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Re: Frogsoup!
I received the following message: "Think life isn't worth being lived? Do you believe nothing can make your life even more hell on Faerun? We, of the Jotunheim Corporation, provide you with a most excellent solution to all your problems.
The Illwinter spell shall drop temperature in all your provinces, resulting in even more incompetent spellcasters, whilst increasing the unrest everywhere, hence reducing your income (which was pretty much equal to zero to begin with). Struggling with building a few slingers to actually take enemy forteresses? Don't dream, we are working on making that even more impossible." I didn't keep the actual flavour text, but the above sums up quite nicely my thoughts when seeing the last few turns. What are you supposed to do when your whole army is made of fewer than ten commanders? (Not one unit left) Let's hope R'lyeh will give me a comfy graveyard below the seas. Oh, and how much would you bet on three mages and one Harbinger against the whole armies of R'lyeh? |
Re: Frogsoup!
I told you to spend your slaves elsewhere... But did you listen? No...
I'll make you a deal: you send me some pearls, and I'll dispel it for you. Heck, you could send me some other gems instead, and I'd make up the pearls in consideration. Then you won't have those Rimtursar giants tromping all your pumpkins into mush before you can eat them. Or whatever it is that giants eat whose trompage is making them unhappy... |
Re: Frogsoup!
If I atack Arcoscephale's capitol again, it will be my fifth attempt... sniff.. So many defeats... |
Re: Frogsoup!
Well, the capitol is defended by two priest statues, and 21 Titans, so you might wish to stay away from my capital. That's just friendly advice really.
Breaking news: the 21 Titans are in fact 21 Slingers posing as Titans, and the amazing recruitment Arcoscephale launched included no less than three (3) Knights. Erh, Triton Knights that is. Wait, those were Triton Guards. With my luck, I just took a R'lyeh province with 8 resources a turn. How am I supposed to build an army at that rate? *Grumbles* |
Re: Frogsoup!
i am sorry Soapyfrog for the freudian slip/spelling mistake(must have been lunch time) i wondered why jurri said frog soup and until just now i realizes i did a typo on your name.(my spelling is awful).
BTW i am having login problems on my end (i think my secruity system is disagreeing with dom site since the weeken down time. therefore i hope the messages i have but cannot log on to yet is not critical, when i have time later i will look at fixing the problem. |
Re: Frogsoup!
well thanks for amon hotep jurri.
Itīs a pity one of my stupid herses picked it up. Did that air queen die from retreating? Or did she go back to your capital? Iīm curious how ritual of returning works when retreating. and who would have thought that 1 casting of ghostriders are enough to kill a wraithlord with soulvortex/jade armor and lucky coin. Nevertheless with 2 dead tartarian titans and one of your wrathful skies casters dead, I guess this round was even worth than the last one. Great fun to fight against your overwhelming hordes! btw rex if you want to get some astrals to dispel a certain global which crept up this turn, Iīd be happy to offer you good deals |
Re: Frogsoup!
You're quite welcome Turin! The AQ is fine, of course, in the neighboring province I took. I'm confident there exists a lower limit to sucking this bad, so you just wait!
GR should be quite enough against such a wraithlord, as it takes, what, 15+ turns for the lord to kill all riders, who get more than 20 attacks a turn for at least 10 turns. That should yield around 20 hits in those 10 turns already, which sounds like enough. I _just_ realized that you've got a fricken drain dominion, dude! No wonder my guys seem more tired than they should. Man, I'm blind. Well, no matter, there's plenty more where those Titans came from! |
Re: Frogsoup!
At that rate, Arcoscephale will defeat you Jurri. I have been growing in power very quickly: my actual taskforce is twice as big as it was the turn before. I have gone from a most powerful host of one Harbinger and one Astrologer to the same troops followed by two Triton Guards. At that rate, I will have an Aquatic only army in no more than one hundred turns. Beware!
Of course, I had five mages before, but somehow it was one of the two Water mages that happened to become Diseased. Of course. Well, at least my Harbinger is still alive, and I even have some Dominion left. Amazing how many months you can spend agonising. But don't forget, survival is half the battle soldier! |
Re: Frogsoup!
I'm very intimidated, dear Alneyan. Could you find it in your heart to forgive a silly old warmonger? Your Titans truly scare me; me having not even half the amount and not even 'real' ones at that. Also, if your army doubles in size every turn, I dare not think of its awesome potential.
So, please o great leader of Arcoscephale with your 21 Titans and ever-doubling army, I implore you, think of the children! Give peace a chance. |
Re: Frogsoup!
Hey, I lost no Tartarians this turn! W00t! You're getting sloppy, Turambar.
Does the Forge trigger the cheat detection too? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I didn't use the Alchemist Stone last turn. |
Re: Frogsoup!
I have no less than four Titans this turn myself. I wonder why you can recruit them in provinces these days. Or were those Tritons?
The bulk of my army (no less than three mages) has been defeated. But we are still up and fighting! We shall go down swinging! Mighty Harbinger and the Prophet of the Dead God cannot be killed! Surrender R'lyeh, or sunder! |
Re: Frogsoup!
An airqueen and a king of mountains are looking for new employers. cītis didnīt care too well for them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif . you might want to check if magebane is available for forging, but I guess he found that under the loot.
But that last turn was really bad for me. I wonder why devils are so stupid and donīt attack those demiliches right next to them. could it be because of my scripting? Certainly not |
Re: Frogsoup!
Heheh, you're a turn late in your ad, if you catch my drift http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Although it's a well-known fact that the lizards care nothing for employee safety, we do have a policy to hire and re-hire everyone willing.
I think the devil was enslaved, so he was all buddy-buddy with the lich. Here I was biting my lip that duude, first an AQ, then a bunch of liches, but guess not. I may suck, but at least I'm lucky! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Oh, yeah, and thank you to Alneyan for a spirited fight! (I didn't even notice last turn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/redface.gif) I'm sure it was something of an experience, 'cause me and baboune, we are like a couple of drunk hunters: even when the prey is helpless it dies slowly and painfully. |
Re: Frogsoup!
ugh that new turn looks nasty. green flags popped up everywhere in my empire. On top of that you keep casting globals faster than I can dispel them. I wonder what else you have to do until the other players realize you are running away with the game.
I mean you have the air queens, tons of tartarians, heliophagi and you keep casting killer global after killer global. Not to mention that I get hit with remote summons worth ~50 deathgems every turn, so I guess you have a nice conjuration boni site as well. But itīs great fun. My no brains just brawns thugs will certainly knock a few more of your scs out =) |
Re: Frogsoup!
Wonder what I was thinking this time... Oh well, to answer your earlier question:
Re: Frogsoup!
yeah that new turn was wildly amusing. thanks for bringing that tempestwielder to the battlefield, I wouldnīt have been able to cast wrathful skies.
Iīm sure your demiliches will enjoy their well earned rest. oh and if anyone wants to forge the tempest sword, I couldnīt find it on the battlefield. |
Re: Frogsoup!
Yeah, they kept bugging me for some damned vacation, so I guess you did me a favor. I was all like "burn in hell you lousy bastards, I don't give a rat's *** if you die if you don't wanna work!" And then they died, how cool is that?
It was rather nice trick, btw, I was amused to note how my anti-devil measure transformed into an anti-lich feature. Show me more such brilliance! Very nice, indeed. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
whoa this turn is almost ready just turin left to go.
go-go-go. and i think for good PR c'tis may like to share the nexus with those who help make the astra gems pour in http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif (i personally perfer a direct payment to the gem bank but other may perfer the summoned results delivered). |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Hey, that's a nice idea! Everyone post how much gems you spent and I'll send you the amount... I'll even convert it to Ghost Riders FOC, 'cause I'm such a generous guy. I live to serve.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
ahh now that was a nice trick. an airqueen wielding that petrifyer shield. that was really evil.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Seemed to be quite cruel, yeah! I also rather enjoyed banging those vine ogres http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif Oh, and thank you for the 15 items my skeletons picked up in Thaymount! This was a good turn all in all, for a change. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif I'll get you yet.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
ahh i have tons of vine ogres. I was sick of all that forest in my home province, so i sent them to their death.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Hey, Turin, did you stale or what? Uncool...
And to the dude who stole my precious Chalice: watch your back. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon49.gif[/img] |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Is that "Dude where's my Chalice"? Maybe a movie idea?
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I'm still waiting for the aliens to give me my magical medallions: regeneration, recuperation, resistances (the three Rs) - AND makes Succubi 35% more effective!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
yeah I did stale, plenty busy atm, no time to wack your tartarians around.
Besides I canīt think of a counter for your aegiswielding airqueen, so I guess Iīm finally done for. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I'll probably get her killed as usual, so nothing to worry about! Would you prefer some different hosting schedule?
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
naah itīs exam time right now for me and I am mostly finished anyway. I think I will set myself to AI this turn.
I just got around to checking the turn, hilarious how my jotun jarl killed your ember/bloodthorn etc wielding heliophagus =). The war was great fun, I will make sure to send all my resources to your enemies, to make your conquest as hard as possible http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif . |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Heh, I guess the heliophagi aren't quite what they are said to be. Do I have enemies other than you? 'Cause the way I see it, I'm my own worst enemy, considering the bungles I so frequently do. Thusly you should send those resources to me, so I can shoot myself in the leg with them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Anyways, thanks for the good game and good luck with the exams! |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Alright, I set Jotunheim AI to prevent further staling. Guess my enemies didn't get Jotun-Aid after all. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
So who's the next target? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
You'd like to be, wouldn't you, all alone in the cold corridors of your castles, desperate for company... Nah, I think I'll need to focus on Jotun-AI. Or not.
Are you involved with anyone? I'm just assuming you aren't. 'Cause your provgraph is rather flat. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Tien Chi is a land of peace and prosperity, and rampaging troglodytes...
We respect our borders http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Atlantis went AI then, it seems. Looks like this will be a battle of endurance, rather than of skill.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Ah, what a punk.
I'm more frightened of the AI though. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Hehe, me and R'lyeh keep bouncing so often that we might just as well call it a war http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Hope baboune feels the same way...
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Whoa, only rex to go; We sure have a nice pace nowadays!
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
i am done and it looks like jurri's after the world, you toke my province http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image.../firedevil.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
What, where? I didn't mean to!
...ahhh, right. Blame your own blasted borderpatrols! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Ah, well, what's done is done, I guess. I better take responsibility and erase the undead menace for good! R'lyeh is almost cooked anyway.
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
to give you any challenge why don't you give equal shares of the nexus to all human palyers regardless of war status?
it is to bad victory cannot be shared i would love to play a real team game next. But there can be only ONE (and jurri it but if he helps out a little maybe we can have a little fun). i really underestimate how powerful good SC are. maybe in my third game i will try for a few SC's. ?can you save a game copy so we can look at it after it is said and done-just this turn would do for me. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Now, now, it ain't over yet! I'll try to remember to save a turn once I get home.
Btw, I didn't field any proper SCs before the great Jotun war, so at least in these conditions I don't think they are an absolute requirement to have. (What was it, turn 60+?) I'm interested to see wether the ones I do have now are any good for blasting your zillions of dudes... |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
dom glith- i have two reincarnated immortals, just found(though it was a regular moundking type but it is a 3death no big deal However the second 3d unit looks the same as the first. i send them in two differnt direction and they when to the same location, they have different names but when i renamed one the other one has the new name-sortof(only in renaming screen). looks like they are twins. i sent them to get killed but should i send them to the back lines(will it crash the game)?
also who stoled my ice devils i worked hard to kill them(well not really they are pretty easy to kill with my hords) but they were my kill. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Those twins sound funny! I wondered where all of Jotun's wraith lords went... Don't know if they destabilize the game, hope not.
I bet the devils made a full circle back to Ygorl, or? What are you dabbling in blood for, anyway; you're Ermor, act the part http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Who did kill the two Water Queens, by the way? I'd like to thank him for providing me with more dolls to play with. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
that's me just killing all the tough guys and failling the summoning order.
that blood cost me big time, i am not exactly a blood nation. aah wraith lords only got the two reincarnates. ???perhaps save the game incase of meltdown, and should you send a copy to the dom. tecks??? atlantis broke siege w/ ~25 mages and the queens -it was messy- |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
forgot to ask did R'lyeh have anything super interesting from the void, like yogsoth or "he who can not be named"?
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
I'd say saving the game would be over-reacting; the immortality bug hasn't crashed any games before as far as I know and it would be extra bother on Esben.
I don't think the Void has more to offer than Greater Othernesses and an occassional Vastness... I did see those, though. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Got only three Vastness, and many Greater Otherness. The void is not a miracle maker http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
You can only get Vastnesses around level 13/20 (summoning level), and are most likely to get one near level 17 or so. You will then only get the Greater Othernesses. You may be able to get more Vastnesses after level 20, but I have never seen it happen (then again, I am not a big R'lyeh player).
Three Vastnesses is pretty good I guess, unless you have killed quite a few summoners to get them. |
Re: mosehansen Faerun, again.!
Yo, baboune, your fungus is kicking my *** all over the place!
Alneyan, is there a statistic somewhere on the void summons or how do you know? |
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