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Re: Ulm\'s Continued Insults to Arco\'s Sovereignty
The once great realm of Mictlan is no more. The evil nature freaks have destroyed us. All our western possesions are lost.
In our last battle at our citadel we lost almost our whole army while we didn't inflict any noticeable casualities upon the hideous agressors. The days of Mictlan are counted [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] |
Re: Ulm\'s Continued Insults to Arco\'s Sovereignty
Partial Lies, Partial Lies, I say !!!!
While the forces of Good managed to carry the field at a rather insignificant western rockpile, the bloodsuckers inflicted massive damage to the liberating forces !!! The fire 9 / water 9 blessed jaguar warrior (that turns into a jaguar or something similar when killed, and keeps it's bless) proved to be very strong. I thought I had the advantage, and did manage to carry the day, but the filthy bastards wiped out most(80%) of the sacred portion of my army (i.e. the good part). But the survivors will perservere and strive to spread nature and wine amongst the blood slaves and liberate them from their oppressors http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Mictlan / Pangaea
I want some independent media coverage from the region.
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
It is as I say, but I'm sure that Ulm and Ryleh have scouts in the region. If they choose to share their knowledge, it would be most welcome http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Centaurs Blitz Pranda!
The biggest battle the world has ever seen! Centaurs everywhere!! Oh, the humanity! Jagaurs were everywhere, too. But now they're dead. Centaurs are dead too, but not as many! Massive, massive casulties on both sides. The centaurs are clearly the winners, although I agree the white centaurs took over 50% losses, easy. |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
A special report of 30 seconds, the investigative programme of the fish people:
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] The horror! Never has this humble fish laid ocular appendages on such a view as was Pranda after the carnage: hundreds of half-jaguar, half-man abominations littering the ground for miles around the Dark Citadel, in unnatural poses and with faces contoured in pain and terror. Forest critters had come upon them to feast on the gruesome remains of the once mighty army of the Crimson Empire; there a rabbit, nibbling on a calf, here a family of mice eagerly devouring the ruptured spleen of a high priest. The more sentient ones, centaurs and the like, were hanging choice carcasses from the branches of the nearby trees (that were in full bloom despite the winter), undoubtedly draining them in order to later preserve them as rations for their long trek through the barren Desert of C'tis and around the Sea of Silence. Upon witnessing such a sight this modest fish could but wonder what is it that drives the once-peaceful forest folk to such behaviour. Everywhere their dominion touches men die in the hands of once docile forest beings, and blood has replaced wine as the beverage of choice in the fêtes of Pangaea. Is it possible that all this is but a powerplay by Ratte's rivals in the underworld? That another Lord of Hell has ascended to our plane of existence and is in fact aiming to overthrow Ratte as the epitome of evil by guiding innocent satyrs and centaurs to gruesome acts of violence. How does the cowardly Aku, supposedly peer to these powerful beings (yeah, I know it's hard to believe considering the weak posture and the spineless fluttering about), enter the equation? (This small fish would express as his view that in no way, and that in fact Aku isn't even a true Moloch but a bastard begotten with a salamander by some lowly devil.) ...ooh, look, a quarter! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Waterdrop.gif[/img] (Yes, our reporter is a gold-fish, so sue us...) |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Excellent. Thank you. Arco National News can't seem to afford to send reporters to that region of the world.
I will have those reports swiftly forwarded to the Arco Council of Philosophers for their review. His Luminescence would be interested to read them, too, but he is busy laying siege to an Ulm Castle. |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Mictlan is still fighting. Though faith is small and fading our brave people still fight the evil pangenean agressors with great valor. May the Rohirrim arrive in time to save us http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Hordes from Hell everywhere! Pangean provinces fall to the agressor like dominoes. Mictlan has aligned with the Devil, not the Rohimrin http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
And those few provinces I managed to raid and hold for a bit are all crap. No gems and no income. Dis C'tis have miasma or something? No wonder Mictlan doesn't bother to take them back.
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
And Mictlan is not interested in gems but in blood http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
The Great Sorceress of Ulm has been wandering the countryside lately in search of sites of magic power. After a long hike, she becomes a little hungry and stops by a peasant's hut to ask for some food. She says, "I am your Goddess, you may rub my feet and bring me whatever food you happen to have in your home, today is your lucky day!"
The peasant farmer looks at her with a snarl, "I ent gonna give ya my food, now go on, git outta here! Goddess? Humph! I know better'n ta believe in that ****e. Ya got any proof about that, or do ya just want me ta take it on -faith-?" The Great Sorceress, shocked as she was, stood there for a few minutes before regaining her senses. After incinerating the peasant and returning home, she issues this decree: "Hear me, nation of Ulm! Do not listen to the Skeptics among you! Those who doubt my divinity will be hanged in the street. Remember always that I am your Goddess! All provincial leaders, it is now your top priority to hunt down and stop all foriegn Skeptics." Turning to a nearby top official, "Make the arrangements for an immediate peace with the Philosopher's Council. The learning seeping across the border from Arcosephale is more dangerous than a hoard of centaurs...Make sure the border is secure." |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Mictlan has given up. We still have one secret weapon of doom but it won't turn the tide anymore http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Envy.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/Sick.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif.
Well played Jeffr. Your switching to lots of small raid bands was a good move. |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
But you still have 3 out of the 5 castles in the NorthWest, including both Ctis' and Tien Chi, with large armies and you have a massive (~350) army at your capital. I don't know how much of those armies are the dreaded Jaguars, though. And you also have taken 7 or 8 of my provinces (and more every turn) with those Hordes from Hell that you keep throwing around !!!
I don't think it's over by any means, but thank you for your kind words http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif As always, you played very well (I remember when you smoked me in my very first MP game. You were Pythium with False Horrors, Quickness and Lightning and I was a toasted Pan). Here, your Jaguars did a number on my White Centaurs. I lost 86 I think in one battle, which really hurt. You also taught me a trick or two that I hope to put into play, if given the chance http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
No giving up! No giving up! Fight the rotting Pan!
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
I think I need more time with this turn. I'm going to change it to 48-h host now.
Re: Mictlan / Pangaea
Cool with me. I've been a little confused with the hosting times lately, tell the truth http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
As of the latest count, Pan owns all the watchtowers in the area, plus the Dark Citadel in Pranda. My scout in T'ien C'hi capital got lost in the woods, so I don't know its status... It would seem that Pan owns everything to the West from the North-South river and the Lakes; I think about 50 provinces. |
Ulm becomes the superpower
Whoa, why all the anti-Pan (i.e 'rotten Pan') stuff? The war with Mictlan has been a war of attrition and raiding, not a cakewalk. Many independant provinces still exist in the West because Pan has been constantly at war and doesn't have any forces to spare to take them.
Pan will likely be destroyed by the Ulm/Mictlan alliance fairly quickly and without any significant damage to Ulm. If you all allow Ulm to take the West in addition to his already strong position, Ulm will more than likely be unstoppable. The Ulm/Mictlan rear lies open in the East! Take advantage of the open path now or Ulm will turn on you with overwhelming force in the not to distant future !!! |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
I agree with Jeffr.
-If- I was able to conquer most of Pangea with little losses and then turn on the rest of the world, I would be neigh unstoppable. But, Jeffr and I have had only one battle so far (in his dominion) where I was fighting 44 hp white centaurs (because of Gift of Health) and I got absolutely hammered. So, as soon as I manage to take a province of his and start on my way to unstoppability, I will let you guys know. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Hm at least my moloch seems to work vs. your brutal longbow+white centaur combo http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Atm the 2 superpowers are Ulm and Ryleh while the other 4 nations are weakened too much by their constant wars. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
I haven't seen the latest turn yet (that's what I get for looking here first and ruining the surprise), but it sounds like good news from CUnknown and bad news from Boron! I went from "yeah" to "oh, crap".
Boron, did you fly your Moloch somewhere and attack me? Was he alone or did he have help? Damn, I knew something bad was going to happen. Damn, damn, damn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Hehe, you're gonna love it, jeffr... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif
You do realize, Boron, that me and CU just fought a long, tiring, and ultimately futile war. I'd say, combined with the eternal war with Abysia, I have far more war-turns (I demand double the respect for the turns when I was ganked! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif) than anyone: If that gets me into the superpower-class (replacing Pangaea who has only, what, 4 capitals and 50+ provinces), all the more power to me! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif EDIT: And weren't you ready to throw in the towel against the horrible Pan just a turn ago yourself? Since when am I scarier than him? |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
My reasoning is just if i would play ryleh i would have at least 100 clams now probably. If this is true you are definitely the strongest nation now http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Boron, I have to protest you calling me and Ryleh "superpowers" when another faction (that shall remain nameless) has like half the freaking map and two powerful globals up. Jeffr is by far the most powerful right now. There's no way I'd be able to beat him by myself, and honestly, I think he might be able to hold us both off, at least for a while.
If you faught that last battle in his dominion you would have lost, even with your god. There's no way he can be invaded seriously until Gift of Health is dispelled, and even then he can put it right back up. He's got three capitals, his gem income is great. Jeffr must be stopped, then I can worry about Jurri and you guys can worry about me and/or Jurri. However, I'm likely to be in shambles from fighting Jeffr, even if I win. I have to 1) beat Jeffr, not even close to a guarentee. then 2) beat him in good enough shape to hold off the rest of the world. That seems extremely unlikely. In fact, why am I doing this??? I feel like I'm working for Jurri but I don't see my any other real option. Without Boron to help against Jeffr, it would be impossible to beat him. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
So, Jeffr:
Why are there suddenly white centaurs within the lovely dominion of His Luminescence, Pasha-Du, the Wise and Noble Shedu of Arco? ????? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif Pasha |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Sorry about that, just passing thru http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I'll be moving on. My other route was blocked by a humongous blood army.
I took my turn, but the server is down. Well, I was able to repel Ulm's first invasion, although the Earth Attacks were a pain. Boron's SC Moloch was another matter and reminded me that we are not using Zen's item mod, so the Blood Thorn is still extremely powerful. His fire 9, water 9 Moloch basically destroyed my army all by himself. I couldn't dent him and he looks unstoppable by my current forces, which were tailored for army vs army battles. I'm not optimistic. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Server is back up.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Hey Folks:
I am going on a short trip: Late Saturday afternoon - late Monday afternoon. (It's Independence Day weekend here in the USA.) Any chace we could slow up the quickhost a wee little bit just to make sure I (and others who might be traveling this weekend) don't stale? Thanks. Pasha |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Boron, you show me how you fight Chris and Aku to a stand-still and clam efficiently at the same time, and I'll show you a winner! 100 clams... sheesh, talk about ridiculous.
jeffr: Looks like Ratte wasn't unstoppable at all! Dude, that was a sublime way of taking him down: I never would have thought of using poison, of all things! Just plain awesome! |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
I will slow it to 72 hour host.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Jurri, do you have eyes everywhere? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
I got him, but I still suffered heavy losses and had to retreat from the field, leaving my WatchTower besieged by a bunch of savage Jaguars. And Boron can just raise him again with little effort using his mass of priests. But it is better without Ratte-face around for a turn or two at least http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Does anyone know off-hand if clams and the other gem hoarding items were increased in cost or paths in Zen's item mod? I heard he got rid of the Blood Thorn as a useful weapon and made the Wraith Sword a situational weapon in an attempt to encourage the use of a variety of weapons. Variety is good. I know I tried a little variety by summoning some Horned Serpents in the early game. Didn't work particularly well, but maybe I didn't use them in the right situation. I think CUnknown has some Iron Pigs with him. I'll have to look those up. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
all hoarding items got increased in item mod
clams are 2s2w so 10w10s gem cost fetish i think is 2n2f blood stone is 4b1e |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
"...and made the Wraith Sword a situational weapon..."
This is an understatement. I would say: "...he got rid of the Blood Thorn as a weapon and got rid of Wraith and Hell Swords as useful weapons." -10 damage does not a weapon make, in my book. Or at least a useful weapon. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
There are strength buffing weapons and the heroic ability heroic strength. Also they will still work against low prot troops without strength buffing items.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
I just wanted to do my turn but the server seems down.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Server is back up!
Aku-- No matter what strength, I think someone with a sword of sharpness will be more cost effective than with a Wraithsword under Zen's item mod. Definitely with a real weapon, like a Flambeau, Fire Brand, etc. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
I love zens mods including the item mod. It gives variety to weapons instead of everyone using a blood thorn.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Yeah, I agree. Anything that encourages something different than the standard loadouts is Ok with me. If the Wraith and Hell Swords suffer because of it, so be it.
But then again, I never really liked the power that the Life/Fatigue draining weapons gave SCs, so that's probably why I don't care that they've been nerfed so much in the item mod. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Oh, and what are the odds that 3 successive Earth Attacks will target the same commander in a province? I had three commanders, I think, in the proince and one guy got hit three times in row, with the last attack doing the job. Damn.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Was nasty how you killed my Moloch Jeffr http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif.
Seems as if the attacker is always in the disadvantage since he gets swarmed by troops and the enemy SCs then easily kill him. In a 1on1 i am almost 100% sure your Moloch wouldn't have had a chance but in our fight my stupid moloch just attacked your longbows while your Moloch could land blow after blow http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/fear.gif. Well new try new luck http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif. I am almost sure now though that jurri will win the game. I am basically dead, Aku is basically dead, you are kinda weakened. Chris is still in good shape but not good enough to win the game. Invisible swarm has been one of my most exciting server mp games http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Dude, it's not over till it's over! You and Aku are far from dead, anything can happen.
(Also, please share the invincible strategy that assures my victory! I sure could use one! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif) About attacking versus defending, in my opinion that's not as straight-forward as that. Sometimes it makes very great sense to be the attacker, either in the magic phase (to hit before the reinforcements arrive) or otherwise. Or if you mean tactically: if you have fast enough troops and a full length script on your guy there should be no problem, as your troops will engage the enemy before your SC attacks. Another option is to use a non-flying guy, or a storm, to bolster the flanks of your SC. Lots of possible tactics! |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
New turn's up!
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
New turn is up !
Chris has taken the fort at Man and is besieging Machaka and another fort. Chris destroyed one of my armies by brilliantly letting his assassinating spy be killed, giving my commander the Fenris Pelt in the process. My commander then berserked in the battle later in the turn and was promptly killed. He then destroyed two other forces via the more traditional Ghost Riders. Not to mention that my Globals were dispelled. So, not a good day for the good guys http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
Hehe, yes having my assassin be killed was the plan all along. I iz so smrt.
Re: Ulm becomes the superpower
new turn!
The human condition
A new turn.
A Tale of Two Cities
Ulm and Pangea are locked in a bitter struggle and the rumors of which are circulating around the world.
One Capital is nearly abandoned, all the garrisons emptied. In the forest home of Pangea, unruly satyrs and centaurs riot in the streets, openly defying the rule of their Moloch Overlord, a False god. They refuse to work, and are preventing the training of new troops, even the fearsome White Centaur cadets are left without arms, supplies and instruction. Some say the people of Pangea have seen an omen in the heavens, a sign of great significance, and they no longer believe their cruel master can lead them to victory. Others say it is simply the work of Ulmish spies, sowing the seeds of discord. Whatever the reason, all agree that these omens signal the time of the evil Ger is coming to an end. However, he is not going down without a fight. Even now in the Great Citadel of Ulm, a shining black jewel in the black forest, huge monstrous tree-beings are laying seige to the castle, and causing near-panic amongst the populace. With them have come a vast army of centaurs intent on tearing down the fortress brick by brick. The Great Commander of Ulm instructs his Guardians to stand firm with the knowledge that the forest creatures have not brought any siege equipment with them, and they cannot break the walls. Still, exit from the castle is now impossible with two gigantic Tree Lords blocking the gate. The soldiers fear they may have to resort to eating their pets to survive the seemingly eternal seige that lies ahead. |
Re: A Tale of Two Cities
Hey, my trees should be able to rip down walls, shouldn't they? That happened during the Lord of the Rings.
Am I at least starving the metal heads or doing something the least bit harmful? That move was sort of a wing and a prayer kind of thing. I thought that I would at least be able to harm the castle a little bit. Crap http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: A Tale of Two Cities
New turn is up!
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