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-   -   Mod: Dominions 3000 v0.81 - lots of new indies, new map (using the brand new map commands) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=39996)

Aezeal December 28th, 2008 12:51 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

this is (a smaller version of course) the map.

anyone interested in doing the .map file?

rdonj December 28th, 2008 01:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I'll give it a shot. You'd have to tell me what you want from it though, and I have the feeling that enough information to do it properly is one step away from writing the .dm yourself.

rdonj December 28th, 2008 02:37 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
The Commonwealth are MUCH better now since the patch. They're actually capable of killing black knights and their magic weapons actually give them a little bit of an edge over some units. They should now be a completely competetive nation, rather than easy prey.

Aezeal December 28th, 2008 04:42 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
it'll be a .map file, .dm files are the files for modding stuff not for maps :D

hmmm well basicly I'd start with loading the pic (I'll mail it to you if you want) in the program in dom 3000. (I already deleted all white dots before placing my own, and I do hope they ARE all there now, because entering new ones is quite annoying)
1. In that program I'd try to set all landtypes (space must be set to forest, and obviously you can't use a forest land type on planet provinces.) It's probably better NOT to use water provinces :D.
2. In that program you can let it try to set borders, but you WILL have to check it all manually (I think removing borders is with shift or cntrl or something) be VERY carefull with which mousebutton you use because before you know it there will be a new connection on the map.

If all that is done (if you are more precise than me you can hopefully do it correct the first time)
3. in the program set names: most province names are insufficient for our purpose. Planetprovince names can be acceptable but leaving them random is asking for problems luckily you can just keep setting a new name for the province (picking a random one till it's acceptable.) For the spaceprovinces (all forests now after step 1) you'll have to think of names that fit their spacy nature (you are welcome to use the ones from the .map file of the solar system map)

After this you'll have to save the file (probably better to do it in between too :D) and you can't really use the program anymore

open the .map file with some program and then the real work will begin

The landtypes and names should be together I think and the province connections too.
Personally I just keep the province connections together but for each province name and type etc I put them on different lines. Then you can just type what you want with each province what you want.

I'd open the solar system map file than and you'll have to put (copy/paste) a poptype line for each province (else it'll be a regular random dom 3 poptype which will be unthematic. AND a starting army.
you'll have to check the landtype for forest so you can recognize forest provinces (better not to mix landtypes for forest = space provinces else you won't recognize them and there are no real good explanations for having a space/waste landtype anyway.)
pirates and kraken and space eels should go into space (spaceeels are not a poptype you can recruit though) if you want to know which is what you can look that up in the .dm file (nearly on the bottom just above the lines that put all old races in MA, from the single age mod) you can ofcourse copy certain setups for multiple province (as I did) but it's fun to have some variety (like I someties put a space eel or kraken with pirates etc etc.)

well that is basicly it. Good luck. Let me know where I can mail the big map picture.

PS the idea is that the black area's around the planet close-ups are just connection with all province on the planet they seem to touch and that the province on the planet (all divided into pie pieces) only touch their land neighbours (no connection over the central point) and the space province in the black box. The black box space province always touch eachother AND both of the province in which the box seems to lie/touch. For the rest I've made lots of connections in space where 4 provinces meet eachother and unlike on planets I think you should let them all connect.. it's space after all.. but if you think they shouldn't connect diagonally as well (which would be the other option) then that is fine as long als you do it consistently...

rdonj December 28th, 2008 08:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
That's actually less than I was expecting, I take it you're going to muck with the population sizes later on yourself? Or do you have some general guidelines you want me to follow for setting those? Anyway you can email me at: kurisu(dot)basu(dot)gasu(dot)bakuhatsu(at)gmail(do t)com. Yes I know, it's a bit long :D

Aezeal December 29th, 2008 01:15 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
you can set pop sizes if you want too :D there will be examples in the solarsystem file

You will also have to clear the provinces you want to be starting points of any army (else players will get those indies in addition to their starting army)

so you have to select 7 provinces (at least) as starting provinces (I'd say one on each of the major planets.

Well if you've done this we can see what needs to be done afterwards... if this is done we'll be much farther along at least :D

Aezeal December 29th, 2008 04:06 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
hey you've got mail.. and I do hope that is your name or else you are just psycho for having such a mail adres..

any special meaning to it?

rdonj December 29th, 2008 05:06 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Well, it's my first name in japanese followed by a japanese tongue twister. No real special meaning, I was kind of annoyed when I created that email address and my revenge was creating that horrible address for people to have to type :)

Aezeal December 29th, 2008 05:51 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
hehe I used to have an adress paperclipdp on hotmail.. created it when I was in a loser clan darkpriest in starcraft (no I never was good) for half a week just when I needed a mail adress.. my 7 years in university I kept it but kept getting question about what it meant...explaining that when you are a year away of being a MD is somewhat annoying/awkward... when I had to sent letters for jobinterviews I decided that I''d probably lower my chances with that mailadress and created the one I send my mail to you from (which might seem strange too but is just my first and last name in a row :D)

PS got the pic?
or found anything during testing?

rdonj December 29th, 2008 06:05 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Heh, I was recruited into a starcraft clan also a long time ago, but I never got involved in it. I was never that good either :) I think the new address was a good idea, your name is always better to use for professional purposes. For some reason I thought you were italian, guess not.

I got the picture. I had to download gimp and convert it into a .tga before I could use the map editor. Frustratingly, said map editor seems to have connected the space provinces to absolutely nothing so I'm going to have to be careful about space connections.

Aezeal December 29th, 2008 06:13 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
nope dutch, been that all my life.. italy is for holidays

Good luck on the work... if you get totally stuck... mail all you got back to me and I'll see where to go..

PS.. IF you have finished all stuff in the program and then start working on things with a text editor and typing and you see an error somewhere.. you CANNOT just open it in the editor again.. well you can but if you save you'll loose everything you've edited manually.. so I'd just try to do it perfect first time or save what you typed to a separate file so you can copy it in later again.

rdonj December 29th, 2008 06:22 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Good idea, I will keep that in mind.

I am really busy doing several things at once right now so I have not done too much yet with the map. I will probably finish with it before tomorrow though.

rdonj December 29th, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I think all the neighbors are set, I'm beginning on setting province terrains. Do you want me to mark all space provinces as small provinces? Also, what do you think about setting all of the secondary planets (i.e. no-start planets) as high magic site frequency? Just as a little added incentive to fight over them.

rdonj December 29th, 2008 09:06 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Hmm, coming up with names for space is hard. I think I'm going to use some more of yours.

rdonj December 30th, 2008 02:10 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Sent you an email, I ran out of ideas for space province names so I started throwing in sci fi references. Anyway take a look and get back to me when you have the chance.

Aezeal December 30th, 2008 02:39 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
hmmm will take some time.. we are preparing to go to the hospital.. the kid is going to come out today :D

rdonj December 30th, 2008 02:41 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Congratulations! Take your time, enjoy your newfound fatherhood.

Endoperez December 30th, 2008 09:47 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 662695)
Hmm, coming up with names for space is hard. I think I'm going to use some more of yours.

Longago, Ingalaxi, Farowei, Nuhoup, Periodophor, Rebel Space-base, Galactic Emirate, Sto-lenplan, Stardeath, Atrap... I better stop now. :p

Sector Alpha, Sector 17-Omega etc etc (Sectors are traditional)

Constellations, horoscopes etc could also be used. Sagittarian Hole, Aquarius Clouds etc.

Or you could name some of them after nearby planets in some fashion. "Betelgeuse 17-My" or whatever.

Amos December 30th, 2008 11:40 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a heavily armored Gunslinger sprite you asked for.

I'll probably add it to the regular "Commonwealth" as a hero so it doesnt destroy the balance.

rdonj December 30th, 2008 01:22 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Hmm, I might rename some of the spaces with numbers to say sector first, that would have been a good idea. Horoscopes also, I did a few constellations but somehow horscopes never came to mind.

Aezeal December 30th, 2008 06:35 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
hey thanks.. my son has been born and is doing great. Rdonj: first days I won't be able to do very much so just see where you can go and I'll look at how far you are then.

Amos: great, since GIMP takes about 30 min to start here I'm not going to look now (need to eat, sleep and go to my girl (and our son) in the hospital tomorrow morning again.. all is well though) but I will once I have some time.

Endo thanks for helping us, all help is appreciated.

PS if anyone wants in in the game for which I'll create a thread in the next few weeks just let me know already.

Loren December 31st, 2008 05:14 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
An observation:

My comments on the power of the dragons don't work nearly as well on this map.

My first impression is that Ry'leh will win given anything like parity in power--they simply have so much more territory to expand into.

Aezeal December 31st, 2008 05:18 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
more territory? why? I don't get that all races can go into space.. dragons most easily even since they can all just go there without going to another form..

The nations here are relatively more powerfull so dragons which are balanced in vanilla might seem to have a disadvantage but their high HP will make them survive the first shots and in melee they should still rule supreme (and they fly into that ASAP).. all the AP weapons will be annoying but if it's all too much I'll lower dragon costs a bit during the game.

Aezeal December 31st, 2008 05:24 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
PS rdonj (and other testers) is the mod now acceptable for MP?

rdonj December 31st, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I think so, I haven't found any new bugs yet. Aka oni may still be too strong, and there are a few nations I think are going to be a lot stronger than others in the long run, but it should be playable now.

Aezeal December 31st, 2008 08:10 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
nice which ones do you think are stronger and which ones weaker and why... you are the one with most experience so it's probably good to know some of this stuff for others going to join us in the game.

Aka-Oni still too strong after halvinf damage.. hmmm they are sacred which makes it extra powerfull... do you play with a deathbless? or have you tried... I created these to be THE deathbless carriers, I wonder if you think that succeeded. Their damage might get lower or maybe be AP since it auto hits..

rdonj December 31st, 2008 11:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Well, it's been hard to get a really good feel from fighting just the AI because it's not very good with several of the nations. But I will give my best assessment. I don't think I know enough to rate them from 1 to 7, but I will group them into close proximity.

Top tier nations: Orcs, Insects, Jomon.

Orcs - The orcs have a stronger start than the insects (I think, I haven't played a new orc game yet since the last update) and should expand faster, plus they don't need to worry about resources so they can build as many forts as they can afford to build from (advantage over normal nations). They can either build straight heroes for early power or build mages also to get access to their better units. They did lose some armor in the most recent update but that shouldn't make indies too much harder I think. They're still decent in melee so most races will have a fair fight trying to fight off their numbers. As long as they don't lose too many commanders early on they'll just get stronger and stronger as the game goes on. If the game lasts too long though I think nations with strong magic will probably have the advantage, I still have yet to summon anything with the orcs yet so I'm not sure how strong they'll be, but chances are anything that will kill a normal army of orcs will probably kill their summons too.

Insectoids - Don't expand as fast as the orcs, but don't have to. All they need is population. Since you can't make queens in space they only care about planet provinces. They start off fairly slowly, but they are *very* good fighters and if they aren't exterminated early will grow to have huge amounts of troops. Pretty much the only things that can melee them effectively are jomon's suits, but they can't make nearly as many. The insects really come into their own in about year 3, by that time they should be able to kill basically anyone 1 on 1, except MAYBE the orcs. The insects are also stronger late game than the orcs, because they take a lot less damage from aoe and they should be able to spare males for suicidal dashes into enemy ranged blocks. Followed by massed dreadnaughts. I'm not sure if anyone could really deal with that.

Jomon - Massable, high damage armor negating ranged weapons, some of the best melee units in the game, dai oni, and aka oni. The ice battle suit samurai are less massable than insectoid armies, BUT they are also very hard to hurt with ranged weapons, so they are very solid units. Plus paralyze damage on their staves means they are a good counter to thugs/scs. Their dai oni are fairly powerful as mages and scs, though you have to craft gear for them as they have only fist as a melee weapon right now. But properly equipped they should be able to kill most other things in melee, and solo armies. They don't quite have ulm's magic diversity and their recruit-everywhere mages aren't as good but jomon also doesn't need magic as much. Especially since aka oni will do a pretty good job of decimating human-sized units. Aka-oni are probably only too strong against ulm and the commonwealth, orcs might be able to deal with them but it would be hard if they were massed enough. Jomon's wraith suit shinobi are also some of the better assassins. And Jomon has some of the best units in space. They aren't as overwhelmingly powerful at any stage as the orcs or insectoids can be I don't think (except on commonwealth/ulm with aka-oni) but they're also less vulnerable to the above nations and should be strong the entire game.

Mid tier nations: Commonwealth, Ulm.

Commonwealth - The commonwealth doesn't have terribly effective ranged units for the most part, but they have the best shields in the game and are basically invulnerable to non-aoe ranged attacks. They also all have magical weapons. They're pretty strong in melee but not ridiculously so. They'll tend to win pound for pound against most melee units but they're fairly resource-intensive so they won't have huge numbers of troops. They also have to fight in cold provinces or they are much weaker. They have very powerful water magic but not a whole lot else, so they are somewhat magic-limited. The commonwealth seems to be a lot better defensively than offensively due to their turrets and cold weather abilities. I could see them being pretty tough to dislodge but they would conquer other players fairly slowly.

Ulm - Ulm has the most magic diversity, a good selection of troops, recruitable SCs, powerful summons and is terrible in space until late game. Ulm is another fairly defensive race in that they are just so much better on planets than in space. Their marines and black knights are capable but in space most things will beat them given similar resources. On land they can add artillery marines which are good if not as good as aka-oni, or tanks if they want something hardier. Before battlefield damaging spells come into play though the artillery marines are probably much more efficient as tanks are pretty expensive and relatively easy to kill in melee. Ulm though can get lots of artillery and buffing mages, and should have massive amounts of earth gems to use for crafting, globals and summons. Ulm has the ability to kill just about anything given the right troops at the right time, but will struggle against jomon, insectoids and orcs. Ulm is decent early, fair towards the middle game and really comes into its own in the end game. Ulm is a very good case for casting Riches from Beneath and Earthblood Deep Well.

Low tier nations: Dragons(?), R'lyeh.

Dragons - I'm not sure whether Dragons belong here or with mid-tier, as I have not played as the dragons since they were incorporated, only against them. But since they are so expensive and relatively vulnerable to ranged attacks, they will probably be fairly weak until they get some research done and can forge/summon. With the dragons that can take a long time due to how expensive research is for them. On the other hand massed bonebiters are still strong, and can reach the enemy in one round. This is still bad for pitched battles, but the dragons would make great raiders. They will probably have to raid with small groups of dragons while building up research to turn out thugs/scs. The dragons do have probably the best recruitable assassin in the game, especially early, which could help a lot. If the dragons can survive until they get their late game research they should be able to kill everyone, everywhere.

R'lyeh - R'lyeh is, in my mind, almost certainly the weakest nation (but then I'm not very good with MA R'lyeh either, which is what they remind me of). They do have some things going for them. They have lots of magic, which they can do the usual illithidy things with. Covering astral, water, earth and death fairly well. However they don't get nature, which combined with them not being secluded from most other races makes the R'lyeh clamming turtle strategy a lot harder than in vanilla. Also, most of their recruitable units are both expensive and not very good. R'lyeh can expand fairly quickly but once their slave troops don't fare very well against most national units and then they just have illithids, sitting there getting shot. Pirate raiders are probably their best bet for protecting the swarm of illithids that is actually going to kill the enemy. Unfortunately said swarm of illithids is pretty expensive and will make it very difficult for the player to do much in the way of research. R'lyeh could try to get around this by not building armies until they're being attacked but that's probably not the best idea. If they survive until mid game they will start becoming more viable but I think they would have a hard time killing anyone until then. If they survive until late game they'll be pretty dangerous, especially as they probably are one of the best sc killers, but their pretty bad early game would make things hard on them.

Whew, that was long! Anyway, those are just my observations from my own play style and understanding, and obviously the latest update changed things a bit so I don't know entirely that some of what I said is correct. Feel free to disagree where you will :)

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 05:02 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
THAT was a great post.. so R'lyeh would be weakest.. well which troops do you think are too expensive for their power, can easily be changed :D (though not befor we start a game)

Personally I think huge blocks of illithids and mutants would be pretty annoying for most opponents and I'd say insects with their low MR (I've raised it a bit too, 7 MR was very low.. but if they are too strong it might be a nice way to balance them back again.. it's 9 now, still vulnerable for (AoE) mindblasting I'd say. They are also very good against indies usually.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 12:49 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Enslaved aliens and space trolls, and predator aliens. The pirate raiders are actually probably too cheap, they're much more durable than any of the other units and are ranged so they won't get butchered nearly as fast as your other units. Of course they do actually take resources so it would be tough to mass them, relatively, since you definitely want order and probably want to take sloth. I would suggest putting them somewhere between 30 and 35 gold (35 is probably overcosting for the unit itself, but they're really just screens for illithids), and basing everything else off assuming they're your best blockers.

Huge blocks of illithids and mutants ARE pretty strong. For some races they can be pretty painful to deal with. However r'lyeh can't build very many big blocks of illithids, they are just too expensive to support. I don't know about the magic resistance, it wouldn't hurt too much I think against mind blast but master enslave would just destroy them.

Just to give you an idea of scale, I invaded R'lyeh's homeworld with the insectoids in a game where rlyeh was the strongest other power. I sent probably about 550 bugs down to their planet and have over a thousand more land troops in space atm, with another 170 finishing off the dragons and have another 1,300 bugs on my production worlds. And that is just my ground troops, I also have probably 600+ males. It is late winter of year 4. Anyway, those 550 planetary assault bugs (just drones and soldiers) destroyed somewhere in the vicinity of 150 illithids and mutants, in several battles not involving armies of 100-150 bugs, losing only 1 female and no more than 100 insects.

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
you know what this sounds like.. a need for less bugs.. or maybe weaker bugs since bugs (as orcs) are meant to be massed.. 3 green waves of destruction... problem is they should be masses of weak troops.. and both races are not that weak on individual troops compared to others...
I can't change much in domsummoning though since I've only got domsummon, and 2 and 20.. and those are all taken.. makemonster isn't used that much and when it's used it's mostly for males to get into space (which you insisted they needed.) maybe to make it a bit harder I'll have to lower that by one though. I think R'lyeh needs very good battlefield placement to work.. I was thinking the troops wheren't that bad though.. aliens and predators are pretty solid troops.. spread them through the ranks of illithid (in several groups across the field and a screen of tough guys in front and you should be there.) I actually think the pirates are useless since you need melee power, ranged the illitid are better anyway, you just need more melee to finish the grey statues :D

Loren January 1st, 2009 01:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 663042)
more territory? why? I don't get that all races can go into space.. dragons most easily even since they can all just go there without going to another form..

The nations here are relatively more powerfull so dragons which are balanced in vanilla might seem to have a disadvantage but their high HP will make them survive the first shots and in melee they should still rule supreme (and they fly into that ASAP).. all the AP weapons will be annoying but if it's all too much I'll lower dragon costs a bit during the game.

Only the ice plated dragons can get into the water without items.

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 01:29 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
in dom 3K there is no water :D well there could be but there just isn't.. there is space and several landtypes.. using water next to that would make it a bit complicated (even MORE units needed, or amphibious indies (that would then also be able to go into space)

rdonj January 1st, 2009 01:50 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Yeah, I know. I was a bit insistent on the males, but then I started realizing what the end game would look like with all those males... I think either the makemonster for males needs to be removed, or the domsummon. And yeah, the bugs definitely are too strong. You just get too many if you're left alone long enough.

It may be you are right about the troops, but in my experience rlyeh's melee troops die very fast to ranged firepower, while the pirate raiders die a lot slower. So my entire thinking is that they dilute the amount of ranged damage the illithids take, and that's the entire pupose they're serving.

Loren - to clarify what aezeal said, space is represented by forest provinces. There were a lot of issues with using water as space that were hard to work around, so forest terrain was chosen instead.

Darkwind January 1st, 2009 02:46 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I've finally gotten around to working on the Pirians. As a sort of teaser, here's the code for one of their heroes(the Trueblood Hero, heh). I still can't figure out how to apply a custom name, so no go there. It should be easy to follow even if you can't mod Dom3.

#newmonster 2235
#name "Firstblood Hero"
#descr "The Firstbloods were the first generation of Pirians, magically powerful, physically strong, and long-lived. Lahatiel was a great warrior among great warriors, known for his martial prowess. As Piria's strength grows, Lahatiel has awoken, ready to blaze a trail for the Pirian nation in the cold depths of space. His very presence inspires Pirians to greater deeds."
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#size 4
#hp 25
#prot 13
#str 15
#enc 1
#att 16
#def 13
#prec 14
#mr 14
#mor 12
#gcost 10
#rcost 1
#maxage 75
#fireres 100
#coldres 25
#poisonres 75
#shockres 25
#maxage 1000
#older 200
#firepower 3
#fireshield 14
#heat 10
#standard 10
#researchbonus -3
#magicskill 0 2
#weapon "Greater Starburst"
#weapon "Starsword"
#armor "The Brightshield"

And the weapon and shield:

#newweapon 665
#name "Starsword"
#att 4
#def 2
#dmg 10
#rcost 5
#sound 8
#len 3
#secondaryeffectalways 216

#newarmor 668
#name "The Brightshield"
#type 4
#prot 10
#def 8
#enc 0
#rcost 0

Well, there you have it, the first preview of the mod in action. This Pirian, at least, isn't going to be felled by merely shooting metal at him until he drops. And I expect the combination Heat Aura/Fireshield makes Pirians hard to fight in melee. And you can't effectively shoot spells at him, with his numerous resistances. I doubt if he's an SC, but definitely a higher-end thug. I hope :)

By the way, that 171 in the sword's code means small area fire. The defense value on the shield is actually the parry, and that magicskill means the hero has 2 Fire magic. The spr1/spr2 are the sprites. I still have none :( Puppies lament my poor spriting skills daily.

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 03:12 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
NICE keep working.. his shield seems a lil powerfull but whatever.. (and thanks for the explanation of the numbers.. I guess they are for those who never mod though :D)

Is he meant to have very old age, might be a weakspot?

you can't give names ad far as I (and those I asked and replied) know so don't worry about that. If he's not unique it's not usefull anyway.

About sprites.. which seem to be your bottleneck (as they are honeybadgers).. if you have idea's about how they look you might just look for them on the net and adapt some pic into a sprite.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 04:19 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Did a little more work on the map. Just need to set poptypes now and it will be playable.

Also, that pirian looks like it would make a pretty decent thug. Might want to raise the fire magic a bit though, 2 seems a little low for a pirian hero... though you did say he was a warrior. But about all he could do with that is cast phoenix pyre. Alternatively, maybe give him a dash of something else?

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 04:41 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Astral will probably be a first choice.. and of course if you insist don't hold back.. but there is a lot of astral in dom 3K already (since I have to admit for me the 2nd choice of magic for any space nation would automatically be astral) so if you can somehow think of another 2nd magic choice that would be great. I'd say the nations should be a mostly fire nation though.. I'd just give them randoms.. death (for banefire), air and blood are magic types I've not used much and which feel (to me but I know near nothing about pirians) like they might fit.

Just one nasty question.. why does he have prot 13.. fire.. doesn't seem to have natural armor.. I could imagine some sort of fiery armor.. but a being of fire having a natural protection equalling very strong armour.. less so.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 04:48 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
On the other hand, how does being hit hurt fire?

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 05:03 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
There must be something under there :D I guess... or they should be ethereal, arent fire elementals ethereal.. I still wonder how ethereal creatures are hit by mighty blows but that isn't my problem to talk right since that is how illwinter made the game. Having said that.. an all ehtereal nation might need some balancing.. it WOULD make this hero more thugable :D

Darkwind January 1st, 2009 06:30 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Ethereal would solve the arrows problem (Pirians generally won't have shields, ie that slinger army you recruited from Backwoods Province 9845 will rain rocky death upon a Pirian army). It might be a bit much though, I mean 75% of all attacks stopped? I'm thinking it might be a good idea to include a low-level Fire spell that gives Air Shield (maybe 25%)to all units on the battlefield for a gem.

On a side note, about how thuggable would you rate the hero? 0 being nonthuggable, 10 being an SC among SCs. I figured the effective 20 attack (16+4 from weapon) and 15 defense (13+2 from weapon), plus the 18 damage (I meant to add in 8 AP fire damage, actually, I'll add it in right now) combined with considerable strength makes him an effective attacker, at least. He has a heat aura to rival the Niefels and a free Fire Shield to boot, so melee units can't really touch him. Not without fiery death at least. I'd hope he's at least a highly effective thug (being a hero, he should add something). With that Air Shield spell, he'd also have less to worry about from that slinger army and they'd have more to worry about from him.

@magic paths: I think the Pirians will have a bit of astral (I remember saying something about this before, or rather reading something I said about this before). Death and blood won't be common, and at best they'll have small randoms on a recruitable mage or two, but I do plan on including a multihero Trueblood Warlock and a hero Firstblood Revenant or something like that. The Warlock would have F/B, the Revenant D/F, with maybe a little bit of Blood. I'll probably include a couple spells in the Blood line (Lowbloods like I said, Trueblood Revenants, maybe a unique fire demon). Pirians won't have air though.

As to the magic on the hero, I purposefully set it at only 2 since he's a warrior, not a mage. A Firstblood Mage (hey, that might make another hero) would have more like 5 Fire on average, and a truly great one could likely have up to 7, which means Flame Storms possibly doing 20+ AP damage over a 40 AoE and Falling Fires with maybe 7+ AoE. Using Phoenix Power and a couple boosters you could get truly awe-inspiring fiery death.

@age: He's meant to be old, but not old-age-old. I doubt he'd be older than 8000 before the age bonus, so this should achieve that fairly well.

Babelfish says this is a "muur van tekst" in het Nederlands.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 06:55 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
You have #maxage 75 and #maxage 1000, I'm not sure it will like that.

It probably has the unkillability of a low grade SC and sufficient killing power to make an sc happy in vanilla terms. In Dom3k terms it's probably a moderate level SC. Just get it a little more MR and resistance and you'd be pretty hard-pressed to kill it. Probably it would take multiple fire immune thugs or mass mr-negates spells to bring it down.

Aezeal January 1st, 2009 07:02 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
yeah I saw maxage 75 and then older 200... I read over the latter maxage of 1000... jsut remove the maxage 75 line (since it's redundant) but it was probably what you wanted

Darkwind January 1st, 2009 07:46 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
Didn't notice the extra maxage. While I'm at it, I'll remove the costs too, it's a hero so it'll never be recruited. Oh! And the morale should be 15, not 12.

Good to know that the "great warrior among great warriors" isn't too fatally flawed. While I'm at it I think I'll spin up the Revenant for you guys too.


#newmonster 2236
#name "Firstblood Revenant"
#descr "The Firstbloods were the first generation of Pirians, magically powerful, physically strong, and long-lived. The Revenant was once a great mage among the Pirians, known throughout the civilization for its skill. But it fell to darker ways and, when it died, preserved itself out of fear of death, becoming a pariah in the process. Now, it has risen from its deep slumber, cursed by its own magic to never die, and will serve the returning God of the Bright Stars to regain its lost honor. Its sickly green flames can scare even the bravest man."
#ap 12
#mapmove 2
#size 4
#hp 20
#prot 10
#str 13
#enc 0
#att 13
#def 11
#prec 16
#mr 17
#mor 30
#fireres 100
#coldres 25
#poisonres 100
#shockres 25
#maxage 2000
#older 750
#firepower 2
#darkpower 1
#fireshield 10
#heat 7
#magicskill 0 4
#magicskill 5 3
#custommagic 20480 100
#custommagic 4224 100
#weapon "Banefireball"
#weapon "Touch of Death"

I should probably start messing around with the item slots soon.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 08:00 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
He looks pretty nasty. Not quite as unkillable out of the box as the trueblood hero, but he could easily be made into a painful thug/sc.

Loren January 1st, 2009 08:24 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by Aezeal (Post 663151)
in dom 3K there is no water :D well there could be but there just isn't.. there is space and several landtypes.. using water next to that would make it a bit complicated (even MORE units needed, or amphibious indies (that would then also be able to go into space)

You can't get off your world without water breathing. Maybe space isn't the same thing (I didn't note any difference but I wasn't really looking for one, either) but there are no routes from land to space anyway, you have to go through your own seas and that takes water breathing.

Given how few provinces you will own at this point you simply don't have the gems to make very many items.

I just beat the AI at regular and it wasn't easy. I'm not even going to try the impossible AI's I beat the computer with a normal map.

Darkwind January 1st, 2009 08:27 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
I can't edit the post anymore, but for the record, the custommagics mean 100% DB and 100% DF chances. The immortal wasn't originally planned, it struck me in a fit of inspiration. The weapons:


#newweapon 669
#name "Touch of Death"
#att 4
#def 2
#dmg 0
#sound 18
#len 0
#secondaryeffectalways 255
#secondaryeffect 64

#newweapon 670
#name "Banefireball"
#aoe 3
#range 65
#ammo 50
#dmg 10
#sound 16
#secondaryeffect 64
#flyspr 133 4

For the record, the #secondaryeffect 64 is Decay on hit, 255 is small area fear. the 5 3 magicskill means 3 Death magic--for a total 25% chance of 3D, 50% 4D, 25% 5D. Nice little bell curve of sorts.

rdonj January 1st, 2009 08:56 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 663275)
You can't get off your world without water breathing. Maybe space isn't the same thing (I didn't note any difference but I wasn't really looking for one, either) but there are no routes from land to space anyway, you have to go through your own seas and that takes water breathing.

Given how few provinces you will own at this point you simply don't have the gems to make very many items.

I just beat the AI at regular and it wasn't easy. I'm not even going to try the impossible AI's I beat the computer with a normal map.

Loren I just started up a game with the dragons and I seem to have no problem leaving my planet on turn 1. I don't get what you mean there are no routes from land to space, with what seas? You're using the solar system map, right? There are no water provinces on the map at all. And all land provinces connect directly to at least one space province. You should not need water breathing to get anywhere.

Also, that banefireball looks evil.

Aezeal January 2nd, 2009 06:31 AM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
there have been a few hours where the solar system map was down.. maybe he's using that other map (which is down now). The solar system map is attached to the first post.

You should just use the dom 3 K mod btw, the dragons are in there and not use the dragons mod next to it (doubt it would make much difference but might)

Aezeal January 2nd, 2009 01:28 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12
once I have time I know which nations I want to get in this universe.

Machaka severly fits in.. I've already got spiders in the galaxy and refugees could have hidden on such a planet and are reemerging now.
Spiders, Spidershaped ships which are also "walkers" on land in 2 -3 sizes.
The sorcs could remain the same, ancient traditions haven't changed. The assassins could remain nearly the same too. troopers would have to change though.. naked black pplz won't fit anymore (except the sorcs who as I said will keep their traditional outfits. Need to think of something
I'll put the spiderqueens and other spiders I have as indies in there as recruits and summons. I'll keep some form of spiderrider but not sure what to do with them in space. guess cheap ones could just have a spaceform without spider and maybe the sacreds could keep blackhunters with some sort of spacesuit to fly around it.. and the black hunters would be less overpriced.


I think I'll do those first.. I like that idea

2nd idea is some sort of van/pixie nation... vans themselves nearly extinct only as commander and sacreds..well that isn't anything new... no human troops they had to flee into space due to ulmish dislike of non-humans (or something) they now have not exceptionally bright lesser pixies and whatnot as troopers small sized (all size 1 except the vans) with some abilities (all somewhat specialized troops) and vastmoving. Miniature space fighters for the pixies and only a few commandships (probably only as summons) for the few vans (who otherwise have a regular sized fighter or a spacesuit (need to decide what I like best.. highly agile and trained vans with glamour might better be suited than in a ship I'd say to make best of their abilities.)
I've seen a cartoon movie once where there where like these high human like (van) leaders and small lesser creatures (ow somewhat like the war of the flowers book od Tad williams too).. I think it might be that way in irish or english folk tales etc but either way this is how it will be.

This nation would be more work and atm I feel more like working on a Machaka (but maybe I'll change my mind before I start) both nations will probably resemble Jomon most of all existing nations I'd say, troops with special abilities etc.

Loren January 2nd, 2009 03:30 PM

Re: Dominions 3000 v0.75 - 7th race added: Dragons - update 27-12

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 663281)

Originally Posted by Loren (Post 663275)
You can't get off your world without water breathing. Maybe space isn't the same thing (I didn't note any difference but I wasn't really looking for one, either) but there are no routes from land to space anyway, you have to go through your own seas and that takes water breathing.

Given how few provinces you will own at this point you simply don't have the gems to make very many items.

I just beat the AI at regular and it wasn't easy. I'm not even going to try the impossible AI's I beat the computer with a normal map.

Loren I just started up a game with the dragons and I seem to have no problem leaving my planet on turn 1. I don't get what you mean there are no routes from land to space, with what seas? You're using the solar system map, right? There are no water provinces on the map at all. And all land provinces connect directly to at least one space province. You should not need water breathing to get anywhere.

Also, that banefireball looks evil.

I've got the game I just won up now. There's a magma dragon that showed up on the last turn sitting in my capital and I'm trying to move him. I can reach the other 6 land provinces within the circle. He can't enter any of the 4 provinces around the central one that are of type sea. The only connections to the rest of the map are via these provinces and then out into the ones of type deep sea.

You obviously are treating them as space but when you select them you get the little icon for water and something that can't breathe water won't enter them, nor can a flier fly over them--they behave just like water.

Thus you need water-breathing items to get anywhere unless you use the ice-plated dragons and there's no hope of having enough gems to send any decent force out with items.

Some bugs on that map, also:

#69 & #70 aren't connected.

#69 & #62 aren't connected.

Likewise #62 and #54, #54 & #42, #42 & #38, #33 & #36, #33 & #39, #39 & #48, #48 & #67, #39 & #67. Most of these comprise a vertical line--perhaps the edge of the map??

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