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Re: Offtopic
Returning to cavalry it always had a mobility advantage against infantry but there were periods when it was definitely weaker in straight-out combat. Fortunately, Middle Ages wasn't such a preiod and most Dominions nations live in this period. :) Still, your rationalization is quite weak. One reason I say so is that riders in Dominions 3 get Def bonus above and beyond their own training. This was done as far as I see to make cavalry surviable on battlefield which was not always so in Dom2. (At the same time they almost always have a Precision penalty) What this bonus may represent is a combination of greater tactical mobility and a chance that attack will strike horse or part of a harness instead of a rider. Finally, you have probably mistaken a thread. |
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.2!)
1 Attachment(s)
There's the last hero I promised. I guess I might add some new hero later, but unless I get a really good idea for a hero, I guess this is it for heroes for now.
EDIT: Apparently you need to copystats for both insane and heretic, and I don't know of any unit who is both insane and heretic without side effects, so Alhazred will sadly have to do with being just insane. |
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.2!)
2 Attachment(s)
Sorry for being late - those were my hashishiines. ;)
I think they should be sacred, even if they won't probably be blessed often. :) However, it may be fixed through #onebattlespell... Considering your troops I think that it's better to replace (or add to) militia with bedhouin raiders who come only for loot - a widely used practice which survived until Ottoman times. I made those average quality lightly armed infantry and horsemen which fight only one battle just like Ermor gladiators (using #copystats, of course). They may be used as either attack force in early game, or as chaff later. (Also, we made many troops using improved robes for armor, adding also turban and turbaned helm). Another thing I did was including both light stealthy troops and corsairs. Light raiders fought on foot but used horses for faster movement - thus Move 3. Another thing I consider important is particularly good horses providing faster movement - this also giving a better offense to light lancers you seem having some small problem with (these are Arabic horses, so heavy Ghulams do not have them)... ;) As for camels per se I just gave them a supply bonus. Camel troops can be made better if you consider that early Muslim armies used camels to transport their archers up to 4 per camel (I'd made just 2) and arrows for them. So, I propose to include a new "camel bow" (or somesuch) with unit description mentioning additional arrows and give camel archers 2 such attacks. Combined with animal awe, it would be quite good, I think. Another possible summon is cheetah. As for commanders, I included also "Baghdad thieves" as spies. Another type you seem to forgot is khadi - judge (thus patrol bonus) and low-level priest. Higher level capital-only priest can be named Hoji. Mystics are good and I also thought that alchemists should be also researchers. I made another mage's type - sorceress with Nature and Air magic, as these are often mentioned in tales. I thought about making some access for Buried in Sand for these nations as it's thematic, but am not sure. As for genies I think you don't need to go for Marids as "water genies". Actually, the name came from something with sense like "infidel" (actually, various genie names were often used interchangebly, but that's another story). So I decided that while all EA genies are sacred, by MA some choose to follow the Prophet and other choose not to. The former became "faithful jihn" - sacred, including both troops and mage-commanders (male and female, with different magic), while the latter became "marids" - non-sacred, but their commanders are stronger mages (troops would be either absent or easier to summon). And your ghuls are great! I can add my opinion on genie races if you want to make a common work, but I must warn you that this is mostly based on Persian sources. What certainly should be included is a spell summoning genies to build a palace! Here are also Alhazred and Old Man of the Mountain if you want them (maybe magic should be slightly reduced; monsters Hassan summons are assassins and disciples - stealthy sacred raiders which are normally capital-only): #newmonster 2867 #spr1 "" #spr2 "" #copystats 1071 #name "Hassan" #descr "Old Man of the Mountain himself" #hp 10 #size 2 #prot 0 #mor 11 #mr 16 #enc 3 #str 10 #att 11 #def 14 #prec 11 #mapmove 2 #ap 13 #gcost 300 #rcost 1 #armor "Turban" #armor "Desert Garb" #weapon Poison dagger #magicskill 8 3 ---2? #magicskill 7 2 #magicskill 4 2 #magicskill 5 2 #holy #stealthy 20 #ambidextrous 4 #domsummon 2830 #domsummon20 2837 #wastesurvival #mountainsurvival #incunrest 10 ---? #goodleader #poormagicleader #poorundeadleader #startage 200 #maxage 160 #end #newmonster 2868 #spr1 "" #spr2 "" #copystats 333 #name "Abd al al-Hazred" #descr "That the man is mad, even himself wouldn't disagree. However, he has an affinity to summoning and communing with genies of the most unusual kind. This makes him somewhat useful to rulers and sorcerers, though most times his answers are understood only by himself. He is said to going to write a book which would summarize the wisdom he has gleaned, but whether or not it would be actually useful is not known even by the wisest..." #clearmagic #hp 9 #size 2 #prot 0 #mor 13 #mr 19 #enc 3 #str 9 #att 8 #def 9 #prec 10 #mapmove 2 #ap 13 #gcost 0 #rcost 1 #armor "Turban" #armor "Desert Garb" #weapon fist #weapon 367 --- Horror mark #magicskill 4 3 #magicskill 7 3 #magicskill 1 2 #magicskill 5 2 ---? #fear #horrormark #researchbonus 5 #douse 2 #magicbeing #wastesurvival #incunrest 8 #goodmagicleader #okundeadleader #end |
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.2!)
I might change my mind though, but I feel that this nation has quite a lot of interesting stuff already. If I end up making an LA version, it'll have a hashashin for sure though. I really want to make a version of this nation that can summon ghuls (and nasnas, if I end up making them, though I reckon literal half-humans will mostly be a novelty unit) without problem. [quote]Considering your troops I think that it's better to replace (or add to) militia with bedhouin raiders who come only for loot - a widely used practice which survived until Ottoman times. I made those average quality lightly armed infantry and horsemen which fight only one battle just like Ermor gladiators (using #copystats, of course). They may be used as either attack force in early game, or as chaff later.[quote] A pretty good idea actually. I don't really like the militia anyway and was thinking of scrapping it along with the lancer. Quote:
Supply bonus is something to think about (though especially with the possible scrapping of lancer the heavier camel cavalry is actually quite a good unit, the archer less so.) Cheetah is tempting as is rhino, but they'd go to nature and nature isn't a path I'm intending to give to (MA) al-Nadim. Quote:
I know the djinns aren't very exclusively of a particular element (even though many places do associate ifrit with fire and marid with water) and I'll sure give the more powerful versions of them some magic variance. I do quite like having them both as sacred and somewhat specialized even though having marids non-sacred isn't a bad idea. In any case we could just say that there's no prophet of Islam-equivalent in Dominions universe and keep the djinn as sacred beings of an earlier era :) Quote:
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.2!)
1 Attachment(s)
Now that I think of it, I might make Hashashin a multihero for MA.
And for the post to be less useless, here's an LA infantry parts of which I am very tempted to use for more armored mubarizun for MA, but I reckon the mubarizun are armored enough already - they're rather good heavy infantry. And as for a new MA unit, well, I think we got a relatively balanced and large enough selection of units. |
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.2!)
1 Attachment(s)
Still need to make one higher up version after these.
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Now version 0.2!)
1 Attachment(s)
Here are the last sprites I'll probably be making for (MA) al-Nadim in a while. I'll post an updated mod file soonish.
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Feature completish, playtest now!)
- Feature completeish. All major stuff is done atleast. - Ifrit Bey, Marid Bey, Marid Sultan and Ifrit Sultan added as summons - Lancer removed I need a lot of playtesters to test and and tell how I'll need to adjust unit stats and prices. |
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Feature completish, playtest now!)
Pro's: great combat mages, strong sacreds, solid infantry, strong summons, fantastic magical diversity,
Con's: horrible province defense, old mages I did some play testing on mighty. Once again I have to reiterate how powerful Dervishes are with a 9 water bless. They effectively have 4 attacks and a defensive rating of 19. This enables a small group of them to take out virtually any independent province with virtually no losses. I'd recommend removing 1-2 points of defense from them, simply to keep them from simultaneously being both a moving barrier and a murder machine. Grand Visers are amazingly good combat mages. They can easily cast both high level fire and water evocations, while also giving them access to the rare and under utilized acid branch. Astral allows them to communion and further boost their casting levels. This easily puts them in the top 5 combat mages of the middle era. They can also easily forge rune smashers, and any level 3 visers can with a ring of sorcery and another generic booster forge a staff of elemental mastery. The fact that they are recruit able anywhere makes them even more powerful. Because of this, I'd recommend making them more expensive while dropping their automatic astral. You need to fix the coding on the Marid portion of the summon tree, as summon marids produces marid sultans, summon marid beys produces an ifrit bey, and summon marid sultan produces a marid bey. I'd probably raise the summoning level of basic Jinns by 1 and of the Jinn sultans to 8 as they are very good mages/thugs and can easily reach the SC level. They are thankfully not quite in the seraph level, although they are still a very good summon. |
Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (Feature completish, playtest now!)
I'm looking forward to giving this mod a try - I'll post notes afterward, time permitting.
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