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Slobby September 28th, 2012 07:45 PM

Re: YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.12/19 players left
Arco here

sansanjuan October 2nd, 2012 08:12 PM

Re: YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.12/19 players left
I was hapless Agartha. Though I was without "hap" I very much enjoyed the game. Looking forward to YARG5.

WraithLord October 4th, 2012 05:21 AM

Re: YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.10/19 players left
Thank you guys for a great game.

Yes. I'll be looking fwd to seeing you all (hopefully) in YARG5 :)

Amhazair October 26th, 2012 02:23 PM

Re: YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.10/19 players left
Looks like Bogarus has been eliminated at some point. (Don't ask me when, only just noticed by checking the score graphs on the Llamaserver.) Was played by Whollaborg.

Amhazair November 5th, 2012 05:45 PM

We've had 3 of the major players staling in the last few turns, and one player contacted me with a feeling there is no point in continuing due to Caelums overwhelming advantage.

In view of the situation I'd like every remaining player to PM me wether they feel like playing on (and Caelum is only 1 VP away from victory, so if his advantage is as big as I'm led to believe this shouldn't take too long) or want to throw the towel. DO NOT post any opinions in the thread.

And incidentally, Atlantis was played by StaggerLee. He notified me he was going AI last turn, and after review of his turn I agreed there was nothing much he could achieve by playing on.

Amhazair November 8th, 2012 01:39 PM

Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.8/19 players left
I'm still waiting on one or two answers before I call it, will PM the players in question. Was about to extend the timer but I see WL beat me to it.

Amhazair November 8th, 2012 05:51 PM

Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.8/19 players left
Well, I received the answers I was looking for, and looks like you are all in unanimous agreement to declare Caelum the winner. Congratulations Wraithlord. (Who will no doubt forgive me this grand unveiling. :p) I wasn't actually in the game to actually see how it all unfolded, but a game of this size being convincigly won by turn 45 looks pretty spectacular to me.

The other remaining players (in order of provinces held) were:

Pangaea: Bullock
Gath: Danbo
Pythium: Executor
Midgard: GFSnl
Utgard: Fungalreason
Ulm: Curiousyellow, who took over from Trattorix on turn 18. (With my thanks.)
C'tis: FrozenLama

Also, for all those thanking me for doing a good job as admin I can honestly reply that this was the easiest admin job I have ever held, with practically no intervention needed from my side, so than you for making it all so easy on me.

sansanjuan November 8th, 2012 07:44 PM

Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.8/19 players left
Thanks for adminning! Any aars?

So you were my nemesis Pythium. Well played. I could not find the go switch for early game Agartha even in test games. I thought I might get lucky and have a run after seiging TC's cap but had no answer to those 8 ethereal hydras hitting my backside next turn. My only bright spot was later killing the 28 hydras during the siege of my cap. Curious why you didn't buff them again.

PS sign me up for yarg5..

don_Pablo November 8th, 2012 08:17 PM

Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.8/19 players left

I wasn't in a game but the score-graphs looks just amazing.
I hope WL will give his AAR at least (though archive of turns would be much more appreciated)

Curious Yellow November 9th, 2012 07:41 AM

Re: MP YARG4, non newb LA RAND game.8/19 players left
Congrats WraithLord.

I subbed in around turn 15 as an Ulm that seemed pretty doomed already. Five provinces, one castle, big neighbours and not much of an army to write home about. I tried to attack my smallest neighbour, Atlantis, and hoped someone else would hit him from another side to give me a chance to keep some of his territory. That didn't happen and it became a stalemate, both of us winning a few major battles. In the end Atlantis was attacked by Utgard, and Caelum swooped in to take my capital at some point. I held on to the second fort until the end, because none of the big players saw it as worth their while to go after it.

Most annoying moment was losing my crone pretender to an assasin because I had taken away her two pearls for Returning that turn.

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