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PsiSoldier May 10th, 2009 02:06 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Yeah... Really really really annoying when it is only counting about half of my wins but every single one of my losses... Sorry just wanted to vent. :mad::mad::mad: Its just done that to me a LOT tonight. more than half of my wins actually. And of course it counted my one loss. Really @#$%'s up your win loss ratio on the website stats.

Aezeal May 10th, 2009 07:27 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I liked temple of elemental evil a lot but I had some problems with it so couldn't finish

I like dawn of war 2 a lot too, tha campaign is awesome and the MP is great too, you just need to get a list of decent players to play with or not care about your ranking :D

Gregstrom May 10th, 2009 09:47 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I enjoyed Temple of Elemental Evil. It's a real shame that Atari weren't properly behind it, though.

Omnirizon December 9th, 2009 10:38 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
pardon my fanboism:

but if you want a fun, cheap, engaging, simple MP game: you must get Altitude.

I got a few days ago, and I'm well hooked. It is on the order of TF2 type fun and 'jump in and play a while' sort of MP game. Well worth ten bucks.

AztraGoth December 16th, 2009 09:40 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
X3 Terran Conflict , eagerly awaiting the XTC mod.

calmon December 17th, 2009 07:54 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I just found Solium Infernum.

Its all about hell and seems to be really cool. Avatar Creation reminds me on Dominion Pretender Creation. It has a pbem mode and the whole concept is interesting.

Anyone know/play it? I'm still a newb but will learn soon.

sector24 December 18th, 2009 11:00 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I tried the demo for Solium Infernum. The game has a really cool atmosphere; kind of a mix between the Lesser Key of Solomon, Paradise Lost, and a few Lovecraftian elements. The gameplay itself requires a lot of strategy, but it doesn't feel that deep. The character creator is kind of neat but not all the choices are very balanced. I'd say it's pretty average overall. Definitely a good way to kill a weekend but not a replacement for Dom3.

DonCorazon December 19th, 2009 12:09 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I looked at Solium Infernum but the initial feedback I read on Quarter to Three was the AI sucked and I was hoping to find a decent single player game for the time being. I actually have been playing Divine Divinity, an old Diablo-clone that is pretty fun and charming - no heavy thinking which is what I need these days. :) You can find it on gog.com.

sector24 December 19th, 2009 12:58 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
You also recruit everything (armies and commanders) by bidding like you would buy mercs in Dominions. A MP game with human players could be really awesome, but I imagine most of the "strategy" would be resolved during the bidding process. Once all the really powerful units are purchased the unlucky players won't have much to look forward to.

There is virtually no random element to combat, so usually you know if you're going to win or lose a fight before you engage. The computer does not seem to purchase many praetors (commanders for your armies) or use combat cards so their legions are often inferior to yours and the battles are pretty one-sided. It's pretty easy to crush the AI on every conceivable metric even in the short demo.

AdmiralZhao December 19th, 2009 02:15 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
In many ways Solium Infernum seems like it would be better as a physical boardgame. I can see buying the game and convincing 3 friends to sit down and spend 3 hours playing it. I can't see convincing 3 friends to buy the game and then spend 3 weeks playing by email.

And as previously mentioned, the AI blows.

Sombre December 19th, 2009 05:38 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
For a fun single player experience, can't go far wrong with Jagged Alliance 2 + the 1.13 patch mod.

Slobby July 2nd, 2010 02:34 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
:up: Just found a diamond in the rough in Zatikon.


Check it out. Free to play the basic version.

Similar to dom3 in regards to the level of complexity and ridiculous amount of possible strategies.

It's played on a chess/checker board. You and your opponent have a single castle. The goal is to move one of your pieces onto your opponents castle.

For pieces the game uses a variety of units (fantasy themed). I'm playing with one of the expansions and so I have access to ~70 different pieces each with their own special abilities.

You can create armies based on a cost point system, or play random games where you and your opponent are assigned a randomly generated army.

I'm playing under the user id Gorphun.

Enjoy! :D

**I forgot to mention that there's a 90? sec timer on each turn. If the counter runs out you lose!

Slobby July 2nd, 2010 04:11 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
forgot to mention that while the base game (30pieces) is free the expansions cost money

I have no idea what the set up is with chronic logic but you can get one of the expansions (+40 pieces) from gamersgate for $11

RadicalTurnip July 6th, 2010 09:35 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Most of my time goes into Everquest (still the best MMO in my opinion, all the others got boring pretty quickly). It sucks that it's all so top-end now after being around for 11 years and getting leveled up to the top end is kinda' boring.

Other than EQ and dominions, I occasionally will play

Patrician III
Master of Orion 3
Dragon Age (getting old fast)
or Mass Effect II (beat it recently, thinking about going back and replaying on the "New Game +" setting)

Knai July 8th, 2010 10:27 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I'm playing the DROD series (well, KDD and TCB, I finally beat JtRH), and Battle for Wesnoth, though I intend to pick up Mount and Blade again soon, and maybe play a bit of Jack of All Trades, a space game that is nice to kill time, though nothing on anything listed above. DROD is pretty awesome, if freakishly difficult at time.

Ballbarian October 17th, 2010 08:59 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Raising the dead in order to explain my absence recently...
I am horribly addicted to an indie game called Minecraft.

Here is a fan-made trailer:
<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FaMTedT6P0I?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FaMTedT6P0I?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

The last time I was this hooked on a game was when I started playing Dominions. :)

das123 October 18th, 2010 04:44 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
MineCraft is mind-blowingly cool. But sounds ridiculous when you try to explain it to people. I'm loving it too. :)

Joelz October 18th, 2010 08:28 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Yeah, Minecraft can be a lot of fun. I like it because I just love exploring. Since Minecraft generates map as you move farther, it's great for me :)

Of course it's just an alpha now, but I'd recommend people watching some vids and maybe giving it a shot. As it is alpha it's half off; only 10€ ;)

These got me interested:

X's Adventures in Minecraft - 001 - Shelter from the Black of Night
Mine The Gap

krpeters October 18th, 2010 06:07 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Ballbarian (Post 760752)
Raising the dead in order to explain my absence recently...
I am horribly addicted to an indie game called Minecraft.

Here is a fan-made trailer:
The last time I was this hooked on a game was when I started playing Dominions. :)

It looks like someone created a FPS version of DwarfFortress.. without the dwarves. Hrrrm.

Pjoo October 19th, 2010 02:56 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by krpeters (Post 760799)

Originally Posted by Ballbarian (Post 760752)
Raising the dead in order to explain my absence recently...
I am horribly addicted to an indie game called Minecraft.

Here is a fan-made trailer:
The last time I was this hooked on a game was when I started playing Dominions. :)

It looks like someone created a FPS version of DwarfFortress.. without the dwarves. Hrrrm.

And without elves to burn, drown, and/or whack to pieces. And without nobles to burn or drown or both. Still, rather amusing. Never really got all that much into it though.

Dwarf Fortress on the other hand...
Along with Dwarf Fortress and Dominions 3 I mainly play Paradox Interactive games, currently mostly Victoria II, but also EUIII(Magna Mundi) and some of the older titles.

WoodMan October 20th, 2010 02:32 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
At the moment only got Dom3, Distant Worlds and will have Blood Bowl Legendary Edition in 2 weeks.

Just watched that Minecraft trailer above, never heard of it before, but wow, from that trailer I'm really curious!

JonBrave October 20th, 2010 06:50 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by WoodMan (Post 760928)
At the moment only got Dom3, Distant Worlds and will have Blood Bowl Legendary Edition in 2 weeks.

Just watched that Minecraft trailer above, never heard of it before, but wow, from that trailer I'm really curious!

Distant Worlds is my next intended purchase. Will I be making a good decision?

WoodMan October 20th, 2010 09:07 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Distant Worlds is fantastic Jon, if a bit rusty, but I highly recommend it.

The developer and publisher were really good with the community too, fixing pretty much everything they found and adding new features too (a couple of things I suggested personally were included!). But since they announced they were releasing an addon at around Christmas time they have oddly gone silent.

onomastikon October 21st, 2010 09:50 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Excuse me for asking if I may, but a lot of water has flown under the bridge since SE-V was mentioned, and I would like a little follow-up detailed information if you would be so kind.

The context: I belong to the faction of people who took part in the Elemental Beta, who posted in the Elemental forums in July that the game was in no condition to be released, whose threads were locked, and who is still very dissapointed with a game he was awaiting a long time. I also belong to the minority of lurkers here who enjoy (primarily) SINGLE PLAYER games (besides Gandalf!). Love TBSs. Currently awaiting a playable version of Elemental, and enjoying, to some extent, some RPGs in the meantime. Recently DLed Sins of the Solar Empire and enjoying it, although it is RTS, as a SP game. But really looking for a nice TBS with GOOD SP fun. (Will be avoiding CivV; although I have enjoyed previous incarnations of the Civ series, I have never been able to finish more than 2 games, the last time was CivIV Beyond the Swords, which I liked in theory, but could not stand the end-game boredom of constantly building tanks (nothing else to do!) and the mechanic which limits all buildings in every city to 1, so that each and every city, with few exceptions, ends up being the same: 1 forge, 1 granary, 1 barracks, 1 temple, etc.)

So... The Question: I have read a number of reviews of SE-V, which looks promising. Sadly, most reviews indicate the high degree of buginess and the suboptimal AI.
But today marks its fourth year anniversary. I have not read any information on patches anywhere, but I trust this community greatly, and would like to know if you could tell me: Since October 2006, have patches greatly reduced the above-mentioned deficits of SE-V? Would you recommend it now as a nice SP alternative to the great MP-fun of dominions?

Thank you kindly in advance.

WoodMan October 21st, 2010 12:45 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by onomastikon (Post 761000)
Excuse me for asking if I may, but a lot of water has flown under the bridge since SE-V was mentioned, and I would like a little follow-up detailed information if you would be so kind.

The context: I belong to the faction of people who took part in the Elemental Beta, who posted in the Elemental forums in July that the game was in no condition to be released, whose threads were locked, and who is still very dissapointed with a game he was awaiting a long time. I also belong to the minority of lurkers here who enjoy (primarily) SINGLE PLAYER games (besides Gandalf!). Love TBSs. Currently awaiting a playable version of Elemental, and enjoying, to some extent, some RPGs in the meantime. Recently DLed Sins of the Solar Empire and enjoying it, although it is RTS, as a SP game. But really looking for a nice TBS with GOOD SP fun. (Will be avoiding CivV; although I have enjoyed previous incarnations of the Civ series, I have never been able to finish more than 2 games, the last time was CivIV Beyond the Swords, which I liked in theory, but could not stand the end-game boredom of constantly building tanks (nothing else to do!) and the mechanic which limits all buildings in every city to 1, so that each and every city, with few exceptions, ends up being the same: 1 forge, 1 granary, 1 barracks, 1 temple, etc.)

So... The Question: I have read a number of reviews of SE-V, which looks promising. Sadly, most reviews indicate the high degree of buginess and the suboptimal AI.
But today marks its fourth year anniversary. I have not read any information on patches anywhere, but I trust this community greatly, and would like to know if you could tell me: Since October 2006, have patches greatly reduced the above-mentioned deficits of SE-V? Would you recommend it now as a nice SP alternative to the great MP-fun of dominions?

Thank you kindly in advance.

You may find this interesting, its a quite lengthy discussion about SE5 and other 4x space games over at the Distant Worlds forum.


DonCorazon October 21st, 2010 08:23 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Anyone try Civ 5 btw? Looks pretty similar to Civ 4 to me - other than the much hyped change to hexes. I don't play much RTS but still think Warlords Battlecry 3 is cool - good humor and epic feel. Nothing mindblowing on the strategy front there though but it can be addictive.

I haven't tried Distant Worlds but thought this review was hilarious here.

Kojusoki October 22nd, 2010 11:59 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I played a few games in CIV V and I like it (mainly becouse of the new features, AI sucks completly).

However its way easier then the CIV IV is, it has some nice new impovments. Certainly the game is "faster" but each old fan of the series say that this version was made for those who find previous CIVs too sophisticated...

And all say its a beta, not a final product. Combat Ai sucks, there are some other issues regarding crashes etc.

To make a long story short: modders made this game more then playable (with mods its fun) and it will be "our" CIV when expansion packs will be released. Now its Civilization maybe not for children but for those who like "easy games"

Zeldor October 26th, 2010 01:01 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
There are any good mods for Civ5 already?

I like complicated stragegies and I think that Civ5 is better than previous games when it comes to that. It's a bit like CBM for Dominions - it gets rid of some annoying stuff. I really like new culture, hexes and no-stacking.

AI is extremely bad though, bad enough that I don't play any more Civ games for now. I hope they fix it and also big-map happiness issues [and make AI work for happiness too].

Doo October 26th, 2010 04:27 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Civ V is weird. Too early for any big mods yet, there are some tweak mods that make the game more enjoyable.

I don't understand how with all the quality mods for Civ IV that enhanced gameplay and UI, Civ V is released as a stripped down version of these mods with some different rules. I know this happens and I know why but geez it sucks when you can see the designers have already decided what the full game will be after expansions (and DLC) and then carve up the features so that some will be in the release and the rest to be purchased.

I purchased Civ V and have gone back to Civ IV Fall of Heaven and Rise of Mankind. I await the big Civ V mods with glee.

Jorus November 1st, 2010 02:18 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned VGAP 4. Sure, it's getting a bit long in the tooth, but it is (to me) the space 4X equivalent of Dom3;
- complex
- significant race differentiation
- turn based
- end game is equally time consuming
- same high quality graphics and audio :rolleyes:
- SP is worse than Dom3, but MP is better (allies are recognized)

It's relatively bug-free (although I haven't tried it with Windows 7). Unfortunately it is an indie product whose designer has limited time for further development. Anyhow, if interested, the best place to start is probably vgap.drewhead.org/

Gandalf Parker November 15th, 2010 11:20 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I thought I mentioned VGAP4. That might have been another thread.

Ive owned my serial for VGA Planets 4 since 2002. But I dont think I will ever be receiving my disk. Its been in BETA all that time. And at this point, I think it has become a monster which can never be released.

I consider it a wonderful fantastic game to recommend to anyone who feels that they learn and dump their games too quickly. It is deeply complicated. In all that beta time the dedicated "test base" has added more and more features to it. At this point its a game that I consider almost impossible to release. To make an AI, to make a turtorial, to document it even partially, not to mention the learning curve which goes way beyond most games. And without all of the usual learning aids its another game where the recommendation is "just jump into MP to learn it".

But if that sounds fun to you then go for it. Its a free download in beta.

All IMHO of course.

Gandalf Parker November 15th, 2010 11:23 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Interesting. the head designer of Civ IV says Bronze is worth looking at.

Horst F. JENS November 17th, 2010 03:20 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
At the moment i'm playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (DCSS) a lot. http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/

Ragnars Wolves November 17th, 2010 10:30 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
I have been playing Bronze the demo....

I 'thought' it would be a period piece with armies, building, and different realistic Civilizations to play.

However, it is a more or less puzzle game. It does present a challenge but it seem that it would get old after not to long.

I was really looking forward to it though. If someone does buy it and finds a little more depth to it please either post or PM me as I might take a look at it then.

samoht November 17th, 2010 11:07 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Horst F. JENS (Post 763229)
At the moment i'm playing Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (DCSS) a lot. http://crawl.develz.org/wordpress/

Gotta love roguelikes. Thanks for the recommendation!

Soyweiser November 18th, 2010 08:45 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Samoth, I assume you already know roguebasin. http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopme...itle=Main_Page contains a large list of roguelikes. And some tips for developing your own.

Gandalf Parker November 18th, 2010 11:46 AM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Ahh memories. Text based games are great. I guess it makes sense that we here, who continually have to defend Dom3 "game over graphics", would also have a text game contingent. I first played a roguelike before PCs. Not even a monitor.
Nothing ever dies. A couple of programming sites Im on are working on their own roguelikes. And I host/maintain Shadowdale MUD.

Here are some fun MP3 songs for those who play ascii games.

Yet Another Stupid Decade (NetHack turns 20) - Rob Balder

It Is Pitch Dark - MC Frontalot
"You are likely to be eaten by a Grue"

samoht November 18th, 2010 02:32 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 763342)
Samoth, I assume you already know roguebasin. http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopme...itle=Main_Page contains a large list of roguelikes. And some tips for developing your own.

I appreciate it. I feel like I ran across this wiki (or something like it) a while back, but then forgot about it.


Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 763355)
Ahh memories. Text based games are great. I guess it makes sense that we here, who continually have to defend Dom3 "game over graphics", would also have a text game contingent.

The thing that I like about the Dominions games is the same thing I like about roguelikes. The unpredictability of these games, and all the good and bad baggage that comes with that, give me the same feeling as when I opened presents on Christmas morning as a child. There is a sense of mystery and adventure to these games that remains, even after years of playing the same game over and over.

The games are straight forward enough. Dom3: build armies, use magic, conquer the world. Roguelikes: get a dude to kill monsters and gather loot. But the simplicity belies a depth and re-playability potential that simply can't be found in most modern games that focus on flashy graphics or gimmick game play.

Will my n00b character find a Ultimate Dragon Sword of Destruction and slaughter everything he finds for the rest of the game? Will my demigod character get bitten by a low level rat, catch a disease and die? Or will I play through the game again after a year long layoff, expecting a fun jog down nostalgia lane, and ultimately find a feature I never knew existed that will add new life to an old friend?

Games like these simply beckon to the adventurer hidden in each of us.

Gandalf Parker November 18th, 2010 03:02 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?
Did you listen to the NetHack song? The lead-in to the song says
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td background="images/content_spacer_left.gif" width="14">
</td> <td colspan="5" class="contentText" background="images/bg_content_main.gif">
In July 2007, the game of NetHack celebrates 20 years of continuous open-source development. This song is dedicated to everyone who helped bring me ten thousand fun ways to DIE.</td></tr></tbody></table>

samoht November 18th, 2010 07:25 PM

Re: What other games complement your Dominions 3?

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 763371)
Did you listen to the NetHack song? The lead-in to the song says
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr></tr><tr><td background="images/content_spacer_left.gif" width="14">
</td> <td colspan="5" class="contentText" background="images/bg_content_main.gif">
In July 2007, the game of NetHack celebrates 20 years of continuous open-source development. This song is dedicated to everyone who helped bring me ten thousand fun ways to DIE.</td></tr></tbody></table>

haha thats awesome. I'll have to give it a listen. I listened to the one about Zork first because I wanted to share it with a friend of mine who has a running joke with me about a Grue.

Edit: The link you gave doesn't work, because Fox shut it down, but I found it on youtube anyways. Thats a great song.

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