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Bwaha July 14th, 2008 12:41 PM

Re: Burden of Time got you down?
Ouch, I just got stomped. From this time on I will refer to the joten as "Big Foot", because they are real *** kickers. Huge army at 180. So any curses or other hate put there will help alot, I will repay any who aid me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/Injured.gif LC

JimMorrison July 14th, 2008 03:07 PM

Re: Burden of Time got you down?

klagrok said:
Well I came back from vacation and find Agartha, Marignon and Ryleh pathetically attacking me at the same time--you fools chose your fate.....heck Ill even send you ten gems http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Muhaaaaahaaaaaaaaa. Oh and liked that move last turn where you killed your allies troops under da sea Jim. Very nice to 'sea'. My regular idiots will die, but appears my other troops heal themselves up http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Bring it on!!!!!!! I wanna go out in style http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Well, my ally Marignon was in the middle of another war, and asked me if I could give him a hand because he was having malicious water rituals cast on him. He reasoned it was you rather than R'lyeh. While I was weighing my options, you attacked him.

The same turn that I messaged my timetable for assistance, R'lyeh contacted me, voicing his desire to split your empire with me. Well, that made me feel a lot better. <3

Not afraid of lil ol' Agartha are ya? We don't have access to all the pretty underwater things that you do. We are just simple one eyed cave dwellers.

And you like that fight? I was more amused by it than Chris was. >.> It was a bit of miscommunication there, but luckily it was mostly just money lost, not significant assets.

chrispedersen July 14th, 2008 06:31 PM

Glory I.
Hey guys. Just getting back from Batteries, plus. I had to buy another UPS. Poor sucker sacrificed so that my computer might live... but the verdict is still out on the computer.

chrispedersen July 14th, 2008 07:11 PM

Re: Glory - In Character
As for being triple teemed Oceania - you should know.
You and your ally have been double teeming me alone for what .. 20 turns now?

And as I told you when you made your choice you backed the wrong pony. It took awhile to arrange, but you have your come uppance.

Surely, miscommunications happen between all allies. But I found it ironic - you forgot to mention that small miscommunication which is causing your ally to siege YOUR castle.

As for my troops - ahh the eternal difference between a just Marignon and a maniacal despot. Your depradacious Burden of Time is exacting a huge toll on leaders and troops of my nation.

We do not look upon our troops as 'regular idiots'. But rather heroes each in their own right - that have endured crisscrossing the wastes that are ermor in their zeal first to defend our homeland, and secondly to end the threat of a nation that is infact death incarnate. They were much afflicted and so drop like flies. We mourn every one.

It is said that Marignon is a splinter of the fallen empire. Yet upon that splinter, death has stubbed his toe.

Lastly - I understand why you flee from the armies of Ryalla and Agartha. I understand why you continue to rape my provinces and destroy my armies. Because you can beat me. But you can't beat them - and soon very soon they will divide your nation and remove your ability to build those healing troops of which you boast so strongly.

Best wishes...

chrispedersen July 14th, 2008 07:16 PM

Re: Burden of Time got you down?
We wish the giants well in their endeavors.

Tyrant July 14th, 2008 08:17 PM

Re: Burden of Time got you down?
Not able to connect.

chrispedersen July 14th, 2008 09:33 PM

It should be up now..
let me know..

Tyrant July 14th, 2008 11:29 PM

Re: It should be up now..
It's ok now, thanks chris.

klagrok July 15th, 2008 06:10 PM

Re: It should be up now..
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif I fear no one (except my wife http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif ) Bring on the one eyed wonders and insane fishy peeps....we shall enjoy crushing them--well until we are crushed. As for double teaming you, not while I was on watch. I like to horde my gems http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Bwaha July 15th, 2008 07:51 PM

Re: It should be up now..
Let it known, the Big Foot, otherwise known as Jotenheim are a generous foe, magnanimous in victory. I Lord of the Eriu agree to his terms... That rate of losses was simply unacceptable. Great is his might. Tein Chi would best be served by seeking terms as well.

chrispedersen July 15th, 2008 08:04 PM

Paging the Giants Jotunheim
You have an urgent message regarding world domination.
Please report to the courtesy center for a message!

JimMorrison July 15th, 2008 08:30 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
So far, only 2 people have donated 10 pearls apiece in the name of not dying of old age in the immediate future.

The Agarthan people can be patient a short while more. If the situation does get resolved without the use of the pearls, they will be respectfully returned to their donors.

Bwaha July 16th, 2008 12:26 AM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Yeah, keep the gems, consider it a good faith proposal... Less button pressing is good... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Niarg July 19th, 2008 12:07 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
It seems you were not too desperate to dispel after all since until I killed Oceanias god she still had the global enchantment active. I hardly believe that you can have enough gems to cast arcane nexus and yet not enough to cast a simple dispel, you have decieved your way to get the gems required and give nothing back when asked.

Why should we spare the lives of your deceitful people?

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 12:15 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Hmm, I'm curious, please continue... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

JimMorrison July 19th, 2008 07:20 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim

Niarg said:
It seems you were not too desperate to dispel after all since until I killed Oceanias god she still had the global enchantment active. I hardly believe that you can have enough gems to cast arcane nexus and yet not enough to cast a simple dispel, you have decieved your way to get the gems required and give nothing back when asked.

Why should we spare the lives of your deceitful people?

Pardon me while I feign understanding of your perspective.

The only reason that I didn't take the capital sooner, and end the global VERY early, was because you had 2 armies present, and I assumed your intent was to take the capital - and I was politely heading the other direction into less valuable lands.

So you take your armies, gobble up an impressive amount of territory with little resistance, and then beat me to the capital by 1 turn, getting much more gain than I had realized possible, AND claiming the capital, replete with gem income.

You will note, that previous to my casting, I offered the return of all (20) donated pearls, if the BoT were brought down without the use of my mages. Considering that the BoT was likely cast with at least 80 gems, and possibly over 100, I would have been footing 75-80% of the cost of casting, when it wasn't even hurting me as bad as it could have.

I'll even offer again, to return 15 pearls apiece to the 2 nations whom donated to the dispel. Do not blame me because no one else cared to invest in their own income and survival - just because I offer to perform a service that requires a fee, doesn't mean I am offering to pay the entire fee. If I had gotten 40-50 pearls donated, I would have been quite keen on getting the BoT down, covering half of the casting - and using a turn of my most valued mage's time - out of kindness to the rest of the world who have mostly been supporting of humble little Agartha over these last years.

As for R'lyeh, this is more than laughable. You sent me 10 (or was it 12) D gems to help me feel comfortable being the one who would likely face the bulk of Oceania's elite troops. In the usual terms of mercenary actions, and in simple money paid for services rendered - I agreed to enter the war if I had some D gems to summon Umbrals, you sent them, I attacked Oceania - that contract was fulfilled on both ends. Then you come to me, while sieging the capital that I was a bit eager to claim at that point, and you demand I hand over to you 2 provinces. I only have 5 provinces from that engagement, though I may end up with 1-2 more by the time I face the 200 elite troops that Oceania still has to my south. The rest of the lands were returned to Marignon who has owned them most of the game.

In any case, if you think that 2 provinces are worth 10-12 gems, you're insane. And if you think that refusal to give you 40% of my unimpressive war gains is justification for aggressive action towards Agartha, then you are a danger to everyone who you border, with your reckless warmongering.

Bwaha July 19th, 2008 07:48 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
This is getting better and better, at least there's a little banter going on. I just wish we were playing...

chrispedersen July 19th, 2008 09:59 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
It looks as if Marignon needs to go it alone, as I am used to. Marignon would like to purchase gems, of any kind, but especially astral pearls, for reasons you may be able to speculate on.

I offer 17.5 gold per gem, or 12.5 gp for blood. Please coordinate with me in advance, because while I hope to purchase significant quantities - becuause I need to coordinate the moneys spent.

chrispedersen July 19th, 2008 10:12 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Speaking of the war with Oceania -

Hmm.. Pardon the wry face - but the two of you are argueing about oceania as if he is dead - whereas I lost another 300 troops, killing 40 of his knights - and still face 170 of them.

Plus another 100 killing ermors 2nd to last army.

I don't mind - over time I will finish off oceania's army (although I am concerned if the ai builds another castle)

But you both picked up 5 territories and castles - whereas if I am lucky I will get back to neutral. A little perspective please!

Niarg July 20th, 2008 04:49 AM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Some people have this crazy idea of actually defending their capital so I would hardly say I was conquering lands without resistance. If anyone was doing that it was you, you took some lands to the south and then headed north as soon as you saw any army, why not defeat it when you saw it? Now I am blocked off from aiding you defeating Oceanias last army and you refuse to let me help as it would mean that I would take one or two provinces from you.

Furthermore, as you have cast one of the most powerful globals, I feel that I need to cancel the nap I once held with you, unless you return to each player the gems that you are stealing from them every turn.

JimMorrison July 20th, 2008 05:23 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Considering that there was an enormous force of his capital only sacreds in the south, then no, I don't think he was really "defending his lands" from you in anything but a token sense.

And I turned my army around when the leader of my former ally informed me (somewhat rudely) that you had avoided the capital, and that heading there to kill the pretender was a higher priority than facing off with the army in the south.

I have cast a powerful global spell, sure. Someone dispelled one of my others, which I rather much fancied having up. Due to the actions of this thoughtless nation who has spent a small fortune in Pearls only to hinder the growth of such a peaceful people as mine - I certainly am not going to accept your ridiculous demands. I am sure you understand how the Nexus works, it steals nothing. You'd never see the gems that I get, it just happens that I run the bank now, nothing changes in your life at all. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I have offered twice now to return Pearls to the *two* entire people who donated for the dispel. Neither has responded affirmatively, so while I understand that you and some others may be concerned, then I will point out some facts.

~ I've only taken 8 provinces from other nations this entire game - 3 of those were returned to Marignon.

~ I did not start this war myself, but was asked by two nations to join in, your own and Marignon.

~ R'lyeh on the other hand has been quite the little warmonger, and has become quite the little magemonger as well - some people may be a little disturbed by poor Agartha having the Nexus up - maybe they should be more worried what happens if R'lyeh annexes Agartha and recasts the Nexus themselves.

It seems to me that fear of the unknown is the only motivating factor for most people, as regards Agartha. Perhaps they should be more afraid of what IS known - about R'lyeh.

Bwaha July 20th, 2008 05:32 PM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Well, what I know is both of you are good neighbors, at least to me. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Niarg July 21st, 2008 03:36 AM

The Agarthean Offensive
Why would R'Lyeh cast the Nexus? We have been kind and generous to our neighbours, giving aid when needed without demands for compensation. Casting the nexus would be quite out of character given how controversial it is, instead I shall work with my neighbours to take down these globals rather than hogging every single slot like you seem intent on doing..

Bwaha July 21st, 2008 03:53 AM

Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim
Well in about twenty minutes we will know what happened... waiting for a new war in the west. What new methods of killing will be displayed? Will Rylah gain a bunch of new thralls? Will Argatha blade wind rylah to death? Stay tuned, folks more news coming... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

JimMorrison July 21st, 2008 07:37 AM

Re: The Agarthean Offensive

Niarg said:
...We have been kind and generous to our neighbours, giving aid when needed without demands for compensation...

Ummm, wait, what?


From: Niarg
And so the battle against Oceania is almost over and it comes to divide the spoils of war.

I request that the lands 92 and 77 be left to me and you may take all of the seas to the south of there. Having given you the death gems you asked for to begin your campaign, it would be nice if you ceded these lands to me at the end of the campaign.

I would be amused if you claimed this was not a "demand". I can unveil your angry reply to my refusal. If a denied request is met with violence, doesn't that classify that request as a demand? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

BTW, you are so polite when you demand things. I also liked how in your perturbation, you called the D gems "gifts in good faith". I'm having a hard time fathoming how one gives a gift, and then demands compensation.

But you're right, you're a pillar of the community, making war on numerous neighbors, and demanding payment for gifts. Definitely far more respectable behavior than that of Agartha, whose crimes include trying to protect their ally, and making good use of neglected or wasted resources. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

Niarg July 21st, 2008 03:52 PM

Re: The Agarthean Offensive
I hardly see that as a demand, it was a request that you do not take the provinces that I left Oceania to take so that I could go after his capital.

Other than the blatant slander you are writing here I think the best proof that you are the poor neighbour is that your allies will not aid you and even those halfway across the map go out of their way to harm you.

I wonder if I will be attacked by anyone for "warmongering" or my harsh "demands" or if you are merely ensuring your isolation in this world.

chrispedersen July 21st, 2008 04:16 PM

The Marignon pawnbroker

Demand exceeds supply - I've had far more people requesting gems than selling them. Soooo following basic supply side economics we'll try raising the prices to see if we can stimulate production.

So, as of this next turn Marignon will pay
25 for fire gems.
20 for Nature, Earth, Death
17.5 for water, air
15 for blood slaves (must be in quantities of 50)

Surely, someone needs a castle built somewhere? Troops to pay? Gambling losses to cover?

RSVP, via pm please.

Edit: Ah we've had some very nice interest. Thank you all very much. I can still cover a few more orders. Don't let your neighbor be the only one to get these great prices.

Due to quantities received, I can tell you that FIRE and EARTH will be down next turn.

JimMorrison July 21st, 2008 05:18 PM

Re: The Agarthean Offensive

Niarg said:
I hardly see that as a demand, it was a request that you do not take the provinces that I left Oceania to take so that I could go after his capital.

Other than the blatant slander you are writing here I think the best proof that you are the poor neighbour is that your allies will not aid you and even those halfway across the map go out of their way to harm you.

I wonder if I will be attacked by anyone for "warmongering" or my harsh "demands" or if you are merely ensuring your isolation in this world.

No no, not really. First, you were on Oceania's capital already, you weren't "going after" it, you were sieging it. And while one of those provinces was neutral, the other was my only way south, after Marignon had his coastal provinces back.

And perhaps if my ally had offered the same deals in gold for gems from my Deep Well that he offers everyone else, we'd still be allies. Seems all I get in Glory are demands - sweetly wrapped up looking like polite requests, but in the end, demands that bear heavy consequences if not met.

That is fine, play it off ham-handed. I am pretty sure that people are only a bit scared of my spells, not of my nation. Agartha is clearly the smallest nation who is not currently being trounced (sorry Eriu and TC <3). I am just trying to be competitive, but apparently having a couple of nice globals is far superior to province count, income, gem income, army size, and research. I will keep that in mind next time, I was unaware that having nothing but Arcane Nexus, was superior to having everything but Arcane Nexus. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif So if it's so powerful, why doesn't everyone just concede? I am soooo scary over here.


chrispedersen July 22nd, 2008 12:34 AM

Sorry Guys:
A 24 hour delay has been requested. I'm leaving quickhost on in case john can process a turn.

Niarg July 22nd, 2008 08:33 AM

Re: Sorry Guys:
Well Jim, live and learn.

You should now know that
a)Yes all of those graphs are worthless, most people already know that
b)Casting Arcane nexus will annoy everyone
c)Hogging all the global slots is also a bad idea

And I now know that any requests I receive from you in the future should be treated as unfair demands since my requests are dealt with in that way.

But enough of this battle of words, we shall be at war soon enough...

JimMorrison July 22nd, 2008 06:05 PM

Re: Sorry Guys:
Hey just do the math next time first, I am not an unreasonable man.

10 gems for 2 provinces? That's pretty much going to be a no every single time - I don't think I'm alone on that one. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

I'd probably have a lot more sympathy were it not for the Nexus, sure, but having played R'lyeh quite a bit, all I can say is that they should be always feared - regardless of who has or has not globals.

johnarryn July 23rd, 2008 11:31 AM

Re: Sorry Guys:
Hey folks. Due to some personal matters, I am forced to withdraw from all the games I am currently playing. I've chosen to set myself to AI (which I normally hate to do) rather than look for a substitute because I don't want to delay the game any longer than I already have. Thank you for your understanding.

fungalreason July 23rd, 2008 11:33 AM

Minor delay
I'm going to be out of town this weekend. I'll probably be able to connect and play a few turns, just not as regularly. Is it possible to move to a 48h quickhost until monday?

chrispedersen July 23rd, 2008 12:25 PM

Re: Minor delay
Hey John

I'm sorry for you real world difficulties. Thank you for gaming with us - and best wishes in all your future endeavors.

chrispedersen July 23rd, 2008 12:26 PM

Re: Minor delay
Starting Friday, per request, we will move to a 48 hour quickhost. We will resume with a 24 hour schedule monday.


chrispedersen July 23rd, 2008 12:29 PM

Re: Gems
This upcoming turn, Marignon will pay:

25 for death
20 for fire, astral
17.5 nature, air, water, blood
(Blood in quantities of 50)

Calahan July 23rd, 2008 02:18 PM

Re: Gems

If everyone was awilling, I could step in to take the place of johnarryn as Atlantis rather than having them turned AI (best wishes as well John in getting whatever problems you have sorted out).

I was originally due to play Atlantis in this game, but John kindly volunteered to sub me on turn 2 when I had computer problems. I still have the password and everything, so the change-over would be instant.

Let me know what you all think.


fungalreason July 23rd, 2008 02:21 PM

Re: Gems
That's perfectly fine with me. A sub would be much better than someone going AI this late in the game.

chrispedersen July 23rd, 2008 03:08 PM

Re: Gems
Back on 6/17 I wrote (regarding Tyrant subbing):

"I don't mind tyrant subbing, if you think he will. I have searched for a replacement without any luck. I promised a 24 hour delay.

I am going to set the game to host at 11pm EST. If he indicates he will host by 10pm, I will give him a couple of extra hours to familiarize and send in a turn.

Otherwise, I'm going to set it to AI.

<font color="red">In the future; As I got no real takers on subbing, I am going to set all to AI without searching for subs. </font>


Chris "

I wrote this, at the time to indicate how I as game administrator was going to handle substitutions going forward. And I did it consistently in both of the games I was hosting.

I wrote this to preclude the possibilities of conflicts of interests. What would happen if someone quit next to Ryallah, or Jotunheim, me, or anyone. Because I did not want there to be issues of favoritism in how long the game was delayed. Should nations allied with, have a say in whether a substitution was allowed? What about friends?

I'm glad I wrote this, because it gives me a policy to follow that was written and (at least tacitly) accepted over a month ago.

In the future, if I host again, the policies on substitutions will be more specifically debated and posted on startup. However, with apologies to Calahan, at the present I can only go with the policy as I wrote it; and which was already followed in practice by how we treated Ermor and Oceania.

I am going to set all to AI without searching for subs.

Best wishes..


After thinking about this all day, I have concluded that my earlier position was wrong. The integrity of the game is better preserved by allowing Calahan to sub.

Judging from the charts and my in-game discussions with john, his position is solid, and the disruption caused by going AI would be larger than the disruptions caused to individual players by changing the player.

I am going to delay hosting a day, to allow callahan to learn the positions (and to give others a chance to opine).

fungalreason July 23rd, 2008 03:24 PM

Re: Gems
You must not be aware of the lovely status page from matryx. It looks like there's still 12 hours left.


JimMorrison July 23rd, 2008 05:16 PM

Re: Gems
I wasn't sure this would qualify as searching. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

But it might get complicated, John's turn most certainly has him setting himself to AI, so if that turn processes, the point becomes moot.

chrispedersen July 23rd, 2008 11:31 PM

Welcome Callahan
Let the games begin!
Well after a 24 hour delay just to frazzle bwaha = )

chrispedersen July 24th, 2008 01:07 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan
Hey.. miscellaneous question:
Caelum was eliminated.. why is the computer waiting on a turn for him?

Bwaha July 24th, 2008 01:10 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan
Just to frazzle me... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Tyrant July 25th, 2008 05:32 PM

Re: Welcome Callahan
It's a little glork, the turn you are eliminated you still get .trn and the host counts you as still in for one last turn. Most players do not realize this and you end up waiting for QH unless they connect to upload their blank .2h.

fungalreason July 26th, 2008 03:58 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan
Could you bump the time for hosting up to 48 hours? It looks like it's at 16, and I most certainly won't be able to get another turn in by then.

Niarg July 26th, 2008 06:29 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan
It looks like I am also in need of a sub, I will try and get my turns in until I can find one but if anyone can find a permenant sub asap I'd be grateful.

Bwaha July 29th, 2008 03:19 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan
Bump, darn it, whats going on?

JimMorrison July 29th, 2008 04:03 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan
Oh, right! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

In the interest of keeping Bwaha from going mad with curiosity, and as a public service to all involved, Agartha is pleased to announce the slaying of the great Void Lord, the false god of R'lyeh.

In a surprise upset, an enormous force of Illithids and Meteroite Guards, led by that titanic monstrosity of the deeps, and starving like crazy from their extended siege, were mercilessly hacked down by a much smaller but much better fed (we eat rocks, well, and sand, mmmmm sand) force of sacred Agarthan warriors. The casualties were nearly 10-1 in Agartha's favor, far surpassing all estimates whose sum consensus was actually "Agartha is probably going to lose that fight, and it'll be all downhill from there".

In other news, the market for giant sized shoes continues to grow. Jotun statesman Thorgrumm Bjorfsfjord said this, "Jotunheim continues to dominate the casual businesswear market, however we can't make a good pair of shoes to save our lives, and our population has been growing at an unprecedented rate.".

When asked to comment on the reasons for this regional inundation of giantkin, Bjorfsfjord could not be reached.

Hoplosternum July 29th, 2008 09:53 AM

Re: Welcome Callahan

fungalreason said:
Could you bump the time for hosting up to 48 hours? It looks like it's at 16, and I most certainly won't be able to get another turn in by then.

Yes another vote for 48 hours here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I have staled enough http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

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