant of the faith business... well.. no clue what to do about it really..

the dragon oni is newly created, not a modded creature and it's unit number is way out of range of normal units.

The scout thing was due to unit number being 100 off (and luckily there are still creatures of this mod there :))

Thx for the info and that is fixed now

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 04:31 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 635440)
Have you checked if the replacing of the original chaff can be done?

In that email to me you said it could be done by using the same unit number or something, except in that email we were thinking of pangea to be the nation to replace and have my big bloody corpses take the place of the big leafy carrion beasts if i remember rightly.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
I said I thought it could be done.. asking pplz here might be an idea :D

we'd need to know which troops (numbers) are the ones that you get as free spawn (and which ones with temples, and castles and castles and temples...

there is a way to find the unit number of troops ... if you can look that up and then look which troops ermor get then I THINK I could change them.

I'm a bit busy with the rest so if you could look that up for this nation while making the sprites then I can mod it later :D

Nikelaos August 31st, 2008 06:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
okay then, but would you mind making a thread to ask if we can do that, i would but my explanation for what we are trying to do seems a bit 'not enough' for me cause i'm not sure entirely how you said it may be done.

little bit confuzled.

but i'm fine looking up which troops ermor gets and then making a new sprite for each.

Aezeal August 31st, 2008 06:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.46 Ulm, R'lyeh, Jomon & indies
wait wait, we can't do that .. if we change all free spawn then we'll change the regular skeletons etc etc too.. it'll mess up death magic incredibly.

Untill we find a way round this or redesign the whole race idea you'd better put it on a hold and start with that semi-pangaea insectoid idea

There IS an insectoid mod somewhere.. I never played it but heard about it.. might be worth checking out.

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