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-   -   Preponderance - Big Team Game! [1-2 subs needed!] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=40839)

MadFrancis December 11th, 2008 06:39 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
You can also force host as soon as you get my turn as the server will save the turns originally sent by everyone else. If they do not resubmit turn 1 their old turn 1 will be used.

Zeldor December 11th, 2008 06:43 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Waiting for it.

Executor December 11th, 2008 07:06 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Well at least do your turns now seeing that everyone's online.

Zeldor December 11th, 2008 07:07 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Yep, let's get that turn fast :)

And obey the orders sent in mass email. It's really important.

And it looks like overall economical situation of most nations really improved that time.

Executor December 11th, 2008 07:11 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
And it looks like overall economical situation of most nations really improved that time.

Well not for everyone, but I don't want to make any more rows just let the game on.

PsiSoldier December 11th, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Just so no one can say they did not get the mass email..


Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 659313)
Yep, let's get that turn fast :)

And obey the orders sent in mass email. It's really important.

And it looks like overall economical situation of most nations really improved that time.

The admin for the game Preponderance has sent you a message:

__Read it! Rollback important info!__

Game has been rolled back because of Jomon's stale. You can read all the epic sage in the game thread.

- DELETE, like remove, destroy, annihilate, old .2h file you have from prevous turn 2
- under any circumstances do not try to save time by submitting old .2h file

DO THE TURN 2 AGAIN!! and submit NEW .2h file you generate. I will take a look at turn files if someone forces me to.

(End of message)

Zeldor December 11th, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Ha, it had to be saga, not sage! Stupid mistake :(


Yeah, someone losing was unevitable :(

Executor December 11th, 2008 07:23 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I'm not complaining, just saying.
But I do believe that we shouldn't tolerate this a second time.

JimMorrison December 11th, 2008 07:30 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I'm pretty sure that this mix up was only able to occur under very specific circumstances that never exist outside of the first turn of a game that has multiple restarts. :p

I'm also pretty sure, that if Madfrancis hadn't remembered at the last possible moment that he had to be at work earlier than normal - that he would have taken the time to make a very public apology and thanks. So mine will have to do, until his shift is over -

Thank you so much Zeldor, and everyone who was understanding - very sorry to everyone that this situation may have inconvenienced at all, neither I or Madfrancis wanted anything but a smooth start to what should be a very fun and exciting team game.


chrispedersen December 11th, 2008 10:29 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 659297)
I don't see what the problem is on either side, stale is bad, but so is plague on turn 1, which 3 players apparently had.
Rollback will take a day but it'll save a week looking for two subs, and seriously I don't know why everyone is making a fuss about this, a single stale turn?

People often forget that the implications of luck are much more severe with CBM than with vanilla Dominions.

But I really think restarts are in order if you get the merchants in the temple event (knocking you out of the game)
the barbarian horder or knights on your capital, or the huge unrest event...

MadFrancis December 12th, 2008 04:08 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 659373)
People often forget that the implications of luck are much more severe with CBM than with vanilla Dominions.

But I really think restarts are in order if you get the merchants in the temple event (knocking you out of the game)
the barbarian horder or knights on your capital, or the huge unrest event...

I agree. For me, only being able to participate in two games at a time, I see no issue restarting a game until everyone has at least a decent start (don't worry, I'm not advocating just opinion-ing). I know some people feel that that is just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes and you should just deal with it and move on. While that may be reasonable for those who have time for three or four or five or six games at a time (you know who you are ... [cough]JimMorrison[cough]), those of us whose gaming time is a bit more limited really get screwed.

It takes me weeks to either find a game to participate in or get a game started. Getting a game ender first thing after weeks of planning and then having to look forward to more weeks of planning to get into a different game (once you have done your duty and played out the end of your original game or taken the time to find someone willing to sub a lost cause, of course) is really unrewarding. So far I haven't had very good luck with MP games. I seem to spend more time looking or preparing for a game to start than I do actually playing. It just gets really old after awhile.

I wonder how difficult it would be to script a mod that just banned some of the more terrible bad events (and maybe as a balance some of the best good events) within the first three turns or so, or maybe even just the first. I know it might unbalance the value of luck scales (+ or -) somewhat, but it seems like it would be pretty negligible over the course of a whole game (I'm certainly no expert). Just a though, and probably one for a different thread.

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for the chance to actually see my weeks of preparation for this game come to fruition. I do greatly appreciate it and am eagerly looking forward to pitting myself (as Jomon, along with JimMorrison as Lanka) against everyone here and having a great game.

Good luck everyone (unless you took negative luck scales I guess).

Zeldor December 12th, 2008 04:14 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I think the only possibility would be to add a fortuneteller 100 immobile commander with disease and enough HP to die within 3-5 turns. But you'd need to deal with nations that have access to healers. Or some other way to prevent healing.

chrispedersen December 12th, 2008 06:07 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
OKAY guys we have 22 and are *STILL* waiting for 2 more.

EA-Vanheim & MA-Ulm!!!!! Both of which are coobe <bleh>

vfb December 12th, 2008 07:08 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I had no problem whatsoever with restarting because you didn't see the turn, because the game was all messed up and had 2 different names and 3 different copies.

But, bad events are just part of the game and it's something you have to deal with. Especially in a team game, where your teammate can help you out (if he actually reads/responds to your firkin' emails). The only real "game ender" is a dom death from the merchant event. I've never seen that on turn 2, and if you don't have another white candle somewhere else on turn 3, then that's a risk you took with your build.

Actually, bad events are more than just part of the game. They are part of the fun of the game, since they are adding an element of surprise and risk. I'd hate to see them taken out or nerfed.


Originally Posted by MadFrancis (Post 659556)

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 659373)
People often forget that the implications of luck are much more severe with CBM than with vanilla Dominions.

But I really think restarts are in order if you get the merchants in the temple event (knocking you out of the game)
the barbarian horder or knights on your capital, or the huge unrest event...

I agree. For me, only being able to participate in two games at a time, I see no issue restarting a game until everyone has at least a decent start (don't worry, I'm not advocating just opinion-ing). I know some people feel that that is just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes and you should just deal with it and move on. While that may be reasonable for those who have time for three or four or five or six games at a time (you know who you are ... [cough]JimMorrison[cough]), those of us whose gaming time is a bit more limited really get screwed.

It takes me weeks to either find a game to participate in or get a game started. Getting a game ender first thing after weeks of planning and then having to look forward to more weeks of planning to get into a different game (once you have done your duty and played out the end of your original game or taken the time to find someone willing to sub a lost cause, of course) is really unrewarding. So far I haven't had very good luck with MP games. I seem to spend more time looking or preparing for a game to start than I do actually playing. It just gets really old after awhile.

I wonder how difficult it would be to script a mod that just banned some of the more terrible bad events (and maybe as a balance some of the best good events) within the first three turns or so, or maybe even just the first. I know it might unbalance the value of luck scales (+ or -) somewhat, but it seems like it would be pretty negligible over the course of a whole game (I'm certainly no expert). Just a though, and probably one for a different thread.

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for the chance to actually see my weeks of preparation for this game come to fruition. I do greatly appreciate it and am eagerly looking forward to pitting myself (as Jomon, along with JimMorrison as Lanka) against everyone here and having a great game.

Good luck everyone (unless you took negative luck scales I guess).

DrPraetorious December 12th, 2008 07:14 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Do lifeless units that aren't undead suffer damage from disease? They can't be healed (or given regeneration), so...

I actually wish the game had a "random events super-common" setting, where you could get a random event in a third of your provinces every turn, regardless of empire size. That'd be pretty crazy, of course.

vfb December 12th, 2008 08:18 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
They get the disease icon but don't lose HP, I saw this with some mech men. They also heal when they are in a province with a lab.

PsiSoldier December 12th, 2008 10:27 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Eh looks like maybe several of us are getting our turns with bad events. Here I sit with Order 3 and less income than anyone else in the game. Doh!

Shoulda taken more cold and less misfortune.. after all my undead dont need to eat..

chrispedersen December 12th, 2008 10:39 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 659634)
They get the disease icon but don't lose HP, I saw this with some mech men. They also heal when they are in a province with a lab.

Its true, but I've had immortal undead pretenders die from disease....

MadFrancis December 13th, 2008 03:40 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious (Post 659621)
I actually wish the game had a "random events super-common" setting, where you could get a random event in a third of your provinces every turn, regardless of empire size. That'd be pretty crazy, of course.

I'd definatley play with that in single player or LAN games. Sounds like an interesting twist.

MadFrancis December 13th, 2008 03:50 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 659618)
I had no problem whatsoever with restarting because you didn't see the turn, because the game was all messed up and had 2 different names and 3 different copies.

But, bad events are just part of the game and it's something you have to deal with. Especially in a team game, where your teammate can help you out (if he actually reads/responds to your firkin' emails). The only real "game ender" is a dom death from the merchant event. I've never seen that on turn 2, and if you don't have another white candle somewhere else on turn 3, then that's a risk you took with your build.

Actually, bad events are more than just part of the game. They are part of the fun of the game, since they are adding an element of surprise and risk. I'd hate to see them taken out or nerfed.

Actually I think you make a good point. My problems with MP DOM3 isn't anything other than how long it takes and how much effort goes into starting a new game. Nerfing the game to fix that problem is a bit heavy handed. If it wasn't quite so cumbersome to find and start new games (for someone like me) it wouldn't matter so much if you got bumped out early from bad events or unlucky starting positions, etc.

Speaking of which, I do have to give Llamabeast a heartfelt tip of the hat for all the work he has put into his Llamaserver and the ease with which it facilitates MP game creation. On my behalf, thanks alot Llama.

chrispedersen December 13th, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
We are once again waiting on coobe for both nations...
I'm going to post in the subs wanted.

Again, this is not criticism, just want to make sure you everyone knows figure out what we want to do.

Zeldor December 13th, 2008 06:36 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Yep, we may have to replace the whole team :(

Zeldor December 13th, 2008 06:49 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Ok, I found a sub for Vanheim. I will play few turns for coobes MA Ulm, but I cannot do much of it, with all the info I have. That wouldn't be fair. But I hope I can get a sub in that time.

Zeldor December 13th, 2008 07:36 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
nkican will play for EA Vanheim

NKIcan December 13th, 2008 11:34 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Yup folks, guess Im filling in for Vanheim. If you see me, say hello. Us Vanheimiens are quite friendly. :)

WingedDog December 14th, 2008 04:09 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Hello, NKIcan, and welcome! :)

PsiSoldier December 14th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Hrrrm, I'm not getting my turns for Preponderance, something is goofed up. My teammate has his turns being forwarded to an email account I am using for this game and I got his turn that was forwarded over 2 hours ago but I have not yet recieved my turn. I have requested a turn resend but still no luck.

This is not the first time that this has happened in this game It has happened at least one other time where I had to request turn resend 3 or 4 times before I finaly got it.

fungalreason December 14th, 2008 09:41 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
That happened to me as well on the first turn of this game. The re-send worked though. I haven't had it happen again since that.

Zeldor December 14th, 2008 09:45 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Maybe it's your e-mail? Some free ones can be really really slow. Maybe make a gmail account for your turns?

PsiSoldier December 15th, 2008 12:45 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
hrrrm I use Yahoo Mail. And I finaly got one of the turn resends. But I dont think its a problem with it being slow, after all I did get the one that my teammate auto forwards for his turn.

Kheldron December 15th, 2008 03:21 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I also use yahoo and I got another pb : my orders didnt arrive and I staled :mad:

WingedDog December 15th, 2008 03:41 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
There's something wrong with llamaserver again, it hasn't updatad for hours. Maybe that's caused the problem.

atul December 15th, 2008 04:05 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
It updates since it shows my turn as uploaded, I sent it only couple hours ago. There's something wrong with the timestamp at least, maybe with other stuff too... :-/

Zeldor December 15th, 2008 09:16 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Even worse thing happened to me. I submitted a turn, got confirmation and next turn shows that I staled. In other game that is.

chrispedersen December 15th, 2008 10:37 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
There is a very subtle virus that is attacking yahoo and yahoo messanger.

Symptoms can range from lost messages/email to complete denial of service.

I have 6 or so computer.. one of them got infected in the last few days. It took me almost 2 days to find the cause.

The easiest way to fix for me, was load a copy of mozilla - a brower which I didn't have on the computer at the time.
Then I did the virus scans.

Zeldor December 15th, 2008 12:37 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Turns from/to llamaserver should take no more than 5-10 mins, if you don't get it by then, request/send a turn again. If that does not help, there is a problem somwewhere. If llamaserver is updating it's probably your side :)

But if anyone has some problems, contacting me is the best solution.

PsiSoldier December 16th, 2008 10:47 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Blah. Not only am I still not getting my turn from lammaserver but appearantly lammaserver did not get my last turn that I sent to it either as it says I staled.. :mad:

Not that I'm asking for a rollback or anything. I'll be ok. But its really damn annoying. I guess I will have to start checking to see if it updates and shows that my turn has been recieved.

I am not having this problem with any other game on lammaserver so I dunno whats up with this one. Granted I have had this happen once or twice in some other games but this is an every turn thing in Preponderance.

Zeldor December 16th, 2008 10:56 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]

Really, try using gmail and see if the problem continues. You can PM llamabeast too, he can probably help.

And remember - you get confirmation of a turn. It arrives after 5-10 mins max, usually 1-3 mins. So check if you get it. I am not able to control everything as game admin and I am against rollbacks and postpones as it slows the game down and makes peopel abusive [just talking in wider context].

So do you turn early on, so you have time to make sure it works fine :)

PsiSoldier December 17th, 2008 01:10 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I'll just check the game page on lammaserver a few mins after I send it in to see if it is recieved.

Zeldor December 18th, 2008 05:25 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
If someone finds mistakes on a map, let me know. Map editor is really really bad. It sets some things properly, but on saving there appear some mistakes and you have to check every prov by hand. Easy to miss things like that.

So far I've found that:
- 245 should be a neighbour of 223
- 239, 240 should be swamps
- 183 should be also a forest

chrispedersen December 18th, 2008 07:48 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Zeldor, did you see my earlier post, that the neighbors of the hexes around the inland water are not symmetrical? I reported that earlier...

Zeldor December 18th, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
You mean one prov bordering 2 water tiles? I don't think it could've been avoided with 5 water provs there. Now unchangable, as it would wreck half the map.

chrispedersen December 18th, 2008 10:02 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
No, the asyymmetry was on the land side. One port had more neighbors than the others.

Zeldor December 18th, 2008 10:28 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
As I said - one port bordering 2 water provinces.

chrispedersen December 20th, 2008 10:23 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
LA Mictlan has gone on vacation. In the interrim, please address FullerBrush inquiries in care of Agartha.

'Nothing polishes Marble, like a Marble'

(Aka, Zeldor, you have mail!)

Zeldor December 20th, 2008 12:51 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Ok, email changed. Hit turn resend when you get a confirmation email.

namad December 21st, 2008 06:59 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
holiday break? yes/no? from when till when? (my teammate has left and i'm doing his turns for a week but maybe we won't have that many turns this week?)

Zeldor December 21st, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
Yes. 23.12 till 2.1. Break starts after you get the new turn on 23.12 [so last hosting is on 23.12]. Quickhost will be left on, so there is a chance for few turns.

chrispedersen December 21st, 2008 11:11 PM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
I'd like to urge those leaving to pipe up - I'd like to see (ask)if we can expect team mates to cover.

DrPraetorious December 22nd, 2008 01:38 AM

Re: Preponderance - Big Team Game! [starting!]
We may have located the hideous and evil forces of Caelum (boo! hiss!).

Based on the province graphs, and mammoths, we believe they wallow in filth and malice around province 131.

< :rant: > Only swift action can save the free peoples of the world! We officially encourage everyone to send forces to hit them as soon as possible. Hopefully, we have located them in time to find the one chink in their near-flawless plan for victory, which has already advanced to stage 3! < /:rant: >

I love those little guys.

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