![]() |
Re: Ulm Dead
Seeking Arrow = Armour Negating. So its just HPs you after worry about, (and glamour...).
Re: Ulm Dead
But casting seeking arrow on all your territories once in a while is not a best idea http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Year 3 Update
Astrologers have studied the Stars and give this report at the start of year 3:
1. Shinuyama, noble race, has been defeated by Mictlan. 2. Agartha has reversed its fortunes and has Pythium on the ropes. 3. Eriu has almost all of Man conquered, but Beowulf lives yet. And Man still owns its castles. 4. Arcoscephale delivered a crushing blow to MA Ctis, and zoologists have placed Marshmasters on the endangered list. Lizards in general are in short supply. 5. Atlantis edges ever closing to owning all beneath the waves. Scying has not revealed anything in the South. It appears Caelum, Abysia, and Ermor remain at peace. Bandar Log and Marignon also have not tasted war. |
Re: Year 3 Update
War has finally come to Abysia.
It is written in the stars that Abysia's response will be more potent than that of Man. I will be very intrigued to see how the Black Phoenix fares against Eriu's thugs. He should be able to kill them fairly easily. Beowulf still lives, and may yet rally Man from the brink. |
Re: Year 3 Update
Indeed. Abysia had quite a bad turn. For those of you who haven't checked the score graphs recently I strongly suggest you look at Eriu's province count.
And, if anyone feels inclined to help out in the fight against the Eriu menace you're welcome to join the battle. |
Re: Year 3 Update
Sluice, God of Man, would like to remind all that all of the damage done to the empire of Man was inflicted whilst he was unfortunately away, dreaming of other ages. When he noted the passing of moons without his attention, he launched his forces to several victories, demolishing an army of Eriu, and riding down one of his expensively-equipped heroes, both for trivial losses in return.
Whilst Sluice doesn't hold out much hope of long-term survival, he reminds all Eriu still has a wolf biting at his hamstrings. Sluice has also seen the future, and takes heart that even should he be vanquished, after Avalon falls as Tir Na Nog before it, come the next era Eriu will be but a memory, and his beloved people of Man will still be building proud towers up towards the heavens. |
I love the Monkey King
I just wanted to say, that the monkey king without equipment was able to kill bogus and his band. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: I love the Monkey King
sounds like the boost i gave him was unneeded. Sorry Endoperez. I have to be careful not to make the immortal Epics too powerful. I think Endoperez had the monkeyking at 8 str 8 hps. Thanks for the input. I am thinking at this juncture: Slight boost to 1.Pythium's Angel increase from 0 to 7 protection, a slight dominion spread, and a slow domsummon of the lowest angel(i think an angel of the choir). 2. Removing the boost I gave Bandar Log's Epic hero last turn 3. Decreasing the Agartha Epic Hero's hp or reducing the hp gain from Dr. P's weapon. 4. Reducing the number of Jaguar Warriors the Mictlan Epic hero can make per turn. 5. Substitute a Crusher for the Black Knight's present domsum to help Ulm against tramplers. 6. Arcos-instead of producing 2 hoplites a turn, he will produce 1 tougher unit. 7. Shinuyama-Reduce his MR from 40 to 25. Monks are immune from mind attacks, but in Dominion MR is also used for some attacks not affecting the mind. 8. Machaka-give immortal Assassin the ability to make some scary Spiders. |
Re: I love the Monkey King
Nothing for R'lyeh? Is he better assassin than machakan?
Re: I love the Monkey King
Ryleh has the ability to charm enemies, which is powerful.
I may remove his lifeless penalty, so that he can regenerate. But he has a life drain attack now that gives him back life. He also has mind blast, and nice melee attacks. He is much more powerful than machaka assassin, but he is not immortal. Since he has no magic skills, however, i could allow him to make some kind of unit. Maybe an immobile type unit that aids castle defense. |
Re: I love the Monkey King
The bad thing is that he died to first Smite. The first time he got really attacked by soemthing he instantly died. I guess he gets better with items, but other heroes are getting even better too.
Re: I love the Monkey King
Some things are just unlucky. I had a Banelord with 42 hps and full items die to 1 mind burn once. In the Big Game, K lost a Dark Knight from Bogus to a pd militiaman.
Smite can be resisted with high mr. I will revisit his hp/mr, but if memory serves he has good mr and hps. It is wise to give your heroes a mr boost item/luck if possible. None of the Epic Heroes should be able to defeat an awake sc pretender naked. |
Re: I love the Monkey King
As the monkey king has a wapon that does 20 damage, strength is of almost no importance, and later when he can start to use the brands anyway. And also with a protection of 30 and glamour and resistances of 100 to every element, you dont care how high your HP are as long as they are bigger than 1. And when you prophetize the Monkey King he gets more HP anyway, and to use an immortal unit outside of your dominion is not the smartest idea anyway. |
Re: I love the Monkey King
Yeah even before your post, i lowered his protection.
Re: I love the Monkey King
When I die, I will try to give a summary of what I thought of the Blood Cursed Champion. |
Re: I love the Monkey King
The Astrologer's hands trembled. "What do the Stars show?" The general inquired.
Looking up the Astrologer said, "World War. None shall keep what they have. All will expand or whither. No nation will know peace. Those that seek peace will be no more. It is the Age of War." Nodding the General said, "It is what our scouts have seen as well. While our war with the Lizards is ending, I fear peace will not hold sway. We make ready our defense. We train our troops. And we wait." |
Re: I love the Monkey King
C'tis has gone to a better place, we got seriously beaten in this game, guess i was a little out of my league http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Thanks for the game. |
Re: I love the Monkey King
Eriu is willing to pay 30-40 gold (depending on quantity) for air gems and 25 gold for nature or water gems. Anyone looking to change gems into castles should drop me a line.
Sad parting
It is with profound regret that Arcoscephale announces that Nation of MA Ctis has been vanquished. Had the Serpent King not taken Death Dominion, in effect killing off the Lizards that Arcoscephale loves, things may have happened differently.
As it was Bones felt duty-bound to save as many Lizards as he could from the Serpent King's heartless dominion. Lizards will become full citizens, with equal rights in the Empire. ooc-I would like to thank Janim for playing in Epic Heroes II. If you have any insight into your Epic Hero, your input would be greatly appreciated. As a reward, I have given you my own personal guide to playing MA Ctis. Hopefully it has something of use in it. Good Luck in the future! |
Re: Sad parting
Next month brings summer. Summer, the hottest season of the month. Mens' tempers flare. The Stars have been read, and
Summer of year 3 will be the bloodiest year in Epic Heroes II History. Fortunes will be made-and lost, next season. |
Another hold request
I'm moving house at the weekend. The telecoms company have delayed my install, so there's a very high chance I can't get a turn in between about Friday 12GMT to Monday 12GMT. If the game can be briefly delayed, sorry for the disruption.
Re: Another hold request
Not a problem.
However, i may see if I can get tuidy to sub 1 of your turns. He is an excellent player and i doubt you would be disappointed in his handling of your affairs. But if you prefer the delay, i will delay the game over the weekend. |
Re: Another hold request
Tuidjy has agreed to sub for you this weekend. If he looks over your position and takes a turn for you, I think you will receive insight on tactics from a very good player.
Re: Another hold request
Sub is fine, thanks, and I need all the help I can get at the moment!
Beware the Jungle Savages of Mictlan
The ravenous hordes of Mictlan have descended upon the pristine peaks of Caelum. Hundreds of unstoppable triple blessed jaguars and eagle warriors have devoured provinces all along the Caelum border. Our brave province garrisons were swatted away like mere flies. Against such ferocious, twice lived foes, our great mammoths present no more than a light snack. The eldest of our wise men and Seraphs have been mobilized to face this threat.
Twice have we offered the mighty Mictlan empire an honorable duel limited to only Mictlan and Caelum. Twice have our approaches been ignored. Perhaps there are some who believe cooperation with the devil will buy them time. This couldn't be further from the truth. We call on all nations of the land to aid the Caelum nation in its hour of need against the nefarious blessed killers of Mictlan. Mictlan currently has the largest province base and gem income. Their only weakness lies in their poor research, but the window on this weakness will soon close, and then Mictlan will be unstoppable. Their Epic champion calls upon seven of the most savage twice lived killers the world has ever known every single month, and their priest kings and mages with access to virtually all types of magic will come into power very soon. The Elders of Caelum have come up with a plan of last resort against Mictlan: Kill every single priest king and sky priest of Mictlan by magic. With even a single priest king or sky priest, their triple blessed hordes are unstoppable. We call upon all nations who recognize the scourge that is Mictlan to coordinate with the Caelum Council, or all is lost. |
Beware the Lying Beaks of Caelum
On the Caelum/Mictlan border:-
Cuxtal the sky priest half rolled/flew to avoid the incoming seeking arrow but determined to get his words out before the end, shouted, 'if you believe the above false propaganda you are a bigger fool then Lemming the fool who goes around in a pointy hat with a big F on it and fool written underneath'. Suddenly, the midday sun was hidden but Cuxtal was perfectly happy to fight in the dark http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif, then he knew why it was dark, with hordes of seeking arrows blotting out the sun...holy [censored]! Sadly, Cuxtal the sky priest has not been heard of since... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif |
Re: Beware the Lying Beaks of Caelum
Late Summer of year 3-
1. Ryleh has died, and Atlantis rules over the Oceans. At this time I wish to thank Zeldor, who stayed to the very end and did all of his turns, even though hope had long since been lost. I know Zeldor was not impressed by the Ryleh Epic hero, and if he can dig up the Epic Heroes Thread on the Mod Forum-likely page 2 or 3-post some suggestions and I will give them all serious consideration. 2. MA Ermor's imprisoned Pretender broke free. 3. Bandar Log and MA Ermor are the only 2 races to have not tasted war. While their empires look good on paper, many empires do before they face a live opponent. |
A gold coin for your soul!
The wily priest kings of Mictlan have resorted to luring clueless independent commanders to serve as living shields for them against the seeking arrows of justice. Human scouts and captains now march with the inhuman savages.
The elders of Caelum have to dig deep into their wisdom and ancient lores of war to hold the screaming weredevils of Mictlan at bay. |
Re: A gold coin for your soul!
"And what pray tell did the Eriu spy have to say for himself before being crushed by a War Elephant?" asked the Arcoscephale General.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crushing_by_elephant Stifling a yawn the Elephant Trainer replied, "He said the Eriu pretender trusts us not, and decided to scout our lands for possible air drops." "Not surprising," the General mused. "Obviously the Eriu General knows not of humility. But our Astrologers assure us that it will be a one way trip for any thug who drops in Arcoscephale lands." |
Astrologer Monthly
News from the Monthly Astrologer:
Caelum appears to have the early advantage over Mictlan. But a war is more than a battle or 4. Atlantis has come ashore! Fear the slimy ice spitters! Early Fall of Year 3 also saw the Mictlan and Caelum Pretenders break free. With Ermor's pretender emerging in Late summer, at least 3 races imprisoned their pretenders. |
The Last Breath
The Ancient Seraph views the carnage around him. Bodies of burnt, broken, and mishapen enemy jaguars litter the battlefield, some of them struck down in the midst of shapeshifting. Fallen eagle warriors with their false wings attest to the enemies' aspirations of flight.
News came to him of similar successes from other raiding parties, but also of heart wrenching defeats. Of the seven carefully planned raids, four have succeeded and three have failed, a far too costly undertaking considering that surprise was on their side this time. He had given a good accounting of himself this day. But he is old, his body wracked with disease, his eyes dulled by cataracts, his tired spent wings could no longer lift him up into the sky. He had flung his last thunder this day. He lies back down to experience the breathtaking sunset one last glorious time. Tomorrow, the battle will go on without him. |
Re: The Last Breath
Under the waves there was joy unconfined as news that the last of the heretics who dared to defy The Great Panjang's Benevolence have broken, abandoned by their false prophets by the Divine Righteousness of Panjang Himself. The minionry, so long chafing under the rule of the deviants, can finally look forward to peace and the rebuilding of their homes. The sharks wept.
Yet, Panjang is uneasy. Already have the land dwellers on their mysterious hoofed steeds laid claim to the seas that are His by Right. Though they have learnt to venture into the waves no more, Panjang knows that greedy eyes forever lurk from without, looking for the chance to enslave his minionry. Next time, they may come without warning in greater numbers and power. Panjang will have to learn about the surface world. Panjang will have to seek friends and teachers. |
Re: The Last Breath
Any chance I could get a 24 hr extension? I suppose that a stale at this point wouldn't make much of a difference (and are we on a 48 hr schedule anyway?)
Re: The Last Breath
We are on a 48 hour schedule. Do you need an additional 24 hours?
Re: The Last Breath
Ah, no, I should be able to get a turn in sometime tomorrow.
Re: The Last Breath
Man would like to thank Eriu for their temporary stewardship of our second fortress - it's in almost the same condition as we left it - and also for the dramatic lightning storm son et lumiere they put on to welcome us home. We're busying redecorating and hiring new staff already.
We're also very grateful over the last few turns for all the magical equipment their thugs' corpses have donated to our heroes. |
Re: The Last Breath
Yes indeed, the reenforcement I sent snuck in and hid in the bushes to watch the show (still there now). Quite pretty it was with all the flashing and banging. :/
Re: Ill Fate?
Astrologer Monthly:
1. Ctis had a 2d/2misf dominion scales, resulting in the ruin of many a province. Never ever take misf and death, as that makes for some very ugly depopulating random events. 2. Arcoscephale annexed a couple Eriu provinces to determine what scales a good nature race had. 3 death!!!??? Oh you cruel evil heartless taskmaster. How can you expect your people to worship you when you punish them so? 3. Bandar Log is the only race to not face war. Will that turn out to be a wise or foolish strategy? The stars will not tell all of their secrets. 4. Will the infamous Dr. P perish in a 3 way squeeze between Davy Jones Locker, the righteous crusade, and winged Angels? For now he still draws breath. |
Re: Ill Fate?
But is the bat boy in love with a space alien? We want the REAL NEWS.
Re: Ill Fate?
The Team has several bat boys.
Bat Boy one is in love with his cousin, who is in love with Bat Boy One's older brother, who is in love with and having an affair with his aunt, who is the mother of the object of Bat Boy One's affections. Bat boy two is involved in a sordid affair with the pitcher. Bat boy three is in love with himself! Bat boy four is actually a girl, and she has a crush on Bat Boy One. |
Re: Ill Fate?
Save the Monkies!
High Priest Raymond: Greetings most righteous followers of Taurvati. May he fill you with power! Overly Zealous Crowd: We are filled with Taurvati’s wisdom. High Priest Raymond: You followers have been very righteous. But it is now important that you be more righteous then ever. I am going to tell you a story. Tithe Collector: (scowl) High Priest Raymond: There was once this monkey, who happened to be born from a magic egg. The egg caused the monkey to think he was special, and because he did not grow up learning about the love of Taurvati, he got very greedy. Not being happy with what he was born with, he used evil and mischief to gain more power. He learnt illusion and flying, and bullied people into giving him magic items. Not being satisfied with even this he has done the ultimate evil. He has eaten the peaches of life and become immortal. Flagellant Bob: How awfull. Then we must talk to him about the peace and happiness of Taurvati. High Priest Raymond: We have tried that, but he has been filled with evil for so long he has not been listening. And even worse this monkey has formed his own kingdom, and pronounced himself king. This has kept our missionaries from teaching other monkies from learning about Taurvati’s wisdom. Flagellant Bob: That is so sad. Tithe Collector: (grunt) High Priest Raymond: That leaves only one thing that we can do. In order for those monkeys to learn about the happiness that we all live in, we most get rid of the evil monkey king, and his co- conspirators. Only then, can the monkeys be saved. Overly Zealous crowd: (chanting) Save the monkeys! Destroy the monkey king! Save the monkeys! Destroy the monkey king! Flagellant Bob: I will beat the monkey king myself. Tithe Collector: (hmmmmm) – he then takes off on his own some where. Presumably to make another statue. |
Re:World War
It has finally broken loose. World War!
It is time to throw down your hands. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them. High stakes poker. All nations now strive for mastery. And while some will prevail, other will perish. None will know peace before ascension. The days of peace are at an end. |
Re:World War
Frightened local Commander: ummmm Bones would like a report sir.
Asterios, unchained: Rooooaaaarrrr! Me eat stupid Eriu horse and Tuathian on horse. But still hungry. Need more meat! Frightened local Commander:umm, yes sir. I mean mighty one. Meat? well i am certain we have a spare elephant or three. What ever you need. Asterios, unchained: Roarrrr! Stupid Commander. Me knows Bones likes his elephants. Me no want Bones mad. Stupid commanders though.... Does Bones need those? Me thinks not. |
Re:World War
1 Attachment(s)
Bandar Log just won a big strategical victory, marignon will miss his grandmasters for the rest of the game. We also weep the death of our elephants that had to die to capiture the enemy capitol.
But see for yourself http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/thr...070-battle.jpg |
Re:World War
Good work, Bandar Log, but too late to do me much good. I'll be sending you my remaining gems, as I'm squashed, I'm afraid.
I'll see if I can inflict a few more losses on either Marignon or Atlantis, but this seems doubtful. At least I took a fair quantity of atlantean stuff with me. |
Re:World War
Dr. P. The Silver Orangs are a new addition to the new version of the Epic Heroes Mod. Any thoughts on them?
As an aside, you own more provinces than 5 other nations. Talk of your demise may be premature now that one of your biggest enemies has bigger worries than Umbrals atm. |
Re:World War
Bleh, this game was more fun when I was winning. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Note to self: In the future avoid 5 on 1 wars. Man, Abyssia, T'ien Ch'i = crippled and easily defeatable if I had the luxury of focusing on them. Tenatious S.O.B.'s aren't interested in rolling over short of that so we're stuck trading a few provinces back and forth. Ermor & Arco = Defeatable one on one, divided up as I am I can only offer a token defense to either one and with both attacking with good thug counters (strong astral) I don't stand too much chance. Hitting me from both ends they're (barring diplomatic constraints) quite likely to split all the territories I've taken and put the above three out of their misery. |
Re:World War
After you beat up on me in Evermore, I am grateful to have numbers on my side this time! My hat is off to you. You are still winning btw! |
Mictlan Gem Sale!
Earth + Death gems for sale!
Limited stocks! Final Clearance, closing down sale! Only 20 gps each, a bargain. Contact Mictlan now. Offer open to all, except Caelum. |
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