![]() |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
On the diplomatic front:
As Ctis, the lack of scouts have dramatically limited my ability for diplomatic manuevering. I've only met 3 nations, two of which are conquering me. And I hear Agartha is quite busy right now. I'm not adverse to bribing someone to ally and take on either Abysia or Arcosephale. Despite the territorial encroachment, I still have a bit to offer- most of my casualties fall under the category of gold. I've been avoiding engagement successfully for quite a while now while spamming leprosy with eyes of the void and spell foci penetration items- I think I took out about 1/3 of Arco's besieging forces. As an aside, did you know that Leprosy doesn't affect friendly forces- at least besieged ones. I've pretty much brought Abysia's advance to a halt by virtue of fortress and city guards, but I can't keep that up for much longer, especially with a two front war. My gold income has just about dried up. However, since Leprosy had its chance to work and my research is nearing completion, I'm no longer content to sit back. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Caelum's eagle kings soar free once again. We are surounded by a raging war between two great powers , both of which tried to destroy us. We gain great satisfaction in knowing it was us who sparked the war between them.
However we must choose sides if we wish to rise to glory. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
hi ctis
that Leprosy was naughty but we shall return but better equipt cheers arco |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
atlantis, shackled by NAPs, is unable to do anything but hoard gems, research, and forge items. We prophecy our own demise.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
the tears of the Caeleian people will over flow the sea allowing atlantis to conqure us all.
That is my current plan. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Is there no-one I can buy off or bribe for help with six Clams of Pearls?
If I can't pay for interference or one side backing off, there's little I can do but be a pain in the *** to finally kill. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I would help for that, Unfortunatly it would just be sending hurricanes.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Hmm... Thanks for the swords!
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I'm sorry, I have to retire. Work is a horrible pain in the *** right now- coming in early 3 days now. Diplomatic energy, will to survive drained. Time isn't the issue... energy is. I had planned to fight this to the bitter end, but I've got to conserve my last scraps of 'give a damn' to keep myself going to work and to keep myself from telling my coworkers to go [censored] off when they repeatedly pester me to do something about ... ... something I've repeatedly said I can do nothing about. If not speaking Spanish is causing problems, then take some lessons- don't bug my *** to ***** about it for the fiftieth time.
Normally, I would let a single stall occur, or ask for an extension. But since I'm in the middle of intense negotiations, that just would not be fair to any of the parties involved. My Play by play for this game isn't complete, but when the game finishes for everyone, I'll upload my text file along with all my saved games, to allow other players to draw their own conclusions and possibly learn from my mistakes. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Work sucks, no one should have to work.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
for sure.
Farewell, lizards. We are sad to see you go, even if you only have one head each. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Kailasa is death, Sauromantia has defeated us.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Sauromatia salutes the brave warriors of Kailasa who gave their lives to defend their homeland.
You were one tough opponent, this war seemed to drag on and on. I should have thought of banes like 20 turns ago. doh. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Thank you. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I have declared random and vicious war on ryleh, in the hopes of dying before final exams. But I will deal a savage shark attacking before I die! Er... Oops... Forgot to bring gems...
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
-Ubercat |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Something just came up and I need to leave town early Sunday morning. (Eastern standard)I won't get home until Thursday night. I'm going to seek a sub for this and my other games, but it's a long shot. Would anyone mind pausing hosting on this game if I can't get a replacement? Since Llammabeast is offline for a week, could someone pass on my request to him via Email? I don't have his addy but I know that some people on here do. Can anyone here sub in my other games? I'm in Evermore as MA C'Tis, and Dawn of War as Jotunheim. These are both network games. There's a CHANCE that I will have web access where I'm going, but I won't know till Sunday afternoon. I'll be transferring my games to the laptop, in case I can do my turns there. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I could posphone the game for 100 hours, but as this is a very long time, everyone will have to agree on it. (this obviously only works, when llamaserver is working right)
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Thanks. Llammabeast says to Email him on the server, rather than PM'ing. Does anyone know if he left his addy anywhere so we could do that?
-Ubercat |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
i'm guessing its something like llamabeast@llamaserver.com, but i don't know really http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Thanks. I'll give it a try.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Yeah, I think that delaying the game for 100 hours will be good. No one appears to have objected so far. I'm about to send in the turn that just processed. If you could wait as close as possible to the next turn process to start the delay, that may give me more time to get back before losing an extra turn.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
The vile and greedy fatties of the underworld have come and claimed most of our lands under their rule of misery. They came and were victorious only to see the scope of the Oni's endless spite. Our wisest sages foresaw our defeat, but we were not despaired. For they looked deeper into the future and saw that in time shall rise nation of Shinuyama and how they'll find way to call us back from the Land Beyond Death. They saw our inevitable return to the mortal world! Immortal as we are, we have closed the gates the world of Onis and retreated there to wait for the rise of Shinuyama. We will feast then.. The Sages also saw the pitiful future of the Agarthans. Sulking in their damp caves, doomed to extinction as they're too fat to reproduce themselves. The last Pale One will die old and alone, surrounded by some wimpy humans, while the mockering laugh of the Immortal Oni's rings in his ear even from the Land Beyond Death. You have the lands of Yomi, but do you have? Pillaged and vanquished wasteland populated with few hateful and Oni-possessed peasants. Where labratories once stood, one can only find a huge crater nowdays. The great fortressess of Yomi have been taken apart by their order.. wait.. Can you hear that? *GRUUUMBLE* What's that sound? Oh, it's just stomachs of the Pale Ones as they gaze upon our lands and find nothing to satisfy their hunger. We already ate all the babies you know. Neighbours of Agartha, be prepared! He'll soon take his gaze upon your lands to satisfy their greed, unfilled by the pillaged lands of Yomi. |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Well, I have squished several hundred Rylehians, and victory will... wait... what. Retreat you say? We just signed a peace treaty with them? Are you mad, sir?
Wasn't it the peace treaties that destroyed us before? Aren't we sieging the very walls of ryleh itself? Fine. Fine. I'll retreat. Well, vile slugs, have it your way. Which land nation should we zap with... uh.. earth attacks? |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Actually ..... I've already sent in my latest turn. You could let it process at the normal time and THEN delay it for the 100 hours. That would let everyone see another turn this weekend AND decrease the odds of me missing a turn. Thanks!
-Ubercat |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I delayed the hosting for 100 hours now.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I am dead. Good luck stopping Argathia.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I'm back! Thank you so much, guys, for your understanding. I have two turn files here, 53 and 56. I read the Email, and I'm assuming that I should run the turn 56, but I was just checking here to make sure. I'll go ahead and do that. The worst that can happen is I have to resubmit, right? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
-Ubercat |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
yeah, if you send in a wrong turn, it shouldn't accept it, as far as i know anyway. But it is turn 56, ignore turn 53..
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
I'm looking for Boots of Youth, anyone dabbling in blood magic and willing to forge those please contact me.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
No! Do not trade with the filthy cave-dwellers. Follow Yomi's example and send your shiny magical footwear to Atlantis.
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
So now that i am dead you can tell me all your secrects.
seriously, how is it going? is Arg too much to handle? |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Agartha would like to purchase nature gems. We can pay in research items (Lighless Lanterns, Skull Mentors) or other gems. Send me a pm if you're interested.
We're giving away Lightless Lanterns for 3 nature gems each, and Skull Mentors for 6! First come, first served! |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
Well, I have 224 nature gems and no nature mages... but the entire wourld should attempt to EAT the Agarthans! We shall never trade with the fould fiends! Never!
In other news, I have canceled my NAP with Agartha, mostly because I don't like caves. Tsar Ivan the rather-too-amicable is no longer leading my nation, since he died in righteous battle with about sixty mages (doh! forgot antimagic! doh!) |
Re: Doom Chicken gossip
How disappointing. You show mercy to a smelly frog nation, then they want to war with you http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Some last Lanterns and Mentors left, i'm willing to let them go cheaper or for gems other than nature. Now is your chance to catch up in research. Waiting for your messages http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
how the hell did i manage to loose a fight against a blind dude...
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
I vote that it is time to call this game quits. There is no stopping Agartha now. With all its research done there will be nothing for its mages to do except continuously create umbrals, and they have a higher gem income then everyone else put together.
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
its fine with me, i'm about ready to give up. It was a good first mp game for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
I'm ready to give in as well...seeing as how one dude pretty much destroyed my whole army further resistance seems useless.
All hail Rigden Jyepo! |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
Awww, come on guys! I want to at least finish destroying Arco before we end it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
-Ubercat |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
You got Antimagic before first Master Enslave, so it wasn't that bad, i think.
I'm learning a lot about endgame myself, though (on a normal scale, not crazy one like in Perpetuality). |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
dammit...I must've misclicked so the remnants of my army didn't move and promptly got owned again. Most of them were diseased anyway though.
Agartha will probably eat me pretty quick, but I'll keep going until that happens. |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
That Tartarian teleported on top of your army, and magic battles happen before movement, so you couldn't move away before battle.
My Hall of Fame mummified oracles keep dying though, i think it's perhaps time to stop bringing them back http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif You could always ask for peace http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
Christmas break is coming soon, any opinions about how we should setup hosting?
Safest bet would be setting the game to quickhost only till Jan 2nd and then back to 48h, is everyone okay with that? |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
-Ubercat |
Re: EA PBEM *not yet named*
Okay, I'll do that. Would someone like to volunteer to be the new admin since HadrianII has been eliminated?
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