![]() |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Fixy fixy!
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Well Gentlemen...
There are 4 that are out pretty far in front (I am the smallest of course (sigh)). Its hard to really remember what I was going to do... What say you guys, are we going to try and continue?:confused: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'll submit turns if that is what you're wondering.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
No, I wasn't concerned about you or anyone else bolting on the game. All the folks left are ones that will usually play the game thru and make it as tough on the big nations as theu can.
I was asking if we wanted to continue as a whole. I looked thru my turn last night and after 2 1/2 hours I still wasn't sure I remember what I was trying to accomplish when we broke down or where the heck everyone was (my troops). I just wanted a general concensus of the players that are left whether we want to try and reconstruct the game or not.:up: (sorry if this style of writing bothers you, its just easier for me) |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I've only had time to skim over my turn real quick, but it doesn't matter to me. It's gonna take a long time to do this next turn. Gotta remember what the hell I was thinking.
If we do continue, can we agree to postpone the hosting until Monday so we can have all weekend to work on it? |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I am happy to continue
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
The battle resolved, but the replay still crashes a few turns in, so i can't see what really happened. GB, care to tell me how many Gargoyles survived?
Tir' na Nog really needs to be set AI, they've been completely uncontrolled for a long time, maybe 10 turns. To late to get a sub i think, but i just noticed they were gone. I also vote to postpone the turn to monday. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Oh yea-- Thanks Llama! I've said it before and i'll say it again - You Da Man!
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
What battle are you talking about Tyrant?
I had no battle other than the Horror Harmonica all over agian. Tir is about to be cut to 4 provinces. As he was my ally agianst Mictlan and I had no defense set agianst him setting him to AI without a few turn warning at this point of the game isn't good. Give it a few turns as I am taking him down asap. I ask agian Tyrant what battle? |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I just saw the email that this thing is hosting in about 6 hours. There is no way I'm gonna be able to get to my turn before then. Can we please get it extended to Monday like we talked about?
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
OK, what now....
I saw that there where 2 that staled. I also saw that a NEW global has been put up over riding another (which happens to be mine) by one of the unfortunate people that staled. I talked to the powers that be and the general concensus is that NOTHING that is qued in any way, shape, or form will work if you stale (unless it is in the Monthly que). You will receive your money gems ect, but you can't forge, summon, or cast ritual spells. The Amount of gems that would have had to be used to override that particular Global would of had to be MASSIVE. Now don't get me wrong guys...I am not accusing anyone of any skullduggery (lOL, it in fact came up on my screen that I got some money so I must have cheated). What I am saying is that Tyrant asked me about a battle with Gargoyles that never happened on my screen and all of a sudden his massive army disappered and I am sieging his fortress. I think this game is doomed my friends and honestly I am somewhat lost as to what I was planning and with these other issues AND the fact that Tir probably should be set on AI (even though I am about to take all but his capitol in the next couple of turns). This would provide a distraction with the currant war I am in as well as not having a defense on that side as TIR was my ally. This has Been a GREAT game and was headed for a GREAT finish (though my money was on Revolution as he set back and rode beneath the radar while the rest of us fought, Nice job REV:up:) Even though this has been a great game I have lost trust that we don't have a corrupt File or something. And I suppose I don't have the patiance to postpone the game agian. Would everyone please have thier say. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
It seems Revolution put his global up agian and he dID NOT stale...lOL, it STILL took a massive bunch of gems tho...
However the rest of the stuff is still unexplained. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Yes, yes it did :D At this point in the game I'm not messing around with the chance of wasting a bunch of gems on a global that does not go up. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
So I still won't have access to my computer until later today, but it's good to know that no one paid any attention to this post and I staled.
I'm done with this crap. If you wanna be the admin in future games, you gotta pay attention to the thread Torin. Good luck everyone else. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I staled. Torin buddy, you really have to check the forum daily if you are going to admin. I appreciate that you stepped up to the plate, but you have struck out, can you pretty please pass off admin duties to someone more active if we decide to continue? This is a very interesting game, i was having fun, and i'd hate to see it vanish. BDA's offensive is a thing of beauty and it would be a real shame to see it die in bed, it deserves a much nobler death. Also, if i understand correctly, Saint Llama just spent a week running and rerunning the turn over and over to recover the game so we'd be able to continue. I'm pretty sure he has better things to do with his free time than pointlessly servicing our gaming needs, and he'd be well within his rights to Horror Mark every last one of us if we now wander off. GB- the gargoyle battle was between me and BDA at my capitol, sorry, i made a mistake in my post. That battle was a big gnarly affair with 75 casters, 800 troops and novella length battle plans, it's what caused the crash, and my replay of the battle is upga****ed even though the turn went through. That's why i was asking,and it's not evidence of more glorks, it's part of the same glork. Sorry to cause more confusion. I vote to roll back the last turn, change admins, give GB one more turn of empty Tir, and finish the game. Since BDA also staled i might be ok without a rollback if Arco did not hit me too hard ( i havn't looked at the new turn). |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Look at the new turn....it IS somewhat strange. If we roll it back there is also the chance that Rev's Global will hit someone else besides me so I look to bemifit from it.
Tir is nOT going to give me an advantage ..I already own )or will in 2 turns all but 1 fortress and most of his magic sites. I just need some time to fight a little along my Northern border and still take him out. I agree that Llama did a WONDERFUL job fixing our game and if I was him I would be PO'd to the max if we quit. Honestly, its MY note taking (I am traveling playing ball so much this summer)and fragile memory that has me up and yelling. At Myself more than anyone else. If we ALL want to continue I will let you guys tear me apart and I can honestly say I was a PRETENDER (ar ar ar ) to the throne. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I am a semi patiant person and have been accused of even being somewhat reasonable at times. However, I am neither a Patiant nor reasonable person when I am left in the dark. Is BDA going to continue, are we forging ahead or rolling it back, I don't have the time, effort, or desire to do this turn for nothing. This has been the most pleasurable game I have ever played (up till now). But I would like to have us make a concensus of what we are/want to do. I don't think there are too many players that are left that we can continue without as far as a MP game goes. I would like to play this out as SP if we decide to bag it and everyone here has my respect and friendship as you are all honorable opponents. Now lets put our heads together and decide what we want to do PLEASE...:up: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm all for continuing but if one of the major players's has had enough then I'm ok with calling it a draw. So...probably up to how serious BDA is about quitting.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I can give someone else the admin password and roll the game back if you like. Any volunteers?
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Thanks Llama, as usual your like the Calvery riding over the hill to come to the rescue.
BTW, I personally forgot to tell you THANK YOU for taking time out of your VERY busy schedule to fix the technical problems we had in this game. I think that we have had a slight problem all along as we have had to track down our Admin time after time to get an extension either by e-mailing him personally, or yelling loud enough and saying they would quit if there wasn't a extension ect. I personally have never had any dealings before with Torin and I am not sure he understood what came with the job. Right now I think the problem is DO we want to continue on as everyone has had so much time in between turns and we feel that there is no structire to the game when it takes sooooo long to do our turns. I appreciate your offer and I am sure Revolution, or perhaps Tyrant may just take you up on it. Thanks agian 'Oh Guru of the Dom3 world!!!!:up: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
:) I think perhaps you just need to wait a bit more for your fellow players to get round to posting GB. ;)
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm all for rolling it back if you guys don't mind. Only I've got another problem. My chipset fan on my motherboard went out. So I can only use my computer for a short amount of time before the temp starts getting a little higher than I like. I've got one ordered, and it should be here in a couple days hopefully. Until then I'm stuck with 30 minutes to an hour segments. Which makes it real hard to concentrate on my turn.
You guys make the call. If you wanna continue and don't mind waiting for me to get that last turn in, then I'll play on. If not that's ok too. I'll check this thread later tonight. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Well lets roll it back to the previous turn (soon to be 2 turns ago since the game hosts in an hour) and let ulm and fomoria have a chance to get their last turns in.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Roll back?
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Fair warning, it's gonna take me a day or two to finish that turn up.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
OK, now I am confused to what we are doing.
Are we rolling back the turn to turn 58 or are we just going to continue with turn 59 and let the two stale, and give BDA as much time as he needs. SOMEONE needs to take control (not me as I am not in town enough and then I can't B***h about stuff). I just threw that last turn together to see if something would work as we had an hour till hosting. If we are seriously going to do this lets put it back to turn 58 and do this.....please:up: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I 'm on my way out to play ball and don't have time to really mess with this tonight....
However, I just received a message that we rolled the turn back to 58 and ALSO got a new turn for 59. I'm sure there is a good explanation for this but right now its beyond me. Who has taken over as ADMIN? Why don't a couple of folks make a plan and state what we are doing (or are going to try and do)so that there is not always confusion over these 2 Dang turns!!! Honestly guys, I have been either doing the same turn (like the rest of you), or asking about it for almost 3 weeks. I am thinking of going AI as I have honestly got all my turns muddled together and I just really don't have the desire to sort it all out. OR perhaps do the same thing agian awhich my opponent has prepared for. I am off to play in this stupid 105 heat index and will check the forum when I get back and cooled off. If we don't have a concensus, I will make my decision then and stand by it. Regardless, thanks for a great game and good luck to all of you!!:up: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
i have no idea what happened. hosting interval is 48 hours and hosted 2 times together. Im rolling back again. lets hope it works good this time.
I still dont know whats happening and why are we rolling back in the first place. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
What I am curious about is why when turn 58 rehosted it said I staled instead of using the turn I had submitted the first time around... Perhaps I'll redo my turn as well just to be on the safe side. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
My stupid fan still isn't in. I'm hoping it will be in by Friday. Sorry guys, but I just don't feel very comfortable leaving my computer on more than a couple minutes here and there until I get that fan back in. I'll post here as soon as I get it installed. Cause right after that I'll be slamming a turn together.
Sorry again, and thanks everyone for waiting for me. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Ya don't want to burn up your Comp man, do what you have to do.
I have a question tho....We got turn 58 and like the rest (I think?) I am redoing it. Now, after I finish it I send it in like normal right? Then why do I already have a turn 59, it doesn't know if I have changed anything. Can I just delete it (turn 59) and wait for the new turn or am I supposed to be doing turn 59.... Someone take me by the hand and walk me thru all this crud. Because between traveling, games in town, my business, and other games, I am becoming disoriented on what we have decided to do. SOMEONE take pity on me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
In the interest of having a more forum active pair of administrative eyes on this game thread, I was given the admin password for this game for the llamaserver. I extended hosting until friday night/saturday morning,(time zone depending) a 36 hour delay back when bigdisawesome first had his comp problem pop up. There is currently about 7 hours until host time and we're still waiting on turns from ulm and fomoria. I'm going to delay hosting by another 24 hours just in case BigDisAwesome has not gotten his fan in yet but I would like to see those turns get in ASAP...this game has been delayed enough. Tyrant get your turn in as soon as you can and if I see ulm get his turn in I'll force host.
To be fair I'm going to give 1 turn warning right now, Tir Na Nog and Ermor will be set to AI after this turn. (assuming they continue staling of course) |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Glad to see your Admin now...
I want to give BDA time to get a fan in but I think we need to maybe PM him and see what his status is. Honestly...I am about extended out |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
It looks like you guys are going to have to go on without me. I'm posting from a friends house right now. I got the fan installed, but I had to take my motherboard out to get screws through it. When I put everything back in, I can't get it to detect my hard drives. I run two in raid 0. I thought about just doing a reformat and starting over, but I have about 2 years of photos of my son on there that aren't backed up. So if I can't get it working, I'm going to be paying someone else to. I really don't want to lose all those memories.
Needless to say, it could be at least a week until it's up and running again. I was looking forward to getting back into it with this being the only game I've had a shot at, but if you all wait for me this game will fizzle out for sure. I'm really sorry guys. I'll try to check this every couple days until I get it up and running. If it happens to start working real soon I'll pop back in to let you guys know, but at this point my hopes aren't very high. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Wow...we're really cursed
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
If we REALLY want to try and keep this together I will wait for BDA for another week (the holiday is upon us (for us yanks anyway),
HOWEVER, I start Traveling playing ball agian the week of the 11th and will be full blast right on thru October. This means I may be able to get my turns from some of the hotels with an away program, but I will be asking for extensions for some weekends. IF we decide to bag this I would like to ask that I be allowed to finish it SP as I have got SO much farhter than I have ever been before and would like to try some things. Please take a concensus and let me know what we are going to do... Thanks Revolution for your proactive work trying to hold this together:up: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I was on my way out of the game anyhow thanks to the forces of Atlantis and Argatha. And though I was in a position to put up some more fight, I don't think I had much in the way of the will to do so.
I therefore care not if this game were to end right here. I would personally like to move onto other games with greater promise. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Here's a quick thought. AoE could go AI and take over my position. I just lost a rather big fight, but I'm still in a pretty decent spot. Just throwing it out there.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I once took over for someone. I now know that it just isn't as enjoyable for me. It ends up feeling like work rather then play as I just can't get behind a faction I didn't develop from the beginning. Sorry.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm tempted to maybe just put an end to this one unless someone still in it really wants to continue...
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
i just got a PM from BDA and he is adament about not losing the picyures of his kids (I don't blame him).
He sounds like he thinks its just going to be too long to get it going agian. I will be traveling agian starting the 11th of July playing ball and will be needing an occasional extension over weekends if I can't get Hotel Internet. Lets just bag it and pat everyone left on the back for staying IN the game AND with the game this long. I would like to take it SP as I Probably won't be able to play much MP till October when the season ends. I just am not sure what I or anybody has to do for me to continue the game SP, so any help on that subject would be helpful. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
Its possible that once the game is finalized llamabeast would be willing to send you all of the turn files and the much needed ftherlnd file. I would message him about it before you do anything else.
Once you have those files, you can just set all the other nations to AI and play out the game like any other single player. Though there is a way to also do it with just the ftherlnd files, but that involves everyone staling for a whole round. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I'm going to call this game having not heard any objection to ending it. I'm not going to officially end it on the llamaserver yet because I'm not too sure what has to be done for grudge to play it SP.
Good game everyone, it just wasn't meant to be. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
I also congratulate the players that where left (Big and Small).
This game was played with a minimum of any arguments between players and until it just came apart it moved along quite well. I ALWAYS looked forward to the new turn on this game. If my peanut brain can grasp how to take this SP I will enjoy seeing how it ends up. Thanks guys for a truly enjoyable game.:up: |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
good game everyone.
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
A) Have us all set our nations to AI while you continue to play-by-mail on this server. B) Have the admin set all of the nations to your e-mail and you can do it yourself. C) Obtain the ftherlnd file for this game by contacting llamabeast directly. That will allow you to play the game like a normal SP. Torin, a good game indeed. I would have been interested to know if you could have withstood my forces on your own. Atlantis' intervention in both your conflicts was likely a necessary step in your survival. |
Re: EA DarkHeavens (Game on!)
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