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Executor September 19th, 2009 08:27 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, there are only so many turn-limit defeats one can take...
But non the less the undead horde has prevailed!!!

Oh, BTW, I hope this game will have a sequel, I'm looking at some of the other mod nations now and Urdheim seems damn interesting. But I'm still in the EA section doe.

rdonj September 19th, 2009 08:51 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Hmm, I don't know. I am getting into too many games as of late, and if I don't get kicked out of a few I really won't have the time or inclination. This game is already starting to burn me out a bit.

That doesn't mean someone else can't do it though.

Executor September 19th, 2009 09:01 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I used to have that problem too. Play 6 to 7 games at once.
But now I've learned self-control so I'm in exactly 3 games now, and I plan to keep it that way. Plus, once you have so many games going it's hard to do proper turns and not **** all over yourself.

I don't think this game will be over any time soon, and I'd like to see a trend of always having a mod nation game, and while I would be very happy to admin such a game if you aren't able to I have practically zero modding skill unfortunately.

So please don't get too burned out!:)

Oh, and there's a very easy way to deal with your problem, just send me all your gems and items, and place all your troops in a single province, I'll take care of the rest. :)

EDIT> Ah, yes, my next mod nation of choice would be most definitely Urdheim.

rdonj September 19th, 2009 01:17 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 711055)

I don't think this game will be over any time soon, and I'd like to see a trend of always having a mod nation game, and while I would be very happy to admin such a game if you aren't able to I have practically zero modding skill unfortunately.

So please don't get too burned out!:)

Oh, and there's a very easy way to deal with your problem, just send me all your gems and items, and place all your troops in a single province, I'll take care of the rest. :)

Yeah, I think you're right. This game could go on for quite a while with no one landing on top. I'm not sure you really need modding skill to admin a mod nations game. I guess understanding a little about modding does make it easier to deal with mod conflicts though when they pop up. Anyway I probably wouldn't mind helping set up any mod that was needed to play, and it's usually not too hard to find volunteers for that sort of thing if you need them.

Heh, I don't think so executor, not yet ;) Although maybe when I actually get to look at my turn I'll think otherwise. But this is the first game I've played where I think I actually stand a chance of winning, so I'm going to try and make that happen. Well, if I can actually play and stomach looking at my turns that is.

the Vanishag September 19th, 2009 04:37 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, that was the last hurrah for me. I managed to take out another one of Nekehara's blinkin' avatars, but I never did find a good way to handle skele spam from 20+ High Priesrs. I really needed a trampling unit...

Oh, and Executor: my suicidal charge was because you'd breached my gates, had overwhelming force, and I needed to save money to pay upkeep on units where I thought I stood half a chance. Turns out I thought wrong.

Still, I'm looking forward to drafting my after-action report, and I'd be interested in doing this again... in a while.

Executor September 20th, 2009 02:15 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Rdonj, I think you're missing the point of raiding,
you should be doing it as long as it's gem/gold effective for you, which frankly, in this case, isn't.
You're only hurting yourself with those Slanns.

I guess it's only about one more turn of preaching before you advance with the troops and all those priests you have stacked up in Merovia.

Vanishag, I think you would have done much more damage if you stayed inside the fort, beyond the castle gates you stood no chance.

And upkeep problems aren't that big, you really only lose a very small proportion of your army if you can't pay for troops. It takes dozens of turns to lose any significant proportion of troops.

Trumanator September 20th, 2009 02:32 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, if nothing else Vanishag, you've eliminated me as a major research leader. I'm not sure what you could have done against my level of skelly spam, but NI maps can make it tough to deal with that because of the lack of indy priests.
My early occupation of your capital though made it realy difficult for you, and I think it was essential in allowing me to fight off both you and the Ogres, as it allowed me to fight you in one place of advantage, instead of dealing with TWO different sources of raiding warbands.
In any event, thanks for playing, and that is one interesting nation you have there.

Sombre September 20th, 2009 04:06 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Urdheim would need a pretty serious rebalancing imo to be used in another mod game. I remember it having some potentially broken stuff.

Executor September 20th, 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by Sombre (Post 711294)
Urdheim would need a pretty serious rebalancing imo to be used in another mod game. I remember it having some potentially broken stuff.

?What do you mean by potentially broken stuff?

I find them interesting because of the graphics, and those two big capital mages.

Sombre September 21st, 2009 11:23 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
It's been like 2 years since I tried them, but the last time I did they had a really, really good pretender and some summon allies which got out of hand within a few turns.

Executor September 21st, 2009 04:09 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm assuming it's the wywern alike summon, and the dracolich pretender.
Taking that pretender would be stupid in my opinion, and the unit summon can easily be replaced with a much less powerful unit.

Rdonj, could I ask for a 3 hour delay on the current turn?

Hmm, I'm looking at the score graphs and all the nations are more or less the same power there, well the exception of Itzas gold and my army.
I think there's gonna a be an interesting end game, turn 56 and no one cams on top as a possible winner yet.

rdonj September 21st, 2009 04:41 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, postponement granted. I'll get around to addressing your post at me eventually :).

Trumanator September 21st, 2009 04:45 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, its definitely interesting how even things are at this point. I was feeling like I was going to be kicked out of the running for a while, but now I feel much more confident.

rdonj September 22nd, 2009 08:37 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 711273)
Rdonj, I think you're missing the point of raiding,
you should be doing it as long as it's gem/gold effective for you, which frankly, in this case, isn't.
You're only hurting yourself with those Slanns.

I don't miss the point of raiding. However, those slann I dropped on you had absolutely nothing to do with raiding. I did it because I was tired of not doing anything to you :P It was also a test to see if it would be worth it to try a new tactic. The test went better than I expected, so it is a possibility that I may try to follow through with the plan. How effective it ultimately is, is yet to be seen.

Executor September 22nd, 2009 12:45 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I knew I wouldn't be able to do my turn in the morning since I had some things to take care of, therefor the delay, however I didn't know there'd be a freaking power cut the moment I got home.
Hope nothing tragic happened.

rdonj September 22nd, 2009 01:53 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Ah, that sucks. I would have delayed the turn again for you, but I was a bit busy at the time unfortunately. Well, I didn't do anything particularly dangerous on your side of the map, so I doubt you suffered too much from the stale other than forging/rituals.

You will all be very happy to see the global I put up to replace the one trumanator took from me last turn, however.

Trumanator September 22nd, 2009 03:01 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
heh, its not like we're dealing with anything new, since you already had as many gems as the top two competitors combined just about.

rdonj September 22nd, 2009 03:22 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Um, I doubt that very much. I have gem gens, but not nearly that many.

Executor September 22nd, 2009 03:25 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well you're the one with clams and stones...

rdonj September 22nd, 2009 03:38 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
That's true. And I fully expect that, whether you do or not, alugra has enough clams and stones that my gem income was never double that of the next two nations. I doubt it is even now.

Trumanator September 22nd, 2009 03:41 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
well, I might have been hyperbolizing a bit ;)

Burnsaber September 23rd, 2009 03:14 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 711630)
That's true. And I fully expect that, whether you do or not, alugra has enough clams and stones that my gem income was never double that of the next two nations. I doubt it is even now.

What? I have clams! Why didn't anyone tell me!

Now if I can just find the damn things...

rdonj September 23rd, 2009 09:14 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Don't think I don't know the REAL reason you sent those troops into the lake. I have to admit, you almost had me fooled, hiding your clams of pearls there amidst beds of oysters might have fooled a less paranoid foe. But not I, for you see, my paranoia reaches unparalleled depths of extravagance. :D

rdonj September 23rd, 2009 07:29 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Seeing as how we're delaying all the time anyway, does anyone object to setting the timer to 72 hours?

Executor September 23rd, 2009 07:30 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I think that's a splendid idea, we are entering the late stage of the game.

Burnsaber September 24th, 2009 12:52 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Good Idea. I'm not a real competetiror for the win, but I'll be damned sure to take Haida Gawaii down and I need to do some real planning to figure out how to take him out.

rdonj September 24th, 2009 11:28 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Alright, switching over to 72 hour hosting.

Executor September 26th, 2009 10:36 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I just now looked at the turn, Arcane Nexus?
That's a fast way to get yourself killed Rdonj.

I turned down a gangbang on you, however Arcane Nexus and Gift of Natures Bounty change that, all bets are off.

rdonj September 26th, 2009 10:54 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Eh, I don't mind if it happens. I would rather go out with a bang than ever so slowly lose due to fighting a war which will take a century while everyone else grows more powerful.

That said, I think I pretty much need arcane nexus to kill you :(. As it was I couldn't really afford some of the things I needed to fight you. Now, finally, I can. And if anyone else interferes, I guess I'll have to try to make them reconsider. Besides, it's trumanator's fault for overwriting my other global ;)

Executor September 26th, 2009 11:04 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I don't like to gang but you really leave me no other choice here, your have too big of a gem advantage compared to the rest of us.

You had the biggest gem income the whole game, and you're clamming and stoning, and on top of that you've cast AN, that gives you at least 2x gem income compared to the rest of us, not to mention the the 3x-5x money advantage.

I considered you the most perspective nation to win... until now.

rdonj September 26th, 2009 11:46 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Eh, I don't have that many blood stones. Without looking at my turn file, I can guarantee you I have less than 10 of them. I may have said something about my earth gem income being terrible for most of the game. It may be that I was on the path to winning the game... after killing you in 30 or more turns. Personally I am willing to bet it would take longer, due to the extremely slow-moving nature of our war. So I think whoever wins elsewhere in the world is going to be gaining in power much faster than I would have been, pre-nexus. So, maybe I'll lose faster now (imo), but I promise either way, the war will go faster.

Executor September 28th, 2009 12:43 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
People, I think I'll have to drop this game, in fact, I'll probably have to Dominions all together, I'm the phase of moving and currently I practically have no internet access.
I have no idea if I'll settle in a week or a month, or if I'll have reliable internet access even when I finally move.

A sub for Stygia shouldn't be hard to find as it is a powerful nation with a lot of immortal SC's.

rdonj September 28th, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Sorry to see you go executor. It's been a pleasure to play against you. Hopefully we can find an adequate sub to take over for you, but your shoes (chair?) will be hard to fill.

Executor September 28th, 2009 03:35 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'll think of it as a vacation from dominions...
Haven't even looked at this turn, don't know what changed, but I had some nasty plans for you in the following couple of turns...

rdonj September 28th, 2009 03:53 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I haven't looked at my turn yet either, actually. I've had a few new ideas over the last few turns, but haven't really gotten to fully implement them yet. I guess your sub is going to have to deal with a lot at once.

Septimius Severus September 29th, 2009 01:32 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
It looks like I'm coming in to join you guys and taking over Executor's Stygia. I've heard much about this Sharivar map, it is supposed to be quite nice looking and I generally like mod nations, though I've never played with Stygia. Be gentle with me though, as this is only my 2nd FFA type MP game.:D

rdonj September 29th, 2009 01:44 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Oh yes, shahrivar is a very pretty map. I think you'll like it. When you see what executor is doing I think it will largely explain itself, but feel free to come to me with any questions about what he's forging, summoning... etc :angel.

Valerius September 29th, 2009 02:48 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Welcome to the game, Sept.

Septimius Severus September 30th, 2009 03:39 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, I'm looking at Stygia's turn right now and ....

Ye gods! Rdonj, what have you got me into! Late game micromanagement hell.

Seriously though, no that bad, lots of individual units to sort out however.

Hmm, 6 nations still left alive, one of whom may be on their way out.

I will honor any current alliances (Nehekhara).

Hopefully, Executor will come back around and resume before I run his Stygia into the ground. But we shall have some fun though anyway.:D

rdonj September 30th, 2009 08:08 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Hey, you're the one who volunteered ;). Anyway, given some of executor's advantages, I think you'd have to actually "try" to run it into the ground to do so. I mean, everything he has that's important is immortal. If all you do is maintain the status quo, I think you'll have done fine.

Executor September 30th, 2009 09:56 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I doubt I'll have time for Dominions any time soon, so I'm fairly certain I won't be coming back to this or my other game.

At the very least you have more than enough potential to ruin rdonjs day :p

rdonj September 30th, 2009 03:07 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Of that I have no doubt.

Trumanator October 1st, 2009 11:01 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Oh dear, Alugra seems to be nigh unstoppable. That single trident-wielding champion seems invincible!

Septimius Severus October 5th, 2009 04:13 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Forgive my stale. I asked rdonj for a 12 hour extension, but underestimated the time I would need (was more like 16 hours really), I've also been trying to catch up on my badly neglected life outside of dominions.:)

It will take me a few turns though, before I am able to learn the different units Stygia has avaiable and just what I am doing and make sense of all the units that are stacked. No further stales are anticipated though.

rdonj October 5th, 2009 04:25 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, it's probably not a big deal. Our little war has never been that active. You probably lost a lot of forging though.

rdonj October 13th, 2009 01:48 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Someone took down my cheapy nexus... :( Oh well, guess the giant target is off of my head. And I did get some use out of it. I think I'll let it stay down.

the Vanishag October 14th, 2009 10:12 AM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Well, that's finally the end of me... took you long enough, Trumanator!

Despite getting my tail kicked so hard that it fell off, I really enjoyed this game. Ill post a personal AAR soon, and a revised (slightly more powerful, mostly re-balanced) ALchera will be posted soon.

Thanks, everyone!

rdonj October 14th, 2009 12:17 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Thanks for playing the_Vanishag, it was good having you. I must say I am really looking forward to your AAR :). Also if you have any thoughts about the various nations you would like to express, now is a good time to do so.

Also - wow, I never would have thought a wraith lord would kill a Resul Al'zaman.

Trumanator October 14th, 2009 07:57 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Thanks for playing Vanishag, you definitely had me worried for a while there.

rdonj October 16th, 2009 08:25 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I'm not going to be able to do the turn today, so I'm extending hosting 24 hours.

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