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duncanshriek March 5th, 2009 01:10 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by qio (Post 678247)
@duncanshriek: Told you it can work.

VotD? Well, yes, kind of.

We are a little disappointed by Vanheim. Cold scales are also in their favor. But instead of sending an embassador with the proper speech of thank, the first thing we hear from them are armors rattling when their Vanherses dropped from the clouds.

From Ulm we expected nothing else than a mischievous attack after the example given by their new friend Arco.

Don't get too soon into conflict over your claims on our territory. :smirk:

Valerius March 5th, 2009 03:14 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Well, Vanheim figured it had to act against its ancient foes before they wrapped up the game....

BesucherXia March 5th, 2009 06:16 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
well, I remember those provinces belonged to TC for years, who now has decided to surround and leave his provinces at the victors' deposition. Unfortuntely the evil Greek stepped into the war months ago and grabed them before either sides could deal with him. After sending 2 embassadors without getting any response, Ulm lords clearly tasted the insult and sweared to fight them till either sides' death.

For Jotuns conquer over greek rats, Ulm will show his appreciation. But after watching the giants movement, Ulm does suspect whether any chance of cooperation exists.
So that's the story. Ulm does not expect Jotuns friendship. Just want to clarify that Arco is not his friend neither.

duncanshriek March 13th, 2009 10:33 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running


as much as I'd like keep the game at fast pace, it is no longer possible. I'm honored with the unshared attention of 6 nations now. OK, Agartha is AI, but still kicking. Finding a worthy answer for each one is quite demanding.

I suggest we move to 75h quickhost.

cleveland March 14th, 2009 10:59 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
A motion has been raised to extend the game timer to 75hrs. Will anyone second the motion?

vfb March 14th, 2009 11:08 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Motion seconded.

BesucherXia March 14th, 2009 02:38 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I am for 75h quickhost.

alhorro March 14th, 2009 04:31 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Are you serious?

It still takes me ~30 minutes to make a turn, and I'd better vote for Utterdark & Burden of Time than for a 75h interval. Just explain me why — every nation has almost same gem income as 15 turns ago, that means same amount of actions per turn. :confused:

cleveland March 14th, 2009 09:29 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
A vote is now on the floor to permanently extend the timer to 75hrs.

Per the lessons from the last extension, voting will be open until the end of turn 59. See the first post for details. Turns 58 & 59 shall be 75hrs to keep timing from skewing the vote.:up:

duncanshriek March 15th, 2009 03:02 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by alhorro (Post 679992)
Are you serious?

It still takes me ~30 minutes to make a turn, and I'd better vote for Utterdark & Burden of Time than for a 75h interval. Just explain me why — every nation has almost same gem income as 15 turns ago, that means same amount of actions per turn. :confused:

Are _you_ serious? Of course it is much easier to prepare for war undisturbed like Mictlan did these 15 turns, than to actually fight these wars. Jotunheim is fighting at 6 fronts now. Takes me well over 5 hours per turn.

cleveland March 24th, 2009 10:21 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Well, I forgot to send an ingame reminder to vote...I'll send an email.

Regardless, the Crones inhabiting the Towers of Man fear the end is nigh. Losing Mismeasure took the wind from our sails, leaving our adrift ship to be smashed by the Ctissian hammer against the Caelum anvil. Our gem stores drained, our gold reserves depleated, and our frigid lands quickly becoming Ctissian, it's time for us to pass along the admin banner. Who shall carry it?

duncanshriek March 25th, 2009 09:10 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by cleveland (Post 682075)
Well, I forgot to send an ingame reminder to vote...I'll send an email.

A vote not showing up here is not counted at all, I hope. Otherwise elections would not make much sense.


Originally Posted by cleveland (Post 682075)
Regardless, the Crones inhabiting the Towers of Man fear the end is nigh. Losing Mismeasure took the wind from our sails, leaving our adrift ship to be smashed by the Ctissian hammer against the Caelum anvil. Our gem stores drained, our gold reserves depleated, and our frigid lands quickly becoming Ctissian, it's time for us to pass along the admin banner. Who shall carry it?

Judgeing from the scores I'd say Mictlan is rushing to your aid. But I do not want to complain if you want to drop out. At least you didn't feel the need to test your tricks on Jotunheim like so many others :)

Perhaps I could be convinced to take the admin role, if there is no other way to disregard complete abstinations in votings ;-)

cleveland March 25th, 2009 10:51 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
As admin, I vote to abstain.

Of course, the only votes that will be counted are those cast here.

duncanshriek March 30th, 2009 03:37 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by cleveland (Post 680018)
A vote is now on the floor to permanently extend the timer to 75hrs.

Per the lessons from the last extension, voting will be open until the end of turn 59. See the first post for details. Turns 58 & 59 shall be 75hrs to keep timing from skewing the vote.:up:

Well, I count 3 votes for 75h, one against and one abstination. The election is aready closed for 2 turns. Would you please set the timer now, cleveland?

vfb March 30th, 2009 09:38 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh, also I just noticed Man has been staling. Here I was, thinking I had stopped sucking so horribly, when in actuality it was just the complete absence of opposition forces for the last three turns. :o

Can Man go AI? Or get a sub? I don't mind either way.

cleveland March 31st, 2009 08:15 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Right. Sorry for disappearing, I've been firefighting at work and - frankly - haven't had much to throw against the C'tissian juggernaut.

I'm sad to say that the Nation of Man is vanquished. Good game everyone! I hope you all had/are having/will have as much fun/disappointment as I have.

duncanshriek - check your PM...your the new admin!


duncanshriek March 31st, 2009 11:02 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
"The hosting interval for A1ComfortZone has now been changed to 75 hours, and the deadline for the next hosting has been automatically postponed by 27 hours."

That was the reaction I got from the nice Llameserver upon my very firt admin action. I hope everbody is as content with that as I am.

duncanshriek April 5th, 2009 10:16 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Sorry, but I had to delay the game. I was almost through with my turn, when I lost all the work on that by a Dom3 GUI freeze. There was not enough time left to redo the turn, but it will take me not all the 24 hours of the delay, so stay tuned ;-)

I'll file a bug report (in the bug thread? not sure yet), in case you are interested.

vfb April 8th, 2009 10:18 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
For the unpardonable crime of wishing away my Chalice, C'tis declares Vendetta on Mictlan!

We will abide by our 1-turn NAP, and not attack until next month. May Camilla have mercy on your souls!

(P.S. Make it quick, okay? I don't like those horrible lingering deaths where it takes forever and ever for me to die.)

alhorro April 9th, 2009 03:30 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Err, we had to wish for the chalice, cause jotuns eliminated our entire army the previous turn, and now those few warriors our poor nation can afford are heavily wounded. And it would be hard to make it quick, cause now we have nothing but hundreds of slaves, trained to repair fortifications (:

vfb April 9th, 2009 03:50 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Oh, you're not fooling us lizards. The armies of Mictlan have devastated the nation of Caelum with lightning speed, even while you have been messing about with the giants as a side hobby.

And we remember well the proficient and expeditious manner in which you soundly trounced C'tis the first time we tried to dislodge you from the spider forests. C'tis is writing our our final Will and Testament, and making arrangements for our imminent journey to the swamps of the underworld.

alhorro April 9th, 2009 04:46 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Caelum was conquered with mercs, Hordes from Hell and Armies of the Dead mostly. Those spells may have loud names, but the effect is quite puny for everything except Caelumian PD. And speaking about wars of the past, our main heroes — Tlaloque Who Killed Three Tartarians And A Fire King and Magoth Who Can Gateway Demons — now lay dead awaiting for resurrection and the Chalice procedures.

qio April 9th, 2009 08:49 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by alhorro (Post 684793)
Caelum was conquered with mercs, Hordes from Hell and Armies of the Dead mostly. Those spells may have loud names, but the effect is quite puny for everything except Caelumian PD. And speaking about wars of the past, our main heroes — Tlaloque Who Killed Three Tartarians And A Fire King and Magoth Who Can Gateway Demons — now lay dead awaiting for resurrection and the Chalice procedures.

Yes. Caelum was fortunate you did not throw any brutes and SCs at it.

duncanshriek April 9th, 2009 09:51 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by alhorro (Post 684793)
Caelum was conquered with mercs, Hordes from Hell and Armies of the Dead mostly. Those spells may have loud names, but the effect is quite puny for everything except Caelumian PD. And speaking about wars of the past, our main heroes — Tlaloque Who Killed Three Tartarians And A Fire King and Magoth Who Can Gateway Demons — now lay dead awaiting for resurrection and the Chalice procedures.

Whom do you want to fool with that whining show? If I were Mictlan I'd also try to calm down my allies about my hegemony. Ulm, Vanheim, Atlantis, Arco and TChi have no longer the excuse to 'stop Jotun from wrapping up the game' for doing Mictlans work.

Mictlan crashed with Caelum the only friend Jotun had. I'm sorry to hear that our next natural ally, Ctis, is already starting without hope.

Yeah, catching one national hero and one arch devil brought a little satisfaction while the concerted enemies advance everywhere.

vfb April 17th, 2009 07:31 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Thanks to everyone for a fun game in the crowded southlands of Comfort Zone! I'm pretty sure I've lined up a sub to take up the cause of the doomed lizards, he'll be PMing duncanshriek.

Extra thanks to alhorro for taking me to SC school. :)

-- vfb

duncanshriek April 18th, 2009 11:09 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 686414)
Thanks to everyone for a fun game in the crowded southlands of Comfort Zone! I'm pretty sure I've lined up a sub to take up the cause of the doomed lizards, he'll be PMing duncanshriek.

Extra thanks to alhorro for taking me to SC school. :)

-- vfb

A hearty welcome to Calahan
the new ruler of C'tis.

May his appearance in ComfortZone be longer and more interesting than the rest of is expecting. ;-)

Calahan April 19th, 2009 05:28 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by duncanshriek (Post 686539)
A hearty welcome to Calahan
the new ruler of C'tis.

May his appearance in ComfortZone be longer and more interesting than the rest of is expecting. ;-)

Wow, a direct link to me! I suddenly feel all special :D

And what have I let myself in for here :doh: I thought I was just going to be the steward in charge of putting up a last ditch defence for lizard kind in a few lonely provinces. But it appears I've jumped straight into the initial stages of a full blow-out endgame war. Oh well

The one king is gone, has fled from his land,
but fear not lizard kind, help is at hand.
The reports all read bleak, and morale at a low,
but rise shall we now, to land a fearsome blow.

Yes our blood may be cold, and the lands steaming hot,
but to our dieing day, be oppressed shall we not.
So out with the old, and in with the new,
lets go bag ourselves a Tart trophy, or two :)

duncanshriek April 20th, 2009 07:39 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hosting delayed by request of Calahan in order to let him comfort a little with the zone.

*cough* He requested only 6 hours though. The 75 hours were a mistake from me, which can't be undone to my knowledge. So please get in your turns soon. I'll force the turn in about 20 hours. You have been warned ;-)

Calahan April 21st, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Am about to finish off my turn and send it in. It was touch and go for a moment, but just about got the turn done inside the 80hour deadline :)

Many thanks for the delay, (even though didn't need it in the end). I should be able to keep speed with it from now on, as I think I've got to grips with the standard 'first turn as sub' logistical problems.

Calahan April 30th, 2009 07:45 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hi Everyone

I'm having some problems uploading my current turn (C'tis). Sent the .2h file to the llamaserver 3 times in the past hour, but I'm not getting any email responses from the server either confirming the file has been received, or reporting an error with the file, and the status page is still saying it's waiting for my turn.

Have asked for a short delay (although it's very short notice). Not the end of the world if C'tis stale though, since they are at the mercy of Mitclan either way.

duncanshriek April 30th, 2009 07:47 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hosting postponed by 6 hours because CTis' turn emails are lost on the way to the server.

Calahan April 30th, 2009 07:50 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Thanks duncanshriek. I will keep trying to get my turn in over the next hour ot two. If I don't get any success, I will PM llamabeast to see if he can help (don't want to bother him if it can be avoided though)

Edit: Just tried sending turns in for 2 other games, and am running into the same problems with those as well. So guessing it's a llamaserver problem rather than a specific ComfortZone problem. Or maybe the llamaserver just doesn't like my emails all of a sudden :)

duncanshriek May 18th, 2009 08:46 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hosting postponed by 24 hours on Calahans request. (This thread needed a bump, anyway)

Calahan May 18th, 2009 09:07 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Thanks duncanshiek

And apologies to everyone for the slight delay. Work just kindly dumped a huge problem on me, and wouldn't want to make life for Mictlan even easier than it already is be staling :)

duncanshriek May 25th, 2009 04:30 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Should we worry about JimMorrison? Atlantis seems on the way to stale the second time in a row.

Your opinions, please.

BesucherXia May 25th, 2009 05:36 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I am not sure about the detail situation, but I think the only active competitors remaining in this game are Jotun and Mic, and any other nations could be simply ignored - don't look at Ulm, as the leader of them, the most part of my last 10 turns were seeing none were attacking me and then ended my turn.

Please just bring the final war on the table and let us congratulate the winner after that.

Valerius May 25th, 2009 11:25 PM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I agree with Ulm that the only two players in this game with a chance to win are Jotun and Mictlan.

It seems like even before he staled Jim wasn't really engaged in any offensive action for quite awhile. Maybe he just lost interest? But he's active on the boards and it shouldn't be hard to get an answer.

duncanshriek May 26th, 2009 03:25 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
vfb, first ruler of C'tis, has retaken his responsibilies.

Thanks for your help, Calahan.

vfb May 26th, 2009 04:22 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I see that the lizard empire has made vast progress in implementing the master plan to lure the Mictlan army into our swamps. Mu ha ha ha ha! We will sing songs of your doom, hiss hiss hiss, etc.

Calahan May 26th, 2009 05:40 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Thanks for the game everyone, it's been fun in a "getting your butt well and truly kicked every turn by a load of SC's" kinda way.

Best of luck to those left standing. Sure I'll catch you all again soon in a less SC dominated game :)


alhorro June 4th, 2009 04:17 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Could we change the hosting interval to 48 or 24h? I've just staled a turn simply cause I'd missed a warning mail, and it was quite painful. And imo we won't be able to finish the game in any reasonable time with the current huge interval anyway.

duncanshriek June 4th, 2009 04:49 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by alhorro (Post 694351)
Could we change the hosting interval to 48 or 24h? I've just staled a turn simply cause I'd missed a warning mail, and it was quite painful. And imo we won't be able to finish the game in any reasonable time with the current huge interval anyway.

Well, sorry about your stale. 24h? No way. I've things to do beyond playing Dom3. And I was really hoping, Vanheim would keep neutrality this time, but now things have gotten complicated again for me.

But of course we could take advantage of quickhosting in the cases I (and all others) get the turn in earlier. I'll ask somebody to turn Atlantis to AI. The 5 remaining of us should often manage to get to quickhosting.

Calahan June 4th, 2009 05:02 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hello again all :)

I can turn Atlantis AI if you like, or take a look at the position if you are looking to sub them out. Since an AI water nation could attack anybody, which is a randomness that not everyone welcomes.

duncanshriek June 4th, 2009 05:13 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

Originally Posted by Calahan (Post 694356)
Hello again all :)

I can turn Atlantis AI if you like, or take a look at the position if you are looking to sub them out. Since an AI water nation could attack anybody, which is a randomness that not everyone welcomes.

Atlantis' email is changed. Of course you could also sub instead, if you find it interesting enough.

Calahan June 4th, 2009 05:25 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
duncanshriek has just swapped Atlantis over to my email.

Have taken a quick look, and the position seems ok to me. I can still switch them to AI if that is the preferred solution, but would also be prepared to take them over on a permanent basis. I don't do the whole holding grudges thing, so if I did take them over I would play only as I thought best, and not driven by events that occured during my brief stint as steward of C'tis.

I'm easy either way though, but I just have a hatred of seeing viable nations turned AI. There is still a few days left before hosting, so will wait for some feedback before doing anything. But wouldn't want to do anything that isn't agreed by the main players in the game.

vfb June 4th, 2009 05:34 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
I think we should get Mictlan's opinion.

Sadly he staled last month, so he didn't get to see all the valiant running away my fearful lizards are accomplishing. Do we need to put the game on hold? There's not much point in playing without him.

alhorro June 4th, 2009 05:40 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running

24h? No way. I've things to do beyond playing Dom3.
But of course we could take advantage of quickhosting in the cases I (and all others) get the turn in earlier. I'll ask somebody to turn Atlantis to AI. The 5 remaining of us should often manage to get to quickhosting.
I also have things to do, and that's why I'm for shorter hosting. Once you receive your turn in 3,5 days after you'd done it, it takes twice time just to remember what were your plans, so I have to do my turns within the last hour before the deadline. And I can't remember a single notable quickhost since ~turn 40. What about 50h, if 24 is not enough?

Calahan June 5th, 2009 06:51 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Hey guys (and gals)

Any feedback out there on whether or not I should play as Atlantis, or just set them to AI? Willing to do the former, duncanshriek (as admin) asked me to do the latter, and happy myself to do either :)

BesucherXia June 5th, 2009 07:38 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
If no one minds, ulm can also be switched to AI. Another game is wasting all my life(circa 6 hours/turn) and I can not afford playing here.

And if anyone has interests, I will welcome him to replace my position.

duncanshriek June 10th, 2009 09:19 AM

Re: ComfortZone - All MA Nations - Running
Since Mictlan has gotten Arcane Nexus up, let us recapture the measures needed to counter a premature game end.

A) Minimize the gains through Arcane Nexus:

No usage of gems besides astrals (For rituals or forging; also for battles?).
No usage of astral gems either, since they are needed to get Arcane Nexus down.

B) Get it down as soon as possible:

Kill the caster: How many S8 candidates does Mictlan have? Where are they? Any infos anybody? I'm in the dark there.

Overpowering would probably be to hard. Is there any known Enchantment site? I don't know any.

Dispel it: Since my Gift of Nature's Bounty fired first, it got the open global slot. Arcane Nexus overpowered Atlantis' Maelstrom. Would be nice to know, how many extra gems were put into that Maelstrom, but only the disappeared Jim Morrison knows the answer. :(

Volunteers, please donate gems! Alone Jotunheim is not in the shape to win the gem income race against the Nexus.

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