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quantum_mechani October 31st, 2005 08:25 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"

boltcutter said:
"There was Rain of Flaming Toads and 25% of your population died."

lol, this spell just made my personal wishlist http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

B0rsuk November 1st, 2005 02:04 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
I know I already posted it several posts above, but some sort of SERIOUS control over spells cast by mages is sorely needed.
I had all of my water mages cast quickness, and then proceed casting self-buffs (which are actually worthless unless your mages are going to be attacked). THey cast like 10 selfbuffs each, and NOTHING to change outcome of battle - like troop protection, panic, frighten, attack spells. At this point they were about 120 fatigue.

Another time I attacked much weaker independent province. I thought I was going to stomp them into the ground. I check battle report and 3/4 commanders dead. Impossible?!?!
Breath of winter.
I think all events listed on beginning of turn should be also marked on map. One symbol per province would be enough. For example, eclamation mark "!". If you click on the mark, you get a list of events which happened there. If there was also a battle in that province, you get the usual swords symbol instead, but you can click on the symbol to get list of events and ability to watch replay.
It is simply hard to read the messages, click ok and remember all province names with events.

Another/additional way of doing it would be "map zoom" for all events, not just before battle replay starts.
EDIT ----------------------
Here's my suggestion for extended battle summary:
For both sides separately:
- most kills by (unit type/spell/misc stuff like fatigue)
- most common spells
- high-level spells cast:
- cause of commander's death (for each dead commander)
- amount of units which died to friendly fire. Extra points for type of friendly fire mentioned (Breath of winter, arrows, breath of winter, bolts, inacurate spell, breath of winter, frenzied elephant, or breath of winter)

Just these essential stats would enable me to check each battle quickly. I wouldn't have to view each replay to know what went wrong. I would still do that ocassionaly, but it gets tiresome after a while (if you have to see several longish battles/turn)

boltcutter November 1st, 2005 03:15 PM

Re: The Dominions 3: \"Wishlist\"
Something else that's been covered: better user interface for leaders. My ideas for implementation [could be stupid]:

One screen for each leader.

Has the stats and items as current.
Has army list and tactical orders.
Has current strategic. (those 3 could be on "tabs" like MS Excel sheets, maybe. Or pages)

Has arrows for next/previous leader. [in province or on full list.]

Less of a big deal:
This may be in the game already, but is there a spell [like the Ars Magica one] that opens a crack in the ground under someone's feet, they fall in, and the ground closes up again?

I say leave some of the tactical stupidity. Battles are full of chaos and death and mistakes. Arrows fall short. Routing units can't be stopped [hence, "routing."] No plan ever survives contact with the enemy.

Sandman November 1st, 2005 06:52 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Nerfix said:

I like them, expect I think that Forest Fire is a bit too powerfull. I don't think that all that many people lived in woods.

Incadescence is a neat idea and perhaps Detonate could provide a bigger bang if the enemy is larger? A hobbit would produce a small boom while a Niefel Giant would produce a massive explosion! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif

Call of the Warrior sounds fair but in all honesty I still expect that magical units "pwn" so to say the fleshly units.

You're right that incandesence and detonate are the more meaty spells. Just trying new ideas, I suppose.


Wither Flames: This is an easily castable whole-army buff which instantly extinguishes any units on fire. At the moment, fire magic has no counters to itself, unlike many of the better schools.

Mass Blindness: Does exactly what it says on the tin. High level. If you have spells which enslave, curse and destroy whole armies, why not blind them as well?

Warp Wood: Ripped off from good old Master of Magic. This spell destroys ammunition of enemy ranged units. There is no defence against this spell, apart from keeping your ranged units at a distance to hinder its accuracy. Magical ranged weapons are unaffected.

Nerfix November 1st, 2005 07:07 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
I like them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

B0rsuk November 1st, 2005 09:39 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Mass Blindness: Does exactly what it says on the tin. High level. If you have spells which enslave, curse and destroy whole armies, why not blind them as well?

It could use a better name.

Warp Wood: Ripped off from good old Master of Magic. This spell destroys ammunition of enemy ranged units. There is no defence against this spell, apart from keeping your ranged units at a distance to hinder its accuracy. Magical ranged weapons are unaffected.

Not just ripped, but ripped without thought. Do you really think a spell which instantly shuts down multiple ranged units with no chance to resist would help the balance ?

Sandman November 2nd, 2005 03:38 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist

Not just ripped, but ripped without thought. Do you really think a spell which instantly shuts down multiple ranged units with no chance to resist would help the balance?

Depends on the particulars of the spell. No-one seems to complain about destruction or wither bones, after all.

Zen November 3rd, 2005 03:42 AM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Oh, you mean *ANOTHER* spell that does this? Look at Arrow Fend.

I agree that it might be a cool spell, but arrows units already have a hard life in Dominions. Storm/Mist is also particularly bad as well. No other entire unit class has such effective spell counters.

Sandman November 3rd, 2005 05:54 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Well, there's the water evocation rain, which doubles the fatigue cost of virtually all fire spells. Counters don't get much better than that.

But you're probably right about the arrow thing.

Molog November 3rd, 2005 06:13 PM

Re: Dominions 3 Wishlist
Soul Harvest: Anyone killed by the necromancer casting this spell will have their souls trapped and continu to fight for the necromancer as a dispossed spirit.

Also powerful troops should be the last to get starvation or diseased from starvation. It feels wrong to have my knights starve to death, while the wolves are apperently getting fed.

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