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tinkthank January 26th, 2005 03:56 AM

Re: Addendi
Ah ok thanks, that makes sense.

Well, here is a tad bit more:

Castle Selection Improvement:

Allow in God Creation for the selection of variable castle types.
For example, one could imagine that for
- X points, a player will receive a Type Q castle in his home province, and all further castles will be type Q.
- X+20 points, a player will receive a Type P castle in his home province, and all further castles will be either of type Q, Type P or Type R.
- For X+40 points, a player will receive a Type A castle in his home province, and all further castles will be type Q, X, B, or D.

If a player may choose between castle types when building, selecting the "Build Fort" option will show an additional screen: Build Fort A, Fort B, Fort C).

AI Improvement idea:

I have seen the Impossible AI (!) choose completely implausible builds, such as high turmoil with misfortune 3; the rest of its very many points are squandered on exceptionally high magic paths on pretenders, with which the AI tends to do nothing well. The Impossible AI may sometimes, however, choose instead of exceptionally idiotic scales some mediocre ones, but then tend to choose a pretender and give him or her Path-A-7 Path-B-5 Path-C-6 Path-D-3; although these are usually choices which tend not to be synergetic, the AI often cannot do anything interesting with them even if they were -- not even search properly.
So my suggestion would be to encourage the AI to take better scales:
- Forbid the AI >easy to choose certain scale combinations (e.g. Turmoil + Misfortune); if it plays a theme such as TC S&A with forced turmoil, it may not choose misfortune.
- Forbid the AI >normal to choose any non-forced "bad" scales; that is, allow it to play themes which require death or turmoil etc., but then not to choose additional "bad" scales. (Exceptions could be: Drain with Ulm, Turmoil or Sloth with dead Ermor, etc.)
- Make some schematics or "kits" for god generation from which the AI could choose a few. That is, for each nation, give 3+ blueprints per God from which the AI can choose randomly and build up from these; that is, per theme and per choosable God, the devs must select each God and spend, say, half of the points available, the AI may distribute the rest randomly if that god gets selected during game creation. This would give the AI some "kits" from which to choose. This may require the devs to generate 100 new god half-builds per theme, but this is quickly done and fun anyhow.

An unrelated suggestion: Give the harder AI the following bonuses as well:
- research bonus
- ritual spell casting bonus (impossible AI *could* be, say, 50% reduction in cost)

Edge January 27th, 2005 05:57 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
At the server logon screen for network play, I would like to see a list of favorite IP's, with the most recently used at the top of the list. Ditto for port.

FarAway Pretender January 28th, 2005 12:47 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Going along with tinktank's suggestions on better AI pretender design, I don't even think it would be that hard to create various "flavors" of spend.

You wouldn't need more than 8 or 10 different "combos" to get a good cross-section of dominion choices that the AI would be likely to benefit from. The random selections just aren't the kind of thing the AI can do well, and Pretender magic choices don't often have much impact. Flavors might include:

Order +3, Prod +1, Misfortune -1
Turmoil -1, Growth +2, Fortune +2
Prod +1, Death -1, Magic +3

If an AI doesn't have 120 points to spend, you just pick the most important ability and start rounding up/down one point, then go to the next, then the next. Just thinking out loud here, you get the idea.

Azhur January 28th, 2005 09:09 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Someone might have said this suggestion before or then it was merely a dream I had.

All nations should have three different dominion types, which are all based on your effort. After numerous turns of "Cultural research", nations would evolve into the next age. E.g, Pangaea could have this kind of a system:

!! The following dominion types aren't equal to the ones in Dominions 2 !!


(Weak) Early Age: Carrion Woods (The time when the forests grow wildly and the nature isn't under Dryads control.)

Requirements: None


(Average) Middle Age: Pangaea (The time when the supplies are plenty and wealth can be found all over thick forests.)

Requirements: 500 CP (Cultural Points researched), 70 recources and 500 gold.


(Stong) New Age: New Era (The time when Pangaea is civilized and thus learns the way of steel.)

Requirements: 2000 CP (Cultural Points researched), 200 recources and 1200 gold.


This way you could decide between magic research and cultural studying, which certainly gives a nice twist to the game. While some might count on their precious spells, the others may try rampaging with their elite class forces. Of course you can again have better mages, with a newer dominion type...

Endoperez January 28th, 2005 04:18 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Kristoffer wrote this to the FRAG! of January. I'm eagerly waiting for February just to see what they have come up with this time... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif


All nations and themes have been reworked
and placed in one of three eras. Until a few days ago it was not meaningful to play games in the early or late era. The middle age is more or less the default themes and has not changed that much. So when I started to play a game of the early Version of Ermor I had a bLast.



Sauromatia? What?, you say. Before Christmas we begun a remaking of themes that will make things easier. Both changing stuff and modding at a later date. Each theme is now made as a separate nation. This makes it easy to add, remove and change nations. This also removes the need for a nation to exist in a given era. There was no Pythium before the break from Ermor, but another nation lived near the marshes of Pythium. There are hydras in Sauromatia, but the theurgs have not yet come. Witch kings, enaries and oiorpata rule the steppes.

This is decided before the game starts. Remember that even games of 100 turns last only 9 years game-time.

Azhur January 28th, 2005 04:24 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Endoperez said:

This is decided before the game starts. Remember that even games of 100 turns last only 9 years game-time.

Good point.. well more nations means more options. Hopefully the balance is at least somewhat correct, when Dom 3 will be released.

PvK January 28th, 2005 09:38 PM

Re: Morale
I've mentioned before that I'd like to see magic clothing and armor require magic resources in proportion to the size of the wearer, and be required to be the same size. Looting Black Steel Plate from human-sized Ulmites won't let you protect your Titans with them, and forging full magic armor for giants would require giant amounts of magic resources. This not only makes sense and is an interesting detail that introduces more choices and restrictions, but would be a natural balancing force against huge supercombattants.

(Mounted units would be an exception, but hopefully this could be handled by another change, where riders and mounts were seperate units that were combined to make a mounted unit, and each would be tracked for damage and equipment individually.)

In addition, it could be extended to other spells as well. There is already a precedent for some of this in specific examples (Wind Ride resisted by size), but it could be an underlying system which again would tend to help balance against huge supercombattants. Teleporting, fireproofing, or making a dragon ethereal would be much harder than doing the same tricks to a dwarf. Too be fair, though, the fatigue scale would want to take this into account too. Net effect would be that a giant could buff himself as easily as a human, but a human trying to buff a giant would find it harder than buffing himself.

Another unrelated idea, which might already be part of the game that I've forgotten (?), would be a bonus to stealth ability for units in their native terrain types (perhaps as shown by survival skill).

Similarly, I think animal units should be stealthy in their own habitats at least. Bears and wolves in the desert won't be stealthy, but they would be in the woods.


Sandman January 29th, 2005 07:17 AM

Re: Morale
Better commanders:

Make commanders have more effect on the troops they lead, by creating more 'standard' type abilties. For example, an archer commander would increase the precision of troops under his command. To encourage realistic commander placement, the archer commander would also have to be near the troops he is commanding. It works pretty much like the 'auras' in Warcraft 3.

At the moment, most non-mage commanders are generally just a transport device for armies that are too big for a mage to 'carry'. With this system, choice and placement of individual commanders can make a difference to the outcome of battle.

The_Tauren13 February 1st, 2005 10:18 PM

Re: Morale
More unholy nations. I love unholy nations. So much fun.

Kristoffer O February 2nd, 2005 07:41 AM

Re: Morale
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif What is an unholy nation?

If we go with the opinion of the average pretender its every nation but one.
If we go by consensus of pretenders its probably somewhat less than half of the nations.
If we go by modern majority its probably those who disturb the dead or kill people in the name of their god.
If we go by fantasy consensus its probably nations that uses 'unholy' priests or blood sacrifices.

You'll get more of the first kind. The second and third one as well. You will probably get less of the fourth one (the 'unholy', not the blood sacrificing ones). The distinction between unholy and holy priests is slowly dissolving. More grey zones so to speak.

BTW wich nations do you consider unholy in dom2?

Boron February 2nd, 2005 09:46 AM

Re: Morale
Oh that's bad to hear . Tauren was considering mainly Ermor , Ctis dtombs and Pan CW , nations which i love also .

So in Dom 3 there is not a 3rd undead nation like Ermor ?
My favourite would be a vampire/lich based nation , something like Carthago (according to the Vampires Universe at least http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif) .

But Pan CW + Ermor will be hopefully at least still be present in Dom 3 ?

Maybe you could update your illwinter site revealing some of the plans into which direction Dom 3 goes also with a few screenshots from the (hopefully) plenty UI improvements and new features http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif . I think this would help alot making Dom 3 even better and avoiding some not liked features by the community like e.g. the reduction of creatures from roughly 300 to roughly 70 from Heroes 3 to Heroes 4 .

Kristoffer O February 2nd, 2005 11:27 AM

Re: Morale
Of course there is an Ermor. Undead as well as living.

Actually I do not consider desert tombs nor CW particulary unholy. I have a more sinister feeling about black forest Ulm than desert tombs. There will be more nations/themes with a holieness similar to that of the desert tombs I believe, so there is no need to worry.

Our plans are revealed in meagre portions in our dev diaries and the occasional slip here on the forum. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif I'm not worried about doing changes that the community won't like. So far we have done what we felt like and there haven't been any major complaints. If people complain it's mostly because we haven't made a change.

Screenshots will appear in due time.

The_Tauren13 February 2nd, 2005 01:20 PM

Re: Morale
Well, I was referring to nothing more or less than nations/themes with Unholy priests rather than Holy priests. Or both like DT http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. I love reanimating the dead... Nothing is more fun than spreading growth and order with hordes of zombies http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

The_Tauren13 February 2nd, 2005 01:59 PM

Re: Morale
Another wish: a very very difficult research setting that starts with 50 rp for level 1 and doubles each time. I just hope I could get anyone else to play it with me...

Boron February 2nd, 2005 02:41 PM

Re: Morale

The_Tauren13 said:
Another wish: a very very difficult research setting that starts with 50 rp for level 1 and doubles each time. I just hope I could get anyone else to play it with me...

It could also made completely moddable http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif .
Both a game with really haaaaard research or no research at all might be interesting every now and then http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Endoperez February 3rd, 2005 01:22 PM

Re: Morale
Better way to report bugs and send wishes. Own forum, maybe, definitely something that can be searched. Maybe just new bug thread every month, and someone to combine a report and send it forward at the end of every month.

This isn't nearly as important for wishlist as it is for bug reports, but that would be nice too.

I think this is more of Shrapnel Games' than Illwinter's area, BTW.

sushiboat February 4th, 2005 05:34 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I would like to see research management become more like spending money. All research points go into a pool. When you go into the research screen, you can "purchase" the next level of research in a school. You should also be able to create a queue so that future research is "purchased" in a certain order as the RP become available. I realize that the role playing aspect of assigning researchers specific topics in advance will be lost with a purchase system. However, it would be so much easier than messing with the RP bars.

Chazar February 4th, 2005 05:54 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

sushiboat said:
I would like to see research management become more like spending money...

That would also have the nice aspect of never researching a few points to far...BUTthere is more than roleplaying aspects to it. With the current system one must decide in advance what one wants to research. With the pool, I can do the research and then instant research if I know what my enemies do...in an ongoing game, I though I was pitted against BlackForest, but it turned out to be plain Ulm, so I ended up with useful spells like wither bones... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

So I am fine with the current system!

sushiboat February 4th, 2005 06:07 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
My idea wouldn't be completely "instant" in the sense that the research you buy still wouldn't be available until next turn -- just like recruited/summoned units. The issue of delaying commitment to a research path until you know more about the enemy is a concern. However, if you are hoarding RP, that also means those spells aren't available to you in the meantime. Perhaps there should be a constraint so that you can't purchase more than one level in a school per turn. Another possible constraint is that you can only spend a certain number of RP per turn, based on last turn's RP "income" plus, say, 20%.

Edit: There could also be more than one-turn waits for purchased research levels. For example, levels 1 and 2 would be available next turn when purchased, L3 and L4 would be available two turns after purchase, etc.

PvK February 4th, 2005 07:44 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I'd want any "saving up research" system to be an option I could turn off, since it doesn't make sense to me.

The research option I would use, would be one which forced each mage to research their own spells as well, rather than one global national knowledge base which lets everyone know the same spells for their paths.

That is, discovering spells for the library would be one thing, but each mage would still need to learn each spell to be able to use it. This would also allow players to avoid having mages cast unwanted spells such as Breath of Winter freezing their own men. Of course, it would need some automation to avoid creating to much micromanagement. And like the other person's suggestion, it'd be good if it were an option.


tinkthank February 5th, 2005 02:14 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Something minor:
If possible, could you make the missile animations in battles about twice as fast? Those arrows seem to fly incredibly slowly, and it would be both a real practical boon while watching replays if they moved a bit quicker as well as somehow satisfying to think that cavalry cannot outrun them.

tinkthank February 5th, 2005 02:42 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
To encourage using "national troops" and to balance powerful SC-usage, I would love for one or more of the following features to be implemented:

- Make most summonable SCs more expensive in gem cost
- Make many summonable units more expensive in gem cost
- Flag appropriate rituals as "Summon", or even (if you want to) "Summon SC" and "Summon Unit" -- these flags can remain hidden; then, during Game Creation / Setup, let there be a setting for "Summon Unit Gem Cost": Very Cheap, Cheap, Normal, Somewhat Expensive, Expensive, Very Expensive, Exceptionally Expensive -- this switch will be *independent* of the "magic frequency" switch. (Hence one can play in a magically "normal" world, but use the gems for other purposes, such as intra-battle casting, forging, other types of rituals, etc.)

2. AI Troop-building help
- Make a (moddable!!) command of the following type
#unittype /"value"/
where /value/ can be something like: Elite, Tank, Fodder, Missile,
or something of that nature.
The AI could be told that when recruiting, it should either attempt to purchase a certain ratio of Elite to Fodder, or always as much Elite as possible, or whatever you think makes sense for creating nice armies. Conceivably, one could even make it so that the AI will react to human/other AI choices, e.g. by not buying #unittype /missile/ if running up against storm-users or going underwater, or buying a lot of these if they can cast windguide or FA and if the enemy has a lot of infantry only (like Ctis).
Of course, flagging the units with normative values like this will require a lot of interpretation from you, but I think that is not bad.

Taqwus February 5th, 2005 03:17 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Regarding research...

* There's no real reason to put in any more RP past what's necessary for attaining level 9, so it should be capped at that without needing to fiddle precisely with scroll bars.

* Perhaps there should be an easier way to cap RP at what's necessary for completing even lower levels, such as a button for that ('finish this level', locking it in place) or 'resistance' in the scroll bar so it stops at level breakpoints.

Boron February 5th, 2005 05:25 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
There could be one really difficult research setting . Even with very hard research you can have researched everything on turn 65-75 with the right nation .

In my last Machaka game i had everything lvl 9 expect thaumaturgy and blood on turn 75 but i wasn't aiming at maxing research , had 50 mages forging and only normal magic scale . With my rather big extra gold income from my fetishes i could have recruited enough mages if i wanted to research everything on about turn 65 with very hard research .

Huzurdaddi February 6th, 2005 05:03 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Please, please, please stop trusting the client.

Never, ever trust the client. The client should not be relied upon to do *any* validation.

When I'm putting in the insane hours that I put into this game it makes me more than a little upset that I have to trust that the guy on the other side is going to do "the right thing" and not cheat.

Boron February 6th, 2005 05:14 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Huzurdaddi said:
Please, please, please stop trusting the client.

Never, ever trust the client. The client should not be relied upon to do *any* validation.

When I'm putting in the insane hours that I put into this game it makes me more than a little upset that I have to trust that the guy on the other side is going to do "the right thing" and not cheat.

Yeah this would be the most important new feature of all http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
And getting an own server for MP http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

How much would this cost shrapnel per month if they would make a server which could host 50 or 100 dominiongames just like moses server but with even some more features ?

Huzurdaddi February 6th, 2005 05:17 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I'm just right now bowing out of a game since I simply can not explain the resources of one guy I am going against.

Hey, maybe he's on the up and up. But I can't tell. And my turns literally take 2 hours+ to do. And that's not including the crazy amounts of diplomacy.

Never trust the client in multiplayer. In single player of course it is all good but the single player in this game is a little lacking due to AI which would be very difficult to write.

Boron February 6th, 2005 05:35 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Huzurdaddi said:
I'm just right now bowing out of a game since I simply can not explain the resources of one guy I am going against.

Hey, maybe he's on the up and up. But I can't tell. And my turns literally take 2 hours+ to do. And that's not including the crazy amounts of diplomacy.

Never trust the client in multiplayer. In single player of course it is all good but the single player in this game is a little lacking due to AI which would be very difficult to write.

Hm 400-500 clams on turn 70 are easily possible if the guy had up FotA for a few turns .
If resources are far more then that then it is very strange though and you should ask the host of the game to check with master password or something like that .

Huzurdaddi February 6th, 2005 06:32 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
It's a modded game where hoarding is difficult to do ( 40 gems per gem generating item ).

One of the possabilities is that he has hoarded it's turn 60 and I suppose those investments would start to pay off right about now, maybe.

Not exactly sure.

Hey like I said it's possible the math works out. But it sure does not seem like it.

Zapmeister February 8th, 2005 12:40 AM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

Huzurdaddi said:
Please, please, please stop trusting the client.

Hear,hear. No more Norfleets!

NTJedi February 8th, 2005 08:02 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Another idea to add... imagine 4 magic sites exist on this one province: Magic site A, B, C, D

Some magic sites should be consider outside and others inside. For example those sieging a province would gain control of magic site A & C... and those inside the castle control magic site B & D.

Gems coming from an outside magic site: forest of black magic=2death gems

Gems coming from an inside magic site: the great statue of fire=1 fire gem

tinkthank February 9th, 2005 08:28 AM

- A command under #selectspell called #nationspecific /number/ which allows all of the changes made until #end to be applied to that nation only: Thus one can mod national starting (making a spell a free national starting spell for a nation but leaving the spell unchanged for all other nations) or allow some nations easier access to some spells (for example: allowing Abysia to research King of Elemental Fire at Conj 6 instead of 7, or having it cost only 40 fire gems instead of 50 for one nation only).

tinkthank February 9th, 2005 08:31 AM

Tactical AI improvement

Two suggestions here:

- Allow a setting (perhaps in the Troop screen, if this is to be kept) where commanders can tell their troops what to do when their enemy routs. The default could be “normal”, which is as it is currently now in dom2 2.14: slaughter the routing enemy as you see fit (kind of distasteful to me, but who cares). There could be 4 options: Default, Ranged Only, Melee Only, Self Defence. The last option would leave the victorious attacking troops in a position to let all enemy troops rout except those who are either berserk, immortal in their own dominion, have no free path to rout (and hence attack the victorious survivor). One could also call this option “merciful” for RPG purposes, or whatever. The second option would have the melee troops return to their original positions and have only ranged firing units and spellcasters continue to cast spells; the third option will disable archer and spellcaster fire and let the melee troops mop up. The first option could also be called “slaughter” if you wanted. These options would, at least, help reduce friendly-fire casualties, as well as being halfway “realistic” and allow for RPG-immersion for those who care.

- *IF* there is to be no “spell selection” tac-AI improvement of the type “give this spell high priority” and/or “never cast this spell”, then flag each existing non-ritual spell with one of the following type of spelltypes:
#spelltype summon
#spelltype damage
#spelltype debuff (this could also include anti-haste spells which freeze, etc.)
#spelltype selfbuff
#spelltype otherbuff
(these could conceivably be differentiated more: buffarmor, buffresistance, buffother, etc.)
#spelltype heal
#spelltype whatever
Then, commanders could be given one “mentality” type to cast: summon, damage, buffarmor, heal, etc..., once their script runs out.

tinkthank February 9th, 2005 08:31 AM

Encouraging National Troops
- In game setup or Map Setup, there should be a separate screen which one activates by clicking “Extra Parameters”:
- There is a setting there for “Cost of Independent Troops”, ranging from Very Inexpensive (perhaps –25% gold cost) to Exceptionally Expensive (+75% gold). Thus, if wanted, non-national independents can be made more difficult to come by, if this is wished.
- Flag all ritual spells with types, including these types: #spelltype summontroops and #spelltype summoncommander ; in Game Setup, under “Extra Parameters”, there is a setting for “Ritual Summon Cost”. You can set “Summoned Troops” and/or “Summon Commander” to any setting between Very Inexpensive (perhaps –25% gem cost), Inexpensive (-10%), Default (normal), Slightly Expensive (+10%), Somewhat Expensive (+20%), Very Expensive (+30%), Exceptionally Expensive (+50% gem cost), to Incredibly Expensive (+75%), while keeping research values and Magic Site Frequency independent of these choices.
(This can also be used for Items as well – there could be a column for “Set Forging Costs” with identical settings...)
- Make a setting in this screen for “Gem-Producing Items and Units”, ranging from Easy (produces 1 extra gem every turn) to Very Difficult (produces gems at ¼ rate, or thus 1 gem every 4 turns).
- Make SCs in general more expensive.
- Make extreme damage-dealing spells of one certain type (e.g. wrathful skies) either more expensive or allow more possibilities of countering.

tinkthank February 9th, 2005 08:39 AM

- Handicapping: Would like to elaborate on the idea I posted earlier. In the game setup screen, let there be 1 column labeled “Handicap” – the default is set to “none”. This column and these settings are used independently of any AI strength and should have nothing to do whether a nation is AI (whatever strength) or human. There are two settings: None (default) and Set Handicap; this opens up a second screen in which the game creator can change via a slider the following parameters: Ritual Spell Cost (very cheap – very expensive), Unit HP, and Nation Design Points.

For this last feature (Nation Design Points), the game checks whether the pretender submitted for that nation has the right number of design points. If that nation is handicapped (for example: Has a -40 design point handicap, or a -125 point handicap, or even a +40 positive handicap), then the pretender chosen will be invalid if it has too many design points (e.g. the "normal" amount for a handicapped nation).
Handicapping in this way will allow fun 1on1 experimentations and will also allow viable 5 against 3 games, for example, as well as make playing against the AI possible. Also, this way, one can play against, for instance, a very rich Marignon, or a very magically powerful Tien Chi, or a very robust Atlantis, either as human or as AI.


- Let us see under “View Game Settings” everything applicable: AI Strengths, if any, Handicaps, etc.

Ranger February 10th, 2005 11:02 PM

Re: Wish list
Wish List for Domminions III

1. A new Ruler Class, each nation would have 4 or 5 units (Royal Family, etc) and one new way to win would be to capture or kill the other nations rulers. Each ruler unit would have special abilitys and when the unit is lost the whole nation would take a hit.

2. Ability to capture units.

3. Random Map.

4. More building types where some buildings would require research.

5. One cool idea from the game EFS fading suns was different relgious factions that were very powerful in the begining of the game and would ban different types of research. You could align yourself with one of these factions to receive some benifits or be attack by the faction.

6. Ability to make peace and build a allance with different factions.

7. Please keep the ability to re-name units.

Endoperez February 11th, 2005 12:58 PM

Re: Wish list

Ranger said:
Wish List for Domminions III

1. A new Ruler Class, each nation would have 4 or 5 units (Royal Family, etc) and one new way to win would be to capture or kill the other nations rulers. Each ruler unit would have special abilitys and when the unit is lost the whole nation would take a hit.

I would also like to see this. C'tis has too many Lizard Kings for my test, as an example...


2. Ability to capture units.

Other than with spells (Enslave, Mass Enslave, Charm, Hellbind Heart and converting attacks), and when they retreat to your territory (=instant death)?

5. One cool idea from the game EFS fading suns was different relgious factions that were very powerful in the begining of the game and would ban different types of research. You could align yourself with one of these factions to receive some benifits or be attack by the faction.


Or put to Dominions terms: guiding your religion to certain direction by choosing a Theme will change the types of magic your nation has available, thus making certain paths of research unprofitable.
Encountering some rebellious, non-Serpent Cult Pythians when playing Pythium might be interesting... But I think the theme=nation change allows this anyway.

Sandman February 12th, 2005 05:49 PM

Re: Wish list
A small idea: give priest commanders with sacred units under their command a bonus to their preaching ability. After all, you'd expect sacred units to be useful for spreading the faith.

Chazar February 16th, 2005 01:42 PM

Re: Wish list

Ranger said:2. Ability to capture units.

...and sell them back to their owner for ransom? That would be pretty cool!

I imagine that fatigued and paralyzed units at the end of the battle should be found by the victor with a propability slimilar like items are found right now. Like items, they should be transferred to a dungeon (functions as the laboratory for items). You can then just kill them or send them to somebody else, just like items. Nothing else is possible. And the captives should have a small chance to catch a disease while being in the dungeon...!!! Cool!

PS: ...or maybe everybody who dies with something between -10 and 0 hitpoints gets a chance depending on his negative hitpoints to survive as a captive!

tinkthank February 17th, 2005 07:53 AM

Scales and Events
- Make events occur on a per-province, not per-nation basis. If a nation has 200 provinces, 100 events per turn would not be unthinkable under a Turmoil scale.
Of course this presupposes a type of UI overhaul as I suggested in previous posts on the Wishlist thread (mail window, events window, forge reports window, spell reports window, etc.) so that the "message" screen is not flooded.
- Then, increase the intensity of bad events, so that misfortune is truly something to fear if very high.
Then, greatly increase the number of special events which only happen if you have a certain type of scale (preferably: those which are currently considered underused as "no-brainers"). Such things could be, for example, to greatly increase the number and intensity of events which require Misfortune 1, Misfortune 2, and Misfortune 3 respectively. Ditto for Luck 1, 2 and 3. (Fun and interesting would be, for example, neat types of helpful units which join your cause: assassins and mages of various types, perhaps those which are not available anywhere else, as well as sages.) One could make many more certain events requiring Productivy 1, 2 or 3: new items are transported to your lab (perhaps those not forgable by ordinary means), perhaps a group of units get a boost to armor; perhaps a special event requiring Prod 3 will yield you a castle (or maybe: only if it occurs in a province with a castle already in it, although this would tend to encourage "mad castling") in which you can recruit your national units which all automatically have +1 protection or something, or adds a special Heavy-Infantry type unit to that castle. I think that would be neato. Of course, this last bit would require a different way of attributing units protection stats.
- Make quite a number of nation-specific events (or even better for modding: nation-type specific events, e.g. for tree-huggers, blood-worshippers, cold-lovers, underwater, etc.)

tinkthank February 17th, 2005 08:01 AM

Powerful Summons can Backfire!
All spells are flagged according to a type. Ritual spells are broken down into those which summons commanders to the caster, those that summon troops to the caster, both, those that send attacks to far away provinces, those that do damage, those that protect, etc. etc.

Higher level Summon Troops and higher level Summon Commanders have a chance of backfiring. This chance of backfiring should be dependent on the level of the spell, the caster level, and luck: a level 1 summons will have a 0% chance of failure, +1% chance per level of misfortune -1% chance plus level of luck, -2% chance per path level above the required number. A level 2 summons may have a 2% chance, a lvl 3 summons a 3%, a level 4 a 5% chance, a level 5 a 7% chance, a lvl 6 a 9%, a lvl 7 a 12% chance, a lvl 8 a 15% chance, and a level 9 a 20% chance of backfiring. (Or something like that.)
"Backfiring" means that the summons will by no means be under the control of the casting mage. If backfired, there is a 50% chance that the mage simply loses his/her gems and nothing happens, and a 50% chance that the summons will run rampant in the laboratory -- treat as an attack on that province.

This could also be implemented for rituals which summon attackers on distant provinces, like Ghost Riders.

Some risk for high-gain spells (sort of like the way that Void Summoning is handled, or Manifestation, etc.).

This will then not "nerf" high level summons, but make things a bit more... interesting.

Scott Hebert February 17th, 2005 03:57 PM

A thought...
I'm sorry if people have already suggested this.

I had an idea about the Scales. Instead of good costing you points, and bad gaining you points, why not simply remove the point cost (or gain) from the Scales?

Naturally, you would have to balance each part of the scale to each other part of the scale. You simply can't let everyone take '3 good' in every scale. Instead, you would change the modifiers so that each choice is as good as any other choice.

Take, for example, the 'Order/Turmoil' scale. You can rename it to 'Centralization/Decentralization' or keep the name the same. The idea, though, is that the more you choose on one side of the scale, the more tilted you are towards that idea. Same as before. However, now 'Order' is not clearly better than 'Turmoil'. Let us think of some ways that Order/Centralization can be good:

Affect/determine Admin% of Fortification.
Affect/determine effectiveness of preaching.

There could be others, but this is enough to start on. Basically, the idea with this scale would be how 'inward-focused' your nation is. A high rating in this scale would give you a higher Admin% on your Forts, and possibly raise your priest level when preaching (a la that Order-specific 25pt. special in DomII). But what would be the drawbacks? Well, what are the drawbacks to an inward-focused nation? Perhaps worse scouting reports. Perhaps a reduction/elimination of the Supply moving outward from your fortifications. Perhaps a reduction of Dominion moving out of the provinces it's generated in.

You get the idea, however. It is a self-controlling thing. The 'Turmoil' part would get all of the opposite traits. Less/no Admin%, Less/no preaching ability, but better scouting reports, better Supply generation from Forts, and a bonus on moving Dominion out of generated Provinces.

The only concern I'd have for doing things this way is to make sure that you don't just have 'all Order, none, or all Turmoil'.

YellowCactus February 17th, 2005 06:51 PM

Magic Sites.
Site Searching has always been one of my favorite suprizes. I'd like to see the elemental, astral, and nature sites work more like the death and blood sites. For instance. If your getting 4 air gems per turn out of a province....the elemental air presence should have some negative/positive effect on the province. Fire element should be just as negative on a province as blood. And Water may even heal afflictions...or have a high chance of flooding. There could be a constant 'beckoning' in strong nature provinces. It's a dangerous world out there. Your own provinces may be more deadly than the enemies. Think of quicksand and bogs. I'd hate to lost a unit of elite guards in the 'Fire-swamp'!

DrPraetorious February 18th, 2005 02:11 AM

All the requests made so far
Covers posts before #316194

I'll edit the reply and add in the other stuff as I trawl through it.

This is intended as an aid to prevent duplication of posts, as well as to move on to more concrete suggestions - I made this up for my own benefit and then decided to post it. This thing is quite long, so be warned.

In a few cases I mis-read SC as spell-caster, I guess it always means super-combatant. Or Saber Cherry. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

I'm not reporting what PRIORITY people give to these different questions.

My comments in response are included after accreditation.

Tinkthank suggests concentrating on the fun aspects of the game and minimizing tedium. Very good advice.
As many different viable strategies as you can manage (Tinkthank,) and he makes a persuasive argument for it.
Make it easier to figure out the underlying mechanics from inside the game - possibly with sound effects (Zooko). E.g. the level of boost to magic skills provided by Communion Master, the number of points of wall a unit rebuilds per turn, etc. I certainly agree with this.
Hasslmaster thinks the increased control over tactical combat we're asking for will make the game suck-like-Moo3. He views an inability to finely control tactical behavior as a game-balance tool to partially nerf super-combatants. He's also opposed to including more stuff just for the sake of having it - which makes him subhuman. For the record, Moo3 sucked because it was shipped in a pathetically unfinished state. It's true that if you guys are worried that you might not have time to finish Dom3, do whatever features you do decide to implement well, rather than taking all of these suggestions and doing a half-assed job.
Preserve weird error messages.
Peter Ebbesen has lots of armchair software engineering suggestions for your edification.
No need to add more stuff (Zooko, PhilD, Magnate). NO! NO NO NO NO NO! I want an order of magnitude (10x) as much of EVERYTHING. Whoever's job it is to write the config files, I want Kristoffer (is that his name?) to look at the design specs, fall on his knees and BEG FOR DEATH. See below.
But izaqyos redeems himself as human being by wanting more stuff. Zooko would like more stuff but rates it as low priority.
Better balance (Cohen). Sure, but not at the expense of adding more stuff for fear it won't be balanced.
Water magic is underpowered (Cainehill). I disagree, but okay. He's right about Thetis' blessing, although Pythium is heavily into water magic and can find it quite useful.
More themes (Taqwus), at least some for everybody. I think every nation should have at least six themes, and you should have half again as many nations (to get roughly ten times as many possible positions).
More data specified in text files for more comprehensive modding (Saber Cherry, tinkthank), checksum feature to make sure all players are using the same data files (Saber Cherry). Make sure to allow modders to exercise a lot of creativity (tinkthank).
Seemlessly use multiple mods at once (Tinkthank).
Make it easier to tweak the combat system (PvK).
Don't do anything that would add more micromanagement! (Yossar)
Extensive debate on: should the underlying mechanics be simpler, should the underlying mechanics be deterministic, and should the underlying mechanics be visisble or obscure (Zooko, Turin, Agrajag, Chazar etc.) Concrete suggestions: sound effects for missing in combat (Zooko), display communion-master bonuses (Zooko), startup-switch to reduce random elements, especially in tactical combat resolution (Gandalf Parker), more info on quick reference sheets (Chazar).

Should be smarter, should build forts (Vynd, Kelan, LDiCesare, tinkthank).
Should have some kind of diplomacy (Kelan, LDiCesare).
Should be available for easy customization as a separate module (Peter Ebbesen, splogger, NTJedi).
Different AI personalities randomly selected at start of game (NTJedi).
Option to enable the AI to ignore supplies (NTJedi).
AI more aggressive at higher difficult levels (NTJedi).
Better messaging interface (Cohen, tinkthank). Yeah, I find this annoying myself.
Diplomacy? You should have some (Ironhawk).
Optional system to have real meaningful alliances (PvK).

No "gimme" scales (Cohen, Ironhawk, Blacksilver).
Ironhawk and Blacksilver are actually complaining specifically about population killing domains. Graeme Dice and Agrajag argue that this isn't really a problem. See also note on taxes, below.
No wasted points (Vynd.)
Pick theme before pretender type (Edi).
Save your pretender lists (izaqyos, silhouette). Silhouette also thinks that pretender design should be a separate standalone executable.
Another kind of magic (izaqyos). Personally, I like the symmetry.
More dragons types (The_Tauren13).
Less useless pretender types (Sandman).
Pretender selection should make more of a difference in your religion (Sandman).
New nations: dark elves (izaqyos,) conjuring-heavy astral variant with more angels to accompany it (izaqyos). Can't you just add them with a mod?
New species: catgirls, bunnyfolk (Saber Cherry, who is also SC).
New theme - unseelie for Man (Leif).

Option to have a (random) gem production multiplier independent of site frequency (Sabery Cherry). On first glance this looks like a complete waste of time but actually I agree with Saber Cherry it's cool. For one thing it is actually less random - since your odds of finding no useful sites at all in your first N provinces are reduced.
Option to disable mercenaries (SurvivalistMerc).
Option to specify the number of pretender points available (Deccan).
Allow people to take over for computer players (deccan).
Ability to send a .2h file to the host without "finalizing" your turn so that quickhost doesn't go, or to have a "quit without saving" option that doesn't send the file (Chazar). Also send a message to all connected clients demanding the .2h file when a forced host occurs (Chazar).
LDiCesare wants to be sure the game stays viable as SP or hotseat, so hide any of this client/server stuff people want if you choose to do it.
Silhouette thinks pretender/nation design should be a separate executable.
More than one player of some nation (rylen).
More settings when you start an individual game (Boron.)

Show spells that are being scripted as I'm writing the script (RedRover, Rainbow). Yeah.
Edit spell scripts without starting over (RedRover).
View injuries on units when passing cursor over them (Zooko, SurvivalistMerc, kukimuki). That's a good start.
Single access inventory screen (Magnate).
Any solution that will make finding magic items on heroes easier (Ironhawk), presumably either a hero sort, or the single access inventory screen, or some indicator that tells you when a hero has items.
Interface to exchange equip between field commanders is clunky (silhouette).
Clean up garrisoned troops display (Rainbow, Taqwus?) I can't find Taqwus asking for this. Personally, I think it would be good enough if the troops were sorted by type instead of by build time.

Individuals who are set to sacrifice should not be affected by the pool-blood slave order. (Zen, Peter Ebbesen) I don't like Mictlan anyway so I won't comment. Peter Ebbesen suggests that sacrificers should be able to pull slaves out of labs, which I think is a more elegant solution. Edi suggests that individual commanders should have a checkbox which exempts them from gem-pooling, Rainbow agrees.
Shrink Icons for commanders so that they don't cover so much of the map (LDiCesare).
Fixing the number of gems a Mage "should" carry and having them reload automatically when possible. (Zen) I've never found this to be that much of an issue but go nuts.
Add a disband command (Kaljarnaha, Cainehill, Chris Adams, jseppane, Agrajag). Jseppane suggests that disbanded troops should become province defense points somehow. Agrajag particularly complains about the events that give you militia.
Warn you when you're splitting up your army because only some of it can make the trip (Kaljarnaha, YellowCactus). YellowCactus asks for a "movement safeguard" but I don't know what he means. I've gotten used to it but it is annoying.
Waypoints for long-range army movement (Magnate, Sedna, Chazar, Ironhawk). Sedna's suggestion is actually slightly different.
Prevent commander name-bashing (Phoenix-D). Does he play with rename turned off? That should definitely be on by default.
Show more/less stuff when you hit F1 (Cainehill).
Sort commanders (Cainehill, deccan).
Key to scroll through units of various sorts (incl. Sneaking units, units with forge bonuses) (RedRover) I'd also add units currently assigned to defend, units currently assigned to research, and units in territories currently bordering on territories belonging to enemy players.
Put mages random picks on his icon (SurvivalistMerc, Gandalf Parker). Personally, what I do is I take each newly recruited mage and change his name to reflect the random pick(s) he got. I notice that Agrajag also does this. Still, it would be good if I didn't need to.
Alchemy should be handled via the lab screen rather than as an order for commanders (Rainbow, Zooko). Zooko actually says "use best alchemist automatically".
Gems displayed numerically (Rainbow).
Ability to define groups of Commanders regardless of their location. Such a group defines a common color, a common edit-able sticky note and allows a common tactical setup screen as if all commanders (and their troops) would be located in the same province. (Each commander's icon displays his groups' color code: a pixel somewhere or colored frame around the icon, etc.)
Graphical overlay on map screen showing which provinces have been searched to what level (rylen). Sorry I left this one out the first time, I accidentally consolidated it with something else that wasn't really the same.
Option to have people in provinces with labs auto-deposit their gems (Yossar).

Incl. Some sort of province governor or auto-tax heuristic (Zen, Kel, Peter Ebbesen, LDiCesare, FarAway, SurvivalistMerc, Rainbow). YES! I hate spending time hunting down bandits and giving them tax breaks.
Boron (also FarAway) says governors should be able to manage - provincial taxes, items that you use to horde gems, building of units anywhere in the empire. Hasslmaster objects, says you should remove the gem hordeing exploit, rather than making it easier to manage. I think - EITHER make it easier to manage or remove it entirely.
Sort provinces, provinces list should show terrain types (Cainehill).
Pictorial/better/more accessible representations of province stats (Turin, Cainehill).

Every screen should be accessible from every other screen without going back up and then back down again (Tinkthank).
Separate server and client applications (Esben Mose Hansen).
"General Overhaul" (Peter Ebbesen).
"Saved Games" folder to make directory structure more elegant (Peter Ebbesen).
Better control of battle playback, so you can pause, rewind and just quit instead of just FFing (Zooko). Oh, absolutely.
Custom keyboard shortcuts (PhilD, RedRover). RedRover suggests a bunch of specific kbd shorcuts.
More informative battle/siege reports (Kel, rylen). Definitely, perhaps four different battle reports (very brief, brief, extensive, watch the battle.)
Review reports from previous turns (Phoenix-D, slimemold). Slimemold (and LDiCesare) actually asks for an intelligence system with reports that age. I think you should provide both.
Reports of leader death should be more informative (Taqwus). Likewise reports from harmful spells e.g. Beckoning, Lure of the Deep, Burden of Time. (Edi, Kukimuki I think).
Ability to change pwd during play (Cainehill).
More pop-up information (RedRover).
"Find" dialogue to look for specific magic items, leaders by level or by skill level or whatever (RedRover).
Ability to go back and forth between tabs during pretender creation, "Save God" option (Endoperez).
Notification of how close you are to returning your god to life (silhouette)
Remember hotkey assignments between games (SurvivalistMerc). Remember them for each nation (Edi).
Chazar wants to be able to customize your own color-coding (Chazar).
In general, more information you can see without clicking the better (SurvivalistMerc.) I don't know, I think the game screen is going to become overcrowded fast...
Option to switch the two buttons on the mouse (kukimuki).
Pretender and nation should be in a single panel. (kukimuki).
Central management for item forging at each lab (kukimuki).

Better graphics (Zooko). (Saber Cherry) specifically wants double resolution and more poses for the little guys.
Ability to save battle replays (PhilD).
Links to flavor source material in manual (Horst F. Jens)
Replay entire games (izaqyos).
See dead bodies lying on battlefield (PvK).
Maps should be able to show pictures or play movies (Leif). Sure, as long as people with slow connections can turn this off.
Integrated mp3 player for music (Olive).
Background on intro screen should be softer (kukimuki).
2d Graphics might actually look better / be more informative (kukimuki).
Awesome graphics would be nice, but sounds difficult so don't bother (tinkthank).

Make the battlefield bigger and allow more units (PvK). PvK claims this is partially a game-balance issue.
Entirely new combat engine (Saber Cherry), especially with non-integer weapon stats. Saber wants to make sure that a Kopesh can be incrementally different from a Wakizashi, but I don't think this is important.
Influence of terrain on battle (Cohen, Quantum Mechanic, Chazar, PvK, rylen). I have some concrete suggestions here.
Improved Siege (Cohen, Quantum Mechanic). Yes, I think things should always be improved.
Initiative System (Cohen, Zen). Zen thinks this system should be complicated, Cohen thinks it should have something to do with the leader of the squad.
More battle types, especially more assassination stuff (Cohen).
Battle simulator (PhilD, izaqyos). Rainbow wants to be able to see just the starting deployment of his army.
Hit location system with armor on different hit locations (PvK).
Champions-style speed resolution with 10 phases per round and you act on a number of phases equal to your Speed (Saber Cherry). You've all played Champions (aka Hero games) right? Post is 305118. Cainehill points out that this proposal would be difficult to balance, although Saber Cherry has a fairly complicated proposal that would work.
Two leadership values - one for number of guys, one for number of squads those guys are organized into (Leif).
Make tactical combat real-time (kukimuki).
Make tactical combat deterministic/non-random (Zooko).
No don't do that ().

Longer order queues (Cohen). Absolutely, but see below.
Archers should fire at a squad until it routs and then select new targets (SurvivalistMerc). Units should retarget more often in general (SurvivalistMerc).
Units ordered to flee don't change provinces if you win the battle (Avocet, SurvivalistMerc, Kukimuki). Leif wants something similar - thinks that units set to "fire and flee" should hide behind the rest of the army rather than fleeing entirely. Many subtle variations on this request.
Store/create scripts, better scripting (PhilD, Magnate, Edi, Chris Adams, Edge, SurvivalistMerc, Rainbow). Oh god yes. Edi suggests that the scripts might be stored nation-specific, which is fine as long as you can copy them. Chris Adams wants "combined-arms" orders which allow different units to cooperate, which would be very useful but I think probably too complicated. Rainbow suggests script-level control of in-combat gem usage. Rainbow suggests that scripts should auto-warn you if you right a script that won't finish, and thinks it should give you an estimated fatigue cost. Given that I mostly play pythium and the scriper can't know how many communicants I'll have I think this would be bloody useless.
But don't make it harder to use! (Nagot Gick Fel, Zooko, FarAway). Yes, true.

More different, useful, combat spells (Agrajag).
Ability to specify spells that will not be cast (Argitoth, Edge, SurvivalistMerc, tinkthank.) A real scripting system should definitely address this.
Add "rest" command for mages (Rainbow). AI should manage fatigue so that mages don't pass out, unless it would be a good idea for them to do so (Rainbow).
AI should make more intelligent spell selections (Rainbow).
Touch spells should always be usable in melee if the mage "wants" (Rainbow).

More unit orders (Agrajag).
Multiple formations (Agrajag).
Flanking Maneuvers (Cohen). How exactly would this work?
"Skirmish" orders (Avocet, Rainbow). The feeling is that horse archers and other skirmisher-type units suck right now. Valid point.
More squad arrangement flexibility (Magnate.)
New Order: Wait and Fire. (Edi).
(Chris Adams) wants to target commanders. Graeme Dice points out why this is a bad idea. Chris Adams points out that is an inelegant fix, suggests instead maybe - bodyguards take damage in the commander's stead, or maybe commanders have a "disguise chance" which while it works they can't successfully be picked out.
New hero order to stay coherent with own units (Leif). Personally, I'd like an order that told my entire friggin army to say coherent.
"Dig in" strategic order that provides defensive bonuses but makes you worse at patrolling (rylen).
Command to make units rout under certain condition (kukimuki).

Eliminating repeling and morale?!?!?! (Zooko) A bunch of people jumped down his throat for suggesting this. Personally, I think you should go the reverse route and introduce trip attacks, grappling, etc.
Change in hero routing AI (Vynd, Argitoth, Magnate, Phoenix-D, Peter Ebbesen, Kukimuki?) The current rules especially nerf people with autosummon.
Troops should never rout if all enemies have routed (kukimuki). Actually, this has happened historically, but it does happen too often in this game.
More ways to stop SCs (izaqyos, PvK) PvK suggests bigger penalties for being ganged-up on. PvK also suggests that each SC might have to research all the spells he knows - please kill me, instead.
Friendly fire has too much impact (Phoenix-D, Kukimuki), units run into poison clouds (Phoenix-D). The scripting system should definitely address this stuff. FarAway just wants more settings available for archers.
Simultaneous blows on first round of melee engagement (PvK).
Minimum squad sizes by unit type (Cohen).
Faster units can start in more different places on the battlefield (rylen) or enter from the sides ala flankers in 40K (rylen).
Don't auto-cast spells that make units vulnerable to an attack form as a side-effect (Taqwus.) Alternatively, fix it so that the de-buffing side effects don't hurt you if you are 100% immune. (Taqwus)

Allow maps to start with independent global enchantments (Endoperez).
Save and modify randomly generated maps (Endoperez).
Pick random map generator color scheme (Edi).
Option for stronger seasonal effects (PvK).
Option to exclude pretenders from hall of fame (rylen), option to make all members visible (rylen).

More indigenous/independent population types (Saber Cherry, tka, Aetius).
Indigenous/independent populations are different in an economic sense (Saber Cherry, tka).
Independents grow in strength, defend forts, etc. (Endoperez, tka, PvK).
Option on Defensive units not representative of indigenous population (Endoperez, tka).
Option to include more complicated rules for independents, presumably meant for random map generator (Endoperez, PvK). In particular, they'd like independents to form "nations" that may even try to oppose player positions in some kind of coordinated way.

More production in more populated provinces (Aetius, Kukimuki), especially provinces that make Knights. Kukimuki suggests a system for moving resources around.
More buildings, more kinds of forts, more types of Fort defenses (Cohen, Boron, Vynd, Silhouette, izaqyos, Graeme Dice, Sandman). Boron would like "wonders" ala Civ you can build - I don't see how these would be different from global enchantments, myself. Sandman wants fortresses to vary by terrain or by nation (or vary more), and he wants forts to have extra abilities. Castle types fixed by nation, more than one castle per nation. (Aetius)
Marketplace (rylen), for magic items that go up for auction. Rylen expresses reservations. I don't know where to classify this suggestion.
Lowering taxes should cause population growth (Blacksilver.) This has also been suggested as a counter-weight the population killing domains.
High province defense should lower Turmoil (Blacksilver.) Does he mean turmoil or unrest?
More ways to recover population (Blacksilver, others.) I agree completely, both for game balance and thematic reasons. It ought to be possible to be a more beneficient sort of deity, I think.

Dominion changes terrain type (Aetius).
More terrain types (Cohen, Sedna, Edi). Sedna only asks for more water types. How many terrain types? Well, we have about seven now, so.... seventy!
Chazar suggests perhaps we should have terrain scales, or maybe multiple sorts of tags (Chazar, Endoperez).
Option to make underwater areas all or mostly barren (PvK, LDiCesare).
Scale settings past +3/-3 (Saber Cherry), even if you can't select them for your domain. So, if you're +3 Heat in a desert the province is +4 Heat.

-- SITES --
More sites that do different stuff (FarAway).
Sites that you can fight when you find them ala MoM nodes or Warlords ruins (Kelan, FarAway). But Chazar wants to make sure those are optional (Chazar).

-- EVENTS --
Superstition event should raise probability of other events in that province (Kukimeki).
More events, events depend on more other factors (Cohen, Endoperez, PrinceofLowLight, Oelfwine). How many more different events should there be? Perhaps there should be ten times as many?
Ability to turn off events entirely (Boron).
Events/prizes that alter deity picks or unit stats (Magnate).
Deathmatches should have different name - possibly mage-only and warrior-only death matches (PvK), computer AI should not send pretender gods into deathmatch (PvK, NTJedi).
Better rewards for deathmatches (Leif, LDiCesare).

"Revise" supplies and disease question (PvK). PvK claims that fasting for a month doesn't cause disease. Personally, I think your system is excellent in it's accurate yet simple reflection of historical warfare.
Allow eliminated-retreating units to become "refugees" (PvK).
Survival allowing attacks deep in enemy territory (Chazar). Maybe survival = stealth but only in chosen territory?
Looting of labs (Cohen). I agree.
More ways to bring supplies with you (Boron).
Change the way intercepting enemy forces works (Vynd, Deccan, Chazar, Ironhawk, possibly Graem Dice also post #304838 is hard to follow.) I don't know what SEIV stands for but Deccan's idea is clearly good.
"Attack and Pillage" order for cavalry (Taqwus, LDiCesare), Raiding should be viable (izaqyos). Taqwus offers an elegant solution to izaqyos' legitimate desire. Graem Dice says "raiding is too strong" (post #304838) but I don't think this is what he means. LDiCesare actually suggests "Attack, Pillage and Return".
Cohen would like to be able to coordinate the order in which certain global actions occur, especially spell casting (he gives two examples where this is strategically desirable.) Graeme Dice also wants to do this on the tactical board.
Better sailing mechanics (PvK).
Message warning when a merc contract is about to expire (rylen).
Make province defense better, especially against spells (NTJedi).

Hydras should have head slots and recuperation (Kukimeki).
Include an icon for every unit property (tinkthank, others). They made a list of all the properties that lack icons.
Summons (esp. Uniques) get semi-random stats (Turin).
Differential experience benefits for different troop types (Cohen, Endoperez)
More independent units (Cohen, Saber Cherry) - how many more? Pick the smallest two digit number you can think of.
More skills and special abilities (Cohen, Endoperez, PrinceofLowLight). I say - TEN TIMES AS MANY.
More sacred units, bigger effect from blessing (Zen).
Mercenary squads should replenish (rylen).
Option of using spells to revive enemy commanders from the dead in addition to your own (rylen). Again, he's dubious about this, but there's already a spell that lets you pull famous people back from the dead, just make it work on anybody.
Hand off default equipment to other models (rylen).
Some units have magic path ratings that vary from season to season (Endoperez).
Some units have a magic path determined by the season/month recruited (Endoperez).
Flyers should have limited ability to cross water (RedRover). Zen suggests that if Fly->Sailing the problem is solved. RedRover doesn't like that.

Units with prophetic powers should actually provide prophecy of some kind (Kukimeki).
Experience points should make non-combat abilities of units (Preaching, Stealth) better. (tinkthank).
Strength of hall of fame benefits should be indicated (Kukimeki).
Awe/fear should have an impact on unrest reduction while patrolling (Kukimeki).
Heroic abilities that alter entire province's economy (FarAway).
Heroic skills relate to unit purpose, or you get to choose between two skills for each unit like in HoMM (Cohen, Zooko, Magnate, FarAway),
Heroes show up with more types of goodies (Endoperez.)
National Hero Generator (Cohen).
Addition of "Royalty" (Ranger). These are national heroes that figure into victory somehow.
More multiple-unit actions (Endoperez).
More stuff for priests to cast (Cohen).
Suggested hero ability "Thief". Lets hero perform thief actions while hiding in enemy territory. I think this is definitely a good idea. (Endoperez, Silhouette).
Add artillery (Argitoth, Leif). Leif actually said "siege engines".
Seduction should be a more generally available tactic and not just available to Succubi, nor should it require teleportation (PvK).
Units gain new skills as they rise in level (Leif).
Defeated enemies sometimes turn into magic items (rylen.) He's dubious about this but I think it's an awesome idea - if I got the "Hand of Ortalgor" after killing Ortalgor I'd totally wear it.
Hall of Fame units and prophets can sometimes survive and be taken prisoner when "killed" (Chazar)
Unassigned commanders generate production points in their province (Blacksilver).
"Prayer" (he means preaching) giving Fortune bonuses when domain limit for that priest is reached (Blacksilver). I think this is a bad idea from a game balance perspective.
Unoccupied mages reduce Drain in province (Fortune). "Unoccupied" mages already make research so I don't quite see what he's on about.

De-buffing spells (tinkthank).
Nerf supercombatants (Saber Cherry).
Force players to recruit a balanced mix of forces by making heavily recruited troops more expensive (Nagot Gick Fel, Saber Cherry, Zooko) The_Tauren13 thinks this should apply to summoned troops as well. Zooko regards the process of carefully examining different, fluctuating unit prices as "fun".
PrinceofLowLight (possibly Saber Cherry, can't tell) disagrees with this, thinks that the units should just be better balanced, admits that perfect balance it not possible but maintains that other changes in the game can make light cavalry and light infantry desirable for other reasons. I have my own solution to this. Personally, I agree about light cav, but not about militia. Militia should be cheap and worthless, raised only as an emergency, because this is the real history of medieval warfare.
LDiCesare thinks you should just get rid of the inferior units.
Force players to make more diverse forces by nerfing over specialized heroes somehow? (Foom).
Flying is too powerful (Zen, Graeme Dice I think - 304848 hard to parse). I remember when Magic (the card game) nerfed flyers and it was a major mistake. (Chris Adams) wants flying units to be even better, specifically more able to avoid enemies.
Lifedrain is overpowered, nerf it (The_Tauren13, Ironhawk, Hasslmaster).
No, don't nerf lifedrain, overhaul fatigue instead (Graeme Dice).
National Units should be better later into the game (Ironhawk, LDiCesare). Perhaps higher-level castles allow higher-level troops. Personally I find that I never have enough total forces, so the fact that my magic troops and wizards are better as a group than my pikeneers just doesn't come up. LDCisare + Splooger suggests a late-game building (or research) that costs big piles and unlocks more national troops.
Super-combatants should lust after fuzzy animals (Zen). If you laughed at this joke, you've been reading this document way too closely.


Kristoffer O February 18th, 2005 12:42 PM

Re: All the requests made so far
Ahh, thanks!

I made a sum up once, but it is hopelessly outdated (several months ago).

Chazar February 18th, 2005 02:55 PM

Re: All the requests made so far
Very nice job DrPraetorious! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif However, my most wanted wish ever is after #308873, http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif hence I must try to repeat it as a one-liner for management/interface:

Ability to define groups of Commanders regardless of their location. Such a group defines a common color, a common edit-able sticky note and allows a common tactical setup screen as if all commanders (and their troops) would be located in the same province. (Each commander's icon displays his groups' color code: a pixel somewhere or colored frame around the icon, etc.).(Origin:#324656)

(I think this would solve a lot, not only easy attacking from different locations: grouping fasciliates finding/assigning/mutual assignment for forgers, researchers, site-searchers, summoners, etc.)

Zen February 18th, 2005 07:46 PM

Re: All the requests made so far

DrPraetorious said:
Super-combatants should lust after fuzzy animals (Zen). If you laughed at this joke, you’ve been reading this document way too closely.

Damn your black heart Barabara Streisand. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

15 - Love, Dr. Praetorius, I salute you.

Amos February 19th, 2005 01:42 AM

Re: All the requests made so far
New kind of spells: Casters casting spells that exist as a field at a certain radius from the caster for the length of the entire battle (ex.: "fire shield" will protect troops 3 spaces from the caster 75% of the time; "arrow shield" will protect troops 5 spaces from the caster 50% of the time for entire battle). If the solder exits the area of effect he looses the protection as the field moves with the caster.

Gandalf Parker February 19th, 2005 10:16 AM

Re: All the requests made so far
EXCELLENT work! That is a major benefit, especially at this stage. Thanks.

Nerfix February 22nd, 2005 02:08 PM

simple wish
My simple wish is that it will be a good game.

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