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Raging Deadstar March 14th, 2005 12:32 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
RD looks around quite cockily, not phased as much by the fact he was wearing flowery boxers... He looks up to meet the Joint Chief... A Bif F***ing Grin on his face.

"Well well well. The Joint Chief himself, I must say it's an honour to be taken so seriously as a threat..."

He looks at the three towering marines and smiles. RD is only 5ft 7, weighs between 55-60kg and is incredibly thin. The amusement of this is not lost on him.

"I must say You seem a little Paranoid...Rightly so. Indeed I do speak for the Bar and Grill Commanders and I have been ordered to give you this message."

RD looks up, a little glint in his eye as a high pitched noise slowly aggravates everybody's hearing, nothing more than a mild annoyance.

"No surrender, No retreat. We'll give you hell..."

With that several crystalline chemical compounds deep within RD's body begin to react. Neither Plastic or Metal it's scientific name is Trinitrotoluene, more commonly known as TNT. Within moments Raging Deadstar detonates in an explosion. The three marines near him are reduced to a few bloody chunks. A small metallic object remains from RD's remains, a dog-tag.

"Clone Subject: Raging Deadstar. Model: BG-TNT-576."

Meanwhile at un-disclosed location far away Raging Deadstar smiles. Those Hut guys were right, Bar and Grill patrons did resort to cloning a lot. He certainly had a history for genetic manipulation throughout the Cantina's history.

(The &amp is an error, looks like some faulty html or an error in the board.)

Strategia_In_Ultima March 14th, 2005 12:34 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
I gave control of all my ground forces over to you.

You mean to say that the Armies, air forces and naval flotillas have done nothing AT ALL during this war?!? I mean, you could at least have ordered an airstrike with the fusion carpet bombers.....

edit: You forgot the legion of marines surrounding me. And the metallic dogtags were annihilated by the AMA devices used by my marines.

I missed your post at first count RD since I got the message "Connection refused" everytime I tried to post it. It works OK now.

NullAshton March 14th, 2005 12:35 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
NullAshton's fleet quickly uses Asgard technology, and beams Strategia out and into safty.

Note to self, use holograms when negotiating.

NullAshton March 14th, 2005 12:37 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill
Ooo, I have control of ALL ground forces?

NullAshton sends ALL of the forces through, raiding all the food stores, and recipies. The deed is found in GrowlTigger's office, and is promptly taken back to the take-out hut, as the ground forces evacuate from the area.

Bombardment of the hut is done from the ground and from air, literally glassing the area, as the land that was one occupied by the B&G now becomes melted glass from the heat.

Strategia_In_Ultima March 14th, 2005 12:39 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (soon to be gone)
Commander-in-Chief Huxtable said it himself; you got the ground forces and the Battle Jupiters, I got the rest of the orbital fleet and was charged with expansion of the Hut into other dimensions. And I already had ground forces present on the planet and in orbit, so control of them automatically went over to you.

NullAshton March 14th, 2005 12:45 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
Awsome. By the way, don't you mean gone, instead of soon to be gone?

Raging Deadstar March 14th, 2005 01:09 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
A warp-point slowly appears in orbit of the devastated planet, home to the Bar and Grill. Out of it flies a rather small vessel, battle cruiser class and vaguely similar to an Asgard vessel from SG1. Apart from a massive amount of shields and ECM the ship was relatively defenceless, it came to a stop outside of optimal weapons range of the grossly superior Battle-Jupiter’s in orbit. The Warp Point behind it closes. On board the Joint Chief’s Sovereign class ship a message is received.

A live video feed show’s Raging Deadstar, or at least, a clone, dressed in a rather sharp jacket and trousers, some epaulets adorn the shoulders. He grins.

“Nice to see you’re still alive Strategia, hope our last little confrontation wasn’t too explosive for you.

I’m not Raging Deadstar, or at least, Not the Original. I’m an Ambassadorial model and I’m quite frankly here to Negotiate a ceasefire between our two enterprises.

A ceasefire you laugh? Yes, I have noticed the obscene waste of resources you’re throwing into destroying that lump of rock down there, I would be impressed if the cost to achievement ratio wasn’t so blatantly stupid. Simply put, You will never destroy the Forum Bar and Grill, for at least one of us will survive, and another Phong’s Head will start up. You may win every battle, but the war will surpass all of our lifetimes.

So yes, I’m requesting speaking to you in person. No tricks, Hell, if I wanted you dead I would have used something much worse than TNT. And please, keep your marines off me, Those 3 bloody chunks final moments were far too humiliating. And don’t bother with your little matter Annihilation devices, I’m unarmed, or at least, Visibly Unarmed. Oh? I’m sure you don’t have some little tricks up your sleeve. I prefer to use natural and genetic modifications, And I certainly wouldn’t recommend removing all the carbon from my body.

If you accept I will see you within the hour, If you decide some tomfoolery, well, I can assure you that it won’t be a smooth ride. A Plan is useful until first contact with the enemy after all.”

The screen knocks off and the Ambassador relaxes, his intentions genuine. One of the Deadstar Continuum’s latest models. If they didn’t accept it was no great loss, they’d bankrupt themselves on ship insurance by the time they won…

NullAshton March 14th, 2005 01:14 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
NullAshton's Battle Jupiter's promptly vaporize the battlecruiser.

Meh, who cares about optimum range, you're still in range.

AngeldelaMuerte March 14th, 2005 01:39 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
[/i]Somewhere far outside the reaches of the multiverse... The Angel of Death sits at the bar looking quite perky. The vast numbers of souls that the B&G war is consuming has not only restored but vastly increased her powers. She is now almost powerful enough to-[/i]
Angel looks up as Agent Zero plops down beside her.
"'No' what?"
"No Universal Domination."
"What about-"
"No Planetary Domination, no Solar Domination, no Galactic Domination, no Multiversal Domination. And especially no Domination of All That Is Was And Ever Will Be."
"But it'd be so easy! Look."

Angel holds up one hand, her palm facing upwards and the scene around Soll II shimers into existance. With one casual flick of her free hand all the ships in orbit vaporise simultaneously while every single organic ground troop drops dead and the non-organic troops blow away into dust.
"See? Easy."
"But it is not our way. Look around. Do you see any domination at all here?
Angel looks around. At the table behind her David is rendering one glorious picture after the other, while cackling insanely. Seated across from him is Kevin who seems to be dividing half his time between renderings and the other half trying to ignore the strange figure in the back who are hunched over their own computers. Suddenly Aaron bursts in from a back room and shouts "Eureka!" as he waves a printout over his head. He then takes a closer look at the paper. "No. That's not it at all." and goes back into his office.
"I suppose," Angel sighs.
"Now put it all back."
Angel waves her hand reluctantly and everything returns to the way it was. Except Strategia spends a few short moments of his existence with his cranium and posterior occupying each other's position. In this brief moment, he almost has a clever idea, but then the oversight is corrected and he looks about quickly before declaring:

"That wouldn't have happened if I had a bigger ship!"

NullAshton March 14th, 2005 01:47 PM

Re: Forum Chat Bar & Grill (gone)
Oookay, note to self, need better dimensional shields...

NullAshton enters the system in his new clawship dreadnaught, before a dimensional rupture forms in the center of his ship, with the claw ship moving like liquid into it. The dimensional rupture closes, and all is silent.

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