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Lazy_Perfectionist October 29th, 2007 04:06 PM

I dropped a comment about that to Pashadawg. I hear he's working on a scenario version- that aside, next time I try to run a big game (won't be soon), I'll take a peek at increasing the global economy and see whether its unbalancing.

Hadrian - Yowch. Well, at least you didn't have misfortune. An earthquake is bad, but an earthquake + troglodytes = horror.

Do we need to send the red cross to collect donations, start a disaster relief fund?

Snacktime October 30th, 2007 07:04 PM

please delay hosting, the llamaserver was down for a while today right when i was going to email in; now I can't get to it for another five hours or so. Hope someone sees this in time.

Lazy_Perfectionist October 30th, 2007 07:13 PM

The network the llamaserver was on suffered from a security breach (this morning). At the time that the message was up, I was still able to get a llamaserver email in. You might try that again. However, now I don't even get the page describing the problem, let alone the llamaserver.

I can't postpone, but I will be keeping an eye on the address to see if its back up, and postpone if it is.

Lazy_Perfectionist October 30th, 2007 11:13 PM

Llamaserver back up. Snacktime, you'll be happy to know that it got your turn. Only one who has stalled is Mictlan, Dedas.

BigandScary October 31st, 2007 10:31 PM

I know we don't like to postpone the game, but I will be gone this weekend from thursday afternoon until sunday, and I was wondering if the turn limit could be changed to, say 48 hours, or something. I don't want to be a problem, but I just don't have time to set up a sub.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 1st, 2007 12:57 AM

I think I stated somewhere before that I'll be lenient about the time thing. Especially since you mentioned before hand.

On a related note, I didn't connect these two dots before. Mictlan' pretender was wiped out, and they stalled three turns in a row. Often defeated players don't load/email their turn the one last time necessary to remove them from the list.

Uhmm... I'll take care of that and get Mictlan out of the game. Sorry.

Reverend Zombie November 1st, 2007 09:44 PM

I received a turn 6 and a turn 12 for this game--turn 12 was first. Which is the correct one to play?

llamabeast November 1st, 2007 09:48 PM

Turn 12.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 1st, 2007 11:10 PM

Ermor, Big and Scary requested some sort of delay.
I'll ask llama for removal of Mictlan and I will set the quickhost to something like 70 hours.

Janlm November 4th, 2007 06:34 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Mictlan has staled for the fifth time in a row...

Szumo November 5th, 2007 04:40 PM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
EDIT: wrong thread, nevermind http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

BigandScary November 6th, 2007 12:04 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
I am back now, so if the delayed time is still up just for me, it is no longer needed. Thanks for the consideration.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 6th, 2007 01:57 AM

Re: Placeholder Play By Email FAQ
Sorry about the delay in removing Mictlan. There were some issues. Notably:

1). He password protected his pretender
2). The master password for the game (not the llamaserver admin) that allows me to bypass a player's password has been permanently lost to both Llamabeast and me.

So, while normally I could take a stalled player out of the game myself (and i tried to), I'm going to have to contact Dedas and find out his turn password. It's not really his fault, but I'm going to have to contact him to resolve this problem. A message for everyone else:

If you're defeated, you still have to load your turn one last time, see the defeat message, end it, and send that into the llamaserver to properly remove yourself from the game.

In the meantime, I'm changing the hosting back down to 30 hours quickhost. As well, until this issue is resolved, I'll force hosting if everyone else has sent in their turn and I'm on the web, awake.

It should be resolved shortly, now that I know I need to contact Dedas to resolve this problem, rather than Llamabeast.

MrSparkle November 7th, 2007 04:13 AM

I know we are all supposed to be angry rival Gods out to smash temples and crush heretics but what is the right way to go about gem trade and item sales. It seems almost like spam to use a send all message in game and I'm not sure the game thread would want the clutter of every tchotchke I want to trade for.

Szumo November 7th, 2007 05:38 AM

Re: Economy
Post here, don't do it in game. Simple enough. If you post to often people will get annoyed and attack you, so it will sort itself out too http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

MrSparkle November 8th, 2007 01:36 AM

Re: Economy
Thank you for the advice. Ok then I'm looking to trade for nature gems. I can give an equal number of water gems or death gems. If you want to trade in any number send me a PM and I will get them out to you as soon as possible. You can then send the gems that turn or the next one. Btw - Ulm Reborn has gotten the earth gem trade so that is temporarily off the table.

Aristander November 8th, 2007 09:31 PM

Re: What Stops Mammoths? Hydras
1 Attachment(s)
Our heralds announce a great victory for Tarquinius Rex. The Imperial hydras just defeated double their number of mammoths. It was most excellent.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 8th, 2007 10:20 PM

Re: What Stops Mammoths? Hydras
Our heralds announce we hate peace. I can't resist signing a non-agression pact, but my MOM-character is honorable-passive-agressive. Bah! I wanna backstab someone, but I'll stick to my boring agreements.

I need to organize that 'las vegas', backstabbing encouraged game. To bad I wasn't able to join that diplomacy game.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 9th, 2007 04:19 AM

Re: What Stops Mammoths? Hydras
Sorry, had to implement a 24 hour delay. For my own selfish reasons. Staff been cut at work, floorspace been cut. I've been lifting and moving stuff most of the day. For an out of shape desk jockeey like me... Well, all that stuff is nearly done, at least till the next unpleasant surprise.

Aristander November 11th, 2007 06:41 PM

Re: Argatha Attacks
1 Attachment(s)
Argatha Attacks!

The evil denizens of the underworld dismiss our overtures and assault our lightly defended province. I thought the Imperial Legions might hold their own, but alas not on this day.

Hadrian_II November 11th, 2007 07:11 PM

Re: Argatha Attacks
Why should the imperal legions be able to stop agartha?

Aristander November 11th, 2007 08:55 PM

Re: Argatha Attacks
Why should the legions stop agartha?

I just reasoned that as infantry go, Ermorian and Pythian legions are superior to most "regular" infantry. Granted blindfighters are not "regular infantry" however I had a small numerical advantage, which for a moment I hoped would help give me an edge.

Admittedly I have little experience with the Late Age. I did not intend to dis the ability of Agarthian troops with which I am not particularly familiar.

"LazyPerfectionist here is your chance to educate us on Agarthian troops."

Hadrian_II November 11th, 2007 09:44 PM

Re: Argatha Attacks
Well, the danger to you is not so big, as vaettiheim just conquered my capital.

As vaettiheim also destroyed my army by accident before, im feeling very death.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 11th, 2007 10:02 PM

Re: Argatha Attacks
What kind of troops were involved? Any support magic? Did blessing take place?

Blessing is pretty inexpensive, and could account for a decisive advantage. Blindfighters are sacred.

If the Blindfighters were facing Limitanes, the reason for defeat is obvious once you realize that Blindfighters have a 15+DRN damage roll versus Pythium's 14+DRN protection, and Limitanes have a 16+DRN damage roll versus Agartha's 20+DRN protection.

The elites of Pythium would be a bit trickier though.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 11th, 2007 11:14 PM

Re: Argatha Attacks
I've not been able to get ahold of Mictlan/Dedas or the master password, unfortunately.

I'm considering turning off quickhosting and switching to a 48 hour schedule. For now, I'm just throwing the idea out there.

Janlm November 12th, 2007 02:39 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
wouldn't that just delay the game even more?

Lazy_Perfectionist November 12th, 2007 02:56 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
Well... the point wouldn't be to delay the game more... but we're into turn 17 now. I figure soon someone will need more time to complete their turns than one day. However, I'm just thinking about it. I don't plan on extending the timer until people ask for it. It's mentioned in the same post, but really unrelated to the whole Mictlan thing.

But since I can't remove Mictlan, and now can't postpone hosting by a negative number (force it to host sooner) the quickhost part is completely moot.

Putting aside Mictlan, eventually turns will take enough time that we need to extend the cycle. In that case, I'm just trying to plan (not act) ahead of time, and figure out precisely what I'll do. Normally, I'd switch to a 50 hour quickhost, but... if we can't get rid of Mictlan, then we're not quickhosting. In the future, does 48 hour hosting sound right? Not now, of course, but then... or do I stick to 30 hours as long as possible?

Janlm November 12th, 2007 03:37 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
is it posible to force host, when we are only waiting for mictlan?

Lazy_Perfectionist November 12th, 2007 05:21 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
I used to have a workaround, but now you'll have to ask Llamabeast.

I wonder if the devs can pull a password out of a game file- and whether they have the spare time, what with two almost certainly overworked people running the whole show. I kind of doubt it.

EDIT: Yay! The system accepts negative integers again. I can force a quick host- if I'm conscious.

Janlm November 12th, 2007 05:41 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
thats great, we can use that i guess. Then I certainly won't oppose to increased turn timer... (But I don't need it yet)

Hadrian_II November 12th, 2007 07:57 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
What kind of troops were involved? Any support magic? Did blessing take place?

Blessing is pretty inexpensive, and could account for a decisive advantage. Blindfighters are sacred.

If the Blindfighters were facing Limitanes, the reason for defeat is obvious once you realize that Blindfighters have a 15+DRN damage roll versus Pythium's 14+DRN protection, and Limitanes have a 16+DRN damage roll versus Agartha's 20+DRN protection.

The elites of Pythium would be a bit trickier though.

The battle is actually just my force fighting his oversized PD backed up by a mage casting combustion on my blindfighters.

The Blindfighters where E10 Blessed, so they had armor 24 and only 5 encumbrance. (i think without E bless blindfigthers are completely useless).

llamabeast November 12th, 2007 08:19 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
LP, I never changed anything to do with negative integers. That's a feature!

Aristander November 12th, 2007 11:38 AM

Re: Argatha Attacks
It appears then that Vaettiheim is stealing all the glory just as my "Grand Army of the Imperium" is arriving from the north. Well I will at least take back my former territories.

When my spy's reported Argatha's capital under siege I knew Argatha would have to pull back. I did not know that Vaettinheim had been able to storm Argatha's citadel.

Hadrian II, having your army destroyed by accident is a drag. Well war has its fortunes both good and bad.

There are 3 large empires around Pythium namely Ermor, Ulm and Utgard. So unless I play my cards right I could end up in your situation very soon.

Lord_Bob November 12th, 2007 04:49 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
I think raising time is a good idea at this point.

As a courtesy, could whoever defeated Mictlan dominion kill him? Mictlan doesn't have auto-spread dominion, so his dominion has to be pretty weak.

AdmiralZhao November 12th, 2007 09:50 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
That's what I thought too. Unfortunately, now that I've built a temple by his capital I can see that he has 7 fat black candles on that place. Looks like he went with plentiful sacrifices, an Awake pretender, and high dominion.

Lord_Bob November 13th, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
The citizens of T'ien Ch'i are no doubt concerned that their new rulers will be even worse than the Barbarian Kings. Let them know that the Monkey King will be somewhat mercifull. However, they must adhere to these three rules, or the consequences will be extreme.

1.On the first Monday of every month, all citizens in even numbered houses most cook an Apple Pie and place it on their windowsill. All citizens in odd numbered houses most cook a Cherry Pie and also place it on the windowsill.
2.All slanderous talk of "Evil Pie Stealing Monkies" must cease immediately. The libels of the Barbarian Kings against the monkeys of Patala will stop. The consequences for those disobeying this edict will be harsh.
3.The Nagas of Patala believe that free speech is at the heart of a just society. So citizens are encouraged to talk openly, so long as they remember that the Markata are watching.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 13th, 2007 01:22 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
Fixed: (and adorable)


The trick was rehosting. Apparently the original site cares about their bandwidth and doesn't like hotlinking. I uploaded to tinypic.com, then the ubb code worked. Forums don't support html, as well.

Lord_Bob November 13th, 2007 02:03 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
Patala has good scales and the willingness to overtax our citizens!

We are buying:
Nature Gems 25 Gold
Astral Pearls 25 Gold
Earth Gems 25 Gold
Blood Slaves 10 gold

Warhammer November 14th, 2007 09:42 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
Is there any way to get turns set to 48 hour quick host?

Lazy_Perfectionist November 14th, 2007 10:26 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
Yes. I've heard only two requests though, so I'm waiting for some sort of consensus to appear. At least five people for me to consider it, though.

AdmiralZhao November 14th, 2007 10:55 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
48 hours would be fine with me too.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 14th, 2007 11:30 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
Well then, counting me, that's four. One more 'For' and I'll change it over.

Reverend Zombie November 15th, 2007 12:05 PM

Re: BAG (Started!)
Here's another vote for 48 hours.

Lazy_Perfectionist November 16th, 2007 04:07 AM

Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
I hate to ask this, but does anyone have any information about Tien Chi... I hope we don't have another Mictlan.

On that note, does anybody have contact information for Dedas and would be willing to pester them for me? No response to the private messages.

Szumo November 16th, 2007 05:02 AM

Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
I'm afraid we might have another case of MIA here, as Patala just conquered Tien Chi capital...

Burnsaber November 16th, 2007 10:22 AM

Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
I'll be gone for the weekend and I won't be able to make my turns on Saturday or Sunday. I might be able to make turn on today, but I won't make any promises.

Any chance for hosting to be delayed?

Lazy_Perfectionist November 16th, 2007 01:34 PM

Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
Yes. Dere is. Caffiene NOW, delay later.

Burnsaber November 16th, 2007 03:13 PM

Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
Also, Ulm Reborn would be very intrested in Thistle Mace. We can pay in gold, earth gems, death gems and nature gems.

If someone has any extra W2 mages lying around, I'd be intrested in having a copule of my provinces radared with "Voice of Apsu" which can be cast at opponent's provinces. I can pay for the services in afromentioned ways.

Hadrian_II November 18th, 2007 09:47 AM

Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
Agartha is gone, we have lost our last troops to the onslaught of vaettiheim.

Burnsaber November 20th, 2007 03:39 PM

Re: Time, Turns, Stalls, Mictlan, Tien Chi
C'tis will be gone, for the all lizards have seen the light of Aufklarung! Spandex, the Son of the Sun, will be no more. Forgotten by his own people.

We greet the enlightened lizardfolk and welcome them to the light. The worship of the dusty catacombs will make way for the shining wisdom!

The nation of Ulm Reborn is in dire need of Astral gems as the newly enlightened C'tissian want to build a pearl statue representing Aufklarung. We will pay 1 gem and 5 gold in return for each Astral gem. Ulm Reborn is willing to offer death/ earth/ water/ fire/ nature gems in return for the astral gems

We will pay 15 Death/ Earth / Water / Fire gems for a Thistle Mace!

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